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He Wasn’t Done

Apparently just minutes before Trump was sworn in Biden pardoned his entire crime family. Trump’s team must quickly challenge all of these “preemptive pardons”.


  1. TakeAHardLook

    The Trump admin and its DOJ need to find a legal way to bring these criminals to justice.

    Otherwise, there is NO RULE OF LAW extant in the U.S.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Your last sentence says all that needs to be known now. Brace for that outcome, because that will be the reality. The only way any of these fuckers get gotten is if it’s done by an independent operator “off the books”. Trump won’t do shit to any of this scum, mostly because that’s not how he rolls. He also won’t want to set a precedent that can and will be used against him and his family after his term is over; not that his playing nice will stop the rabid left from doing so anyway. After 4 more years, their appetite for destruction will no longer be limited to mere lawfare.

        • Big Ruckus D

          That’s the only outcome I’ve ever seen as a possible solution to dealing with this type of scum. Remember, Trump told hildabeast on national tv that she’d be in jail, and then the threat was never spoken of again, much less made good on. The takeaway is that the system doesn’t eat it’s own, at least not in the last 3-4 decades. Nixon was the last high profile target who got punished, and he really didn’t as he just reigned and walked away in disgrace. Sure, G. Gordon Liddy did time, but he was beneath the protected class. It’s an unwritten rule that nobody in the upper echelon gets touched.

          All that said, I certainly don’t expect Trump will order or otherwise facilitate any action against any of the sacks of dogshit that just departed DC a few hours ago. So, the ball is now in the court of anyone with sufficient skills and resources who is pissed off and determined enough to want to “make a statement”. As we’ve seen, that is such a rarity as to be almost non-existent, so at best we can only hope something shakes loose.

          My true expectation is that no one of any consequence will ever be punished, and with all the new insults heaped upon us daily in rapid fire fashion (N’awlins terrorist, Las Vegas cybertruck SF dude who blow’d up, and LA fires now all having been boosted to the top of the news cycle and then mostly disappeared in a mere 3 weeks) the perps from pedo joey’s regime will be forgotten about soon enough. That’s how the scum perpetuates itself, by evading punishment until the outrage fades and everyone is distracted by a new batch of shitheads. And it works for them, damn near every single time.

    • Hickocks Ghost

      That will be showtime. Retribution visitations will be epic!
      There won’t be a rathole or roach nest that will be safe for these vermin.

  2. ghostsniper

    Now, if the Trump team can prove the last election was criminally attained and therefore illegal, and all of the things the criminal biden did are null and void, including all the pardoning….

    • Hickocks Ghost

      Yes, especially the lame excuse for not prosecuting Killary.
      It would tarnish the image of the presidency.
      After 8 years of the murderous trailer trash Clintons and
      8 years of the gay nigger with his tranny wife, I do believe that ship has long sailed.
      Tribe up white man, your enemies are!

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