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I’ve been on the road a bit, well more than a bit. Until last night I spent one night in my own bed from Thursday the 10th through yesterday. I drove around 4,000 miles during that time including a little over 1,000 yesterday with almost 17 hours behind the wheel from 4 AM to 9 PM. That is about my upper limit on driving in a day at my age. My travels took me from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the wilderness of Maine. Thoughts and more pictures to come later….


      • LGC

        and see that right there is why all these trucking companies are lying.

        They all say “safety first” but then they pay by the mile (or by the load) which does not in fact indicate safety first.

        great photo, where is that top one?

  1. Stealth Spaniel

    A blog I read documented a family’s travel to Vermont. They had to fly home via Portland Maine-which the wife said is an absolute toilet of a city. I’m surprised that all of the diversity from Africa hasn’t improved the situation. Your pictures are gorgeous.

  2. Johnny Paytoilet

    I’ve been to all those places before & they’re spectacular. In 2002, took an extended vacation from here in beautiful South Central Ohio all the way out to the Pacific Northwest in late spring. No big cities, just rural, open country. South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho & Eastern Oregon & Washington State, stunning. Took in the historical sites & parks. Would love to do it again. Keep in mind some of the small towns have become culturally enhanced since then. No shit! Missoula, Montana being one of them.

    • Lineman

      Yea anywhere there is a university you are going to find rot and degeneracy and some commies…No Haitians yet though but I’m sure it’s on someones wish list…

  3. Big Ruckus D

    Some phenomenal scenic photography there, sir. I lament the fact that owing to extended dry conditions, fall color even in the far flung rural-ish portions of my AO is poor to nearly non-existent this year. I even went driving looking for some photo worthy color this past weekend, and found little to get excited over.

      • Big Ruckus D

        Well, I would like a vacation. But I’m self-employed, and my boss is an asshole. Aside from work commitments, the latter half of this year so far has had me putting out all kinds of other fires. And that doesn’t show any signs of easing yet.

        Finally, until the shakeout from the election is known, I’m staying close to my base of operations, as I don’t want to be away from home and preps in the midst of some shit breaking loose. We could be on the cusp of a mass outbreak of menstrual hysterics amongst the left (and that’s just the ostensible males, the “women” will be far worse by a matter of degree), as things are looking to favor Trump (and I’ve no illusions that he is a solution to anything, but his election will spin the left into unconstrained apoplexy), as incredible as that may seem.

        That said, I genuinely appreciate the invite to peruse your AO (which I’ve been through before, and thoroughly enjoyed), so will keep it in mind when I’m not stretched so thin, and imminently expecting things to get sporty. Timing, it’s been said, is everything.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    Back home in Red State redoubt always feels good.
    Fun to visit behind enemy lines in CPUSA (D) shitholes but you don’t want to live around subhuman vermin.
    New law for IN, if the police enter illegally, you shoot.
    Poleeces have the sads and angry face.
    A tiny violin plays Misty.

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