I have eaten at Chipotle all of one time. Thoroughly unimpressed. Some people apparently just can’t get enough:
FODD FIGHT: Woman upset about the portion sizes at Chipotle went behind the counter to take what she feels she’s entitled to.pic.twitter.com/XtyeuPGmxD
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 23, 2024
It seems very sanitary and up to health codes for some obese black chick to go behind the counter and help herself, as clearly she is bordering on starvation.
More noteworthy is the guy yelling to just let her make her food. It sounds like a black guy but the sentiment is the same across races: when blacks misbehave it is just easier and safer to let them do what they want and then we can clean up the mess they make afterward.
The most powerful lesson learned by blacks since 2020 is that no one is allowed to interfere with blacks acting like blacks. Behavior that would be abhorrent and get you arrested if you are a different race must be permitted for blacks, as failing to do so can get you attacked and if you try to defend yourself or others or your property, it is likely you will end up in front of a judge. After all the black mantra is “dey haz in-sure-ants and sheeiit” as if that makes stealing and destroying stuff OK. The fact that these costs are passed on to the rest of us through higher insurance premiums never occurs to them and they wouldn’t care anyway so we are left to pay an endlessly increasing nigger tax.
Overgrown, sociopathic, violent toddlers. What a blessing they have been for America!
“Just let her make her fooooood, please.”
Yeah fuck that nigger too. Letting this ham planet do what she wants is part of the problem.
I have no problems being the center of attention and can make myself heard for quite a distance… “Don’t worry boss, I will clean up after this ignorant nigger cunt!”, delivered in a proper bellow.
Reminds me of those niggers in the convenience store when one of them went behind the counter I think for cigarettes and the other one was saying something along those lines and then when the guy starts beating him with a broomstick the nigger still outside wanted the guy to stop…Fuck the those niggers why do White Men put up with that shit Oh that’s right they can’t come together because they have been brainwashed by individualism by the mike and have become too self centered and greedy…Sad That…
That video was just delightful, he beat that boy like he was short on his cotton quota.
Yea and the only reason he got away with it was because he was another protected class…
I can’t imagine ever deciding that I was entitled to just go behind the counter and help myself, but then again I am not a subhuman.
If I walk into an establishment and there is a negro anywhere in sight I turn and leave. Just as if there was a berserk gorilla on the loose in there. I don’t need the inherent problems.
In an effort to make amends for a life of biting sarcasm, I now try to overcome the urge to engage in sarcasm. Reading the little vignettes, anecdotes, snap shots, articles and essays that you post here, Arthur, makes not-sarcasting very, very difficult.
“It seems very sanitary and up to health codes for some obese black chick to go behind the counter and help herself, as clearly she is bordering on starvation.” Ok, but look at the typical staff in these places. Nearly indistinguishable from the description of the perp. Hence, why I call the place “Chipotle-coli”.
I’ve never eaten there, nor will I. I’ve turned down offers of free food from that shit shack (i.e. other people offering to buy), multiple times even. I’ve seen what they serve, and don’t understand the appeal. And that’s even excluding knowledge of the type of staff they employ to make it. The food itself just doesn’t look that good to me.
Of course, I now limit myself to only a handful of fast food outlets, and will only go to specific locations of those that I’ve vetted. Culver’s, Freddy’s, and Raising Cane’s are about it when I decide to grab “fast food”. Haven’t been to a McDonald’s, Taco Hell, Burger King, Arby’s or any of the other big mainline chains in years now, they all pretty much suck at this point.
If out of town and needing a meal, I’ll walk in any eye up the staff and cleanliness at a restaurant before I even consider ordering. I walk right back out of many places, after being unimpressed on my initial assessment. These days, the clientele present in the dining room also influences my decision to stay (or not). The presence of too many uppity, loud melanin enhanced types who might suddenly erupt into violence causes me to “nope” out with haste.
I still do McDonalds for breakfast, I love me some Sausage Egg McMuffin but Culvers is the only place I really like to eat for lunch and dinner. It helps that most Culvers locations around here have an all White staff that are pleasant to deal with.
When I was working as a Door Dasher, I had occasion to visit several Chipotle locations many times to pick up food for delivery. Trust me, they’re ALL like this, at least around here. Same-same with Wendys also–used to like them, but I wouldn’t so much as set foot in one nowadays if you paid me. As Jerry Seinfeld said, I’ve seen too much…
That surprises me not at all. I can’t imagine many fast food places aren’t unsanitary
The 13% tax is both real and bad. But it’s nothing compared to the cost of the 2% tax. The smart ones (by which I mean the 2%; not the “talented tenth”) have done far more damage to society than any amount of monkeyshines.
Okay, my obligatory Noticing aside, even when it’s actual employees rather than “volunteers” dishing out the slop there’s often a negro tax. In a situation of not-strictly controlled portion size (ie Chipotle vs say McDonalds) it’s not uncommon to see the negro behind the counter giving larger portions to other blacks, and smaller portions to whites (and East Asians).
This was highly prevalent at a hospital where I used to work. The cafeteria serving crew were all Afro-Carribean fat women (and one elderly male). They’d snarl and sneer at whites (and me) and give nearly double portions to blacks. Fine, TNB and all that. What made me angry was how white people reacted to it. My friend Mark, a tall, thin MD/PhD with an upper class Brit accent one day said to me, “I don’t understand it. I really try to be friendly, and they’re so hostile.” A male Polish med student actually said “I like [the old Afro-Carribean guy]. He sizes you up and gives you the portion you need.” I lost my shit on him. “It’s not his fucking job to decide how much a customer ‘needs’. He’s supposed to dish out the same amount of food per order, and be somewhat polite about it. He’s an asshole to whites, and all smiley to blacks. Did you not notice?” That pretty much ended my friendship with Polish guy. The only white person I knew who didn’t put up with that shit was my then girlfriend (French-Irish). She pointed out “Yes, you’re right they favor other negros, but did you notice they are decent to fat white women, especially the ones that suck up to them? Those people hate whites. But they also hate doctors of all kinds, and thin people. They’re especially nasty to good-looking, thin, white women.” Seeing as that described GF, she got shit treatment from those people. I adopted the attitude of being neutral if they didn’t act up, and nastier back if they were nasty. Funny thing was, they generally stopped being overtly nasty to me. (But I got a lot of dirty looks when they thought I wasn’t looking.)
But of course. The 2% use the 13% (via their direct involvement in the importation of such parasites, plus encouraging and facilitating their bad behavior as a cudgel, once they’ve established a beach head) against (primarily) Whites. They are not above weaponizing them against other ethnicities either (when useful to their ends), naturally.
Even when “antisemitic hate crimes” are allegedly “on the rise”, it is almost always blacks attacking random Jews and They still use that as an excuse to try to clamp down on Whites. They never miss a beat.
It’s ok to call a spade a spade, and a nigger a nigger.
They have been unpleasant and ugly my entire life and trying to be polite to them just seems to encourage them to be nasty in return.
I give them wide berth, will not socialize with them in any venue; should the venue become infiltrated with nogs I gather my family and quietly retreat to any less olfactorily-tainted environs.
While always in “Condition Yellow” at a minimum, around blacks I am in Yellow to Orange, head on a swivel. The Knockout Game is a real thing. Woe to Whites (and Asians) who do not remain situationally aware among the heathen.
The sweathog in Chipotle exhibits behaviors typical of her race: pure ego drive, zero manners, loud, obnoxious, unthinking (but for the compulsion to stuff excess foodstuffs into its toothy maw), unapologetic, prone to violence and looking & smelling worse than an orang utan in a public zoo.
Life is short enough without spending even a nanosecond in the company of creatures who, as a whole, represent a divergent strain of humanity, an atavistic throwback to our Neanderthal or Cro Magnon ancestry.
Need our own Homeland Brother…
That is because if you are nice they take that as weakness. If you make it clear that you will not put up with any “nigger shit” they will at least respect you enough to be minimally polite. This doesn’t as much apply to the older ones who have figured out through repeat experience that good behavior works better
like Big Ruckus D i’ve got some strategic choice’s-
but if i see one i leave as that’s already too much nigger tax to tolerate.
More than zero is too many
No wonder their owners had to whip them to keep them under control.
Make Whipping Great Again
I was gonna say that I’m not very impressed with these wetbacks letting this greasy nigger behind the counter without beating the shit out of it. But, I think Chipotle hires other people than wet backs. But, I’ve only been to one of those joints once, and I can’t remember.
Public gallows, a few short steps from the jurors.
Public gallows would go a long way, seeing their homies swinging in the wind with the crows picking their eyes out might give them some paise. probably not.
Some serious flexing of black privilege.
Even more impressive as they can’t even spell privilege
Apes shouldn’t be allowed to mix with humans. Period.
OT, Arthur, but I noticed today that you left a comment on Steve Sailer’s Substack. I have also noticed comments by yourself at the Z Man’s blog. While the Z Blog bears some similarities to your Substack and blog, in terms of being willing to call a spade a spade, so to speak, Sailer is pure civnat cope and cowardice (NOTE his recent post “WSJ: Biden was Senile all Along,” implying that was something he commented on, while in fact, Sailer ignored the obvious corrupt installation of Pedo Joe, as he ignored the COVID op).
Surely you are not trying to dissuade Sailer or his fanboy commenters from their hopelessness lack of insight into Reality 101? If so, that’s a wasted effort. Although I did check out your blog after a number of insightful comments at the Z Blog. If that’s the idea, to lure normie dissidents to the dark side, mission accomplished.
Steve is kind of a wimp but I see him as a gateway drug of sorts in the same way I view Tucker. Sailer is a lost cause but maybe some of the people reading the comments will wake-up or better yet click on my Substack where I repost most of the stuff I post here.
JR welcome to the Dissidents!
Went to a Shitpotle twice.
I’m a slow learner.
That is like 3 times too many
I commend you for your honesty. I myself went there once, blew through the counter selections and got the staff to heavily toast my roll, then put the grilled chicken option on it. My plan (to limit my dietary exposure to E. coli) was to apply heat. Lots of heat.
It worked, as I did not experience the “running squirts” that I have observed when my co-workers indulged their “Chipotle.” [The two sources of E. coli contamination are always in play at Chipotle: contaminated food from the sources and the shyt-covered fingers of the minimum-wage crowd who serve up this shyt].
Believing that the staff actually give themselves a vigorous hand washing after “toilette” is like believing in the Easter Bunny.
The comment in the twat says it all.
There is a sense of entitlement among them, and yes, it’s got exceedingly worse since St. Floyd of Fentanyl.
You can see how it pervades their thinking about everything. This is just a simple demonstration.
Reparations? How much cotton did you pick? Irrelevant, they feel ‘entitled’ to it. Nay, they’ve been TOLD and TAUGHT they are entitled to it. Hence their attitude. Lets be honest, they couldn’t come up w/ that idea on their own, it was given to them (by a member of the funny-hat club I’d wager!)
Not only that, white people are being programmed (by the same funny-hat-club members) to believe that blacks are entitled to special treatment, and I don’t just mean free food. Look at the Penny trial, and the reaction to the outcome. They didn’t expect justice or a fair trial, they expected blood to be extracted from this white-man for his offense of standing up to a nigger acting like an animal in public.
These sorts of conflicts are going to get worse, more extreme. The blacks will rachet up the niggardly behavior in response to white people pushing back. It’s almost like it’s been planned this way or something. You’d have to be blind not to see it. All part of the master plan….
blacks don’t understand concepts like the judicial process, they see everything as tribal. If a black commits a crime against a White, it is somehow justified or not a big deal or the White had it coming (that is becoming more common). If a White does *anything* to a black, no matter how justified, it is a hate crime. Even when a black is literally shooting at a cop, blacks will still side with the shooter and demand the cops be arrested.
They all need to go back Brother every single stinking one of them…The good ones can try and have a civilized country but I think they know that it’s a lost cause as well but that’s the breaks and it’s not our problem…
Is there such a a thing as “I’m tired of these niggers”? I mean WTF? They are fucking savages not worthy on common moral law because they do not comprehend it.
They are generally incapable of being civil but we treat them as if they are a critical component of American life
And that’s why we can’t have nice things.
I would settle for decent hygiene at this point