Way back in 2020 I wrote a post titled The Parasite Class and how the idea of “essential workers” exposed just how many workers in America are not at all essential. This idea will be pivotal to several posts I am working on, starting with this look at our neighbors to the North in Canada.
My favorite Canadian Substack writer, and also I believe the only Canadian I follow, Fortissax posted an interesting note the other day:
As of 2024, 24% of the entire Canadian work force is government. Total GDP was increasing until only recently, but GDP per capita is plummeting along with purchasing power, and consumer spending. Wages have remained stagnant, cost of everything considerably higher. The government claims we’re not in a recession, because it’s being pasted over by the GDP growth from immigration.
One quarter of the work force in Canada are employees of the government. I assume that includes not just Federal employees but also provincial and local workers. Canada is a country with enormous natural resources and yet one out of every four workers in Canada works for the government. Granted many jobs that are private sector in America are probably government jobs in Canada but it still is a bunch.

That is a fascinating and horrifying number. By their nature, government jobs are non-productive work. They rely on taking a tithe from the productive class to pay their salaries. Public sector jobs don’t create wealth (with a few possible exceptions) and generally are an anchor on productivity. By way of contrast, there are around 167 million people in the American labor force and of those at least 24 million work for local, state and the Federal governments (including active duty military), with local government employees making up the lion’s share at 14 million. That works out to a little over 14% of the total American labor force working for some level of the government (around half working in “education”). 24 million people is more than the population of any state except for Texas and California and is greater than the population of the 16 least populated states and the District of Columbia combined. In a future post I will look at what having that many government drones says about the Big Picture.
Think about how many useless flunkies there are in American government and then try to imagine if an additional 10% of the American labor force worked for the government, bringing levels equal to Canada. That would be an additional 16.7 million government employees.
The part about the total GDP versus the per capita GDP is also a huge red flag (like the kind with a hammer and sickle). What it boils down to is that the total economic outlook for Canada is remaining mostly stable but the individual contribution per person living in Canada is declining. For the wealthy elites that means that their wealth continues to grow while everyone else is left to share a pie with more and more people getting a “share”. Wages might be rising slowly, if at all, but costs are rising rapidly making each person functionally poorer even if they technically are making more money.
This will lead to unrest and the Canadian government knows it, I have mentioned this story before but it is important to understand that They know that people will hit a breaking point…
‘Secret’ RCMP report forecasts a bleak future in Canada
Published in 2023, the declassified report quotes French President Emmanuel Macron on “the end of abundance” and notes that future economic forecasts are “bleak.”
“The coming period of recession will also accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,” the nine-page report predicts in a section titled “Popular Resentment.”
It goes on to state that “many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live.”
“The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the fact that the difference between the extremes of wealth is greater now in developed countries than it has been at any time in several generations,” the report adds.
Of course the report blames “climate change” but They are already setting the expectation for economic collapse and preparing Their militarized police forces for the civil unrest that will inevitably accompany the collapse. The quote from Emmanuel Macron in 2022 is likewise ominous:
“I believe that we are in the process of living through a tipping point or great upheaval. Firstly because we are living through… what could seem like the end of abundance,” said Macron, 44….
…..”The moment we are living … may seem to be structured by a series of crises, each more serious than the other,” Macron said, referring to the drought, fires and storms that have hit France during the summer as well as the Ukraine war and disruptions to global trade.
These crises are mostly engineered, either directly like Covid-19 or as part of an elaborate scheme to sow the seeds of discontent but either way it certainly does seem like we are in an endless spiral of worsening crises and the only question now is when will we get to a critical level where things just stop working. It might seem weird that wealthy people would want to destabilize things but one of my foundational operating beliefs is:
There are too many people with too much power who would rather rule over rubble than be a nobody in paradise.

I am not talking about the merely well to do, like doctors or other highly paid professionals. There are plenty of people making half a million a year who are quite content with the status quo. What I am talking about are the truly elite people in the world, those with enormous wealth or enormous power. We will come back to Them in a moment.
It is also necessary to reiterate that Canadians are mostly disarmed other than hunting weapons so like the British, Australians, New Zealanders, etc they aren’t as much of a threat to their government as tens of millions of Americans with an enormous civilian arsenal are to our government. Even still there are plenty of normies who still think that gun control is about reducing violent crimes.
What we see unfolding in Canada is the Great Reset coming to fruition. A small top layer of the ultra-wealthy. A significant mandarin class in “public service” but really working to preserve the wealth and power of the elite. The rest of the nation wallowing in poverty.
I have written about this before. Why do people with gazillions of dollars still want more and also often seem obsessed with keeping everyone else poor? Why would They risk massive civil unrest, untold human suffering and even Their own heads on spikes? This behavior is something I explored in this what I think is a pretty good post….The Great Reset: Why Bother?
At first it might seem like an awful lot of effort. Why reset the global economy when you are already incredibly wealthy? The gap between the ultra rich and the rest of humanity is already enormous and keeps growing, what more do they want?
As I have said before, the real allure of being rich is not being able to buy more stuff than other people. The real allure is psychological, feeling that you are just better than everyone else. It is very much like many rigid religious systems. Being “holy” is mostly about not being like people who are less holy. This is why people who win the lottery are so rarely happy. You can’t buy your way to happiness. Being White trash with a Ferrari doesn’t mean you aren’t still White trash. Look at black pro athletes with all of the money you could imagine and they still act like they live in the ghetto. In my banking days I saw this often, someone poor coming into a bunch of money, blowing it and being right back where they were. I remember one young Indian woman in particular, as an Indian she got a lump sum check from the government for some reason. She came in and deposited it and then I watched as she and her loser boyfriend, who lived with her in a crappy trailer, blew through every penny in no time at all. Then he left her. It was well over ten grand, it would have been a nice start to building something but instead she just pissed it away and she was hardly the only example of a young Indian kid from that tribe I saw do the same thing.
Remember, the bigger the gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else, the happier they are.
Something that irritates the very wealthy to no end is that normal people can rise above their station in the West. For a significant chunk of the last century, it appeared that the economy could grow indefinitely. This was especially true from around the 1950s to the 1990s.
Everything you are seeing and experiencing comes back to that. Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, not a one of them gave a shit about “the workers” but instead saw in Communism a way for them to replace the current ruling elites and become the new ruling elites. They were willing, and in some cases quite eager, to inflict unimaginable misery on hundreds of millions of people as long as They were at the top of the heap. Our new elites are Their ideological bastard children, people who are just fine with human misery on an industrial scale as long as They get to rule. It is hard for normal people to understand but when you have that sort of wealth and power, it does something to you that causes you to think in ways that are unfathomable to normal humans.
This mindset also explains Their push for mass migration, filling America with the dumbest, most useless humans on planet Earth. Say what you will about Haitians but they aren’t likely to get rich in America other than via criminal behavior. Many of the wealthiest in America would rather a country full of Guatemalans, Nigerians and Haitian imbeciles than living in a nation where some White peasant from Nebraska can end up becoming rich and joining their country club.
Canada is the canary in the coal mine. What is happening up there is what They have planned for us here.
Buy a place to live?
Property is theft, comrade.
You’ll own bug chitin stew and be chock full of joy.
Si se puede!
Unwashed proles should bow their heads and bend a knee around the enlightened government worker beings who have built this golden utopian fourth world man made paradise.
Deluxe space communism means free underwear and tacos for all, right from the cargo cult fountain.
Keep your pets close, they are lunch to the replacements.
Not eating bugs and living in the pod is counter-revolutionary
I think insatiable is the word you were looking for. Just like intestines, they are a bottomless pit.
“Have you ever read Milton, Captain?” Khan (Star Trek original series)
Wife follows a Canadian video blogger and apparently Ontario is very close to that (exploding or imploding) with the other Provinces basically telling Trudeau to f off.
It is a lot like U.S. states where one or two large cities dominate everything but the people outside of those cities are pissed off. Not sure what they will do about it, but it is noteworthy that there are a ton of firearms just south of the country….
Quebec and Ontario have gladly taken in millions of refugees for the 20 pieces of silver turdeau offered them. No they are finding out that the vast majority of the refugees are parasites who will never be productive. How do they plan to solve this? They asked the feds to pay for them to forcibly relocate the violent felons to other more peaceful provinces. Seriously thats what they asked and the feds are considering it.
Reading Filthie it seems there are more firearms there than we tend to think.
They do what they do to us because we don’t have it in us to do anything about it…You could say it’s one of the main reasons why they see us with such disdain and treat us like cattle/dumb goy…We are good at complaining and documenting how bad we have it and saying just wait for the collapse but that’s about it…It’s sad because we could have the stars…
Oh we have it in us, it is just buried deep. My job as I see it is to awaken what is buried and remind White men that the rest of the world once trembled at the sight of us.
Well said, Arthur.
Great article. Thank you for highlighting the plight of Patriotic Canadians. We should indeed serve as a warning to the world. The only item of note would be the widely held belief that Canada has been disarmed. As of 2024, this is untrue. Canadians remain well equipped with a wide assortment of firearms. In many instances, it is easier to buy firearms in Canada than it is in much of the US. We’ll keep reaching for a 2A of our own and hope you’ll keep pushing back against all infringements on yours. 🇺🇸🇨🇦
I hope you all have enough and plenty of ammo for when the time comes. Soon I hope.
A Truly Evil Man will Burn Down His own Country to Rule Over the Ashes. Sun Tzu
That is an interesting quote, I guess I am not as original as I thought
According to Stats Canada there are about 34 million people in Canada 15 years old and up. Of those 22 million are employed. Of those 5.5 million are gov employees. An additional 4 million are on welfare and 84% of refugees admitted to canada are on welfare for 8+ years. That means for every person contributing to the gdp and paying taxes there is another person living off the public teet and not contributing.
We are screwed.
I’m just gonna drop this here, also. Grahams Kill House rules: Nobody is coming to save us. etc, etc…Maybe you could list them for everybody else, I’m too retarded.
Um, I think they are:
No one is coming to save you.
Kill who needs to be killed.
Save who needs to be saved.
Everything is your responsibility.
Always be working.
Unsure about the order, though.
My personal rule is: Life in condition Orange ain’t so bad…
Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas.
God Bless America.
Tiny Hats! The Rats must wear Tiny Hats!
“What profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his life?” You raise compelling questions, Arthur.
To a certain extent, I understand the “I don’t want those people around me” mindset. About a month ago my family was on vacation with my sister-in-law and some of her neighbors. Her neighbors are your typical loud, obnoxious touristy types. And the other big thing was they’re HUGE drinkers.
From the moment they were up, they had a drink in their hands and they drank all day. The more they drank, the louder they became. I was hoping for a nice, relaxing few days on the beach. But no, instead I was busy making sure their antics didn’t get us into trouble. I’ve never liked being around people like that, it goes back to my army training when I was 19 and I was attached to a guerrilla warfare unit. One of the things that was drummed into our heads very early was “Do not attract undue attention to yourself. If there are people around who cannot follow that precept, get as far away from them as possible because your life may depend on it.”
This doesn’t mean that I think I’m better than anyone else and don’t want them to succeed. However, if I belonged to a club and conditions were such that it was a very pleasant atmosphere and that atmosphere was then altered by several new members who behaved like the people above, would I be a bad person for preferring the atmosphere before they arrived?
On the other hand we have way to many people in positions of authority – forget about the obscenely wealthy for a moment – who have that power and flex it at will. Twenty or so years ago, there was a state rep in CA who when asked about the traffic on the freeways and how to alleviate the situation said, “Give us ten to fifteen years. We’ll price private transportation out of the hands of the average Californian and ninety percent of the cars on the road will be gone. Only people like me should hVe their own car and be able to drive where ever they want.”
In my opinion the bureaucrats can do a lot more damage than the ultra wealthy.
The gap between the working class host, and the non-working class parasite is growing with each passing day.
This paradigm was created by and sustained by the political class, a parasite itself.
The time is fast approaching when the host will not be able to sustain the parasites.
Fake money is the fuel that allows this criminal environment to exist and the sleight of hand trickery behind it is being eroded.
Soon the curtain will drop, all will be revealed, and the burn-off will be glorious.
50,000,000 people will die in the first 6 months, then, 5,000,000 per month will continue to die until natural equilibrium occurs.
If you can make it through that first year after the financial collapse of the US you’ll probably be OK, but life from that point on will be very different and difficult – much like life in the 18th century.
If you possess and know how to use primitive hand tools you’ll have a means to provide for yourself, largely through barter and local fiat exchange. The rule of law will not exist and you’ll be on your own for most things.
In the new, 18th century life, many people will continue to die, just as it was the first time around.
Like the pebble in the pond, this calamity will rebound all around the world.
Destroying it on purpose.