We often talk here at Dissident Thoughts about the “nigger tax”, the cost of living in a diverse society that is shouldered almost entirely by Whites in the form of paying for mass incarceration, welfare, generational poverty, urban schools that serve only as pre-penitentiary holding pens and other social ills. Often the tax isn’t even something monetary but comes in the form of general annoyances and having to avoid places where blacks gather in numbers greater than zero. Social media is awash in examples of blacks acting like animals especially when they don’t get their way and turn violent (for an example see: Aw Lawdy Gibs Me More Dat Crappy Food!). Even when they aren’t being violent, they are being inconsiderate.
Mostly their behavior are just the inconsiderate actions of an overgrown emotional toddler, people with a sociopathic lack of empathy or concern for anyone else. I especially liked the one that seems to think that “public” means that they can do anything they want rather than “public” meaning you should be courteous toward other people. It is rude to let one rip in an elevator because you are in public but at home it is not (as much). Normal people understand the distinction.
On the other hand, there is another aspect to their behavior in public: it is a challenge. They are being rude and unpleasant because they know that decent people won’t do anything as even looking at them funny can get you attacked and if you defend yourself you might find yourself like Daniel Penny, being persecuted because some black guy was threatening people on a subway. They are daring you to notice and daring you to say something, knowing that most people are conditioned to not be rude in response to others being rude and that even liberal Whites know that blacks are just a hair-trigger away from a violent response.
In an amusing confluence, while Paul Joseph Watson published his video on Sunday, it also was the day that Joe Biden scribbled his name on a pardon for black nationalist Marcus Garvey who had been convicted of mail fraud in 1923: Biden Pardons Five More, Including the Civil Rights Leader Marcus Garvey. Garvey is an interesting chap. I am sure he would have hated my guts but at least he was honest about it. It is also quite amusing to see how he is remembered:
President Biden pardoned five activists and public servants on Sunday, including a posthumous grant of clemency to the civil rights leader Marcus Garvey, who mobilized the Black nationalist movement and was convicted of mail fraud in 1923….
….Mr. Garvey inspired generations of Black leaders, including Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, and he was seen as the embodiment of Black liberation and self-determination. Martin Luther King Jr. called him the “first man on a mass scale and level to give millions to Negroes and make the Negro feel he was somebody.”
A White House statement on Sunday highlighted his creation of the Black Star Line, the first Black-owned shipping line and method of international travel, and founding of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, which celebrated African history and culture. The association, which was founded in 1914, inspired thousands with its emphasis on racial pride and liberation, which he encouraged through urging Black Americans to return to their ancestral homelands in Africa.
Try to imagine the New York Times speaking so glowingly of a White nationalist, someone like David Duke for example. Duke and Garvey both wanted the best for their own people, both were disdainful of people who were of mixed race and neither is a fan of Jews. David Duke is a pariah and Marcus Garvey is celebrated as a civil rights hero. Who says the Lügenpresse have double-standards?
Marcus Garvey was an open black nationalist and seemed to get along with the Ku Klux Klan as both Garvey and the Klan believed in racial separation:
I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. I like honesty and fair play. You may call me a Klansman if you will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman as far as the Negro in competition with whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying.
In much the same way that I view Malcolm X, I at least respect Marcus Garvey for not being coy and sly. He hated White people, didn’t want to be around us, knew we didn’t want to be around them and realized that only by separation could both sides avoid conflict. Compare that to Martin Luther King Jr., a communist patsy and a controlled lapdog who got his marching orders from Them. MLK is about as authentic a “civil rights” leader as Jesse Jackson, which is to say not at all.
Relations between the races have not improved since the “Civil Rights Era” and are in fact getting worse. The election of the first black President not only didn’t help, it made things worse as Barack Obama seemed determined to be the Divider-in-Chief. As for blacks, the more they are given, the more they demand and on the White side, many seem to be finally sick to death of the endless violence, rudeness in public and constant bitching for more gibs. Add in the exploding mestizo population that is crowding blacks out of the inner city, a group that dislikes blacks and hasn’t been cowed into passivity and the racial situation in America is a lake of gasoline just waiting for a spark.
There is no way forward that leads to peaceful co-existence. Either an open race war kicks off or Whites simply slowly go extinct. There will be blood, more than already is being spilt, unless we go our separate ways. Unfortunately blacks are unlikely to embrace the real message of Marcus Garvey because deep down they know they need us.
Separation is the only solution but sadly it will likely never happen.

” Long before the Civil War, in 1854, Lincoln addressed his own solution to slavery at a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois: “I should not know what to do as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land.” ”
Lincoln firmly believed that the races could not be mixed.
It is a damned shame that repatriation of the descendants of slaves to Africa is no more than the White man’s wet dream, for it would benefit literally everyone involved. White Americans would be freed of the burden of carrying that inept, troublesome demographic. Blacks from this country, with an average IQ somewhat higher than their African cousins thanks to White admixture, could actually be kangs in those benighted countries. Even da joos could wet their beaks by providing return passage to the dark continent, eagerly paid for by grateful Whites.
Maybe all that needs be done is to shut off the gibs spigot and repurpose those reparational funds into a repatriation effort. For, ya know, the children.
Yes. Which makes the whole Constitutional/Un-Constitutional debate rather moot.
In a lawless empire, following the law is just choosing to wear your Sunday best to your suicide.
The Constitution and all its legal and extra-legal institutional moral power, for all intents, has settled the matter of free association and all the rest of the Heritage American, “it’s okay to be White”, Good Schools, freedoms.
Following the lawyers is just the scenic route to the gallows.
Physical separation is required. But so is economic. The latter is proving to be rather sticky.
The current machination of the political right is defined by waiting for the system to adjudicate the abusers and affix itself into some pro-White, pro-Heritage American imperative, without ever being explicitly White or to subordinate the globo-economic primacy to that of an actual Nation of People making babies.
Either an open race war kicks off or Whites simply slowly go extinct.
The trend is Whites going extinct and for the most part funding their extinction with no thought of stopping it…Sad That…
In Germany it is the muslims of turkish descent. They behave the same. I would like to send them back to Turkey just as you want to send the blacks back to Africa.
Different subspecies should never occupy the same territory. To my great sorrow, I believe you are quite correct: Whites do not have the stomach for complete and total separation and thus will go extinct. I don’t believe it will be all that slowly, either – the pace of everything has picked up and I believe we are past the point of no return. I pray that God will prove me wrong.
This ^^^. I know some on our side of the divide believe that they are being forced to live in a society they can’t function in, but I don’t feel bad for them. I openly hate them with every fiber of my being. I hate the sight of them. The only solution, if one were to ever happen (which it won’t) is to send them to the bottom of the ocean or shoot them off to mars.