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Seeing Is Believing. Or Is It?

John Wilder has a solid post this morning concerning a topic that has been talked about for a long time and also is fodder for many a sci-fi movie but that has really taken off of late: artificial intelligence

Balloons, Hot A.I. Chicks, And Our Future A.I. Overlords

From his post…

As it is, the quality of what’s being created is growing. Online, what’s the problem with creating an A.I. generated hottie, and then posing her up on Only Fans® (if you’re not familiar, it’s a place where thirsty simps can give millions of dollars to scantily clad trollops)? One post I read while researching A.I. indicates that someone has done exactly that, and makes around $200 a week, though I don’t have any evidence that is true.

I have seen some incredibly realistic renditions of people already and it isn’t a huge leap to make still pictures mimic human behavior, speech patterns and expressions. I commented on John’s post:

Imagine what this means for the “media”. The old saying is seeing is believing but now they can AI generate any “news” they want. Instead of people wandering around the Capitol, they can create a realistic video of people attacking Congresscritters or burning stuff. In an era when we already can’t believe what we are being told, what happens when they can make the “news” be anything they want?

With AI there is no limit to the “news footage” They can create anything at will and if there is video evidence of you doing something, who is a jury going to believe? A racist like me or their lying eyes?

Way back in 1987 this was predicted in the Arnold Schwarzenegger film The Running Man. Playing Ben Richards, Arnold is imprisoned for shooting at an unarmed crowd of protesters but in reality he had refused the order to fire on them. The government then changed the film of the incident to make it look like Arnold had actually disobeyed orders to stand down and fired on the crowd…

That is just selective editing but when hundreds of millions of people have uploaded countless photos and videos of themselves on social media? How hard could it be for AI to create a completely realistic video of you doing whatever they want to show you doing? When you then consider that millions of people have also voluntarily submitted DNA samples to various private firms, it would be easy as pie to plant your DNA at a crime scene and provide “surveillance footage” of you committing that crime.

We are conditioned to believe video. If the news just makes a claim we can be skeptical but when we see it playing out in front of us? Most people are just going to accept it for what it seems to be. It would seem a simple matter to create an AI rendition of Trump saying nigger while smoking meth with a Russian hooker peeing on him.

All of the nightmare scenarios from dystopian fiction are coming true right before our eyes. If you can’t believe what you read, what you hear or what you see, what exactly can you believe? Only what is observed directly first hand by you or someone you trust.

I guess that is what we call progress.


  1. anonymous

    The worst conditioning is forgetting that it is all filmed.

    What about the camera? You should always ask yourself that question. It will realign your impressions and help avoit suspension of disbelief.

    What about the camera?

  2. Greg

    I still recall a point in the OJ Simpson trial when he was asked something about a photograph of evidence, and he laughed: “I saw a picture last week of me and Mark Fuhrman playing golf together!”
    So yeah. I have no more respect for “photographic evidence” than that. And with anything I see or read these days, I ask one fundamental question: “You WANT to believe that…..WHY?” Everything becomes a question of epistemology. I think there is such a thing as absolute truth and reality, but our feeble, partially evolved chimpanzee brains are very poorly equipped to apprehend it.

  3. Jim Wetzel

    How hard could it be for AI to create a completely realistic video of you doing whatever they want to show you doing? When you then consider that millions of people have also voluntarily submitted DNA samples to various private firms, it would be easy as pie to plant your DNA at a crime scene and provide “surveillance footage” of you committing that crime.

    I don’t worry a lot about that. No, it wouldn’t be difficult. But why would our lizard overlords go to even that much trouble? They do what they want, no reason or excuse required. Covering up in any way is not only unnecessary, but also detracts from the fun of grinding the horseshit in the faces of the commoners.

  4. Get To Da Choppa

    Remember the Running Man with Arn the Govinator?
    Predictive Programming like Robocop?
    I wouldn’t buy that for a dollar.

  5. Moe Gibbs

    If you think the left projects now, just wait. They will invent all the photographic and video evidence they want to advance their agenda, all the while claiming that any evidence to the contrary is “fabricated” by the right. It will come down to who screams loudest and wails longest, and our side just doesn’t have the experience or the will to sink so low and so completely.

    Time travel will indeed become possible. There will be Chinese balloons floating over D.C. in every saved clip of Trump’s inauguration, and classified documents spilling out of Reagan’s limo in the “official” record. Instead of showing inept Biden tripping three times up the steps to Air Farce One they will insert small, black crippled children on those steps whom Biden was merely stooping over to help. They will surgically remove the cackles from every Kamala Harris photo op and overlay serious, statesmanlike discourse in place of the meaningless, disjointed word salad she actually uttered.

    If Stalin could make Nikolai Yezhov vanish from B&W photos in the early 1940s, imagine what AI will allow the leftoid stasi to get away with in 2023 and beyond.

  6. Gryphon

    I could see the ‘Green Screen’ tech being used to play a modern version of “War of the Worlds” where “Aliens” interact with ‘government officials’ and said .gov types use it as evidence to claim the “Aliens” have Taken Over the Earth, and everyone has to Obey the .gov or the “Aliens” Destroy the Earth. Given the number of Covidiot Maskholes still running around, afraid of an Invisible ‘Enemy”, I can see that such a Propaganda Play could actually Work – at least, in the FUSSA.

    But it’s not likely that the Russians and Chinese would fall for it, so ‘disconnecting’ the Internet from all non-FUSSA sites would have to happen First… Maybe it’s the “Aliens” doing the “Cyberattack” ?

    p.s. I knew a guy whose Father saw the Water Tower in Grover’s Mill, NJ, being Shot Up during the Orson Wells’ Radio Play of “War of the Worlds” He said that Alcohol was Involved.

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