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Damn You Orange Man!

For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I watched the entire inauguration ceremony yesterday. It was super cold and I was home in the middle of the day so I didn’t have much else to do although I really hadn’t planned on watching. It was worth it to see people like Cumala and Hillary having to sit there while Trump was sworn again for the second time. It would have been even better if Biden had the mental awareness to realize Trump was standing right there shitting all over him. Even in his reduced state he must have sensed that Trump was talking about him and the disaster that unfolded under his “watch”.

I have seen a few inauguration speeches in my time but that one? That was the angriest I have seen and you can’t blame Trump. They tried to jail him and They tried to kill him. Twice. From the moment he left office the Left has been focused on trying to keep him from getting back and They failed*. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Orange Man.

Then I actually watched some of the live feed of Trump signing about a jillion executive orders including the big one that pardoned over 1,500 January 6th political prisoners although rumors are all over Twitter that some of them are still being unlawfully held out of spite. I couldn’t even keep track of everything that he was signing but the really cool part….

Trump was taking unscripted questions and replying extemporaneously. Not necessarily deep, in-depth answers but he was replying off the cuff to reporters on an enormous variety of topics. Biden couldn’t have pulled that off on Day One of his administration and by the end was probably wearing an adult diaper.

By the end of the day, damnit…I was feeling the slight embers of optimism in the dark husk of my heart.

It didn’t last long, I have no doubt that They are already working to undercut him but for a few hours it sort of seemed like maybe there was a little room for optimism. The guys at the border with riot shields saying you can’t come in and if you try we might bludgeon you to death, the crying Mexican chick wearing a brand new winter ensemble. These faces…

All of it combined for a pretty dope day. Now it is over and the real trouble is about to begin although there still is some delightful news like this:

Linda Fagan definitely doesn’t look like a dyke and now she is out. The purge needs to be wide and it needs to be with fire all across the upper ranks of the military. Trump needs to strike fast and strike hard.

So it was a good day and cheered me up briefly but now is no time to relax. Onwards and upwards brothers until we claim the victory.

*Failed if you assume They didn’t want him back in, whereas I think that They did in order to make him a scapegoat.


  1. Anon

    Supposed to be a lot more EOs today too. I’m looking forward to see what happens this week. Since he did make it in, I at least want to benefit financially and have a nice buffer of cash as it all goes to hell. I would have rather White people get angrier, and I really hope not many buy this shit and get into the military for the orange man to die fighting Iran or whatever. We’ll just see.

  2. Steve S6

    He should not only fire the top but each and every bureaucrat that obstructs him down to the dog catcher and mail carrier (and BS the USPS isn’t Federal, it’s right in the Constitution as an enumerated power for the Federal gov. If they aren’t Federal then the no guns on Federal property doesn’t cover the Post Office – not legal advice).

  3. ozark homesteader

    Matt Bracken has a ten min phone “conversation” with some officious train wreck at the DC Gulag. The caller is trying to secure the release of one of the J6 HOSTAGES and has been getting the runaround from the criminicrats in addition to repeated hang ups. This is the level of cretin the AMERICAN CITIZEN has to put up with today, courtesy of the criminal communists that have taken over nearly every aspect of Western Civilization. If every last one of these unhumans is not removed, forcibly if necessary, from their posts and then sequestered from participating in organized society ever again then WE THE PEOPLE have failed miserably.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    Our turn now commie rat POS vermin.
    SCROTUS will be a problem but the looks on their faces are priceless.
    You know the CPUSA (D) will challenge the birthright EO in court.
    Duh winning so far but let’s don’t get too excited only two days in.

    • Greg

      Her diabetes will get her someday. The sooner, the better. And Thomas could retire if he’s so inclined, with likely some amount of say so in whoever Trump nominates to succeed him.

      • Jeffrey Zoar

        She is already well above average life expectancy for someone with her type of the beetus. You might have noticed her stooped/hunchbacked posture when she walked in yesterday

  5. ozark homesteader

    Gulag is still dragging their commie-feet and passing the buck and looking for “paperwork” to delay the release of the J6 hostages. My money says that lots of these middle-manager types have been instructed to thwart the Trump administration and to antagonize the law-abiding at every turn. Once again, in hopes of getting someone to take a swing. LE and the courts are still heavily laden with faithful leftists, marxists and criminals. If they can provoke enough outrage to create a physical, violent reaction they can (in their diminutive minds) retake the narrative AND to be able to persecute more patriots. In some quarters anyway.

  6. 3g4me

    Executive Orders have a four year shelf life . . . and that’s IF the civil service bureaucracy doesn’t drag its feet implementing them. Do you honestly think that State has rushed to cancel all the ‘non-binary” passports it issued? Thus far they all sound good, but legal challenges have already been filed to many, and I don’t see Trump standing up to the courts (that so many merkans somehow still trust). Meanwhile everyone is gushing over Vance’s “all American” misegenated half-Hindu family, and Biden officially welcomed almost 1 million border crossers and 500k additional were flown in – just since 2023. Plus the usual 1 million ‘legal’ aliens. Whites will be down to 45% by the end of Trump’s second term, so excuse me while I decline jumping on the band wagon and celebrating.

    • Big Ruckus D

      I have to second this. Yes it’s nice there is no longer a malicious asshole occupying the big chair, but we are not even close to “winning” and getting our country back. The things that need to take place for that to happen are going to require the sword, not the pen.

      I was disgusted by some of the “rah rah for (our) team” sugar high on display on tv yesterday. I know most people like a party, but this isn’t an entertainment spectacle jerk off job like the Superbowl, where the outcome really doesn’t matter (unless you’re betting on it). The stakes are real, and the cost of failure is suffering and death. People need to get serious, instead of breaking their arms patting themselves on the back just because they got “their guy” elected. Symbolic gestures don’t win the war.

      • 3g4me

        Well said. I concur. Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from (in addition to the excuse I’m tired and cranky today). As you said all the “rah rah team” is too much celebrating for me, when all that’s been done is some words on paper. Yes, of course I like seeing the ugly lesbian removed from the Coast Guard. But what about her pension? Her ‘partner’? All the DIE azzwipes that she ensured were recruited and promoted? How many hundreds or thousands are doing damage in the ranks? People don’t want to look at the long picture, which you wisely noted will require the sword not the pen.

      • ozark homesteader

        The “rah rah” was more than I could stomach. Bannon had alot to say about all the “rah rah” this morning on The War Room-mostly centering on the “now its time to get to work” message. These exuberant back-slappers are the “Trump will save us!” crowd. Hard pass.

        Communism and even just plain leftism are like a compound fracture gone septic. There is a ton of work, a lot of trouble and many, many very precipitous moments ahead before The Republic is restored.

        • Big Ruckus D

          Yeah, I was working at a customer’s home a good part of the day, and they had fox news on. The incessant, over the top cheerleading was nauseating. Yeah, I understand they want to celebrate (and even gloat) over what they perceive as a great victory, but dammit it was just ridiculous the amount of hyperbole over “the greatest political comeback ever” and related themes. They were like a teenage boy who just saw his first naked woman or something, the way they were gushing with boundless excitement.

          I think it was even worse last night, I was at my mom’s place working on something there, and she had it on (fox, again). Just the portions I overheard with Hannity (that ass hat) made me want to puke. Something about that guy makes me rage, he’s such an annoying shit. It really reinforced my absolute distaste for watching tv (news, particularly) – which I haven’t done at all in my own home for years now – and I wasn’t even watching it, just hearing (some of) it by being within earshot). It’s all so infuriatingly stupid.

            • Big Ruckus D

              Believe me, I’ve tried to break my mom of that habit. She insists “I want to be informed about what’s going on”, to which I retort “well, you won’t be from watching that.” It could be far worse, she could be a CNN or MSNBC viewer (though her own leanings obviously do not comport with the leftist spew coming from those outfits).

              It’s a battle I’ve given up on, since repeated attempts to reason her out of consuming that swill have been unsuccessful. I just wish I didn’t end up having to suffer exposure to it when I’m over there.

  7. ozark homesteader

    Just have to mention this…4+5, then 4+7= wait for it…9-11. Not sure what to make of that, other than to keep on lifting weights, storing food, water, first aid and semi precious metals. Haha.

  8. SirLawrence

    It’s a good show. Easy to get caught up in it. That’s the idea.

    His speech was straight colorblind civnat. Harkening back to the 99% White america of our childhood but then fisting it into the current year melting pot of muds.

    Bait n switch. The idea is to keep everyone all dreamy about hard working White men building stuff, ending “DIE”, tranny love, open invasion, and putting it all back in the closet.

    East to forget the invasion, war on heritage America, war on men, war on family and tradition and Christian morality has been going on a long time before the death cult had taken so much ground they had time to lay around and brand every effort so the corporations would know how to properly fist bump the brochure niggers.

    The hand rubbers and slippery invader merchants love this because economics is now officially who we are.

    The tech bros are already “leaning in”. It’s gonna be messy but I think people are so dumbed down and flat out tired that they will take this new normal just like the end of Covid which was swallowed into the memory hole along with $10 trillion.

    The meltdowns are great of course. But my only concern is how to get mine. Biden regime stole billions on the way out. This after Trump 1.0 spent billions on covid etc. and Ukraine drained the rest.

    It might seem like this is retrenching. Belt tightening. Nope. This is the all out looting phase. This is going to the moon. Plan accordingly.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Mmmm hmmm. That’s why I’m not really onboard. Been fooled into false hope too many times. My primary concerns are going to remain unaddressed (or will get some lip service and perfunctory photo ops at best) and I already knew that going in. I’m just biding my time until the collapse really, as there is little to nothing of consequence I can do to stave it off.

      Maybe Trump 2.0 gets me a little more breathing room. It is a foregone conclusion it won’t get me back the country I want for me and mine. I expect the honeymoon phase will end pretty quickly, and unpleasant reality will quickly intrude on people’a lives once again. There will be disappointment and disillusionment, and by the mid-terms things will likely be pretty dire. Also, we are already seeing defections; Ramalamadingdong looks to be on his way out (not that that’s a bad thing, mind you) and I wonder how long Musk will last before his ADHD inevitably pulls his attention elsewhere.

      Speaking of “to the moon”, just look at Trump’s new crypto. Anymore, I have laugh it all off, or I’ll get too pissed off to think straight.

      • SirLawrence

        Yeah Brother the collapse is the cure but that’s why they are working so hard to fold us into it such that it looks like something else. Great Reset = Great Again. Either way, it’s gonna be Great!

        In the same way they are working to get White boys back into the war machine they are getting the normiecons back into the self-imposed austerity of forever growth.

        And they have the great last gasp of boomers behind them in this. The kids have no future so they will buy into anything that promises one. The olds have no future so they will hang onto everything that already bought into.

        The biggest wealth transfer in human history is underway as boomers hit the actuarial endzone and do a little jigaboo.

        That wealth is key but so is the spiritual vacancy that walks around in those meatsacks that fears death, clings to youthful spending, and has already proven they will sell their kids futures to hold on a few more years.

        They want to die wealthy, high status, and basking in the afterglow of unprotected sex with 1988 America. Fuck yeah.

        It’s not a generational dig. Us genX are not as different as our egos believe we are. Broadly speaking. This is just where we are at in time in this empire.

        So his shitcoin was perfect. A microcosm of where we are and where they want us to go. Something from nothing. Magic.

        I made the mistake of trading income for principals long ago thinking there was some sort of alternative. Some movement toward parallel ways or whatever.

        Nah man. You get yours while you can and then you just live your life, but with with that first knuckle on the trigger. This shit will drag out but that doesn’t mean there won’t be blood.

    • 3g4me

      Yes! All the ‘techbros’ have their own agenda, and it’s not about a White male heritage American workforce. The magaturds think Trump will run things, but he’s extremely susceptible to flattery and has already stated – multiple times – that he thinks AINO “needs” immigrants to do all the jobs merkans won’t do (used to be produce pickers, then animal processing plants, then data entry, then coding . . .). He may – in the teeth of immense opposition – deport a few thousand Venezuelan criminals. What about all the Haitians? All the Indians? Has anyone ever documented how many members of Usha’s extended family is in the US?

      And economically, no matter what Trump does, we are in bad shape. Arthur suggested, months ago, that they would let Trump win so he could take the fall for the crashing economy. I didn’t agree back then – didn’t think they’d let Trump win and willingly give up power. But I think I was wrong and Arthur was right. We are going to be in for tough economic times. Now is not the time to get complacent.

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