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Ladies And Gentleman, Boys And Girls

Unless something unexpected (or expected?) happens today, Pedo Joe Biden, President Potato Head, will fly off into the sunset and hopefully die once the transfusions stop. The Orange Man Bad will put his hand on a couple of Bibles and take the oath of office.

Then the games begin.

Some of /ourguys/ are convinced that They have at least temporarily given up and are pulling back. The backlash to Trump winning has not been muted, it has been non-existent. There will be some fat chicks in D.C. screaming at the sky of course and maybe some minor shenanigans but no one seems concerned about major backlash. The antifa fags are mostly just gone and the leaders of bLM are still spending their ill-gotten gains. Meanwhile if the rumors are true Trump is going to be signing a ton of executive orders to roll back Biden’s executive orders that rolled back Trump’s executive orders. The most important early signal will be a massive pardon for the January 6th political prisoners. I doubt he will pardon all of them without exception but the vast majority should walk free.

After today, assuming nothing (literally) blows up? We will find out if I am right about Trump being set up as a scapegoat.

In some ways I hope I am wrong and those that think this is a legitimate win are right. It would be nice to have a few years of calm after the chaos and disaster of the last 5 years. On the other hand, time is really not on our side. Every day, every minute, the demographic tide slowly and inexorably turns against us. A four year respite might well mean that Whites become complacent once more just as so many are finally starting to see the light. In the long run a peaceful four years of Trump, especially if the GOP stabs him in the back (they will, sooner or later) and if the midterms are a disaster (they almost certainly will be), might do more harm than good.

Of course if I am right then things are fixin’ to get ugly.

Given how crazy things have been less than three weeks into 2025, I would start assuming that the wheels might come off at any moment after Trump says “So help me God”.

I’ll post updates throughout the day if anything interesting happens and maybe a recap later. The players are all in place, the pieces are in motion, now it is time to see what Their next move is.


  1. Chris

    I think he’s possibly gonna be the final nail in the coffin. Nothing will change.
    There’s never going to be justice. It’s always been just us.
    Prepare accordingly. God is in control, and Christ is the only man that will save us.
    Chris (CIII)

  2. Mike in Canada

    Very hard to say…. signal/noise is all cattywumpus.

    We did the best we could, and now we see where we get to.

    Good luck. God Bless.

  3. SirLawrence

    Seems the whole charade has consolidated, for now, around solving for normal.

    Whatever factions within the global left that had been outkicking the coverage of the establishment right/cons have been paid to go away or put in the corner on timeout. Or perhaps that was the intent: to wear us all out so that we would beg for the new normal of same old shit and now they are RTB to be outfitted for their next deployment.

    The old cliche about institutions not being explicitly conservative will inevitably drift left is still the defining feature our entire cultural and political nation.

    The resistance to the prog death cult both within and without the system is purely one of pacing and money. Speed and capital. Funny as those are the two defining features (necessities) our “Economy” and thus all narratives converge around who’s hand gets to work those two levers.

    And so that is the thrust of it all. Trump has never even said “White”, as in Our People, in any distinct or positive way. Other than the feisty new war chief, I don’t think anyone else in the admin has spoken of us either. And he clearly sees the need for the empire to have White boys for the war effort. To what end remains in question.

    Meanwhile, the military and institutional and money-changers ostensibly on our side point to all vectors of the disease and then conclude that the worst possible outcome of all of this is “ethnic conflict”, aka Whites taking back our Nation.

    All of those puppets that are beat to a pulp in the podcasts and blogs and somehow its still “don’t let them divide us” because its the invisible hand of the globo-masters turning us all into notsees. You see that’s their plan all along.

    Our right to exist is supposed, but it is all too clever that it stops right there. That the solution to being replaced is to somehow cast off both the invaders and those global masters but without being notsees. Become globo slaves or become ethnic warriors aka notsees.

    Which of course leaves only one way out, which is through, which is to say preserve the system at all costs and participate in the system such that it can magically be wrestled from the death grip of the cult. That is Trump2.0.

    If that sounds like exactly how we got here well thats just another coincidence. So is the fact that all the big brains on our side seem to be directly benefitting from the system – or have already extracted all they need, be it military or globo finance.

    So yeah. Might as well kick the can. Borrow some more. Roll back the most absurd so the less absurd can become normalized. Pretend DEI is dead like we pretended to beat feminism because it is just called “the way it is now”.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Concur with that assessment of the situation. As to the specific statement “And he clearly sees the need for the empire to have White boys for the war effort. To what end remains in question”, White boys need to firmly respond “fuck off” when the call comes for them to put their asses on the line (again) for the machine that only chews them up and spits them out. Regrettably, some number of them will be enticed into serving a lost cause, just because they believe in the new boss. This is no time for renewed patriotism amongst Whites, for this is not their country, as it’s clearly not being operated for their benefit.

      Let the new boss prove he is serious. He won’t of course, but for the sake of convincing the sheeple, we’ll have to allow some time for discernment, so that it becomes obvious that we are still on our own.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    Brandon has pardoned J6 committee and others in a final FU.
    We haven’t won until the CPUSA (D) ceases to exist.
    Trump having dinner with eugenicist Bill Gates is troubling.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      Ultimately, such “pre-emptive” pardons will not survive a court challenge. Or else a president can preemptively pardon his entire administration every term, and we are an openly post law “republic.”

      • Steve

        Correct. None other than constitution law professor Jonathan Turley said in an interview several months ago that he doesn’t believe pre-emptive pardons are legally binding.

        • Jeffrey Zoar

          If these latest pardons are challenged in court, knowing John Roberts as I do, I expect him to rule that it’s ok this one time, but nobody is allowed to do it again.

          However, it’s questionable if the Trump admin will challenge, because when do presidents ever take action that limits presidential authority?

      • SirLawrence

        Delay is a tactic they have been running successfully for a long time. It is an essential aspect of the leftist ratchet. The legal briar patch is their home turf. “On no don’t throw me in the briar patch!”

        We have been post-law for a while now.

        It’s just that one side refuses to acknowledge this because then the whole charade implodes and that is supposedly worse than just tossing another generation into the narrative grinder and making hope into a plan.

        The system only requires one party to believe. The other gets to enforce. Law is downstream of power. You pull the sword from the stone, or you get the hose again.

        Covid was not-exactly-legal. But here we are. Sure, some people are getting paid for wrongful discharge after years of litigation, but most people got rolled up and/or conceded in order to hold onto their precarious little slice.

        From “essential” vs “nonessential” to six feet to masks to poison jabs to looting the treasury and helicoptering money to a bunch of crooks and cronies the whole muti-year psyop was a cornucopia of unconstitutional clusterfuckery.

        2020 election same goes. No standing. GFY. Meanwhile, J6 with a rubber hose.

        Domestic spying. Sheeeeit.

        “Immigration”. Que lastima, gringos. Tengo un sueño

        You are correct though. It is all about the “openly” part.

        Once that lid gets popped off, reality rushes in cold and pandora is dancing on tiktok instead of nurses and all the gunsluts shilling overpriced coffee are back in the woodfired kitchens making sawdust biscuits for the guys coming back from patrol who are suddenly not so fat.

  5. Skyler the Weird

    Anything done by Biden since the special Council found him Non Compos Mentis in the mishandling of documents case be declared null and void.

  6. ozark homesteader

    Pretty much all of us know what it looks like when the offensive line feigns collapse to draw the defense in for the qb to then throw a screen or a dink over the rush hopefully for a big gain. The deafening silence of the left feels like that. If it wasn’t for the squealing of the commietards in the senate, A Ocashio C, and Randall Maddox it would be complete crickets. Anyone with a patriotic drop of blood, any sort of longing for the actualization of the promises put forth in The Constitution, anyone with that possesses sense and decency is so numb to the malfeasance, excuses and failure that most of us EXPECT there will be another shoe to drop at some point. It will be interesting to see where this all ends up.

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