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Based Candace Owens?

While I am not a big fan of Candace Owens who came across as being a token black chick for normiecons to point to as proof they aren’t “racist” (I can’t be racist, I follow Candace Owens on Twitter and she is black!), she has been bucking the boundaries of normiecon grifters by speaking the truth about Our Greatest Ally, the terrorist state of Israel.

Her failure to grovel before the small hats led in large part to her being kicked to the curb by The Daily Wire, an online normiecon rag run by the aptly named Jeremy Boreing. Boreing looks like a sissy and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn he was a pole-smoker. Definite creepy pedo, stay 500 feet from schools, kinda vibe. I don’t even like having his picture on the blog he looks so faggy with a smug “just pumped another dude” sneer on his mug.

Anyway, definitely-not-a-faggot Jeremy Boreing’s website The Daily Wire is one of the prime outlets for Li’l Ben Shapiro, a Jewish supremacist who plays at being a “conservative”. Ben made his bones in Conservative Inc. grifting by rhetorically beating up 19 year old college girls who don’t know a damn thing about anything. I say rhetorically because Ben is also a little sissy and would get his ass kicked in a fight with any girl older than 11. Ben also refuses to engage with any critics older than 21 because he isn’t nearly as smart and clever as he claims and gets eaten alive when he is challenged by a prepared critic.

Anyway, that is why Candace was booted from The Daily Wire.

She has gone on to do her own thing and I was pleased to see that she did a Youtube video on the subject of the Israeli attack in international waters on the U.S.S. Liberty on June 8th in 1967, leading to 34 U.S. Navy sailors being killed and another 171 wounded. I am sure most of you are familiar with the story. In just over a day the video has racked up more than 2.3 million views and climbing with over 33,000 comments.

Owens is amusingly married to a British guy named George Farmer who is of course White….

…and George is the son of Baron Michael Farmer, a sniveling apologist for Israel. I am sure Mr. Farmer is delighted that his son is married to a black American chick that speaks the truth about Israel.

I am not sold on Candace but credit where due, this is one of the most widely disseminated treatments of the Liberty incident and while moving the needle when it comes to normiecon groveling about Israel is difficult, every little bit helps.


  1. Anonymous

    Candace Owens gets a pass for being a non-obese, presentable, kinda-cute nearly White woman who at least spouts some conservative-sounding rhetoric. If she looked like Whoopi Goldberg no one would take her seriously or give her the time of day.

    And yeah, just like their men, it seems that black/brown women go for that pale pallor in a mate when they gain some fame and wealth. Can’t blame them, really, considering the alternative.

  2. saoirse

    Properly presented, the Liberty attack is a great way to get the attention of the normie cuck brigades, especially the military/patriot fanboys. Owens, an obvious limited hangout, is the kind of messenger you don’t shoot just yet. She’s portrayed as innocuous and ‘wholesome’ enough to prevent from scaring them off. The question is, to where does she and her handlers ultimately steer those that start waking up? The litmus test is the holohoax and I doubt they’re heading in that direction.

  3. Leo

    No way. She is calling a lot of shit out that white males don’t have the balls to.

    She’s on the team.

    And unlike the cult worshiping fags on the left, if she turns into a rat, we’ll dump her like a dose of Taco Bell.

    Nobody gets a free pass. I will judge people because of their skin unless they prove otherwise – to include seeing how they act when in a congress of those fucking apes.

    So far she’s doing damn good.

  4. ozark homesteader

    Ms Owens used to be a staunch, obammy voting liberal. Then she was vaxx injured by one of big pharma’s most egregious toxins. Digging led to research led to understanding and now she stands at the doorway of conservatism. She did great research about Que-mal-a’s crypto joo past and has spoken out about the joo problem and faced consequences for those actions. I do not doubt Ms Owens’ sincerity at this time and I believe she has been an effective force for waking up liberals, blacks and women-three of the most destructive forces in society. Time will tell, but she appears to be on the right track.

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