This ghoulish bitch dropping dead today is just the delicious cherry on the top.

If there is a hell, Cecile Richards is burning in it right now. Fuck you.
This ghoulish bitch dropping dead today is just the delicious cherry on the top.
If there is a hell, Cecile Richards is burning in it right now. Fuck you.
Heh. Guess the stress was too much for that old bitch. Good riddance to another satanic whore. May she spend eternity in hell being aborted.
Maybe she’s just cold and hibernating. Reptiles do that, ya know.
“I heard” that hell is so cold (near heat death?) that it burns THAT way. No hibernating, Atheism and Satanism is no protection.
She was the “baby parts for sale” satanic whore from hell, caught bragging about her accomplishments.
I’m hoping that Satan himself welcomed her personally to the Seventh Level of Hell.
I would say that they should harvest what ever is still viable on that thing but she looks pretty damn crusty. Don’t think there’s anything good left on that husk…… Nothing I would want, However, I could definitely use a few new parts.
Hard pass.
Died of brain cancer! Boo hoo.
Move over RBG, Satan has a new squeeze.
Going Conan what is best in life is the only way with the CPUSA (D).
The Grand Old Politburo (R) wants the same thing but they aren’t in any hurry and want to make a few shekels.
“The joy she brought to her family” and the joy she brought to our lives by assuming her long overdue seating
on the right side of Satan. Cunt.
Sorry, didn’t mean to say she was a cunt. I meant to say greedy,murderous cunt.
There you go.
So, they going to sell her body parts?
Ok, I chuckled. But really, who the hell would want that rat meat for anything?
Fucking cunt. I hope she’s choking on the devil’s seed as I write this.
If ANYONE’s eternal soul ever needed prayers, well hers would be in the top ten.
Life is hard.
I don’t know about that. Why pray for such a scourge of an individual? She chose her occupation with intent, and it seems a certain amount of relish to boot. Some people are irredeemable, and if God sends them straight to hell, who am I to argue with the sentencing? True evil exists, and these days it is being revealed all around us. I’d say this grim reaper of the unborn certainly occupies the worst level of ghouls, when considering the quantity of lives she oversaw the butchering of. That “parts” were sold off wholesale, as if from stolen cars in a chop shop, makes it all the more offensive. Let this bitch burn.
This is pretty much the ‘virtue signalling’ sort of prayer that every Christian is pretty much obligated to offer.
We all know that she is an eternally evil witch, and she richly deserves hellfire, but we must love our enemies.
There is no one on earth that can actually judge her soul, nor does anyone on earth know how the grace of God will work, either in her life, or at the moment of her death.
So we cannot really ‘judge’ her, nor can we, with certainty, hold ourselves above her.
So, in absolute terms, we must pray for her salvation. We also must do so, since each of us are also guilty of sins that call for damnation.
So the prayers. I have offered them myself.
But, being rational creatures, we all can see what she is guilty of, how her activities have harmed others, cost lives, corrupted people, and, ultimately, put herself in the position of meriting the worst punishments possible.
So yes, pray for her, but at the same time, don’t be too worried that she will escape her fate.