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What Happens After?

With the caveat that of course politics and “elections” are fake and gay, it certainly seems like the momentum is on the side of the Orange Man and people are starting to talk about what happens after the “election” (assume scare quotes around all subsequent uses of the word election). The latest “polls”, also fake and gay bullshit that tell you what They want them to tell you, show lots of Trump leads:

Source: as of 10/24

I have been feeling more confident of my “Trump as scapegoat” theory (See: Setting Up A Scapegoat?) lately as a result of the chatter from the mandarin class in D.C.

Not only are the “polls” looking good but behind the scenes both foreign leaders and the political class are quietly talking about how to leverage a Trump administration. Of course the GOP is planning on a repeat of the early days of 2017 by prioritizing… cuts.

Senate and House Republicans are setting the table for what they hope — and increasingly expect — will be unified GOP control of the White House and Congress after the election.

Republican leaders in both chambers are mapping out an agenda for Donald Trump’s first 100 days back in office, and they expect to move quickly on a massive budget reconciliation package that would fulfill his promise of cutting taxes by trillions of dollars….

…..GOP policymakers are looking at funding a major new border security initiative that would include completion of Trump’s signature border wall and possibly defunding parts of the government that Trump allies argue have become “weaponized” under the Biden administration.

But the top priority of Republican leaders in both chambers will be to extend the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — Trump’s signature legislative achievement — before it expires at the end of 2025.

I am in favor of tax cuts on principle but that is not where most voters are primarily concerned. If you wondered whether Trump learned anything from his first term in office where he was talked into focusing on tax cuts instead of the border while the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress, the answer appears to be no.

The bigger issue is what happens when all of the violent leftist groups that have been held in check are allowed to slip the leash.

A lot can happen between now and election day, perhaps They will pull a whore out of their hat and Cumala will “win” but the odds are looking less likely by the day and my theory that was roundly dismissed and mocked a year ago suddenly doesn’t seem so far-fetched. It will be after the election and especially the inauguration that you need to be paying attention.

The economy is holding on by our collective fingernails and our willingness to accept at face value that everything is fine, it won’t take much at all to convince people that things are in fact not fine at all. You don’t need to look very hard to see what happens when there is a perceived shortage. People flip out. I live in a northern state. We get heavy snowfall, we get ice storms. We get weather than can keep you locked down for a few days and everyone that lives here ought to know this and still whenever there is inclement weather in the forecast, people strip the stores like locust. Or a whole year of that during Covid. A news story here and one there and people will be stripping stores again.

Remember when you couldn’t get ammo, not for any price? Those days might be right around the corner again.

In other words, after all of the chaos of this election season, the real fun might come after the election should the Orange Scapegoat be placed back into office.

I’ll be doing more out loud thinking about that after election day but use this time now to start taking stock of where you are and what the worst case scenario might look like….


  1. dagobaz

    Sold to you, Mr. Trump !!!


    I agree with you, with the added concern that I am convinced they will start some unfixable BS between the election and the inauguration that neither Trump nor anyone else could solve. My bet is war in Asia or the Middle East.

  2. Troy Messer

    I, too, am confident of the Trump as Scapegoat thesis. Trump has all the momentum. Trump will beat the margin of cheating. I’ve noticed that more than a few niggers have noticed that Cumswalla is not black and locked up more than a few niggers in her day. And losing this demographic will be catastrophic.

    Arthur wrote: “Imagine Trump taking office in January of 2025 and almost immediately civil unrest breaks out again, but far worse than in 2020. At the same time, more major calamities take place: a financial system collapse, some new “pandemic”, a war against one or more near-peer adversaries. All of it orchestrated of course, just like 2020.”

    Civil unrest is a high probability. You have faggots like James Carville out there advocating for armed rebellion. The fake and gay media is gonna go overtime vilifying everything Trump does. Mark Halpern, on Tucker, made a comment that the left is not gonna take a loss very well and might cause a mental health crisis among the left. Trump was supposed to be put in jail and I remember reading a lot of smug lefties just absolutely sure it was gonna happen. Well, it didn’t.

    We all know that a financial crisis is coming. You cannot add a trillion to the debt every 100 days and not have something bad happen. A financial crisis might happen regardless of whether it was intentional. Something that wasn’t in the MSM was the BRICS summit in Russia where the “isolated” Putin hosted 20+ heads of State and 30+ countries. 13 new countries, including Cuba, Vietnam, and Turkey were granted partner status. De-dollarization is happening. Trump said he was gonna put 100% tariffs on countries that dump the dollar. This is the kind of literally retarded shit why the rest of the world is trying to dump the dollar.

    I don’t think another pandemic is as likely. They tried that already with the monkey pox and the bird flu. Like AIDS, monkey pox was only affecting faggots so who cares?

    As far as a neer peer war, I don’t think it is a matter of will but that AINO is not capable of one. All the ballyhoo about the most expensive military in the world is bullshit. That just means that Raytheon shareholders get paid. The Ukraine War has shone that a lot of American kit is just expensive crap. It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the effectivness of the military. the AINO military simply doesn’t have the equipment, the morale, the logistics, nor the will to engage in a neer peer fight. Russia has lost, by some estimate, close to 50-80K KIA’s in 3 years. More than the USA lost in Vietnam in 10 years. The American bread and circuses psyche is incapable of dealing with those kinds of numbers much less than 500K to 1,000K Ukraine KIA’s.

    IMHO, it is the gigantic federal leviathan that will be the biggest threat to Trump. Trump can issue all the Executive Orders he wants. But if the EO’s are implemented poorly or there is outright insubordination, Trump will get blamed. And, apparently, you can’t just fire some of these civil service faggots. Or something like an FBI operation to un__alive___ Trump. If Trump is “literally” Hitler (God I fucking hate how people misuse the word literally. The only person who was literally Hitler was fucking Hitler) then someone is gonna be convinced it is his moral duty to get some kinetic action going.

    • Pyrrhus

      I’ve been predicting Trump as scapegoat for 4 years, but now am having doubts…Maybe Trump has learned a few things, as the Musk and RFK alliance is powerful…And thanks to the latest Pentagon “shoot to kill civilians” order, he could deal forthrightly with Antifa and BLM…Of course, here in southern AZ, we’d be happy to do that job for him…..

    • TakeAHardLook

      “…you can’t just fire some of these civil service faggots.”

      Correct! They are the “Senior Executive Service” and have entrenched themselves (like the maggots that they are) under the skin of the FedGov body and they are not going anywhere.

      They are the Mandarins of our time, ostensibly serving the “court” of the Executive branch of FedGov, but, as in China, they have become a class of their own, the “unelected bureaucracy.”

      ALL of their work output–ALL of their attention & reason for existing–is for their self-aggrandizement/perpetuation/exaltation.

      They are, essentially, good communists all and, like all good communists, must be rooted out (roughly every 100 years), root & branch, destroyed utterly, buried, the earth salted and signage designating the earth a Hazmat site.

      It is way, way past time.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    We get to be the White Russians in Bolshevik Revolution redux.
    Lex Luthor James Carville gave the green light for purging.
    Carry condition zero at all times now.
    Anyone steps on a violent trip then let it rip.
    Barry is not going to give up on that fourth term easily.
    Listening to Russians knew of the bathhouse gloryhole server messiah back in 1992.
    Fellow travelers stick together and right about the time of Francis Fukyama’s end of history quote an American (Tom Fife) was warned of Chimpy the Kenyan.
    Letting the comrades take over EDU was a fatal blue screen mistake and if Red Diaper baby wonder twin II, the Whore of Babylon, daughter of a Marxist economist (?) gets in then it is Ragnarok x Armageddon x Apocalypse.
    Saw a dank meme of her as Shiva, the destroyer.

  4. Nolan Parker

    What a Great time for Calling in all the markers. THEY will destroy America and blame him. The Uniparty are united against him,and We are With him.

  5. Big Ruckus D

    Thr rats are jumping ship, too. WAPO, and now LA Times have declined to endorse Koko Suxalottacox (which should/would be her name if she took a role as a Bond villian), to the absolute outrage of the rank-in-file staff at both fishwraps. LA Times has already had three editors resign in protest (good, good, late the butthurt flow through you), so imagine how much worse their menstrual histrionics will be post election if Trump pulls it off, and their protest was for nothing.

    Then too, there are a multitude of presstitutes who have suddenly (sort of) found their balls and openly challenged Veep Throat in interviews the past week or two. Even buttboy anderson cooper couldn’t fully contain his disgust at her meandering, dissembling non-answers to (almost) pointed questions he put to her at the town hall.

    The self appointed arbiters of the narrative™ are no longer slathering her with unearned praise, probably because some of them are still just sentient enough to have figured out she is a stupid looking/sounding loser. And now they’re scared shitless because if she loses, they figure Orange Man sends them to the camps (don’t I wish) or some such delusion. All I know is that her support among the establishment has fizzled noticeably, just as it did for pedo joey during his now legendary debate against The Don. Granted, it only took all of an hour for the herd to turn tail on joetato, but now we see the same is happening as regards kumswalla, just on a slower time scale of about 2 weeks. Man, did they hitch their cart to the wrong horse this time.

    Finally, we have a week and a half to go for the disillusionment to set in even harder, or for the ostensible whore of 1600 to make an even bigger PR misstep, causing further alienation of her purported base. I can even see the cheating machine being pulled back, as if there are sufficient internal divisions within the party, the money and logistical support for the steal may not fully materialize. Just remember, “these hoes ain’t loyal.”

    All of which is to say, I now think there is a good chance Trump takes it. Which is no panacea, mind you. He isn’t the man we need, but looks to be the man we’re going to get. And I’ve no doubt the juvenile, vindictive cunts who fill the ranks of the administrative state will do things large and small to auto-sabotage his 2nd term. They’ve already telegraphed that they will attempt to do exactly that, so expect some insane shit to spin up not just before election day, but continually on into the foreseeable future.

    Pay close attention to your surroundings (maintain high awareness) in public settings the next couple of weeks, as any random leftist wack job could pop off, if they think they are going to be taking out some good guys. Needless to say, opsec dictates one best not openly identify themselves as a non-leftist when in the presence of such idiots.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Heh, and now victoria nuland’s husband, the editor of WAPO, has resigned in protest as well.

      Meanwhile, loads of libshits are screeching on twitter about cancelling their subscriptions, the death of free press, and excoriating Bezos for being a sellout and Trump bootlicker. It’s glorious.

      Timmy “horse jizz” walz needs to expedite a large shipment of tampons over there straight away. There’s be some rich irony if he ordered them from Scamazon, and the van parked in front of WAPO headquarters to deliver them, along with a red cross blood donation unit. Sounds like a “heavy flow” day over there right now.

    • TakeAHardLook

      All correct! The election can be won by Trump but that will be just the first hurdle; as in his first term, the powers arrayed & deployed against him will be legion.

      What he must do is to declare the Southern border invasion as an Act of War–perpetrated by Mexico and the 180 other nations that have facilitated this ongoing assault against our homeland.

      As such, the Declaration (IMO) will unleash his presidential powers of mobilizing our industrial might to fast-track the wall, to suspend Posse Comitatus during construction [visualize a grunt with an M241B SAW every 100 yards, weapons free (one warning shot only).

      North of the border, while The Wall is under construction, the Declaration of War can be used to root out the scum that O’Potato and KumSwalla have deliberately & cravenly imported; those 300,000 Venezuelan criminals & insane asylum occupants–and every other non-American scumbag who came here illegally–will need to go home. If Venezuela doesn’t want them back they must be dumped into Mexico–which facilitated their passage–behind the newly-constructed Wall.

      There will be legal challenges aplenty but, meanwhile, Trump needs to eliminate all the Gibs–all the welfare benefits; no free food, rent subsidies, healthcare, education, iPhones, cash–NOTHING.

      Because, without the above, the U.S. is a very expensive place to live. Some self-deportations will commence.

      What about the cunts who are already here? Read Kurt Schlichter’s “The Attack” to see what they may be up to (probably with the sanction of our current FedGov).

      Despite Arthur’s negative review (here, March, 2024, Page 3, sixth entry down [mine is last of 15 comments]), I continue to believe that the book has its purpose.

      There is an epic fcuking coming to America.

  6. Jeffrey Zoar

    I couldn’t tell you whether or not he will win. Multiple D governed swing states have announced that it will take days/weeks to count the vote; can you imagine a scenario in which he comes out of that the winner?

    I recognize the futility of hoping for Trump to accomplish much worthwhile, nor am I under any illusions that there can be any salvation or renaissance for this long dead republic. However, be that as it may, I’ve decided I will vote Trump anyway just because it’s the only legal means I possess that can help make shitlib/TDS heads explode. And I’d to it for that alone, But, perhaps their subsequent freakout may hasten the revolution/civil war/schism which finally leads to the denouement of the evil empire. It’s not going to be the right that instigates such a thing, the right stays on the couch, it will have to come from the left, and they won’t do it so long as they perceive themselves to be in power. So in that sense, my vote may have worth. Of course if he wins he will be the fall guy for things we haven’t even imagined yet. Or have they run out of surprises? After all, their big Oct surprise appears to be HE’S HITLER! wow, who knew, so one wonders

  7. Gryphon

    The theory that Trump will be used as the Scapegoat for (((commie-libtard)))-fomented Chaos is certainly a logical outcome, given the Direction of things this close to the (s)Election. Since “It’s all Fake and Ghey” and Trump is a WWE Professional, such an Outcome won’t surprise me at all. What I’m looking at being Dangerous is the Interim Time between the (s)Election and the Inauguration; this period will just enhance the Ambiguity of “Who’s in Charge” of the ‘government’.

    The Biden ‘administration’ is clearly a cesspool of Infighting already, Slo Joe is effectively Out of the Picture, (((neocons))) will use this Time to let their (((homies))) in Occupied Palestine continue the Genocide of the Semitic Peoples indigenous to the area, and how that Plays with the ‘Axis of Resistance’ could create an Open, WWIII scenario. How Iran reacts to the latest (26 October) attack by the kikes will be Important; a Massive Response would be what the zionists Want, and are hoping for, but the Persians and Russia are Smart enough to see that.

    I’m seriously Entertained by the increasing Hysteria of the “Left” in calling for Violence and (un)Civil War – they clearly think that A) the ‘government’, meaning the .Mil will be ‘on their side’, and B) They themselves won’t be ‘Targeted’. The easiest way to do an ‘Area Study’ is look where the Harris/Waltz yard signs are….

  8. Phil B

    Regarding Trump being elected as president and unable to prevent the inevitable financial disaster (or insert preferred your disaster of choice if you want) that is clearly on the horizon.

    If he has enough sense to come inside out of the rain, he has the option of refusing to take the oath of office and declining the job. Won’t that put the cat among the pigeons!

    I don’t know what the electoral system rules would do in that case (I’m British). I know that when the US elections were run in the early days following the constitution being ratified, if anything happened to the president so he could not continue in office, that the losing candidate took over, regardless of their political affiliation so … what would happen now? Kneepads Harris becomes the president, even though she “lost” (either by deliberately manipulating the votes or by a fair election process)?

    As the Chinese curse says, may you live in interesting times.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      The vice president would take over. Back in the early days right after the constitution was ratified, the losing candidate was the vice president.

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