They should already be on your list of places to avoid. I like titties as much as the next guy but the couple of times…
Somebody ‘splain this one to me…. A warrant has been issued for a 30-year-old Fort Wayne man awaiting trial in a 2023 murder case after…
Another local yokel in a new venue: Man faces up to 85 years after being found guilty in card party shooting A card party sounds…
In 1982 I was in middle school. The Gipper was in the White House. Movie theaters were showing films like E.T., Rocky 3 and Star…
Our recent “He Wuz A Gud Boi!” mass shooter in Fort Wayne committed his shooting at a party hosted in a home where a “parent”…
We had a local mass shooting while I was gone and I’m just getting to it but the narrative has changed wildly since it first…
Just a quick one that tickled the ol’ funny bone…. Man arrested for practicing dentistry without license in trailer park Here is the “dentist”, one…
A blaqua-a-licious story in two parts. Docs: Indy woman knocked her boyfriend out of his wheelchair before shooting, killing him Part one: An Indy woman…
Speaking of chickens….. Police: Indy man, upset food was cold, waved around gun inside KFC An Indianapolis man is accused of waving around a gun…
Dude what the hell is in the water in Muncie? Muncie man says woman hit him in head with rebar after he asked her to…