There were plenty of headlines last year like this one:

I wrote about it last year here, Our Next War Is Going To Be Spectacular. Bottom line, so many potential recruits are too fat to enlist that they have created the equivalent of a fat camp to try to get them to meet the minimum standards for recruitment. How is that going? Well…
The Army has graduated 25,000 soldiers through pre-basic prep course
That is from The Army Times. 25,000 fat bodies who couldn’t meet the basic standards so they sent them to the Future Soldier Prep Course and since 2022 over 25,000 passed the course and were able to attend basic training. What did they do in fat camp, er….the Future Soldier Prep Course?
The course has run primarily in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and gives new recruits who might not make the physical or academic cutoff to qualify for Army basic training up to 90 days to improve before either heading home or joining basic.
“They go to school for up to 90 days,” said Gen. Gary Brito, commanding general of Training and Doctrine Command. “They learn how to sleep, how to take a test, to meet the standards of the Army that have not been lowered.”
They learn….how to….sleep?
Now I have never been in Basic Training but from the movies it looks like you are pretty busy with lots of PT including running and obstacle course type stuff. That would seem to me to be plenty to make me sleepy. Apparently not only are they fat and stupid but also are incapable of sleeping or taking tests? I wonder if Russian army recruits learn how to sleep before shipping out to Ukraine?
The total of these recruits, assuming they all graduate basic training, is around a brigade and a half according to the article, a sizable size force of people who ought to be in the prime of their lives but are too fat to meet the admission requirements for basic training.
Rather than asking why the Army can’t recruit new soldiers, probably an uncomfortable conversation, instead they get fat bodies, send them to fat camp and then shove them into Basic before they can binge on Mountain Dew and Doritos again. Low quality recruits meeting low standards in an Army that no longer uses the means to turn them into soldiers is going to result in low quality fighting men. As someone that might someday have the graduates of fat camp sent after, this makes me pretty happy.

We need Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, to tell these disgusting fat bodies that they can’t eat any more jelly donuts.
Considering the fact that the armed forces of the JewS-A will only be used to fight Pissrael’s wars or against conscious Whites the above is good news!
I’ve maintained for a while that the de-contenting of the USMIL can only be a good thing. First, there is the obvious fact that at some point in the not too distant future, they will used against true Americans by the clown world leadership that has been running this shit hole, and by all appearances will continue to, until either they are deposed in a massive collapse brought on by their insanely stupid and destructive policies, or they manage to eliminate enough of us first, that there is no practical resistance left to what they intend to do.
The weakening of the .mil also lessens the amount of stupidity they can engage in (look at how badly they have fucked themselves out of any hope of the type of resolution they wanted for Ukraine). Now, that doesn’t mean they aren’t still dangerous as hell, but most of the problem lies with those calling the shots; DOD, state dept, etc, as that’s where the small hatred shit disturbers who have a perpetual hard-on for Russia are all congregated. If the military loses the capability to carry out their wishes (and I’d submit they already largely have, since they have a pissant outfit like Ukraine fighting Russia as their proxy) then their ability to impose their will on the world is in turn greatly diminished. In short, their ability to project force looks like it will expire before their objectives can actually be achieved.
The other component of this situation is the fiscal health of the FUSA. And let’s face it, that patient is terminal, and is being kept going by nothing more than ever more frequent and voluminous injections of steroids and stimulants, which will go on until the heart explodes and the patient flatlines. At which point, the game they are playing is over. Until then, they will continue to lash out violently and stupidly, attacking like a cornered animal making a last stand at defending against it’s own imminent destruction.
When they finally draw their last breath, it will be far better for those of us who are the self evident remnant, as it will take our single biggest domestic enemy out of the game. The period until that happens is going to be fraught with great peril and tribulation, however. That is what we need to be concerned with, as I see it.
It’s no joke. If you work in a public facing industry like retail, hospitality, childcare/education etc you know full well that the “labor force” has gotten exponentially more retarded over the last decade.
The “life skills” that us genX latchkey kids acquired as a regular course of merely existing in a time when parents either directly taught us or expected us to learn in their absence have been lost helicopter/bubble parents, extreme aversion to discomfort of any kind, and media/phone apathy.
The kids who stay up late or all night “gaming” or other online nonsense. The ones who literally can’t or won’t prepare their own meals. They don’t “know how” things work. Or why. Or more importantly, they see no reason to learn. Even when not knowing hurts them. The necessity-invention mechanism is broken.
They have no notion of linear causality let alone second order thinking. Time itself is often a mystery to them.
Late to the 8am shift every single day. Calling out whenever they don’t “feel” like working. Mental health days. All sorts of personal life misadventures and poor choices that become a problem for the employer.
So yes. They don’t know how to sleep. Or wake up and get going. Or order the most basic aspects of their lives to give them a foundation. They are soft and feral but unlike genX feral they lack the gumption to self-sustain and have a myriad of “hacks” and apps and people/systems in their lives who funnel them resources.
The military is a big jobs program. It has always sucked up those on the edge. I had many buddies and family members join out of HS because that’s what lower and middle class class rural/suburban kids did if they didn’t get college money. Most matriculated just fine and were better off for their service. Not these kids.
We are at the bottom of the barrel. The breakage will be epic.
I really blame the phones/social media. You cannot get their head out of the phone and they truly do not want to meet in person. Getting them to make an actual phone call (instead of texting) is like pulling teeth.
And any adversity means they just give up. Oh well, can’t be done. Instead of ok what did I do wrong, what can I fix (or even brute force).
There no real on the job training either. It’s all in classes, paperwork, certified, etc. As you indicated, no problem solving abilities at all, no 2nd order thinking. Clearly they COULD think, they just haven’t been taught to think so they don’t. And since there are so many safety nets, they never have.
And basic life skills are completely lacking. I had to teach a 27 year old male (I want to say man but I can’t) who really is decently bright) how to cook basic meals. Like hamburger, pasta, breakfast, even to break eggs. (he was breaking them on the edge of the pan, of course the yolks broke with shell). 27 years old. (2 parent household BTW, i know, i was shocked too). He literally had eaten out EVERY DAY since he had graduated high school except when going to parents/grandparents. Not even a sandwich. He’s got a decent job, makes ok money, etc, but just no life skills were ever taught and despite the entire internet being there, no drive to go look up how to do X or Y. It’s pretty common TBH
I’m going to miss indoor plumbing.
I’ll dig a hole and build a shitter if it means the cities are no more.
I’ll take splinter and a bit of frostbite if the majority of the clueless are gone.
And….those in the .mil who are fit and capable seem to have a fairly conservative mindset (personal experience) because they were either raised that way or learned to be self reliant and results oriented while in the mob. So the effective warriors are less likely to comply with orders to turn on Americans of their own ilk.
When the .mil starts wholesale induction of immigrants that may change.
When I did Basic at Fort Knox in 1974 the fat asses were made “road guards”. The whole company marched in formation to all of the various classes and ranges and most were 3-5 miles away. Quite a stroll.
The road guards were stationed close to the from of the formation and had neon colored vests on and when the company approached an intersection in the streets the road guards would exit the formation and bolt forward and stand guard at the intersection holding vehicle traffic back until the company passed. Then the road guards would have to bust a cap and get back in place at the front of the formation and ready for the next intersection. Them poor hawgz were sweating like draft animals – but they dropped tonnage but quick, and slept like hibernating polar bears at night – no sleeping class necessary.
Damn man…
I did OSUT at Ft. Knox in 2004, 30 years later.
The fatties still did road guard 😂😂
The next war will be fabulous, simply divine.
The Jim J. Bollock military has all the fashion accessories ready.
Big tip of the hat to all YT and Johnny Rebs who told the yankees to eat shit and not sign up to fight to make the world safe for a rainbow bathhouse gloryhole server society.
A steaming fourth world turd will get its comeuppance on the field of battle and elsewhere.
The ‘Competency Crisis’ writ large. At all levels, the judeo-communist ‘education system’ has done what (((they))) intended, prevent both Critical Thinking Ability, and prevent acquiring any actual Knowledge of practical skills or true ‘Academic’ (like Math) subjects.
Because judeo-communists are Incapable of Building/Creating/Producing well, Anything, and also do not Understand HOW to do so, their control of the “UNITED STATES CORPORATION” to use it to Take Over the World is going to Fail, quite spectacularly. As other commenters have pointed out, it is to Our Advantage (Biggly!) that the Military is in a Doom Loop that will greatly Impair it use against Us.
I have to admit I like having probable future door-kickers and pet-killers being fat asses and retards.
Yeah, Johnny Reb stays home, the Midwest plowboys taking care of their families, the western mountain and desert cowboys and all all other dissidents give Tio Sam a big middle finger.
There’s 20,000 recruits in Springfield, Ohio awaiting the call to go fight WWIII. It’s gonna be fun to watch.
Wait, what? A diet of chemicals and processed garbage and a lifetime of playing video games and cruising social media has left the mil-aged generation unfit for military duty? Did not see that coming. I thought diversity-and pastiness and massive lobes of kidney fat-was our strength.
I’ve been out for like 15 years, but even the vaunted USMC Boot Camp was passing any retard with a pulse back when we actually had a hot war, I can’t imagine how bad it is now.
When, and if, these fat, indoctrinated, liberal NPCs come after me and my “arsenal”, all I can say is, pray that .mil has enough bariatric caskets for your squishy, fat arses. I have no intention of taking prisoners. And I’ve got plenty of land to bury your putrefying carcasses on for the worms and grubs to turn into something far more useful than political martyrs.
Don’t fear Brandon and his F-15s. The military today is a pathetic, hollowed-out shell, consisting of fey pussies and “empowered” female warrior wannabe’s. The last hard-ass White boy checked out a decade ago, after offing Bin Laden, knowing that any regime promoting the likes of “admiral” Rachel Levine is no place for free thinkers and patriots who remember an America worth dying for.
We’re on our own now, brothers. Shoot, shovel and shut up.
Got to get them where they can, since most kids on the TradRight want nothing to do with the .mil