I ran across this while looking for something else. From the Colorado Springs police department official Facebook page.
Community Notification: Sexually Violent Predator
In accordance with Colorado law the Colorado Springs Police Department is notifying the community that Gabriel Samuel Salazar has been released on parole and has moved to an address in the Colorado Springs Police Department’s jurisdiction. Salazar is a sex offender whose past behavior has led him to be labeled a “Sexually Violent Predator” (SVP) by the Court.
The Police Department will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that Salazar registers as a sex offender and that he understands his responsibilities as such.
Salazar’s criminal history reveals that he was convicted of Attempted Sexual Assault on a child in Pueblo County Colorado in 2021 as well as Unlawful Distribution, Manufacturing, Dispensing or Sale of a Controlled Substance in Denver County in 2023 and 3rd Degree Assault in Las Animas County in 2003.
Salazar is registered at 2945 E Las Vegas St in Colorado Springs. He is described as a Hispanic male, 40 years old, 5’7” tall, 260 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes
The guy was convicted of attempted sexual assault on a child in 2021 and then was convicted of selling drugs in 2023. He is categorized as a sexually violent predator and it is well known that sex offenders have some of the worst recidivism rates of any criminal class. Add to that that he is a drug dealer and you have someone that is a piece of shit.
But this is “America” in 2024 so some taco muncher named Gabriel Samuel Salazar is back on the streets where he can sell more drugs and likely assault more children. The guy has been arrested in at least three different counties in Colorado so what are the odds he will do anything but be a violent criminal on his release? He ought to have a bullet in his head and his miserable corpse dropped from an airplane on whatever shithole Central American country he or his people came from.
They are flooding the country with these people and then controlling the “justice” system so that when they inevitably commit a crime and are actually arrested, fuck all happens to them. I don’t blame the cops, they made the arrest and the guy was convicted but here he is back on the streets. How can you put on a uniform and go out day after day knowing that nothing you do will make a lick of difference?
Bad times are coming. You better find a way to become as bad as the people coming after you or they will eat you alive, perhaps literally.
Why has this thing not been appropriately gassed and converted into animal feed?
Don’t feed that nasty shit to an animal, WTF is wrong with you? Or were you being sarc/?
Sexual Assault on a child in Pueblo County Colorado in 2021 as well as Unlawful Distribution, Manufacturing, Dispensing or Sale of a Controlled Substance in Denver County in 2023 and 3rd Degree Assault in Las Animas County in 2003.
And he’s on the STREET NOW?
At least we’re not speaking German, right?
Shithole shitlib cities out west. Like Portland, Boise, Seattle, SFO, Helena, Missoula, Jackson, Bozeman, Salt Lake, Denver, and the rest of the beautiful little cities and college towns out there run by feral women and weak males and occupied by quality-of-life limp wristed whites wholly focused on their conspicuous consumer lives in well-branded materialism would watch their kids get diddled in the park by this guy if it meant they could avoid being racist for another year.
The same people who eagerly masked and jabbed up their kids and ritually abused them for years because they need to stay on the prog social status plantation.
Fuck all those weak whites for their cowardice.
Pretty sure this city made the news not long back when they elected an actual african invader as mayor. His local businesses were clearly money laundering operations for the local cabal and were openly supporting the blm/rainbow mafia during summer of love. But he was PRO BUSINESS you see. A Real American Success Story.
FFS, the end of this can’t come soon enough. Another criminal spick on the street is just another day in the progressive paradise called FUSA.
Right on.
Just so we can learn Spanish 75 years later.
Heh, yeah. And while I know this (the Germans winning) has been a popular meme for calling into question the worthiness of fighting, and the eventual outcome of World War II, given the state that Germany is in now and how totally cucked it’s population has become, I’m really not sure the outcome would have been much if any different. Clearly, there is a major defect in the low level psychological “programming” of Germans and other western Europeans that makes them especially manipulable into self defeating and self destructive behavior. Which really is an unflattering assessment on the quality of humanity.
If we were “speaking German”, that piece of shit would have disappeared up a chimney a good few years ago.
Bad times are here. Worse ones are coming.
Apparently he wasn’t in prison long enough, they don’t like pedos.
I wonder if that’s really true anymore. Or, if that’s yet another relic of a past day.
They’re often segregated. Another ghetto lottery is winning a lawsuit against the state dept of correction for negligence so there are policies to prevent the murderers from killing the child rapists, alas.
It never was true.
Prison people live by a whole nuther metric than outsiders.
Arizona used to have a specific prison that they sent all the pedos so that prison justice wouldn’t happen. Though I don’t mind seeing pedos getting slaughtered in prison, if you have to have convicts mete out the justice that was supposed to happen by the justice system, your justice system is a joke.
“You better find a way to become as bad as the people coming after you or they will eat you alive, perhaps literally.”
Start by getting rid of all that lofty morality you were told applies to all. That includes that bullshit ‘golden rule’. Realize that you can’t reason or coexist with people that have neither basic intelligence or conscience. It absolutely does boil down to kill or be killed. If you can’t look at your children and grandchildren – or any White child – and know you’d slaughter anyone that harmed them you deserve a fate worse than death…… and you’ll surely get it!
“Golden Rule?”
Naw, that still fits. I would totally accept, and even anticipate that if I were to rape someone’s child, he’d do his best to kill me. Even if I am a criminal, by behaving the way I would, I would know and understand the risks I am running.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I don’t know any minimally human being that could understand this rule as “I rape and kill your family, but since I want to get away with it, you must be nice to me and turn the other cheek.”
Criminals like this have already “Done unto others…,” Now let then bear reap the fruit of their sowing.
“You better find a way to become as bad as the people coming after you or they will eat you alive, perhaps literally.”
“If you can’t look at your children and grandchildren – or any White child – and know you’d slaughter anyone that harmed them you deserve a fate worse than death…… and you’ll surely get it!”
Every time I look at my red headed, blue eyed granddaughter and think of what I would do to anyone who hurt her, I think of how I would strap that person down and pour gasoline on them without getting any gas on myself. And try to do it in a public space to get the message out as loud and clear as possible.
When I think of the Levi Cole Ellerbe’s and Cannon Hinnant’s, I just pray to God almighty that I can give those children so justice on this earth. If you are willing to unleash you inner psychopath, your genes really don’t deserve to propagate. God how I wish I could cook that nigger that cooked Levi.
“Start by getting rid of all that lofty morality you were told applies to all. ”
1st world morality only works in 1st world situations. When you are being invaded by third worlders and you government is trying to kill you, those rules don’t apply. If you can’t or aren’t willing to unleash your inner psychopath, perhaps your genes are not worthy of propagating.
^^^ absolutely this. Spent some nice time this evening with my brother, his wife and their 3 young’uns. All 3 are great, smart, funny kids, and it would enrage me to levels I cannot begin to convey if anything untoward happened to any of them, especially at the hands of some piece of shit who had no goddamned business being here in the first place, and was then coddled and given repeated “get out of jail free cards” despite convictions for violent felony offenses that should have him doing 20 (or already shanked to death in the shower).
Not only would the perp cease to exist through actions I will choose not to describe, so too would any officious motherfucker with a title and govt paycheck who I could determine had a hand in permitting them to walk free so they could commit more atrocities against me and mine. That’s the worst sort of bullshit conceivable.
He’ll eventually murder, if he hasn’t already.
Absolutely no doubt about it.
Why risk being caught again?
Just wait pretty soon he will be wearing the uniform and raping kids all legally an shit…
Being a Kulak won’t be fun and will probably be the death of us…
He should be found swinging from a tree in a local park.
MLGA – (Make lynching great again)
Another communist shoulder check against the law abiding. It will keep happening for as long as we tolerate it. Sadly, “vote harvesting” has been improved enough and the cuckold-class is kept in check by the communists by political correctness and virtue signalling so enough people still vote the “commie bastard” straight ticket and add a veneer of (sur) reality to the election of commie mayors, judges, city councils, sheriffs, legislators, governors etc. The communists are destroying the country, the cuckold-class rationalizes the commies’ crimes, and Normal Whites are too polite and/or cowardly to break up their system of destruction.
I found it quite depressing when, some years ago, I learned just how many mestizos had infested Colorado and other parts of the NW. Growing up on the east coast I didn’t know any until all the Nicaraguans and Salvadorans moved in in the ’80s. Anyhow, since I’ve heard and read that Colorado Springs is full of mestizos, and having equally heard and read of their sexual predilections, this news does not surprise me. Some small solace is if he only victimizes his own raza and there are no White victims.
The “natural conservatives” that the normie republicucks have been banging on about for 50 years now are well known for their sex crimes in general and their pedo crimes specifically.
It is their culture to sexualize the young. Coupled with the machismo-alcoholism which has been quietly killing people in rural areas for decades, the degeneracy of these natural conservative family values people is just our generations version of whitewashing the negro tendencies to subvert any remnant claims to our land in favor of our economic progress.
My hometown in the far west was overrun 20 years ago. The goodwhites who could get out, after salting the earth with their bad ideas, got out to all those other idyllic little vacation towns that are now overrun with these cloud people. The rest stayed and got browned grandkids that the state now supports or got meth/opiates/deaths of despair or are in the 1% on the mountain making too much money selling their less fortunate brothers down the river.
The SE where I live now is still largely in the good tacos, cheap drywall, and reliable lawncare stage of destruction.
They have no idea whats coming and worse, seem to also be afflicted with the dixie-lite goodwhite disorder which has them rationalizing their replacement in real time as their sons and grandsons hit the economic fork in the road head-on and their daughters twerk for mud or twiddle their phones in the online flesh trade until they can “go to a good college”, you know because nothing says trad like a degree in ‘studies and a garbage job in the diverse city working for Mr. Big or one of the alphabet globocorps picking the flesh off the corpse.
For the boys that fork is either work as hard as you can to profit from turning farm fields into tract homes or you disappear into the basement with pills and booze.
The rest of the folks are just plain excited that we are getting a starbucks and a panda express where that old feed store used to be.
I’ve told my story of how I got to this place and people’s eyes glaze over because the west is just a collection of football conferences and they don’t want me here anyhow even though unfortunates like me are how their fallow hayfield gets converted into hundreds of thousands of dollars through no work on their part affording them a dirt pension that will also soon be a thing of the before times even though everybody keeps playing like the bubble will last forever.
I don’t really like any of the invaders and their “culture” but also don’t really blame them for following the incentives and accepting welcome baskets from the suicidal natives. We had our chance to send our “best” somewhere else and failed. Thats why you can’t go south of 35 degrees N without a full battle load and exit contingency.
No shortage of fault to go around. Looking back I was lucky to get out of my little town at the time. But the brain drain of kids like me to the cities to do stupid shit for terrible people because career trajectory was all just part of this same cycle of decay.
If I’d stayed to work in the mill which was good scratch for an 18yo I would have been screwed when it all went to china a few years later. Coulda gone military like most of my buddies and family and ended up blode up and worn out like my brothers, fighting the VA for some money in order to retire before the brain damage gets you killed on the job you hate with a passion.
The American dream is alive and well. Don’t be poor and if you are, kick harder. Also, learn spanish. For all the talk of “we grow all your food” here in flyover, don’t kid yourself. John Deer Financial and mexicans control the food. Unless McKenzie and Makayla and Dylan and Colt want to give up boating and fishing and hunting season to go up the mountain and till, plant, spray, spray, spray, and harvest.
Perfectly encapsulates so much of what I’ve seen: “. . . good tacos, cheap drywall, and reliable lawn care stage of destruction.”
We left the ‘burbs because all of urban Texas long ago went way past that stage; it is now full-scale occupation and the destruction is well under way. Now our closest little town in the Ozarks, like the overall area, is over 90% White – but the invaders are creeping in, one by one. I saw multiple copies of a flyer for lawn care/dirt work by one “Angel Ramos” on the bulletin board at the feed store the other day. Enraged me; I so wanted to rip them all down. I don’t know anyone in our immediate area (15 miles out of said town) who would hire him, but I don’t doubt all the big city retirees who’ve moved to the larger city an hour down the road would. Community and heritage are destroyed one parasite and penny saved at a time. Most people are short-sighted fools.
Maybe an anonymous person should “SWAT” his ass.
“It’s them EYE – RAYNEEYINZ. And Chinese paratroopers! Or something….”
– Fudds
Hey Arthur – Indiana news:
saw a meme a while ago – “sin would be a lot less popular if the wages were paid immediately”.
When the men in this cunt tree find their balls, and return it to the original Biblical patriarchy; that will be a start. The border jumpers are not American citizens, and thus in my thoughts – have none of the judicial rights we (are supposed to) have. No jury, no habeas corpus, etc. Nope. If you are a sex criminal, or you hurt children – we castrate you, and make you eat your nuts out of dishes made out of your kneecaps. I bet after televising that response, there will be a “change”. The fact that we let our society fall this far, does not mean we can’t stop the shit and start to turn it around. And, it is up to us; folks. We know what is in our near future.
Be prepared, be vigilant, and harden your hearts…
and when the time comes – as it surely is – be the most vicious motherfucker you can be, to extract the vengeance “they” have been asking for. “They” have no qualms about killing us. We need to teach them fear, real horror.
There’s going to be a fight.
Let’s win
In South America the police went Death Squads.
And in totally unrelated news certain well educated people offer courses in fieldcraft, bushcraft and moving unseen through the country. And they teach you all they were taught in the army about guerilla warfare.