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They Hate Us And Don’t Mind Us Knowing It

There is so much going on with the whole Hurricane Helene aftermath that it is difficult to know where to even start. It is easy to get caught up in goofy theories and that is precisely what They want you to do because then you sound crazy and no one listens. Instead we should be laser focused on what is actually going on: the government has once more utterly failed to respond to a tragedy despite having hugely expensive agencies devoted to disaster relief.

Part of the reason is that the government is just a bloated, incompetent mess that mostly serves as a way for the unproductive class of elites to siphon money from the productive class in America. In every possible way the Feds monetize the productive labor of actual Americans, mostly Whites, and enrich themselves. Whether it is a military that costs more than the next ten largest militaries in the world but is reliant on whiz-bang gadgets that apparently don’t work against enemies that shoot back or a Federal “education” system that takes money from states, runs it through the Department of Education sifter before giving it back to local schools that are supposed to be grateful to be getting their own tax money back, the government doesn’t do anything well.

Something more sinister is going on, something that is elevating simple incompetence into sheer malevolence. Jared Taylor talks about it in some detail in this video and what it comes down to is that while the Federal leviathan has hated you for a long time, They don’t even try to hide it anymore. FEMA as an agency of the Executive Branch has been directed to focus first and foremost not on disaster recovery or preparing for emergencies but instead their top priority is “Equity”.

As Cumala keeps reminding us, the idea of equality of opportunity is so last century. In the brave new world we need to focus on equity. Rather than equal opportunity, now the goal is equal outcomes. If there is any disparity of outcomes, that means that someone got an unfair advantage! It can’t be that some people worked harder and it sure can’t mean that there are biological advantages some people possess that others don’t.

You can see how this plays out from the video above. Whether the response to Hurricane Helene is deemed “successful” or not depends on whether “historically disadvantaged minorities” come out ahead or not. Am I saying that They will let Whites die so that They can shower government goodies on blacks? Not necessarily but I will say that They wouldn’t be all that sad if that is how it worked out.

While Americans who are “impacted by the storm” can file for $750 to buy groceries, there is of course the problem of filing for that money with no internet, or spending that money with no supplies coming in. Meanwhile as the government claims to be out of money for an actual natural disaster, we are finding that FEMA has spent over a billion on a manmade disaster feeding and housing the illegal aliens that the Federal government allowed to come waltzing into our country: Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants

This is happening all across the ruling class spectrum. Li’l Lindsey Graham, someone that is an especially loathsome specimen of the always loathsome faggot class, managed to bring up Israel and their “suffering” in a conversation about Hurricane Helene relief efforts:


I had to watch the clip myself and he very earnestly said that. While I am sure a number of people in western North Carolina are worried about Iranian missiles falling on Israel (in response to repeated attacks by Israel on Iran), I doubt many people looking for loved ones missing in the flooding or standing in their now ruined home or trying to figure out how they are going to rebuild a devastated town think that the U.S. should be prioritizing “aid” to “our friends” in Israel. I would say that Lindsey ought to be impaled and allowed to slowly die, but he would probably be turned on by having a large stick rammed up his rectum.

As I said, the issue is so huge it is hard to really speak about it but what is a little easier to talk about is what we should take away from this disaster. John Wilder had a good post about the preparedness mindset today, Prepatude, and I recommend it to you. Being prepared isn’t about a checklist or the coolest gear, it is a whole-of-life mindset. As I commented at John’s post:

Not only is no one coming to save you but the people tasked with coming to save you wouldn’t mind at all if you would just drop dead.

It isn’t just that They are too incompetent to save you but also that They just don’t want to. They would rather you simply have the courtesy to die quietly and make way for illegals who can become a new and exciting American people.

Hurricane Helene is just the latest and most graphic example of how much the ruling class hates heritage Americans. Make sure to return Their hatred one hundred fold and the best way to do that right now is to be alive and ready to be your own first responder. Form communities locally and be ready to support each other.

Most of all, harden your heart into a vessel to hold hate and start stoking those fires. Cold days are coming.


  1. Troy Messer

    My blood is boiling. There is more than one story of the feds interfering with people trying to help whether it is confiscating supplies, telling pilots not to fly, interfering with the deployment of Starlink, or that loathsome cocksucker Buttfaggot telling people not to fly drones.

    I have no doubt one reason they a slow walking the help is to keep Appalacia from voting. These people are evil. I don’t mean that hyperbolically. These people are stone cold fucking evil and they are showing they want us dead. I hearing even stupid fucking normie is putting down the NetFlix remote control long enough to realise something is amiss.

    IMHO, this response is totally worthy of a revolution. If you are a fed, there is a high probability that you are an enemy of the people. I’m supposed to have a HUD-VASH advocate from the VA that is supposed to keep in contact with me to make sure I don’t relapse into homelessness. That useless, 4 day workweek cocksucker hasn’t so much as called and said hello in 2 years. He got booty tickeled when I needed a ride for a doctor appointment and I couldnt find him so I called his boss and went attorney mode and asked said boss a lot of questions. I learned that if he spends a whole 3 1/2 hours taking me to the doctor, hanging out, then a ride home, that is all he has to do for the whole 10 hour day. If there is anything these feds hate, it is being made to answer for their conduct.

    My point is that a lot of these federal cocksuckers treat their job as an entitlement, as a grift, and have nothing but contempt for have to do their EASY well paid jobs. My VA doc didn’t know the LD50 stood for median lethal dose. Didn’t know what Dunning-Krueger was, or ever heard the term normie. The federal government needs to go away.

  2. Mike_C

    “You only have power over people as long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything, he’s no longer in your power—he’s free again.”

    But our overlords are the eternal masters of the overplayed hand. They largely believe their own propaganda (about their own cleverness and their own perpetual victimhood) The strength of these delusions ironically gives them much power, but it’s also a weakness. These people have no insight into the consequences of their behavior.

  3. Anonymous

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Hanlon’s razor. Also known as Goobermint 101.

    I believe that /ourside/ focusses way too much on the alleged malevolence of government players dedicated to the eradication of the heritage population, when it truly is just garden-variety lazy, watch-the-clock, I-got-mine bureaucratic selfishness. 90% of the goobermint workforce is nigger-placated tokenism, without the least bit of forethought, maliciously anti-White or not. Do you really suppose that there is some dark, evil mastermind ‘somewhere’ in the government hierarchy directing otherwise willing underlings to slow-roll disaster relief to majority-White communities impacted by this natural disaster?

    Nigga, please. This is the GOOBERMINT. When did they EVER get anything right, and on time, and in the proper proportions? Look at the response to hurricane Katrina, where the vast majority of those who suffered and perished were black. Doesn’t matter who the victims are, black, White, pink or purple. If the GOOBERMINT is involved, it is SNAFU, without fail. They hate ALL of us.

    • Big Ruckus D

      I beg to differ. Yes, these cunts are largely incompetent. But there is an unmistakable malice and intentional malignancy to their actions, or lack thereof. I don’t know what other people think real evil actually looks like, but it isn’t John Lovitz walking about in his devil costume on SNL, circa 1985. It is far sneakier and subversive than that, but is still readily recognizable if you simply choose to see it.

      Put it this way: would you acknowledge that the Bolsheviks who tortured millions in the most disgustingly inhumane ways were evil? Because the government fuckups doing this shit in the disaster zone right now are the progenitors of American bolshevism, and given the opportunity, they will torture people like us in the same fashion as was done in the USSR not all that terribly long ago. Right now they just haven’t quite reached that level of conduct, but it is most assuredly lurking in their minds, and is an innate part of their character. They are just waiting for the right moment to implement it.

      Evil exists, and it routinely exhibits itself in the behavior of humans. Don’t discount that factor and let these lousy scum bastards have the excuse of just being stupid and ineffective at their “jobs”. Fuck that noise.

      Always remember: any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

    • Anon

      That is bullshit and I am sick of hearing of Hanlon’s Razor.
      It doesn’t have to be one single entity commanding the others, there are multiple groups that hate Whites, including the niggers you claim are placated by their govt. jobs as an example. They are petty assholes who enjoy lording it over Whites and that’s on a good day.
      As for Katrina, plenty of folk disarmed during that by police and nat. guard just because they had the audacity to defend themselves against the hordes.
      It is not one single top down commander but numerous levels of hate, from the low level desk holders all the way to the top.

    • Lineman

      Most people won’t come to grips with it because if they did they might have to sacrifice something to get ready to defend against it…

  4. Leo

    “…I’ve been correcting people for years when they say government is incompetent. It is very competent… at the things it cares about. We aren’t one of those things….”

  5. Max Wiley

    “Not only is no one coming to save you but the people tasked with coming to save you wouldn’t mind at all if you would just drop dead.”
    Where there is a demand for something, the supply will appear.
    “Can no one rid me of these troublesome Whites?”

  6. Bean Dip Tray

    Good, good,
    I hate them right back to the point of intoxication.
    At least no love is lost.
    And I’ll LMFAO as Magic Soil replacements uber alles burns to the ground.
    Zero love for the fundamentally transformed steaming fourth world satanic sodomite Weimarbabwe sewerpipe abomination or the NPC dullard hive that poses as a populace.
    Fear no commie RAT POS subhuman vermin for they are property of the man made god that failed known as the state.

  7. Lineman

    So no one is coming to save us which means we aren’t going to be saving anyone else and then we wonder why the government treats us like shit and tries to destroy us…They know they can get away with it because we are just Kulaks that keep to ourselves..
    Sad That…

  8. Differ

    You hit it on the head.
    Evil lurks in men’s hearts and the opportunity to release it is enabled by government. The vast majority of those who aspire to govern are not in it to serve their fellow man; they do it because it is an opportunity to wield power over others. They are actively evil and their subordinates are complicit either willingly (they themselves are evil), uncomprehendingly because they believe they are doing right, or out of fear of losing their position. Befehl ist befehl….
    All of the atrocities of the 20th century were enacted by “government” and all were “legal”.
    To attribute such to incompetence is to fail to understand human nature. Be thankful that they are by and large also incompetent and lazy or we’d really be in a pickle.

  9. TakeAHardLook

    FedGov & FEMA–among many ‘alphabet agencies’ are a despicable waste of effort, serving only to 1. employ the otherwise unemployable and 2. to carry out The Agenda.

    The Agenda is to drastically reduce the number of White people in the U.S. and worldwide. I can only surmise as to the reason for this willful, calculated genocide of the White race: we are troublesome, we refuse to vote in lock-step with communists (the Democrat party), we do not take tyranny well, we despise ‘big government’ and all of its handouts (baited hooks) and we mercilessly mock the toadies, buttholes, sycophants and lickspittles of FedGov right down to their individual molecules.

    We are not doing nearly enough.

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