I have been putting off weighing in on Springfield, Ohio again (see: A Glimpse Of The Great Replacement) because it is being done to death. Between media and government gaslighting about how Haitians are in fact not eating pets and wildlife and conservaboobs yammering about these Haitians not being “vetted”, whatever the hell that means, the story has become a flashpoint and more important is now a major distraction that is directing anger away from the real issues about immigration.

I like my pets and I like wildlife, and I don’t want to see Haitians in my community eating them but that is mostly because I don’t want to see Haitians in my community at all. Something I try to hammer home at every opportunity is that Haiti is the way it is not because God has cursed the island for practicing voodoo or because of natural disasters and certainly not because of evil Western imperialists. Haiti is, has been and always will be a shithole because it is full of Haitians.

Many Haitians seem to be nice enough people, at least from casual contact, but they are also a people descended from sub-Saharan Africans who have been more or less (mostly less) self-governing for centuries. In the waning days of the Haitians revolt, the remaining Whites in Haiti were systematically butchered by the Haitians under the orders of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Even the women and children were killed, after of course being raped or forced to “marry” Haitian men. This is a fairly famous engraving depicting Jean-Jacques Dessalines holding the severed head of a White woman.

While I am not suggesting that Whites didn’t massacre people or rape women, as took place on a massive scale when the Red Army swept across Eastern Europe and Germany, but rather to point out that unlike the U.S. where freed slaves were still a small minority in a White dominated nation, Haitians have had over 200 years of self-rule and their rule has been a disaster. I would argue that Haitians have never achieved any sort of real independence because they are incapable of being independent with any degree of what we would see as success.
Haitians are among the least intelligent people groups on Earth. While IQ testing is not widely available in a nation like Haiti without any sort of functioning government or educational system, that is itself indicative of average IQs in the intelligence basement. While there are exceptions as is the case in every group, Haitians as a whole are barely above what would be categorized as mentally retarded in a Western nation. Despite the beloved notion of “magic dirt” and “as long as they come legally” that normiecons cling to, the simple fact is that a low IQ, no skill Haitian dumped into places like Springfield, Ohio are still low IQ, no skill Haitians. They will never amount to anything more than menial laborers who can’t drive and are prone to crime and other social ills and this has been proven by the state of their shithole country. There are 11 million Haitians in Haiti and almost without exception they are incapable of providing for themselves but take those Haitians out and drop half a million Whites chosen at random from the U.S. on that island and in short order you would have a stable society.
That brings us back to the question of Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.
Of course I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that Springfield is not unique. There was a story just recently about a town called Charleroi, Pennsylvania that is south of Pittsburgh along the Monongahela River. In 2020 the population was just over 4,200 people, 95% White as of 2000. For some reason it has also become a dumping ground for Haitians:
“It isn’t just Springfield”: Check out this compilation of horror stories from a tiny Pennsylvania town that has been flooded with thousands of Haitian migrants

It’s hard to explain how big of a change this is for a small town. New York City, with 8 million people, is having a hard time absorbing the 210,000 migrants who have arrived there since 2022. The mayor of New York, Eric Adams, has pleaded for relief.
In Charleroi, with 4,000 people, the migrant population has exploded 2,000% to 2,000 or so (mostly Haitian). To put it in perspective, this would be like New York City taking on 4 million people!
A small town in Pennsylvania of only 4,000 people that was already struggling suddenly has 2,000 Haitians dropped in the middle of town and told they have to pay for their schooling. These towns will collapse under the weight of absorbing these invaders. It isn’t just Haitians either, the enormous Somali “immigrant” populations are well documented in places like Minneapolis, “Mogadishu-On-The-Mississippi”, that have become famous for massive social welfare fraud thanks to industrious Somali migrants, and small cities in Maine like Lewiston and Portland that have had to absorb thousands more from Somalia and dealing with the crime and other social ills that inevitably follows them.
It is easy and simplistic to get angry at the Haitians (or Somalians or Mexicans or whatever) but that anger is largely displaced. If I go to Yellowstone and poke a bison in the eye and subsequently get trampled and/or gored to death, you wouldn’t blame the bison. It is in their nature. In similar fashion how can you blame Haitians for driving like maniacs when they come from a country with no traffic laws, where traffic flows in alternating and ever shifting lanes in both directions with motorbikes zipping in-between cars and microbuses? The same is true for eating random animals, Haiti is a place where you eat what you can find.
In short Haitians are acting exactly like you would expect Haitians to act, whether in Port-au-Prince or Springfield.
No, our anger shouldn’t be focused on them and getting rid of them wouldn’t be that hard. Despite the online bluster of anonymous snarky comments, there isn’t much that can be done about them now. Tough guys behind their keyboards may sneer because no one is “doing anything” besides complaining, although they aren’t either and what is worse they are complaining about people complaining, but what ought we be doing? Even if one were able to make two dozen Haitians “leave” Springfield by any means necessary, nothing would stop Them from simply importing another hundred to take their place.
Instead our anger should be focused on the people who are both facilitating this invasion and those profiting from it.
In a recent interview with PBS, the CEO of local metal shop in Springfield, Ohio called McGregor Metalworking Companies (937-322-3880), one Jamie McGregor was quoted as saying:
“I wish I had 30 more [he currently employs 30 Haitian workers,” CEO Jamie McGregor of Springfield-based McGregor Metal, explained it this way during his PBS News Hour interview. “Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don’t have a drug problem. They’ll stay at their machine; they’ll achieve their numbers. They’re here to work. And so, in general, that’s a stark difference from what we’re used to in our community.”
I am sure Jamie McGregor loves having all of those Haitians working for him. They are of course happy to work for lower wages because even being dirt poor in Springfield, Ohio is better than living anywhere in Haiti. Mr. McGregor gets to pocket more profits while the city of Springfield suffers. The article I linked above is from Newsweek of all places, an opinion piece that they ran and I am impressed they did, by Kevin Lynn from U.S. Tech Workers. You should read the whole thing but here are some choice quotes:
Let’s be clear about what’s going on here: Corporations are maximizing their profits while the government is socializing the costs at the taxpayers’ expense.
But low wages aren’t the only threat to Springfield. The large number of immigrants descending upon it are tearing apart the social fabric of a community that had already been brought to its knees, decades ago. Former Ohio State Representative Kyle Koehler has posted about a Springfield landlord with 63 properties who is now renting “cots” at $250 per head and placing 20 to 25 people in a dwelling. This is mass migration making housing unaffordable.
Springfield’s Mayor Rob Rue, who’d been cautiously optimistic about the arrival of Haitians, is now gob smacked at the strain they’re placing on the town: “The infrastructure of the city—our safety forces, our hospitals, our schools—Springfield is a close community and has a big heart, but at the same point, we’ve had this influx that has taxed all these services,” he said.
Jamie McGregor is happy to be making more money because he has 30 cheap Haitians working for him and doesn’t seem to give two shits about the impact it is having on the city of Springfield. I wonder if Mr. McGregor lives in Springfield or if he lives outside of the city limits? I wonder if he has children or grandchildren that go to school with the children of these Haitians or if they get to go to a private school somewhere else?
As you might expect, McGregor Metal has gotten some pretty negative feedback from their CEO clamoring about needing even more low wage Haitians to make the company he owns more profitable. Their website only has the following picture and you can’t go anywhere from the landing page….

Apparently they have disabled the entire website, an archived version of their landing page looks like this:

Is it really “American manufacturing” when you employ Haitian invaders to operate your machinery because you can pay them less than actual Americans?
Here is James B. “Jamie” McGregor, Jr….

You would have a shit-eating smirk like that too if you were lining your pockets by destroying a city. His LinkedIn profile is still active and the archived page lists their phone number and their general information email address: Info@mcgregormetal.com. Based on his LinkedIn profile McGregor is a few years younger than me and got to step into the role of CEO at the company I assume his father founded. Pretty sweet gig for him but most workers in Springfield didn’t have a ready-made job waiting for them. McGregor was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple and has nothing but disdain for those struggling at the plate.
In saner times people like Jamie McGregor would see his company go out of business. Hopefully a significant chunk of his customers will stop doing business with his company but we all know that maximizing shekels comes first for most of corporate America so I doubt it. 30 Haitians working for his company hardly offsets the 20,000 that have come to Springfield but who cares as long as his investment portfolio gets a nice boost. Honestly I would love to see his family run out of the area and I don’t say that lightly.
But even Jamie McGregor and his ilk are not the main culprits. Instead there are those in NGOs and the government who are coordinating this invasion, not for profit directly but for political power. Another quote from the article linked above:
How did Springfield get here? Simple: Mass immigration and chain migration during the Biden administration, as a direct result of Biden’s immigration policy.
In 2020, the last full year of the Trump administration,1,207 Haitians were apprehended at the U.S. southern border. Contrast that to the first eight months of 2021 under the Biden administration, when 47,255 Haitians were apprehended. These numbers are staggering and they’re getting worse.
Presently, more than 211,000 Haitians have been approved for the Biden administration’s Process for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans parole program (CHNV) and have been granted work permits. And under certain legal statuses, the CHNV program allows an immigrant who is already in the U.S. to potentially sponsor another immigrant.
In short, any one of the Haitians currently working at McGregor Metal could if they wanted to sponsor and parole one or more of their countrymen. This, in a nutshell, is the definition of “chain migration.”
What’s particularly vexing is the U.S. government is funneling taxpayer money to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who help resettle these immigrants and assist them in applying for welfare in the form of food stamps, Medicaid, and housing.
Coming from a country where the hourly wage is around 60 cents, any Haitian would be ecstatic about working in Ohio and earning a minimum wage of $10.45 an hour. Sadly, American workers can’t compete for the jobs they’re taking at those wages or survive at the resulting lower standards of living.
There is a cost to mass migration and it means losers and winners. The winners are the Haitians who now get to live somewhere light years better than where they came from, a place where they have power and clean water at their fingertips and grocery stores full of food. The losers are the actual Americans who are forced to lower their own expectations of a standard of living because Haitians and other migrants will work for far less. Many libertarians and Muh Free Markets! fanatics would think this is great but it sure sucks for the people, especially younger people, who are looking at a future that is less safe and less prosperous so that people like Jamie McGregor can make more money and others in the shadowy world of industrialized mass migration are using the Great Replacement to reshape America into a new, darker nation that can be more easily controlled.
Some of this happens around here. A number of Amish in the area employ illegal mestizos because they are cheap, will work hard and are generally reliable. What you never see are blacks working for Amish as the Amish have nothing but disdain for niggers, and they use that term freely, because they see them as lazy and unreliable. So sure on occasion a drunk Mexican will hit a buggy and kill some Amish kids or a Mexican driver will rape a young Amish girl, and sure it is against the law, but at least the Mexicans show up to work and a willingness to work is one of the key measures of morality for Amish.
Something I have said before is that the old “conservative vs liberal” dichotomy with Big Business on one side and Big Government on the other is bullshit as both Big Business and Big Government are one and the same. The same people making deals with each other to enrich themselves and gather more power at the expense of everyone else is how Washington D.C. and Wall Street work hand in glove with each other.
When we talk about mass migration, people on the Left will endlessly piss and moan about “root causes”. They bellyache that we have to take in these migrants because of “climate change” caused by White people or because their countries would be prosperous if it weren’t for American policies. It is your fault fascist, you don’t understand what would drive people to leave their nations to come to America! Besides, we need these noble migrants to do the infamous “jobs Americans won’t do”. You just don’t understand the root causes!
No one seems to wonder at the root causes of the problems in the American workforce. Jamie McGregor can sneer about what terrible employees Americans are and how his 30 cheap Haitians are a “stark difference from what we’re used to in our community” but he doesn’t seem curious to ask what has changed. The American industrial heartland used to be the manufacturing goliath of the world. White manufacturing workers in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, coal miners and steel workers in Pennsylvania and West Virginia , were the powerhouse that “won” World War II and kicked off an era of prosperity and plenty in this country that we are seeing dying out before our eyes. What happened to towns like Springfield, not to mention places like Detroit and Gary, Indiana? Why is it that the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hardest working men in American history now don’t show up to work or “have a drug problem”?
Those are complicated questions as “root causes” always are. Some if it has to do with the rise in office jobs and White people being told that sitting in a cubicle shuffling paper is better than working in a factory but the bigger issues are more ominous.
In the latter half of the 20th century there was the Great Migration that saw cities like Detroit go from prosperous, White working class cities to destitute hellholes as blacks replaced ethnic Whites. Gary, Indiana, home to an enormous U.S. Steel plant, the largest steel mill in America, was once around 80% White but that has rapidly diminished over the years and now Gary is less than 10% White and around 80% black while the population as a whole is only 1/3 of the size it was in 1960 with one in three homes in the city abandoned and vacant. I was in Gary on business probably 25 years ago and it was a shithole that looked like a scene from a 1980s gang movie set in Compton, minus the palm trees. Now it is where many gangbangers from Chicago get their guns that are obtained by straw purchases in Gary and then run across the border to Illinois.
As the Great Migration of southern blacks trailed off, another blow came in the form of off-shoring American manufacturing, first to Japan as she emerged from the devastation of World War II and then to China and Mexico. Jobs disappeared in the quest for ever-increasing corporate quarterly profits and with them so did hope for the future in many Midwestern/Rust Belt cities. The quality of Japanese goods initially was pretty sketchy but soon Japanese cars were as good or better than American made cars but the goods that we get from China and Mexico are simply garbage. Sure they are “cheaper” but are they really? Is it cheaper to buy a new laundry basket for $10 every year instead of spending $20 to buy one that will last five years?
Many young people in Rust Belt towns and cities were faced with an unenviable choice: stay in your hometown with poor job prospects or move somewhere else. Many chose to move and being honest those that stayed behind were often the less industrious types. The pattern repeated for decades and then came the killshot.
In towns already devastated by the offshoring of manufacturing, along came a new scourge: the opioid crisis. Pushed by unscrupulous “doctors” and created by loathsome degenerates like the Sackler family, in towns all across the Rust Belt and rural America prescription pain-killers quickly became the drug of choice, often with lethal consequences. It is quite clear that people like the Sacklers knew that their product was being prescribed incorrectly and that is was habit forming and even killing people, but it was profitable for them so who gives a shit if young White people were killing themselves with Oxy?
If people like Jamie McGregor cared about their communities as their websites brag they do, they might look into the “root causes” of why they have a hard time finding American employees but instead they go the easy route and demand cheap migrant labor. The ruling elites were happy to partner up with them by flooding the country to replace heritage White Americans and our troubling notions like freedom and self-determination. Towns like Charleroi and Springfield were already struggling when They decided it would be amusing to kick them while they were down by infecting them with hordes of Haitians. Cruelty seems to be one of Their favorite pastimes.
Don’t focus your anger on the Haitians who eat geese in Springfield, Ohio. They are simply acting according to their nature. Instead turn your anger toward those that are using your money to import these Haitians and those who clamor for more cheap labor to boost their profits. They are the villains in this story, not the pitiful Haitians who are incapable of being any different.
It’s worse than that…Haitians, like subSaharan Africans, have an average IQ in the low ’70s…They’re both extremely violent, ineducable, and generally useless except for very simple tasks…I don’t know what this entrepreneur is hiring them to do, but I predict that it backfires, unless he got some very unusual Haitians at least one standard deviation smarter than normal…
They also will eat virtually anything, from pets and wildlife, to kids if pressed by hunger, and of course rape and murder are much more common…
Mass immigration also brings disease and even plagues, and diseases that were nonexistent like measles are showing up again in the US….
June 14, 2018
A Springfield manufacturing company has a new CEO, a move that also ensures the same family will lead the company for a third generation.
Jamie McGregor has been appointed CEO of the McGregor Metalworking Companies. The company, which has about 400 employees, also announced a new executive management team this week.
Jamie McGregor most recently served as vice president of sales, where he was tasked with diversifying the company’s customer base. His grandfather, John McGregor, founded the manufacturing firm in 1965. Jamie McGregor’s uncle and father then spent years growing the business and it will now pass on to a third generation of family leadership, he said.
Dan McGregor, who previously led the company, is retiring.
“Even though Dan is stepping away from the business from a day-to-day perspective, he’s still just a phone call away,” Jamie McGregor said.
The company also announced changes to its executive management team. All of the executive team members have experience working for the company, Jamie McGregor said. Tom Wright was appointed as chief operating officer while Pete Dame will continue to serve as chief financial officer.
Kara Williams was appointed director of human resources while Dave Myers will serve as director of engineering. Alex Seder was appointed director of sales.
“They’ll help with the consistency and leadership style we’ll need to continue,” McGregor said.
McGregor operates four plants in Springfield and specializes in metal stampings, machined parts, welded assemblies and other products for the agriculture, lawn and garden, motor lamination, and health and fitness industries.
Its customers include companies like John Deere, Toyota and Honda.
Isn’t that the company already with Haitian workers (30 IIRC) and wants more because they’re reliable?
Using any term other than invasion, be it illegals, mass migration or what have you, blinds people to the appropriate responses. And to your point those should be aimed at the ones in charge of the invasion.
McGregor is a cuck. There is no way Hatians are outperforming native Springfielders unless there is a massive meth problem in Springfield (which there well may be) or there is a huge pool of native blacks that continually underperformed at McRigger’s outfit before being replaced by hatians. Surely his words are both meant to inflame and insult the rank and file in Springfield, and to put the usual, mindless, leftist-cuck-spin on a problem. I worked for leftists years ago (before we all understood the truth about how dangerous they are to allow into a free population) and they’d all smile and tell you that you too should be smiling at their platter of crap salad sandwiches and be telling them how glad you are to have some. Leftists like mcdigger are the dregs of humanity, the very, very worst of humankind. They are bastards and liars and traitors. When characters like mcdoofuss pop up we all need to refuse to do business with them and their companies as if our lives depend on it, and like Bracken says “there’s no point bailing water until you take care of the traitors that are drilling holes in the hull.” I bet if there are any sane members of Cuckold Mclefty’s leadership staff they’d have a little different version of how well the hatians are doing on the job.
ozark homesteader sed:
“McGregor is a cuck. There is no way Hatians are outperforming native Springfielders unless…”
You misunderstand.
McGregor is paying the criminals $10/hr whom are also receiving housing and other benefits from the gov’t and NGO’s.
The white folk can’t live on $10/hr if they aren’t receiving the housing and benefits the criminals are.
The playing field is not level.
Never is level where the gov is involved. It’s getting steeper though.
They probably could have gotten by at $10 in 2020. Not a glamorous lifestyle, no. Classifieds were listing 2BR apartments at $850. After tax (federal, no idea what Ohio taxes are like), that leaves maybe $700 a month to live on. Not much left over after car payments, insurance, food, utilities, etc. Now there’s almost nothing under $2k, so a take home of $1500ish doesn’t come close to just covering rent. A double income would likely mean double car payments and insurance; even that doesn’t solve the problem.
Someone’s gotta go.
Thanks for getting me squared away. It appears I’m a still a little bitter about working for liberals in the past and got ahead of myself. Haha. What a horrible experience.
In the US, an IQ below 70 is considered retarded, or “developmentally disabled” in government speak. I have worked with this population before. You learn that you do not trust or turn your back on the borderlines 60-70 IQs. They tended to be more dangerous.
According to some research, anyone with an IQ below 85 us “ineducable to any standard.” And violence is very strongly inversely correlated with IQ…Prisoners are collectively the dumbest part of a population…
The Chinese middle managers who are in charge of day to day operations in “Belt & Road” initiatives in Africa are seeing firsthand how difficult it is to supervise blacks to try to get any meaningful projects completed. More and more, the Chinese are bringing their own Chinese workers to Africa to do the grunt work, because the Africans cannot do more than the simplest of tasks–and those, under constant supervision too.
Not only are they more dangerous, but even in places with “bright-line” standards, like >70 IQ not being competent to stand trial, DA’s often don’t prosecute because of “disparate impact”, and judges dismiss for same.
The only lesson dumb people could learn from that is crime is not wrong.
Oops. Meant <70 IQ. Dopey me. Reworded that sentence too many times.
Spot on, Arthur.
That said, I can think of some communities that desperately need diversity. Kiryas Joel in New York is over 95% palefaces. And if you want to keep it in Ohio, Beachwood (near Cleveland) is over 90% pale. Send the next 10k Haitians to one of those, and the next 10k to the other. (If you (y’all) have no idea about KJ or Beachwood then look them up first before pounding out something about “we don’t need ANY more Haitians!!!!!” on the old keyboard.)
So far as Bracken goes Re: “there’s no point bailing water until you take care of the traitors that are drilling holes in the hull.” That’s absolutely correct. But two things. First, is he finally letting himself notice Who are most responsible for all the drilling? Second, are They really traitors if They don’t place their identity as Americans first (or even second)? That was sarcasm, but probably also an insight into Their actual worldview. I like Bracken’s novels. He’s an excellent writer. He’s probably also a good dude personally. But until he Notices, his political observations are self-limited. (I realize this also applies to 90%+ of normie cons, and even a nontrivial portion of “our side”. It’s sad and it’s frustrating. And it’s infuriating. The deliberate blindness is the most black-pilling thing.)
Most Americans have zero understanding of the demographic history of the Caribbean islands. The blacks there were the dumbest and sturdiest, able to survive the labor involved in growing and help processing sugar cane. The Brits brought in subcon Indians for administrative work and a handful of Han as personal servants and merchants. The average Haitian or Jamaican is 100% sub-Saharan black. The ‘upper-class’ is heavily mixed race and the few White-presenting have at least 10% admixture and continue to intermarry and further dilute the gene pool. People love to compare Haitians to Dominicans – but the average Dominican is half Haitian/African black, the rest a mix of native Indio and a smattering of White Spanish. These are heavily inbred and minimally intelligent mixed race mongrels.
While Whites ought to shun and shame people like McGregor and family, I think you are wrong not to blame Haitians for being Haitian. They have 250 year history of hating and killing Whites. Those with even a minimum of intelligence and ability left – for the Dominican half of Hispaniola and Cuba and ultimately the US. They almost all believe in and practice voodoo, and feel highly entitled to live off of White efforts. They were brought in and deliberately dumped on historically White, working-class communities. Who are the poor Whites in Springfield going to be able to sell their homes to? Where will they go?
We are all marked for death and replacement. I hate what this country has become and what it represents. I hate the politicians and the journalists and the businessmen with the heat of a thousand suns. They are all short-sighted, greedy, and fully culpable in the destruction of what used to be a White nation. I will not mourn the death of this third-world flophouse; I just hope it all burns sooner rather than later.
Well said.
Fuck yeah I hate the Haitian invaders in addition to the employers, NGO’s, and government agencies the facilitate my people’s replacement. Hate is a survival mechanism. It is a mechanism that allows you to do the dirty work that has to be done to insure your nation survives. History has shown, if you are not psychopath enough to take care of the other’s haters, their haters will take care of you. In my world view, white people don’t hate enough. I dont’ see hate as prima facie bad. Whether hate is bad depends on the context. Of course hate can be a detriment when not necessary. Beating the shit out of an Cleveland Brown’s fan at a football game because you hate his team is unwarranted and unjustified, yes even a Cleveland Brown’s fan. But when they start raping your kids, eating your pets, there is more than enough justification to hate them.
I saw a picture of the island that Haitians live on. You can literally see where the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is because Hatians are stupid fucking savages that consumed their nation like a plauge of locust.
You hit that one out of the park! Sadly, I concur with the content of your last paragraph. The ‘tipping point’ has been reached and I cannot think–for the life of me–how to counter the demographics of destruction that has been unleashed upon CONUS by FedGov, the Khazarian jooooz and willing cucks like McGregor and the 45+ percent of Americans who vote Lefto-communist in every election cycle.
I, a grown White man, could cry with what I see happening.
Bingo!, Arthur, the first picture accurately describes the usual white women with their banners of “refugees welcome”, and “no person is illegal”, and so far. They are helping to pull our civilianzation down around our selves. Just to virtue signal, and feel good about themselves.
The political parties want mass immigration. One Party wants cheap votes, the other wants cheap labor. Once again contributing to our demise.
Aristotle warned about how Tyrannts prefer Foreigners in the Politics. They would employ them in his guard. They would also do his bidding against the Citizens. Does this sound familiar?. With them wanting them to become police officers, and join the military. After they ran out the American Citizens out of these organizations.
The way many Western women act is why I understand why Islam treats its women the way it does. Because it know if you give them an inch, they will take a mile and the next thing you know, you are being invaded. Sure Afghanistan is a shit hole. But it beat the uber sophisticated, uber egalitarian American military.
What this stupid McGregor fuck doesn’t understand is that sooner or later, he will displaced. I don’t remember which country it was, but an African nation kicked out all the white farmers and, of course, the stupid niggers who didn’t know how to farm starved to death.
It was Rhodesia. South Africa also went through similar and the farmers there are routinely butchered and their families raped.
I can only imagine what a white guy has to do to get a job at this traitor’s establishment. I’m sure the HR rep is your typical useless cunt. “You have gaps in your employment. Justify the gaps. What do you mean you were reading books and taking care of your children.” Only to have these literally retarded Caribbean niggers get preference.
If someone is an employer, I start with rebuttable presumption that they are a traitor. “I can’t find any qualified candidates.” That is a lie. What lying POS employer means is that he can’t find anyone willing to accept the shit wages and toxic environment he has to offer. Because you know this McGregor POS probably lives very well off the backs of his employees. These are the kind of cocksuckers that whine that they had to cut their 2 week vacation to Cancun short because he had to actually do his job as a business owner. You have to know that pieces of shit like this, and real estate developers, would literally pay people just pennies an hour if they could get away with it.
IMHO, if the majority of McGregors employees are caribbean niggers, there is no reason for his company to exist.
But Arthur’s main point is still most important. Until the powers that be are fear for their lives because of their traitorous ways, nothing is gonna change. If an employer knew that if he hired illegals, or a Governor knew that if he imported illegals, he, his family, his property, and his posterity might cease to exist, things might change. Only until these people know fear, nothing will change.
I always start with the probably not rebuttable presumption that anyone who does not have a business has absolutely no idea what he is talking about re: hiring practices.
Yes, I still have 100% white workers, but that’s because I’m under the radar. At 10 employees, I’d have to start complying with state and federal regulations about diversity, or face complete bankruptcy fighting and losing in court. So 7 it is.
Haitians belong in Haiti.
Perfesser Wilder,
a) The haitians cannot exist without charities and the foreign-aid skim-scam.
Let us suppose Worshington DC is sunshined.
Immediately following is the global collapse of pretty much every government at every level.
Welcome to the Seventh Century.
Those haitians should feel right at home.
b) I wonder about depopulating the entire island, then bringing in cats and geese.
Seems fitting.
Rather than ferrying them here in the first place, I think a better answer would have been to leave them there and send them food. Food like Fauci, Mayorkis, Biden, McConnell, Paul Ryan, the whole Cheney-Bush-Obama clan, etc.
That’s what seems fitting to me.
The cats and geese could create a better functioning government than Haitians.
Another CPUSA (D) operative attempt in Trump at golf course in FLA.
Don’t tell the comrades that Jesus smiles when you make good commies.
Woo woo voodoo cat meat stew fifth world turd or black run.
Why is the Dominican Republic damn near a paradise?
Rhetorical is fun.
“…suddenly has 2,000 Haitians dropped in the middle of town and told they have to pay for their schooling.”
Who is the person who decided to drop them there? Yes we know who is making the decisions at the top, but they are nigh untouchable. Those lower down the chain aiding and abetting, however, can be found and contacted directly. There is some functionary who made that decision and who can tell which senior person told THEM to find somewhere for a bunch of immigrants. And who they payed to bus them there….
This is the sort of job the fourth estate would have done before it was wholly co-opted by the left.
Karl Denninger has been beating this drum for quite some time.
Check out https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1324
Any person aiding an illegal is subject to arrest. That particularly includes that bastard CEO, as well as any NGO types plus the bus drivers or pilots AND any feds who assisted in bringing those savages to Ohio.
So where is the sheriff? He’s the MFWICH when it comes to law enforcement in the county…
We had a she-boon “speaking” in Sunday school yesterday. She is a friend of one of the associate pastors, and runs a charity for widows in Kenya. Before the class, her male passed out a two page description of what the charity did, but it was full of grammatical errors. The she-boon itself was the usual pompous chimp, who also had to put in a good word for the Haitians enriching Springfield. She used ebonics as she vocalized, and my mind wandered off to fantasies of stuffing these animals into wood chippers and spreading the remains on farmland.
After the main service, where it also “spoke”, I was asked to donate to her charity. I politely declined, as I’m not working because of my foot injury, but the stupid male kept pressing me, as did the ass. pastor. He knows that I keep a substantial wad of cash for toys such as Legos and long range sniper rifles, and told me that this would be better use of the money. He went on about how important this kind of charity was, yadda-yadda.
I told him rather loudly that the recently completed Polaris Dawn mission did more for mankind than all of the money that has been flushed down the toilet that is Coonland. I also told him that Monday I would be making my regular donation to a trustworthy Hamas supporter for use against the occupiers of Palestine. he walked away, as if I gave a $hit.
I am at the age where i don’t really care what anyone(other than my wife) thinks of me. Just as well that i’m not the ruler of the world…
I have a dream where the Deagle predictions come true… because the elites and their minions are cleaned out.
The average IQ of Haiti is 67. This means the country is mildly mentally retarded.
In terms of the ability to function independently, a 67 IQ means that the individual can be educated to maximum of grade 3-6. Add-in the inbreeding that goes along with Haitian society and the gene pool suffers even further: multiplying by a fraction of 1 always produces a smaller number.
Meaning, dumb begets dumber. Ergo, Haiti.
And, at last attempted count, we have over 800,000 Haitians here in the U.S., most of whom barely function as humans. Thank our very own FedGov.
It takes no special leap of imagination to believe that Haitians will kill and eat small animals. We know from photo- and video-evidence that they have been known to eat humans too.
Google: “Long Pork.”
And, Jamie McGregor?
““I wish I had 30 more [he currently employs 30 Haitian workers,” CEO Jamie McGregor of Springfield-based McGregor Metal, explained…”
A RACE CUCK, an annelid, who profits from a FedGov/NGO policy that is destroying the very fabric of our small towns & cities.
It’s all good for this traitor because he’s making a profit, while he facilitates the Haitians flowing into the very community from which he takes his profits.
F McGregor and all of his progeny. Hopefully, well-before the afterlife, Mr. McGregor will come to realize that he stands on the wrong side of History.
Tough guys behind their keyboards may sneer because no one is “doing anything” besides complaining, although they aren’t either and what is worse they are complaining about people complaining, but what ought we be doing?
I presume you are directing that at me and I am actually doing something more than complaining and that’s trying to build a White Homeland https://northwestfront.info/ by helping people relocate, finding them jobs, helping with housing and food if they need it…Now you can say that won’t work or they won’t let us but it’s doing something to help other White Folk and I won’t ever regret doing that…
What in my statement wasn’t true since it must have upset you enough to comment on it…
Also I’ve invited you out to my place so whatever I say on here I would say it to you directly I’m not hiding behind any keyboard Brother… Sometimes my frustration spills over but that’s just because I give a damn about our people…
At a level higher than we know all this is being directed but further down and it’s local. This fellow so eager to employ the hatians are poverty levels is one. That company has a history going back years of paying crap, bragging about how it is family owned and thus promotes family values…but only if you’re in the family. Others report being fired or written up for taking sick days or requesting time off to deal with sick family.
Allegedly the city commissioner is in on the grift too. Rob Rue who owns Littleton Properties which owns many rental properties. He evicted many residents to free up space for the illegals who were given housing vouchers and raked in the profits after vastly inflating the rental prices so where long time residents or those on regular government gibs couldn’t afford it. But that sweet sweet endless fed gov taxpayer money clears every month.
Springfield needs to place a special tax on companies that hire Haitians. To “offset the expenses that the migrants are causing the people of Springfield”. Figure out how much extra the company earns hiring Haitians and tax them that amount. That should work. When Trump gets back in traitors that hired illegals should go to prison and have their companies confiscated.
Well said.