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Oops, Spoke Too Soon

Here I was thinking that Biden was all done. Nope. This morning he finally pulled the trigger on “pardoning” Fauci and others.

“I Believe In The Rule Of Law, But…” – Biden Pre-Emptively Pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley & More

How does one pardon someone for a crime that they haven’t even been charged with yet, much less convicted of? It almost seems like Biden’s handlers have knowledge of some crimes that could be charged against them. It also is going to make people even more suspicious of what these asshats were really up to.

There is absolutely no reason for Trump to not pardon every single January 6th political prisoner, or hostage as he called them.

These pardons should be challenged in court as it is clearly not what was intended in the Constitutional power of the President to issues pardons for crimes. On the other hand the pardon only applies to Federal crimes so states could still go after Fauci criminally for mass murder.

That corpse is still in office for a few more hours, a lot can still happen….


  1. Big Ruckus D

    Meh, I don’t believe for a second that Trump’s DOJ would’ve gone after that shitstain. The best we can hope for (and should, natch) is that someone seriously pissed off because their life was ruined by that goblin’s defective shot decides to handle the smarmy little cocksucker in the only way truly appropriate for the crimes he’s committed. At least pedo joey has removed all doubt that the smug little prick is guilty, as a “preemptive” pardon makes it obvious there was real concern about that jack off with a supremely punchable face being prosecuted. That right there just makes him appear even more guilty.

    • Hickocks Ghost

      My thoughts exactly with a long list of his fellow travelers as well.
      Kill them all and let their gods sort it out.
      The idea that the mass murderer Fauci and that treasonous cunt Milley will never face justice
      sickens me like nothing has in my 68 years.

  2. saoirse

    It’ll be fun watching that old criminal piece of shit wither away completely! Glad he’s toast, but his shitlib cartel and their backers will be agitating on roids. Watch out!
    Get your Trump lies/backtracks/grovels/excuses scorecards out and hope you don’t run out of ink! Cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias are going to become mental pandemics, real ones.

  3. Don W Curton

    Yeah, just for shits and grins I’d like to see someone in the new admin challenge those pardons. Let’s get some serious review and limits to that unique executive power. At the very least it should be a pardon for a specific crime, with that crime documented in a very thorough manner. No blanket pardons, no pardons for crimes not mentioned, etc. and so forth.

    • Hickocks Ghost

      In a true justice system, you would be exactly right.
      However, in Clown World justice system, not so much.
      Being raised Catholic, the prospect of a fiery hell for sins
      kept us in line.
      Well, the Pope is a Tribe controlled Commie, and I woke up
      to all the bullshit.
      I do not go to any church, God being everywhere. I do not need a church to be spiritual, I can communicate directly by prayer. I lived my life by The Ten Commandments and the Constitution of The U.S. All other laws passed are just government queefing as far as I am concerned.
      Long story short, if it was within my capabilities, despite being condemned to an eternal fiery hell, I would take out every one of those cocksuckers who evaded justice, and burn with a smile on my face,

  4. jack

    He forgot to pardon Benedict Arnold… Miley cannot be tried in criminal courts but he could be recalled to duty, stripped of his rank/medals/pension and dishonorably discharged.

    • Hickocks Ghost

      “he could be recalled to duty, stripped of his rank/medals/pension, dishonorably discharged” and face a firing squad.
      Sounds better.

  5. ozark homesteader

    The finisher failed so he craps big on the floor on the way out the door. Couldn’t expect much less from that crowd.

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