As I mentioned, the last few weeks were kind of crazy thanks to a couple of Amish girls getting married from families we know pretty well. I am usually out of the house pretty early but last Thursday I was out extra early as I needed to pick up some people at 5:45 AM.
One of the things that really startled me when I left corporate life was just how much of the world is moving when I was asleep. In my last corporate job I tried to get to work around 7:30 so I could leave a little earlier in the afternoon so I was on the road around 7 AM. During “rush hour” it can seem like everyone in the area is going to work at the same time. Of course that isn’t true. When I was getting on the road to face another day of sitting at a desk doing meaningless work and counting the minutes until I could go back down to the cafeteria to get more coffee, lots of people had already been at work for hours or were even heading back home after working all night.
As I was driving around before 6 AM last week there was already a lot of activity. Some of that is because of the Amish who have some insane contest to see who can get up the earliest. It isn’t uncommon to see wash hanging out to dry before it is even light out or women doing yard work with headlamps because it is still an hour before sunrise. The local gas stations are usually packed with work trucks with trailers as the Amish guys buy absolute garbage to snack on during the day, Mountain Dew and Monster energy drinks apparently being a substitute for water.
It isn’t just Amish of course, someone has to drive them to the worksites, and plenty of English people are heading to work or from work at factories or security guard jobs or cleaning jobs or any number of jobs that start early or end really late. Basically the world is working 24-7 with poor slobs just doing their jobs.
I doubt many people really want to work that early or overnight. Our bodies are made for certain rhythms and anyone that has had newborns in the house knows how disruptive it is when a baby is fussy and is up all night. There is a certain look of utter exhaustion you can recognize on the faces of new moms. Most of us just do what we have to do. I am doing what I do now not entirely by my own choice, circumstances forced my hand and now I make the best of it by being the best at what I do. I wouldn’t go back to the corporate world, not ever. Life handed me some lemons so I made some lemonade.
Despite the endless sitcoms and movies that have been produced where the drudgery of a job plays a pivotal part in the plot, the truth is that most people are mostly content to do what has to be done. It is a European mentality, you just do what you have to do. To quote Aaron Tippin “A long hard day sure ain’t much fun but you gotta get it started if you want to get it done”. It would be cool to win the lottery and never have to work again but on the other hand my years in banking allowed me to see a lot of people who came into money that they didn’t earn and most of them blew the money and were more miserable than before.
I think most people are mostly OK. We do what we have to do and we don’t really ask for much. Mostly we just want to be OK and be left alone. We take little vacations, own little homes and raise little children. The people you know and grew up with, your family and your friends, for the most part haven’t done anything to anyone. That is true for the vast majority of people in this country. But….
Being OK is just not OK with Them.
Imagine what sort of sociopath you have to be to look at hundreds of millions of people who are mostly OK and wanting to be left alone but instead you decide to wreck their society because of some grudges your ancestors had against their ancestors or because you are unhappy and can’t stand to see anyone else happy or even merely content.
Most of the chaos and degeneracy you see every day is the result of a small group of unhappy, discontent and clinically insane people intentionally causing disaster so They can get some measure of vengeance and cause everyone else to be unhappy. You simply showing up to work and having your own little slice of life, and being OK and content with that, is a source of rage for these lunatics.
Only someone with deep psychological issues could look at people going about their business and become infuriated by the normalcy and contentment. Because They are so deeply deranged, it is critical to come to a place where you realize that you cannot reason with Them. You cannot convince Them with your superior arguments. You can only see Them as monstrous beings that must be treated as such.
It sometimes often almost always is frustrating to be on /ourside/ given our propensity for squabbling with one another but I will take our purity spirals and ego trips any day of the week over the sheer misery of being on the Left.
The Kenites. The scribes and the pharisees. The talmudian small hats. The tares. Here to antagonize the wheat until the harvest. A puzzling lot to be sure. And then into the (lake of) fire they go.
clowns to the left of me jokers to the right. stuck in the middle
I’m surprised things are “normal” now that we are within one month of the (s)election.
Maybe (((they))) are waiting until election night to start Shitfestivus. At least that’s what I’m thinking.
It gets blatantly stolen, Trump refuses to concede, he’s either arrested/detained or Arkancided. Enough people, in conjunction with the FF pedo feds start shit and then the door kicking starts.
Anyone else thinking similarly or other possible scenarios?
“Trump refuses to concede”
LOL! You mean like the last time when he twirled around on his thumb while his J6 faithful got railroaded?
Enter superficial Q-approved alibi here >>>> _____________________
‘But, but, it’ll be different this time’. He’s nothing but Kabuki theater. Always was. Always will be!
Kooks, spooks, gooks and pukes, oh my!
“The people you know and grew up with, your family and your friends, for the most part haven’t done anything to anyone. That is true for the vast majority of people in this country.”
Then along came 9 11 and the scamdemic, which dramatically swelled the ranks of those “monstrous beings” mentioned above. I was fortunate to have kept around half of my family and friendships intact after those two events but most good people I knew were almost completely ostracized. To their credit, almost all of them refused to buckle and have permanently cut ties with their tormentors. Now, freed from the excess baggage, they understand what quality over quantity means in a survival situation. None of them are skittish anymore about ‘the laying of the crosshairs’.
It’s simply Evil that drives those that want to see the world burn.
Crabs in a bucket. They know that they will not get ahead, because they won’t invest the time and effort. But they don’t want YOU to get ahead, either.
My wife and I started out as dirt-poor as a very young White couple could. We lived in, and raised children in an awful “mixed” neighborhood that was almost exactly 1/3 black, 1/3 White and 1/3 hispanic. We gravitated toward, and associated with almost exclusively White others. But they were either young couples starting out, as we were, or hardened losers who would never thrive. We watched, sometimes in sorrow, as one by one the more capable young Whites moved up and out. But in time it became our turn.
My wife still regrets the “friends” we lost when we achieved our escape, but I don’t. When her best ‘friend’ found out just which upscale community we were moving to, having put in our years in the ‘hood accumulating college degrees and moving up the ladder, that woman abruptly stopped speaking to us, as if we’d insulted her. And we’ve had no contact with her in the years since we moved.
Just leave the crabs in the bucket where they belong. Those more successful are not objects of hatred and envy. They are an inspiration. Especially if they earned their good fortune.
Jealousy of success is a sad commentary on the human condition.
In the survival situations that are likely coming soon, I think the biggest problem facing us is the horde of the ignorant unprepared, raging, as they no doubt will, against the “successful” hoarders. When I was young, I once took a practical outdoor rescue and paramedic course and I will always remember that the first thing I was taught in water rescue work was the ability to break holds in case someone panicked and grabbed you … so you wouldn’t drown, too.
Arguably the most profound article yet. For many sociopaths, the ultimate definition of power is the ability to force others to do or behave in a way they absolutely do not want to do. And then to be forced to ” accept ” it .. Many of our government class are extreme in this state of mind, and the small hat group as well.
Just saw a meme about half an hour ago that really made me think. The text read “I wonder how many of the hurricane victims are receiving a free hotel room, a free telephone and loaded debit cards.” This really hits home – these victims are American citizens who PAID taxes that pay for illegal immigrants those benefits. When will it be the turn for Americans to receive some help from their government ?
Its a good thing there is an election coming in less than a month to help people decide if Americans should be given the same care we give others for free. And the family members who came from that or have family in that area are wanting their kin / friends to get that help that is supposed to be available from taxes paid to our government These people are all over this country – make your voice heard.
I know if I was fresh from seeing everything I owned destroyed or washed away, I could sure use a break right about now. Make sure your elected officials know this too.
Definitely will be fair and proper and not endless cheating and projection onto the other side. Yeah, the election will fix everything just like the last few times. It’s never been better with how much things improve with each election.
Bolshevik termite destroyers are a curse and a menace.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
No one was asking for improvements or transformations cooked up in the local Marxist EDU lounge after a bong session by the Che and Mao agitprop posters.
Dullard CPUSA (D) dupes think that democracy means rule by democrats.
Or the we voted Strawman and you are the kindling, the 51% have spoken.