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Ready To Crown A Champion

This is hard to beat.

An inmate who was missing from a Lincoln correctional facility was taken into custody Tuesday, officials said.

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services said Obiomachuckuka Njokanma was arrested by the Metro Area Fugitive Task Force.

Njokanma disappeared on Sunday, when she left the facility, officials said.

The 48-year-old woman was sentenced to six to 10 years for first-degree assault and terroristic threats in September 2022.

Yes, apparently that monstrosity is missing the Y chromosome and possesses some sort of nasty facsimile of female genitalia. Riddle me this, why is a woman named Obiomachuckuka Njokanma living in Nebraska (or anywhere in the U.S.)? What possible benefit do the people of these United States gain from having her here?

The answer of course is “you are racist”. This is the future of America and as sparsely populated places like Nebraska are crammed with obese, violent morons like Obiomachuckuka Njokanma, those states will flip Democrat and speed the process of replacing Whites.

There is no way to live with people with names like Obiomachuckuka Njokanma, nor with the “people” that are facilitating them coming here.


  1. LGC

    Lincoln is a college town (home of Univ of Nebraska).

    Need we say more?

    the rest of Nebraska is NOTHING like Omaha or Lincoln. Just like everywhere else, the big cities ruin it all.

    • TakeAHardLook

      Ah, perhaps like “mixing shit into ice cream” and expecting a unique new Ben & Jerry’s flavor?

      “[T]he “people” that are facilitating them coming here” are far, far away on the East Coast, likely in D.C., where the consequences of their treachery and treason do not impact THEIR communities.

      This abomination is a deliberately-launched bioweapon, by lavishly-compensated Catholic/Jewish NGOs, with our money, the goal being the dilution of the Vote and the attenuation of the White race in America.

      The creature in question should have remained in Africa, using her 81 IQ brain wattage to build a mud daub & cow shyt thatched hut for its fambly, perhaps finding the time to pluck some fat termites from the local mound as dessert for the young’uns.

      Follow the money.

      • Leo

        I’m Catholic.

        You are spot on about our NGOs. Despicable.

        Most of the people I know designate any monies and give jack and shit to the NGO.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Yeah, what the fuckuka? How can they expect us to make an amusing little ditty outta that one? With due credit to John Perry upthread, someone should get a greenish foam costume for this mutant, and have it do an guest walk on on Saturday Night Live saying “I’m Shrek, dammit”.

      Big “Ruckukas” D

  2. Arete

    Honest question here: why, in these mugshots (not just this one, but many of them) is it virtually impossible to distinguish between males and females?

    I first noticed it months ago, while reading one of Arthur’s posts that featured eight mugshots. I was startled to learn from the text that four of the perps were female; I never could’ve told from the facial features.

    It’s not especially uncommon among older white adults, when testosterone and estrogen both fall, for men to look somewhat less masculine And women less feminine, but it’s far rarer among younger whites.

    • Jon

      Squib, your story dates from 2021:

      Updated: May. 10, 2021 at 6:15 AM EDT
      Njokanma was arrested and is facing discharge of a firearm at a person charges, use of a weapon to commit a felony and possession of a deadly weapon by a prohibited person.

      She was a prohibited person already then……and yet the article above has:

      The 48-year-old woman was sentenced to 6 to 10 years for first-degree assault and terroristic threats in September 2022

      Which means either her sentencing was 18 months after the arrest in your article, or more likely as the charges are different, she was released early for that and busted again for something different…..what is wrong with the justice system?
      Prohibited person due felony
      Then busted for shooting at sumdude in May of 2021,
      then released (?)
      then busted for terroristic threats in 2022
      Then escapes…..

      • Squib

        Jon, all the news articles report her as “missing”. Guess that is govtalk for when you stop searching for an escapee? She could be related to a much beloved Nigerian Prince. Maybe that gives her diplomatic immunity?

  3. Anonymous

    I guess those little tufts at the upper corners of that square haid are there to distinguish the female pongids from the males? Ain’t nuthin’ else remotely ‘female’ about that behemoth.

    Looks like a damned human sticker burr.

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