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Death By Administration

Much is made of the rise of the administrative state, where more and more people are ticket-punchers, toll-takers, what have you, not actually doing anything useful but wielding enormous influence and generating enormous cost. The obvious example is “Human Resources”, a topic I have hammered before (see: The Parasite Class).

In a sane, efficient economic system most employers would have one or two HR types per 500 employees. They would handle the minimal paperwork needed, W-4 and I-9 when you get hired, and the termination stuff when you leave. They would deal with payroll which is almost entirely outsourced and benefits which are also mostly outsourced. Instead we have a situation where the Human Resources functions have been shattered into multiple different roles so you have women in staffing to hire people, women in benefits to oversea the tidal wave of bullshit paperwork that goes along with having insurance and a 401k plan, and of course the HR Stasi who make sure no one is telling off-color jokes around the water cooler.

You get the point.

It is bad in the private sector because while these administrative parasites don’t add any value to an organization and in fact they detract from it, the rules created by different parasites ensures that it is impossible to have a business of any decent size without an enormous administrative bureaucracy dotting Is and crossing Ts. It’s an incestuous system, one group of parasites making sure that employers have to employ other parasites and no one asks the people who actually make money for the company what they think about it.

Still, in a private sector business you are theoretically supposed to be showing a profit. In government? You don’t have to be profitable and you don’t have to be efficient. This explains in part why school systems get an ever-increasing firehose of cash and deliver regularly worse results (the flip side is that changing demographics mean no amount of money can stop the slide). The public school apparatus is crammed full of random weirdos doing who the hell knows what. This is a prime example from a local school system in the Fort Wayne area:

“High Ability” is what used to be called “Gifted” and I can tell you as someone who spent elementary and middle school in the “Gifted & Talented” program in my school system, it did the exact opposite of what it should have been doing. Instead of being challenged to rise up and do more, we were coddled and pampered. We had our own special classroom with the only computer in a classroom in our school where we used our amazing intellectual gifts to play Oregon Trail.

Anyway in this picture we have six women. Three have the job title of “teacher” and the other three are an “Instructional Coach”, a “High Ability Coordinator/Coach” and a “Secondary Social Emotional Learning Coach”. What pray tell does a “Secondary Social Emotional Learning Coach” do exactly? I am sure they are swell ladies (plot twist, I am not at all sure of that) but it sure sounds like half of them are in bullshit jobs that don’t actually involve any actual teaching. This is exactly why costs keep going up in the public education system while actual teachers are overwhelmed and demoralized.

That brings me to the point of the post. One of the largest functions of the government, especially at the state, local and municipal level, is law enforcement. An enormous amount of money is spent on cops and it takes up the largest non-educational portion of most budgets, coming in at something like $200 billion a year. What most people don’t know is that not all of that goes to salty Irish cops spinning their nightsticks, walking a beat and delivering earthy wisdom. A lot goes to people who never arrest a single perp in jobs like public relations. Remember Sergeant LaQuitta Wade? With that in mind, check this out:

NYPD’s $400K-a-year top earner Quathisha Epps is retiring early as astronomical overtime pay is investigated: sources

Quathisha? It sounds like Mike Tyson trying to pronounce a name.

The NYPD’s highest-paid employee — who shoveled in more than $400,000 last year — filed for retirement this week amid an internal affairs probe into her astronomical overtime, The Post has learned.

Lt. Quathisha Epps will retire just shy of 20 years with the department, sources said — an early exit that will impact her pension and cost her a $12,000-a-year supplement for cops who reach the two-decade mark.

Leaving money on the table is seemingly uncharacteristic for Epps, who raised eyebrows by pulling in roughly $204,000 in overtime last year for her administrative job in NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey’s office, payroll records show.

Sources told The Post that Epps’ whopping overtime was capped after The Post’s exclusive report last month on her pay. She was also told she’d be put back on patrol — an apparently unappetizing prospect after her cushy desk job, according to the sources.

“There is no way she was going to go out on patrol,” one source told The Post.

Quathisha Epps is a Lieutenant in the NYPD, meaning she is pretty far up the chain of command, ahead of Sergeants and just below Police Captain. Her boss, Jeffrey B. Maddrey, the Chief of Department, only made $292,000 last year. That is a lot but he is in New York City and heads up a police department with 36,000 officers and 19,000 civilian employees. Making $292,000 as the chief executive of an outfit with around 55,000 employees is pretty paltry.

Anyhoo, what the hell does Quathisha Epps do to make $400,000 a year since “There is no way she was going to go out on patrol”? Oh, here she is by the way. No moustache but still….

She works in some sort of administrative role apparently and as part of that role she needed to work 1,627 hours of overtime last year. Without knowing how much vacation time she had, that averages out to over 30 hours every week of the year in overtime. Makes one wonder, did she actually work those hours or did she just add a dozen or two hours to her time sheet every week just as a matter of course and no one questioned her?

Paying someone in a police department over $400,000 to not do any actual police work is insane, that sum could pay for more than three officers with 5 years of experience or almost 7 new rookie officers who are actually on the streets.

What is worse, I am sure you could comb through the payroll files and find lots more just like her: administrative staff pulling down hefty salaries and lots of overtime who never arrest a single offender.

The story of Quathisha Epps is the story of some of the rot at the heart of America’s economic system: useless expense vampires who drain the budget of organizations at the expense of the shrinking pool of people that actually do anything useful. Epps is foregoing full retirement, and I suspect that is because she was lying on her time sheets for years and is trying to avoid going to jail, meaning she is giving up a $12,000 per month bonus because she didn’t quite make it to 20 years but she will still receive $16,000 per month for the rest of her life or $192,000 annually. Epps is just 51 so she likely has at least 25 years left to live and that means the taxpayers of New York are on the hook for another nearly $5 million in pension for her.

When you look at examples like this, it really shows how daunting to the point of being impossible the task of streamlining government really is. Ramamswamy and Musk are talking a big game with D.O.G.E. but I doubt anything substantive will come of it.


  1. ozark homesteader

    Women in the workforce. There’s your problem. Women should never be teaching children, much less raising them. Women nurture children, care for them, administer to their needs but the raising of the children is a man’s job. Unless you want a sissified, cuck, gender-beige beta-bitch for a son. The article is so loaded with examples of what not to do if you want a high functioning society its impossible to address all the scenarios. Women do not belong in the work force and least of all in leadership positions. The role that woman was designed to play in the family and in society is inspiring, beautiful, joyous, sustaining and in its way, perfect. When women-or men for that matter-start trying to usurp roles that are meant for the opposite sex destruction awaits. Every single time.

  2. Max Wiley

    I bet she isn’t giving up a penny in retirement pay. Most retirement plans are based on the average pay of the final 3-5 years of service. I am willing to bet this isn’t the first year she has overbilled overtime, so a year of pay on an enforced schedule would likely decrease her retirement pay, or at least come so close to the $12k time in service bonus as to make a year spent on patrol at regular pay of little value.
    The real question here is how this level of mismanagement can occur and her immediate supervisor not also being pushed out. Chances are pretty high that overtime padding is rife across the higher level admin staff and she just turned it up to 11, so nobody really wants to look at it very close.
    This is all a perfect example of how most taxpayer funded services function.

  3. Stealth Spaniel

    “Y’all show up and I’ll show out”???? In what sane world, does a police Lieutenant need talons painted and 3 inches long? Note to Quathisha: you are bow legged and slits aren’t your thing. I have seen this phenomenon in every job that I have ever worked. The over privileged, over educated, and entitled idiots lording rules, fashion dictates, societal impressions, and regulations over Worker Bees. I have seen these imbeciles argue with managers on how to do something. Any of us could benefit with most businesses firing every GD “Human Resources” fool and go back to the guy who ran “employment”.

  4. Big Ruckus D

    Sigh. Just burn it all the fuck down and let’s be done with this bullshit with actual finality. The only fix for this stuff is the complete destruction of the institutions, and the imbeciles who have taken them over. It’s like a cockroach infestation so severe that the only choice is to torch the house and then raze what’s left standing.

    Yet again I’ll state that elimination of public schools needs to be a serious – perhaps even primary – aim of any effort to reestablish a functional society. Government has no place in education, and the problems created from that arrangement are myriad and well known. They are the main impetus for real estate (property) taxes, they are engaged in the indoctrination and abuse of children, they are prone to violent attacks by students who finally snap due to some psychological issue that hasn’t received proper treatment (hint: prescribing SSRl’s is not proper treatment) and has created an entire class of useless over credentialed tit-suckers drawing paychecks and bennies that are largely responsible for bankrupting us all.

    All schooling needs to be privately run, either by religious institutions (and I’m not giving them a pass from heavy scrutiny; they have problems, too) or by some sort of company/co-op that requires a certain amount of parental investment so they have actual skin in the game.

    Barring that, most people are just over paying to have their kids warehoused several hours a day (and fucked up in the process) out of convenience, since they lack any other option for watching them while at work. Returning to single income households would also do a lot to address this issue. Besides, now that two incomes are no longer sufficient to make it in the FUSA, why keep trying to forestall the inevitable? A crash is due, living standards are going to decline, and the age of decadence for it down sake will be over. There is no place to go from here but down. Eventually, we will be better off for it, even though getting there is going to slaughter many sacred cows.

    • Arthur Sido

      I am at that same place, there isn’t a way to fix these problems. They are too widespread to even fix with radical changes. Burning it down is the only way to “fix” it.

    • 3g4me

      Amen. I think they had the right idea back in the “Little House” books, when the people who wanted a school for their kids built one themselves, and pooled their funds to pay the teacher’s salary. And the students did the work and learning themselves – they had to sit quietly and study and memorize and the teacher was there to check their work and explain difficult concepts. No bundles of worksheets and hours of home paperwork. And those who don’t want to pay and whose kids won’t sit and learn – tough tootsies. I’m a social Darwinist, in many cases, and I don’t think schooling ought to be compulsory. Let the bottom 10% fail all on their own, and stop wasting money on them.

      • Lineman

        Yea bring back the one room schoolhouse that had all the neighborhood kids in it…Teach grades 1st through 8th in it…Thing is that won’t be even possible until we have our own Homeland again and that only come if White Men want it bad enough and at the moment I don’t see it…So it will have to all collapse and then maybe it will motivate some to build it…Thing of it is though if guys like us can’t even do it with all that we know and what the enemy is capable of in halfway stable times then what makes us think that others will do anything else other than hunker down and wait for the knock on their door when it’s all chaos…

  5. Troy Messer

    When I see pictures like that of this woman with those nails, I think there isn’t anything you can do that is important with nails like that. If you were a pediatric nurse, for example, those nails would just get in your way.

    When I go to pick up my prescriptions at the VA, they have a monitor with pictures of the varied administrators that work at the VA. There is, for example, an Administrator called LBQRT++ Coordinator. When you look at the all the make work administrators that work at my Veterans Administration hospital, it looks like the picture of East Allen County Schools. The employment lawyer in me ask myself, “what the fuck does a faggot coordinator do all day?” I wish I could sit down and depose them for a few hours.

    My HUD/VASH mentor is a useless piece of shit. These guys, who are supposedly serving the most vulnerable of demographics, homeless veterans, get to work 4 day work weeks. Their work amounts to giving Uber rides and data entry. And when you call out the useless parasite, they get their booty ticked. One thing I hate about all federal government employees is to a single one of them, these useless cocksucker think they are important.

    There is a fellow dissident site @ where the proprietor, R. C. Severian, and a really smart crowd, often laments something like “get rid of the 19th Amendment, and 90% of Clown World problems go away.”

    IMHO, the common denominator about all these prescriptions is telling women to shut the fuck up and stay in their lane. But Western men dont have that in them. “Happy wife, Happly Life” is a mantra your typical pussified, cucked Western male is more than happy to endure if it means getting laid once a month.

    For the record, I’d restrict suffrage among men too. To vote, you have to be male and 1) be a veteran, or 2) own property (free and clear…no mortagage), or 3) own a small business that has run at a profit for at least a year. If you receive welfare, whether it is food stamps or section 8 vouchers, you cannot vote.

      • Big Ruckus D

        The only hoes that “work” with those nails are actual whores on the stroll. Their entire look is one of clownish exaggerations. 3″ talons, 8″ platform heels, shorts that leave 3/4 of their ass hanging out, fake fur shawls in the heat of summer. Disgusting, and yet can be spotted in the downtrodden parts of almost any large American city now.

        Some, like LA, Phoenix and Seattle have them out soliciting in broad daylight. There is an entire category of YouTube videos where guys drive around with a GoPro on their dashboard and document it. Usually with no commentary (for what can one really say?) As YouTube is prone to do, this degenerate shit has showed up in “suggested” videos for me a few times, probably because I periodically view stuff like “Hoe Math” – which is actually a great channel – and I was actually surprised at how brazen (and ridiculous) these bints looked on the street hobbling around on their stupidly unergonomic shoes.

        There is no apparent enforcement against prostitution in these places anymore. It is a brutally depressing spectacle, and for a guy like me who has led a largely sheltered middle class suburban existence, rather a culture shock, to be honest.

        • Lineman

          Dude you don’t even want to know some of the shit I’ve seen working in a lot of major cities when I was working storm or contract work…I’m sure Berglander could tell you some stories as well…

  6. Pingback:A Stunning Plot Twist! – Dissident Thoughts

  7. Jeffrey Zoar

    Since gov’t employees at all levels, local, state, federal, have been allowed to “work” from home since 2020, these people with the silly job titles are doing even less “work” than they were before. If that’s possible. A solid 30% of our “economy,” by my guesstimation, is completely fake, people getting paid, often six figures, for fake jobs doing nothing productive whatsoever, and quite often doing literally nothing. Goes to show you MMT works, at least for a while now, there’s no denying it. Fake money, fake jobs, and cheap shit manufactured in 3rd world shitholes whose livelihood depends on selling that stuff to us, who pay them for it with fake money.

  8. ghostsniper

    “Sigh. Just burn it all the fuck down…”

    Right there. This system CANNOT be fixed as it is flawed from the gitgo.
    Yeah, it used to “work”, sorta.
    But people in general were moral 50+ years ago.
    ALL gov’t employees are gaming the system in one way or another and with almost zero accountability, anything goes, and the coffers are rifled continuously.

    Thing is, this rotten assed gov’t, at all levels, does not even know how indebt it is and there is no way to find out because of the decades long habit of unaccountability.

    They claim $32 tril in debt but they don’t really know or care.

    About 20 years ago on Lew Rockwells site I read an article where some dood and his team delved deep into gov’t expenditures and by their best estimate, at that time (about 2002-2004) they figured the gov’t debt was about $200,000 Trillion dollars. Try to stretch your head around that figure. That is MORE money than the value of the entire planet and a sum that can never be repaid.

    It’s all going to cease at some point and my only question is, “Why hasn’t it already?” How in the world is it possible for this rotten assed gov’t to keep going farther and farther into debt?

  9. Pingback:The Snot Thickens! – Dissident Thoughts

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