Speaking of it being in their nature.
In September there was a significant mass shooting in Alabama in the Birmingham “Five Points” area. I wrote about it a couple of times, see: Back To ‘Bama. Then we come to find out that the guy arrested, Damien Laron McDaniel III, was definitely on Santa’s naughty list as he was charged with being involved in no fewer than five shootings that resulted in 11 killed and 29 injured: Well Color Me Impressed.
One of the “victims” injured in the Five Points shooting was a fella named, of course, Ty’Keem Dishad Moore. With a name like Ty’Keem he was almost guaranteed to be involved in a mass shooting at some point in his life but he survived being shot, presumably by Mr. Damien Laron McDaniel III. Here be Ty’Keem
Ty’Keem apparently has unfortunately procreated at least once.
As someone who survived being wounded in a mass shooting in September and with at least one child he is “responsible” for, you would think that Ty’Keem Dishad Moore would be reevaluating his lifestyle choices and turning things around (getting back to physics club meetings, enrolling at community college, etc).
You would be incorrect.
Man found dead after nearly 50 shots fired in west Birmingham survived being shot outside Hush lounge
A young man is dead after police say nearly 50 shots rang out in a west Birmingham neighborhood Tuesday night.
The Jefferson County Coroner’s Office identified the victim as Ty’Keem Dishad Moore. He was 22.
Moore was among the 17 people injured outside the Hush lounge in Five Points South in a September mass shooting that killed four others, according to court records. Moore was shot, but the details surrounding his injuries were not immediately clear….
….Sgt. LaQuitta Wade said at 10:10 p.m., officers were dispatched to the neighborhood on three different Shot Spotter notifications that registered a total of 49 rounds fired in the 1800 block of Princeton Court, which is in front of the location where Moore was found.
Sgt. LaQuitta Wade?
Check out dem nails, she looks rugged. Git sum gurl! With powerful stonk blaque wahmen like her keeping dey public informed I am sure Birmingham is experiencing something of a renaissance….
Moore is the 147th person to die in a homicide in Birmingham in 2024 and the first fatal shooting in the city in more than two weeks.
Of the 147 homicides, 11 have been ruled justifiable and therefore aren’t deemed criminal. One of the homicides was an officer-involved shooting, and two others were shootings that happened in previous years, but the victims died in 2024.
In all of Jefferson County, there have been 187 homicides including the 147 in Birmingham.
Oh. It is considered something to celebrate that Birmingham had managed to make it over two weeks without a fatal shooting! Congrats!
Back to Ty’keem.
Rather than taking a lesson from being shot by hanging around with thugs, he apparently went right back to what he had been doing. Generally speaking if you are shot and during that shooting almost 50 rounds were expended, it is certainly an intentional shooting. Ty’Keem seemed to be incapable of getting away from the kind of lifestyle that leads one to being gunned down in an alley. Not just incapable but also unwilling.
You can’t fix stupid and you can’t overcome biology.
Sgt. LaQuitta Wade is clearly quite capable, multi-tasking as can be seen in the photo between her po-leeze laptop and 2 (two!) sailfoams, on which she manages her Fidelity portfolio and posts updates to her profitable OnlyFans account (ThinBluLineNigga). She is the very quintessence of quiet competence and likely ties dem nappy dreds into a bunch, like carrots, when forced to unleash her superior blaqq girlboss-fu in a physical confrontation.
Imagine the chaos and horror of a black-less society, had Massa Lincum succeeded in sending the LaQuitta Wades and Ty’Keem Dishad Moores of the 19th century back to West Africa as he wished to. I can only thank Jeebus that we were spared that particular vision of hell.
Makes me wonder how many other diversity hire blaque wahmen like her are soaking up salaries and bennies in police departments across the country doing admin bullshit and never apprehending criminal number one.
She even has a look on her face which indicates she know what dat thing wif da buttons and TV dooze.
The arrogance rolls off that creature’s visage so strongly that it pegs the needle; she be EN-titled and wears her “Norwegian-tinted” dreads like a frickin’ beacon that can be seen from three miles out.
I am convinced that the Fed & State bureaucracies (mostly Leftards) actively promote these blacks, lifting them up, so as to keep the great mass of nogs docile, and not rioting in the streets.
What other explanation exists for the presence of the above, plus the Alvin Braggs, Lloyd Austins and innumerable movie actors with roles as execs, tasked with bossing White dudes around all day?
And, look at the MSM’s commercials with >90% featuring a black as lead. Were aliens to observe our broadcasts they would deduct that blacks were the dominant race among all.
Boil down the above and one would conclude that a typical American black family of today lives in an $800,000 home, has a BMW, a boy & a girl, both neat, clean, drug-free and beautifully presented; daddy is inn the home! and has a nice White-collar job, etc.
Furthermore, the black, when in an ad with a White, is depicted as more knowledgeable, instructing some doofus-looking soi boi whitey in the correct way to do “X.”
Planned enemy action?:
Niggers….. Niggers EVERYWHERE….. There is no escape!!!
All you can do is practice reasonable avoidance
Ah, but he did manage to get away from that lifestyle.
True, he is now chillin’ in that big hookah bar in the sky
Sho’ ’nuff, Puddin’ !
I got the fever and the only answer is -more hookah!!!:>:>
I’m sure it would all be better if they de-policed.