Are you starting to feel it yet?
First Orange Man just barely avoids having his melon splattered over the weekend, creating an upswell of support and an iconic photo. Then on Monday, missed by most people in the hullabaloo of the attempted assassination, one of the cases against Trump was summarily dismissed.

The federal judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case threw out all of the charges against him on Monday, ruling that Jack Smith, the special counsel who filed the indictment, had been given his job in violation of the Constitution.
In a stunning decision delivered on the first day of the Republican National Convention, the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, found that Mr. Smith’s appointment as special counsel was improper because it was not based on a specific federal statute and because he had not been named to the post by the president or confirmed by the Senate.
The classified documents case was always silly, especially since Biden did the exact same thing except he kept his in unsecured boxes in his garage.
Yesterday he announced 39 year old J.D. Vance, Senator from Ohio, as his running mate. Some are calling Vance assassination insurance, as unlike Pence or other options like Bugrum or Rubio, Vance is the sort of populist that the Left really hates. Sure he is a race mixer and has of course gone to grovel for a photo op at the Wailing Wall, genuflecting to Our Greatest Ally, but he also has been outspoken against Ukraine aid and a few other issues that I like.
Not many people have a better 72 hours than that.
The Democrat Convention is in Chicago in a few weeks, August 19-22, and barring something unexpected they appear ready to re-nominate Biden/Harris, meaning Pedo Joe seems to have weathered the post-debate shitstorm. Less than a month after the Democrat convention Trump and Biden are scheduled for a second and likely final debate on September 10th, hosted by ABC (Always Being Commies). I still put the odds at no better than 50/50 that the debate happens. Plus we will be witnesses to a bloodbath when Vance eviscerates Kamala “Whore of Babylon” Harris in the VP debate. Vance has kind of an Al Borland from Home Improvement vibe but he is also very smart and very quick. Kamala Harris? Well I am sure she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose but no one has ever accused her of being too smart for her own good.
CNN just used the “L” word: CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win
“This is the dire strait for Joe Biden right now on the first night of the republican convention. Tomorrow is 16 weeks to Election Day. Sixteen weeks from tomorrow, we count the votes. It is tough to change a map like this in that amount of time,” King further urged.
King went on to explain how Trump is winning in so many States and districts and is competitive in areas that are traditionally Democratic.
“So, the warnings to the White House are Donald Trump could conceivably, if the current dynamics in the race hold, get 330 or more electoral votes. That’s what they believe,” King explained.
“It’s a very narrow path for Joe Biden. He … has essentially one, maybe two narrow paths to 270,” King highlighted, urging that “Donald Trump has so many. There are viable paths to get him as high as 330, which means you can take some states away, Jake, and he would still get to 270.”
“Donald Trump, on the first night of his convention, and Democratic people who are studying the data closely say it keeps getting worse for the president. Donald Trump opened his convention tonight in a commanding position in this race, period,” the analyst concluded.
The last 16 weeks of the campaign should be easy for Trump*. Compare how things were under his administration versus how they are now. This is already starting, even invoking the “mean tweets” shtick. Did you prefer low gas prices and mean tweets or raging inflation and millions of illegals? The mass media and the left in general almost sound like they are throwing in the towel already. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the House flip to Democrats to keep Trump in check. It is far easier to cheat in a Congressional election than a Presidential one. If one didn’t know better, it might appear that They are intentionally setting up a Biden “loss” in November….
The question today is then what? What happens in the two months between “Election” Day and Inauguration Day? What happens on Inauguration Day given the chaos in January of 2017? It isn’t inconceivable that antifa and other leftist groups, utterly convinced that January 6th was TOTALLY A LEGIT INSURRECTION!, would decide to attempt to use violence to stop the Electoral College vote or even to shut down the inauguration itself in some bizarre and twisted take on “turnabout is fair play”.
In my humble opinion, the greater danger comes post-inauguration. I smell a rat and have for some time. I won’t rehash my arguments that I made in Setting Up A Scapegoat? and subsequent posts, the essence being that Trump will be allowed to “win” in order to then collapse the system after he takes office, blame Trump, remove him from office and replace him with a leftist figurehead strongman to “SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY”. It is a trap being laid out for him and given that so much of his “own party” opposes him, fewer to his face than before but those weasels still hate Trump, it is quite likely to succeed as Trump for all of his self-described brilliance and savvy is still like a babe in the woods among the vermin that run D.C.. Adding Vance with his economic populism and distrust/disdain/disgust toward Globohomo Big Business and Trump will find himself facing the full fury of the mandarin class backed up by every significant institution in America.
It is a clever trap, if it is a trap indeed, made all the more so because Trump’s overweening hubris will likely prevent him from seeing it. Instead he is more likely to view a “win” as some sort of divine mandate driven by his pandering to blacks and mestizos.
Even if he were aware of it, it will be difficult to avoid the trap and becoming a scapegoat. The President has little power to do much about cities burning. However I do think there is a way for Trump to avoid the trap that is set for him.

This likely won’t be popular and is full of potential pitfalls but the alternative seems far worse:
Trump must become exactly what They claim he will become if elected.
He must embody their worst nightmares. He must become what terrified Them. He cannot play by the rules that They established designed to prevent anyone from turning the ship around.
Four years is a very short time, especially for a man with one 4 year term already completed meaning he is a lame-duck from Day One. The machinery will be gummed up, sand in the gears, sugar in the gas tank. Do you think that the Federal bureaucracy will go along with mass deportation orders, border security, all of his agenda? Of course not. If Trump plays by Their rules, absolutely nothing will get done and he will almost certainly get kneecapped according to plan.
The other option is to do as the Left has done for decades and simply ignore the rules that constrain him, even if that means it isn’t “constitutional”.
The normie “conservative” or libertarian response to something like this is that if we must sink to their level to defeat them, we are no better than they are. This clinging to antiquated notions of the moral high ground have brought us to the precipice, collectively staring into the abyss. In 2025 the “moral high ground” is going to be indistinguishable from the gulags. I wrote about this a number of years ago: Fighting In A Cage Using The Queensberry Rules
“But by lowering yourself to fighting by their rules, you become what you hate! If we don’t keep our principles we are no better than the Left!”
When you are in a fight for survival, all that matters is survival. If someone is threatening me or my family I am not going to challenge them to a “walk 10 paces turn and fire” style duel. To protect my family I will fight as dirty as I need to fight in order for them to survive. I’ll shoot an intruder in the back if I have to. I won’t feel much better standing at the graveside of my child by consoling myself with the knowledge that at least I played by the rules.
In a decade or so, when the demographic tide swamps us, there is nothing that will stop a President Kamala Harris with a friendly Congress from stacking the Supreme Court with liberals who will reinterpret the Constitution to mean whatever they want. Say good-bye to religious liberty and freedom of assembly and speech. Say good-bye to the 2nd Amendment and hello to dead civilians and cops when the government tries to confiscate 400 million guns (and that is absolutely the end-goal). Maybe Rand Paul will still be in the Senate impotently talking about the Constitution to an empty chamber but that is all it will be, impotent talk.
A future where we sit around the gulag burning copies of the Constitution to keep us warm is not very appealing. Saying it is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game isn’t going to be much comfort while we starve to death in re-education camps.
That was more than 5 years ago and the intervening years have only deepened my belief in that sentiment.
The rules only apply when they suit the Left. Notice that Biden is already sending out statements about term limits on Supreme Court justices and an “ethics code” that will only be applied to conservative justices. Right now the number one priority for the Left is not to defeat the Orange Man but to neuter the SCOTUS, at least long enough to get a leftist majority. That might be even harder as rumor has it that “Wise Latina”, aka “Retard”, Justice Sonia Sotomayor has some significant health issues. If Trump gets another Justice, things will get really spicy. The current court is doing far too much meddling in Their affairs, thus the sudden interest in Clarence Thomas taking trips paid for by some rich guy.
The Left is concerned that this is coming. Trump doesn’t care much for the details but others do. The Washington Post, Pravda-on-the-Potomac, ran a piece about a guy named Russ Vought: Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-constitutional’ vision for second term. Vought is a former budget director but is being talked about as Trump’s chief of staff should he “win” and he was appointed as “policy director for the 2024 platform committee “. Vought seems to understand that we are no longer operating under the Constitution and pretending we are just makes it easier for Them to win. If Trump is to avoid Their trap by becoming what They fear, he will need people like Vought to do the blocking and tackling while he sticks to the rhetoric.
Trump can avoid Their trap and avoid becoming a scapegoat replaced by a leftist strongman but only by becoming a right-wing populist strongman. If he tries to take Them on within the system They dominate, controlled by Their people and operating under Their rules, he will be even more ineffective in his second term and will be scapegoated, forced out of office in disgrace and watch while the Left installs someone who won’t bother with petty nonsense like “rules”.
We are getting an authoritarian strongman very soon, the only question is will it be Their strongman or ours?
*Disclaimer: All politics is fake and gay, staged kabuki theater.
I absolutely agree. But even if Trump were willing to go full strongman and cast off the rules, how does he achieve execution of anything we want done? Mass deportations, with the DOJ and rest of the executive completely compromised from the inside? Who carries out his orders? Does he somehow deputize citizen enforcement groups to do the roundups? How does he fund any of it with a house and senate that seek to hogtie him at every opportunity? How do such groups avoid armed confrontation with FBI and other armed goons who will seek to interfere and claim they are “following the law”?
I don’t see how he:
1: gets all the assholes out of the way; fired, relocated to a remote locale where they can’t do anything effective, or otherwise.
2. Replaces all the assholes with populists who will carry out his orders, and
3. Keep the putative replacement “troops” from being attacked and prosecuted (or just killed) by meddling (former) federal shitheads who still maintain they have their jobs to do, and leftist civilians who will be committing violence just for its own sake.
I am finding it nearly impossible as a thought exercise to find an actual path to any outcome where Trump commands the people and resources he needs to get anything done. Just telling the entrenched commies they are all fired and to go the fuck away isn’t going to work. They will stick around and fuck up the works to the greatest extent possible. And this assumes Trump even has the brass balls to truly and openly buck the system in such a fashion. I remain unconvinced he actually has learned anything from his first term.
I don’t know that he learned anything either but perhaps if he gets some solid gett’er dun guys he can make some things happen. Recall that in 2016 one of the first things he did was push Bannon out of the way in favor of Grime Wormtongue.
I expect they have chosen Trump judging by the media. I thought it was interesting that Lindsay and Nimrata have already sunk their hooks in, hoping to keep their wars rolling in the event of a Trump presidency.
I heard Tom Cotton talked about some beaner in Arkansaw (legally, of course) who was voting for Trump.
We have no representation in my state… and they’re all Republicans.
The media is flipping on Biden right on cue, it is all so transparently staged
Joey IceCreamCone has conveniently come down with the coof, after his very bad no good week.
Even with those on his team braying for him to step down, he refuses.
What’s the over-under on a day of the pillow?
First thing I thought of when I heard it. Wouldn’t put it past them.
Trump gives the USA a chance and a (temporary) reprieve on the road to dark age chaos. What we do with that…..we shall see.
It is not a reprieve but far worse. People are already relaxing and expect Trump to fix things, anything, while the same government that blocked everything they could and ignored orders and lied about what happened in Syria and elsewhere and was anti-White will still be in place; the government swarms with people who have sat in it for decades trying to kill and ruin Whites. Just look at the “activist” judges alone and what damage they caused last time. Meanwhile people are celebrating. This is terrible as it will be four lost years while people wait for Trump to do anything while he and his VP are adamantly jew-first. And look at the shit pushed by Trump like green cards for every foreigner who attends a us college. It will get worse and Whites will just be complacent. It is one of modern American Whites’s big sins, the pushing of responsibilities and effort on an elected official and thinking a vote will fix everything. People will blind themselves again because “their guy” is in office.
His ego will be our undoing unless he wises up and in a hurry
Trump is still living in the 1990s, and I don’t see a lot of evidence that he can deal with the current reality…Nor do I believe that he will break enough of our silly laws, which require the permission of the country he dumps them in, to deport 20 million criminals…Vance just might have what it takes, and does seem to be living in the present….
Vance is obsessed with Israel and instead of anything about Whites, talks about how notracist he is with his biracial sons. Complete conservacuck as far as I see it. Even if he does something about illegal immigration, the “legal” flood has already been enough to swamp us. There’s already millions of them here. Fuck, it’s been terrible since before I was born and people have been doing the same song and dance over and over.
It’s willful blindness.
Here is my suggestion for exporting unwanted people.
Ghana has said that they will accept any black person that wants to live there, no questions asked, so you have an African country, in Africa, run by Africans prepared to take blacks.
Tell Ghana that for every black they receive, the US will pay the Ghana government one full years payment of all the Social Security that the US would have paid out (including Section 8 rents, EBT card costs etc.).
I don’t know how much that would be per person but I am 100% certain that it will go a hell of a lot further in Africa than in the US.
What corrupt African President would refuse that offer? Whether or not they would actually pass on the cash to the emigrants, well, not our problem.
He’s the Teflon Don.
Let’s hope he is the “Learned Some Lessons Last Time Don”
@ Sido
What, other than the usual rhetoric meant for suckers, has you even remotely entertaining the thought (or is it hope?) that that piece of shit has learned any lessons or is willing to start a purge ???
As I said before; his jew handlers are going to toss every White that they deem anti-semitic/racist into jail a la Europe. No more Dissident Thoughts blog (or anything remotely related) get it? Both red and blue gonna be after you – and me/us!
Leave the glorious second-coming strategies to the Q-tards and cuntservatives.
Years ago AZ citizens created the Minutemen. They patrolled the border with rifles, assisting CBP.
Then they were forced to cease due to an autocratic (and chronically embarrassed) government.
Just sayin’…..
“Muh Constitution” “Muh Democracy”
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams
Who thinks it is actually Joe Biden running the executive branch?
Who thinks the 2020 election was fair and accurate?
Who thinks that the government represents the best interests of the voters, instead of the interests of the deep state and the elites?
Our Constitution was a wonderful document for its time but it was written for a “moral and religious people, and is inadequate for any other.” Can you with a straight face define the majority of people in the US as moral and religious?
We already don’t have a functioning democracy, we have the simulacrum of democracy called oligarchy. Aristotle pioneered the use of this term, meaning rule by wealthy elites who selfishly run things to serve only their own interests. He compared it to aristocracy, which is rule by a class of nobles, who are not supposed to be selfish but look out for everyone’s interests.
The republic is dead and buried and has been for quite some time. Any claim to democracy is a scam. Those who can’t lay down their Civnat Boomerconism would do well to remember that a properly run benevolent aristocracy is preferable to an oligarchy. I am instantly distrustful of people like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel who seem to be trying to set themselves up as dukes in a new aristocracy but they are looking for solutions that work to keep the US atop the pedestal in any way possible.
We would be wise not to let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
As a moral and religious person who only associates with at least moral people, I yearn for republican style government but I no longer think that is a viable solution in a country where I am taxed to provide redistribution payments in a giant vote buying scheme. Many states could still pull this off but to be workable we either need more state autonomy or a formal divorce. Neither seem likely in the short term. At the national level, the time for republican style government has already passed and the sooner people realize that then the better chance we will have of avoiding a leftist authoritarian hellhole.
Spot on Max. The only thing left is crushing them. Until our side is willing to do that, the hellscape marches on. There are no civil or political solutions.
A lot of good points made in this thread.
“I am finding it nearly impossible as a thought exercise to find an actual path to any outcome where Trump commands the people and resources he needs to get anything done. ”
Me neither. Because “Recall that in 2016 one of the first things he did was push Bannon out of the way in favor of Grime Wormtongue.” Maybe he knows some pipe-hitting mobsters and get pool enough of them to visit his enemies. It is also possible things of which Trump has no control over, goes sideways. The economy may very well implode on its own on his watch which, as Arthur has suggested, might be part of the plan for certain sectors of the deep state.
My $0.02 for the day was along the lines of this… “People are already relaxing and expect Trump to fix things,” Jesus Fucking Christ, it hasn’t even been a week since the assassination attempt. He hasn’t even been elected yet.
“The normie “conservative” or libertarian response to something like this is that if we must sink to their level to defeat them, we are no better than they are. ”
This 1000X this. This cannot be said enough. IMHO, this is one of the biggest obstacles for our side: playing by rules that were made not for justice but for our compliance. It goes along with the idea above that people are already relaxing.
When I was in basic training, the Drill Sergeants taught us that there were rules of war. For example, you were not allowed to us a .50 cal against a person. We were advised that we were allowed to use a .50 cal on the enemies’ equipment. For example, his uniform, his boots, his LBE, and his helmet. This is the kind of thought process our side needs.
One of the most perspicacious things Saint George Carlin, the greatest philosopher of the first 1/2 of the 21st century, said was “Language always gives you away.” If Trump is elected, the time between the election and being sworn in will be indicative. If the mood/language of normie is, “whooo, Trump will take care of it. Now we can back to grilling and consuming,” you know things are not going to go well.
Do enough of us have the tenacity to stay mad long enough? It reminds me of a quote from one of the greatest movies of all time: Outlaw Josey Wales.
“Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up, then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”
Are we gonna get mean enough? Are we gonna stay mad enough? For my fellow dissidents, I have no doubt. Faggot normies don’t understand that sometimes the end does justify the means. Especially when it comes to survival.
I think there are some completely legal means. One is to dox critical government agents from county school board supervisor, to federal district and appellate court judges, to 3 letter agency agent from top to bottom, Blackrock C-suites, Blackrock (and similar companys) shareholders, HR cunts that hire for diversity, Soros funded prosecutors, etc. IMHO, the first step to combating our enemies is knowing where they are. As in, they live here, this is where they work, and this is how they get there. And reminding them on their way to, at, and from work for whom they serve.
Ireland gives me a bit of hope. There was another mysterious combustion of a migrant center there just three days ago.
They are expressing their discontent after years of being ignored. It will definitely take more as their govt doubles down but it’s nice to see someone stand up and not just suffer another voting cycle and another and another while being blatantly lied to and targeted for ruin.
Amen Brother it’s really fucking that we have no agency so we grasp at straws hoping against hope that they save us…
The people who spout that line “If we stoop to their level then we’re no better than they are.” tend to be people who are either too scared to fight in the first place, people who want to fight, but have no idea how to organize, or the typical losers in the RNC who have no intention of fighting and don’t give a shit.
We can work with the 2nd group, the 1st and 3rd we’ll have to be vigilant against because they’ll sabotage us every chance they get. The 1st will do so inadvertently, the 3rd will do so because they despise us, mainly because they know they’re cowards and despise our willingness to say no and fight. The late, great George Carlin once said, “The obedient always see themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly.” truer words were never spoken.
Trump needs to dump the DEI bulldyke SS flunkies asap. Hire his own security and explain calmly and collectively to his White voter base that these flunkie turd SS agents are nothing more than spies who aren’t trustworthy.
Perhaps this….
Mike in Canada
HIMSELF posted:
“Joey IceCreamCone has conveniently come down with the coof, after his very bad no good week.
Even with those on his team braying for him to step down, he refuses.
What’s the over-under on a day of the pillow?
First thing I thought of when I heard it. Wouldn’t put it past them.”
Now that I think about it, it would be useful if Biden died of “the Black Plague”. We could have a poster child for the “dangers of COVID, or Bird Flu, or whatever is in the pipe” and get rid of Joepedo for the Demonicrats. We could also have another round of lockdowns, face diapers, new MRNA vaccines, and bullying by useless Karens. And would Trump oppose it? He still claims credit for the first vaccines in spite of all the evidence against them. I have difficulty in trusting him for that alone, much less his pandering to a certain (((ethnicity))).
One advantage to being the lame duck, he doesn’t have to worry about being popular so as to get re-elected.
Someone needs to send him a copy of Tom Kratman’s “Caliphate”. tl;dr: Pres in that pardons the assassins of Congressmen that oppose his legislative proposals. NB: he was clearing the US of all Muslims after Muslim terrorists nuked US city (or two, don’t recall how many).
Vince Flynn’s “Term limits” is a great read in the same vein.
Kamala is so good that she can suck the cream filling out of a Twinkie, without breaking the cake.