The news was all a’twitter yesterday because of a school shooting in Georgia. The media loves to see pictures of a school with students streaming out and cop cars surrounding the building. The media identified the alleged shooter, a 14 year old named Colt Gray, the same afternoon as the shooting. Like clockwork we are finding that the alleged shooter was…..

On Their Radar
The meme once again comes to life….

It is a pretty fair guess from the name and from the immediate release of that name that the 14 year old shooter was a White kid. I have seen some pictures floating around but I don’t know if they are accurate so I won’t reproduce them here.
Something I found peculiar. You may recall a post just three days ago, Rah Rah, Sis Boom Bah, Pew Pew Pew!, looking at a shooting following a high school football game in Euclid, Ohio where five people were shot. One was killed, a young black boy named Sincere Rowdy (no, seriously). The police have apprehended a suspect, a “15 year old male Euclid resident” and he is being held in the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center.
Oddly enough, no name has been provided for this suspect. I wonder why? A 14 year old is named within hours of the shooting in Georgia but a suspect one year older in Ohio is not named. Does that strike anyone else as odd? It almost seems like the media is selective about reporting on certain shootings while mostly ignoring the majority of shootings.
I suspect there is more to the Georgia story than we have been told and those details will come out slowly, if at all. What is for certain is that the Lügenpresse is lying to you, all day, every day.

Heterosexual White males, unlike blacks, unlike women, unlike child molesting trannies, unlike illegal alien dreamers, have something called ‘agency’. They know what they are doing, and why, all the time. They premeditate, planning their actions coldly and rationally, rather than flying off the handle in high emotion like those other, agency-bereft groups. Therefore, cis White males are wholly and solely responsible for their nefarious deeds, even to the point of bearing responsibility for their ancient forebears being mean to the innocent, agency-less forebears of today’s favored victim classes.
Our ability to plan, to organize, to establish priorities and hierarchies, to control our base impulses, to create and innovate are simply our cross to bear, emblematic of our innate human superiority. For this, we are uniquely vilified.
It’s good to be king, but heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Some decent words right there.
Profound. I’m memorizing it word for word for future reference for non-Whites and normies.
Was just commenting to my husband that not only was he quickly named, but they are charging him as an adult – at age 14. Meanwhile, all the hulking 17 year old noggers be chirren. Usually, we are treated to endless stories about how the teen was bullied, had a tough home life, etc. This time – crickets. Per schooldigger, the school as officially 46.6% White – lots of diversity.
Kid could be a total nut job or he could be a total victim – we will never know – but the fact that he’s White and his family likes guns will see him damned. They will make an example of him. If you have White children and have any love for them – HOME SCHOOL.
Amen Sister and yet there is still parents that should know better sending their most precious assets into the pit of evil called public schooling…
Just spitballing here, so make allowances for my POV. Maybe this (possibly) white kid was getting bullied by this dead black kid and, as is so often the case, the teachers and administrators at the school were turning a blind eye. This might account for why he offed two teachers/administrators. Just my WAG…
That would make sense – a White kid in a White Minority School is certainly going to be bullied by the nogs, and the ‘administration’ will of course, Ignore, if not Punish for being ‘racist’ any White Student who complains about it.
The (((system))) is going to have trouble ‘spinning’ this one, they have to play up “Evil White Person with Evil Black Rifle” while hiding anything about the interactions he had in School, particularly with the nogs. I’d be willing to Bet a Can of 5.56 that the ‘administrators’ who got Whacked were ones that ignored the Bullying and Punished the Victim.
>trouble spinning
They will go with the usual gameplan. Claim racism, blame lack of gun control, etc. while not mentioning a thing about the actual causes. They’ve done it numerous times before.
Sounds like the kid solved problems no one else would address.
expect more to come. When the system won’t help you and actively works against you, well the hell with the system.
Never mind the last part of my statement.
Seems like just another tranny.
Just keep your kids out of public schools either way.
Posted this elsewhere – succinct truthful summation of all such events:
1) Government IDs wind up toy
2) Government programs funds and trains wind up toy
3) Government advises itself that on date at x time y to proceed with genocidal disarmament fairy tales
4) Wind up toy executes programming from step 2
FBI has issued some statement that kid “was on their radar” due to online posting, but not enough evidence to proceed to an arrest. So, Let It Happen? Great for the anti-gun propaganda, so why not? Also, were SSRIs involved? So many questions to which it is doubtful that answers will be forthcoming
You’ll get those answers when we get answers to the Las Vegas shootings.
Y’all remember Las Vegas, right? And all the answers? Right?
Nope. Neither do I. Not a one.
They’re in a paper file between the Nashville Christmas Bombing and Power Substation Shootings.
Around that time frame remember the Georgia Guide stones being demolished? Video even, yeah me either.
Every morning at the front gate of every urban public school they should issue all the chirens a fully automatic m16 with a 100rd drum of live ammo.
Then, in a few years, the age old question, “What Do We Do About The Negros?”, will be answered.
It’s a self solving problem if the gov’t was prevented from prolonging it.
We pulled our kids from public schools when the government started bussing native kids off rez to the public schools. Only bussed the low functioning ones though, the ones disruptive to their schools. One ‘fetal alcohol’ kid kept attacking our boy who was younger than the attacker by a lot of years. They let a 14 year old out on the little kids playground to terrorize 7 year olds. Principal refused to do anything because the attacker was a poor native from a broken home dealing with the stress of racism.
Best decision to pull all the kids that week.
Well done. That’s what a good father does.
Seems like they arrested the Father..
Saw that. And they are painting the mother as a dysfunctional criminal. But nothing about the boy – the shooter – himself, other than vague allegations he wanted to copy prior school shooters. Doubt we will ever hear his side – whether it was a crappy and chaotic home life and/or racial bullying at school. He’s White and so fits the narrative.
Turns out the kid was “trans” and his social media had been scrubbed (of course). Parents that don’t keep their trans kids on a leash need to be held accountable when their minor aged deviants go off the reservation . As do all complicit pedo-groomers and trannies need to be held accountable. Captain Obvious Tip Of The Day-Get the satanic, woke garbage out of the schools and the incidence of this kind of crap will go way down.
What is in a name? Maybe this.
Hmm I wonder why their is so many school shootings in the south…I wonder whatever it could be…
Because one is expected. Of course, the last few white shooters have all been infected with the LGBT mind-virus, so they don’t have the shooter they want to showcase.