If you haven’t heard, Youtube gun guy Paul Harrell finally succumbed to pancreatic cancer. Paul was a quirky, fun guy. His dry sense of humor wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea and I didn’t know much about his beliefs outside of gun talk but I am guessing we would have agreed with far more than we disagreed on. It is completely keeping in Paul’s character that he filmed a video to be released posthumously and did so last year when he was far healthier.
I’m pretty bummed although we all knew it was coming. Rest in peace Paul, you will be missed.
Yeah that’s the shits – I saw it yesterday.
I loved that the dude was out shooting a .22 in a lawn chair when he probably couldn’t even stand up. Now that is a shooter.
I didn’t follow him enough to even know he was ill. I watched some of his videos and liked how he went about using them to teach. Seemed like the kind of guy who did The Right thing,, I’m going to miss him.
I enjoyed his videos. I’d like to have met him. I think he was one of the good guys.
I exchanged emails with him on occasion…. His was a quiet, very dry wit, with a keen appreciation of the ironic. I will miss those conversations, as well as the teaching style he so often denigrated, but the rest of us loved.
God bless, Mr Harrell. Godspeed.
Man, how did I miss him? His last video was the first one I saw.