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The End Is Nigh!

Here comes the “trade war” that everyone knew was going to happen and it might be the death of all of humanity!

Pointing out the hypocrisy and double-standards of the Left’s useful idiot foot-solders is usually a waste of time as they aren’t smart enough or self-aware enough to even realize what they are doing. They simply regurgitate the latest talking point and then wait for the next talking point to drop so they can race off to social media to regurgitate that talking point all over the place. They rarely if ever even understand the talking points, for example some people I know in real life keep dropping the term “fascist” regarding the Orange Man and if you stopped them on the street and asked them to define fascism in 30 seconds or less, they wouldn’t be able to. I would still be remiss if I didn’t point this out:

Inflation isn’t happening! inflation is transitory! Besides inflation is actually a good thing!

As Trump said he was going to do over and over during the campaign, he hit Canada and Mexico with 25% tariffs this weekend as well as a 10% tariff on China. They immediately retaliated.

Trade Wars Begin: Trump Slaps Tariffs On Canada, Mexico And China; Triggers Immediate Retaliation

Just hours after Trump unveiled double-digit tariffs on the three largest US trading partners, Canada and Mexico announced their own plans for retaliatory tariffs on the US.  Outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said late on Saturday that Canada will respond by placing 25% counter-tariffs on C$155 billion ($107 billion) worth of American-made products, with items including beer, wine, bourbon, fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, clothes, perfume, household appliances, plastic, and lumber subject to tariffs. Hilariously, Canada is going especially hard after alcohol produced in Republican states…

… although at least for now they haven’t gone ape with the previously suggested 100% tariffs on Teslas.

Meanwhile, Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum said she also instructed the economy minister to kick off a response plan that includes retaliatory tariffs against the levies.

But since Trump’s orders also included retaliation clauses that would increase US tariffs if the countries respond in kind, that means we are now locked in tit-for-tat escalating prisoner’s dilemma, one where it progressively gets worse before it gets much worse. The new measures will be on top of existing trade levies on those countries.

This likely means that in the short term some products will become more expensive. There is going to be some pain in the short term but these tariffs are the only stick with enough pain to make Canada and Mexico come to heel.

The Big Fact of this whole “trade war” thing is this:

They need access to our consumers more than we need their goods

That doesn’t mean we don’t need their goods. Notice that China only got a 10% tariff while Mexico and Canada were hit with 25% tariffs. It does mean that the American consumer market is the biggest prize in the world. Sure there are more people by a wide margin in China and India but the GDP per capita for the U.S. is over $80,000 while China is a paltry $12,000 and India is under $3,000. We have the third most numerous population in the world and boast the third highest average income in the world, behind only Luxemburg and Iceland who combined have barely a million people. In other words in America foreign exporters get more bang for their consumer buck than anywhere else in the world.

For decades our “leaders” have pretended that we need the goods made overseas more than those nations need access to our consumer markets. We have made bad trade deal after bad trade deal that benefits globohomo corporations and has killed our working class. In my lifetime we have gone from the manufacturing superpower of the world to a nation that makes very little and mostly employs a lot of people to work in retail and service industry jobs. All around the region where I have lived most of my life there are empty factories that used to employ blue collar workers. Now those workers are working at Walmart and Chipotle. There is nothing wrong with working at Walmart but we cannot have a functional economy when everyone is selling goods to each other that are made overseas.

It won’t get fixed overnight and it won’t get fixed unless we use a serious stick to make our trading “partners” get in line. That stick is tariffs. I know the libertarian arguments about tariffs but libertarians see things only in terms of raw economic data. What benefit to the people is there when a corporation makes a 1% higher profit while the industrial base of our nation is gutted? I am seeing people passing around this famous clip from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off with Ben Stein as if the economic situation in America in 2025 is the same as it was in the 1930s and we should be basing public policy on 40 year old comedies.

“A Jewish comedian said something in the 1980s about tariffs in the 1930s being bad so that clearly applies to tariffs in 2025!”

Freaking morons.

What I am assuming will happen: Trump will raise tariffs, outgoing prime minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican president ((Claudia Sheinbaum)) will retaliate and everyone will hurf and blurf in public. Meanwhile behind the scenes they will quietly agree to do what Trump wants them to do because these tariffs might be painful for U.S. consumers but they will be devastating for Canada and Mexico. Trump isn’t playing around and they know it. He won’t get everything he wants but he will get most of what he wants.

The ultimate goal should be to move most manufacturing back to the United States and especially for goods that have a national security aspect. That doesn’t mean just boolits and bombz but food production, electronics, pharmaceuticals, anything that is essential and could be used to hold us hostage. With AI soon to allegedly replace lots of humans in jobs, there ought to be plenty of people looking for work who can make stuff instead of shuffling papers around electronically.

This whole thing is about a lot more than short-term prices. If Trump is successful, and I doubt he will be, he has a chance to remake the economy into something that works for the American people and not just the Fortune 500.


  1. Bean Dip Tray

    A commie RAT POS vermin is awfully concerned about the price of things lately.
    Armageddon times seven (?), the sun has just broken out for the first time in weeks.

  2. Mike in Canada

    President Trump has made it abundantly clear, that he takes exception to Canadian border & immigration policies (whereby those policies result, in part, in the flooding of fentanyl made in British Columbia with ingredients from China, into the US). I know there are wider issues, of longer standing, but for now this seems to be where things have sprung from.

    Instead of agreeing to sit down and get this shit sorted, like an adult who wasn’t receiving instructions from Davos would, Justin decides that the stunning & brave thing to do is to open a trade war with the most powerful economy on earth, because That’ll Show Em.

    He can do this because his friends in China bought his last two ‘elections’ for him (in spite of the recent government report that said that they have investigated themselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing… back to your lives, citizens), thus providing him with that magical ‘mandate’ so sought after by the nefarious. Even though Canadians would like to have an election now to weigh in on some of the things being done in their name by this fucker, he said last night that he doesn’t think that’s necessary because ‘We have all the power we need to do this’.


    So, though one of his jobs is to secure and maintain the border of Canada, especially the one adjoining our best friends on earth, he won’t do this because it would interfere with his intent to import every Jeet motherfucker that wants to come here, as fast as possible, and send them to Sudbury and North Bay because the people who already live there are too white and self-reliant to be trusted to their own devices (and they own a lot. Of guns).

    Now we face the spectre of a trade war with our dearest friends, because Justin is hell-bent on ensuring that, by the time the next constitutionally-mandated election is finally held (October 2026, after his great buddy Mark Carney has had eighteen months to fuck over the rest of the Canadian civilization), there won’t be anything left to really save.

    I am old enough to remember when ‘the longest undefended border in the world’ was a point of pride, and meant something important. We were taught how special and unique this was, and what it represented. We were also taught that it was worth keeping.

    Our choices are about to become difficult, and it’s about damned time. God Bless America.

        • SirLawrence

          So true. A People can carry all sorts of economic conditions. But economics alone cannot carry a People.

          The Elonophiles and Trump2.0 winning bandwagoneers are understandably excited by the draining of the swamp.

          And yet the littlehats and their invader diversities Gen2 functionaries, not White America, aggregate power – regardless of whether some division of the swamp gets pink slips or not, while Heritage White Americans continue to dance to the drum of colorblind economic propositions.

          The instinct is correct; to go after globo-capital funding/finance and the domestic levers of operating moneys as well as the structures of administrative State that are for all intents enemy embeds.

          And yet what remains is the spiritual war and a war on Heritage America that by nature of this New Hope are being diversity washed – just the same as Netflix might do, into a Narrative Heritage America that is not just blank slate, but ALWAYS HAS BEEN.

          This sort of consolidation and narrative shaping under the cover of economic shenanigans smells strongly of the sort of 1980’s Junk Bond/Raider/LBO hostile takeovers that set in motion the very culture of value extraction and soulless corporate accountancy that dehumanized our economy, removed it from its purpose of service to a people, and replaced it as its own highest purpose of our former nation.

          Just a coincidence that Trump cut his teeth in that culture.

          Perhaps this is the best “we” can do given the lateness of the hour of this war, the demographics baked into the brown muck of a borderless nation full of economic worshippers.

          But we are surrounded by examples of our Western cousins falling into this same trap.

          The “success of Brexit” being one victory in which heritage Brits won and then still somehow suffered even more invasion and even explicit rule by foreign elements of their own diversity functionaries.


      I read it. Fantastic perspective! I recall the video of the young, white male Canadian college student calling Trudeau a “communist fuck” or something such.

      He properly blames the rot of Canada on Quebec and C(an)ucks who followed their silly lead. Much like the rot here of DC/NY and San Fran/LA.

      Great read.

    • Mike_C

      @LGC. Whoa. That was a hell of an article. Thank you for the link. I started going to Toronto (and Vancouver) again after a roughly 20-year hiatus, and I’m shocked and horrified by the changes. In Ontario I spent several days visiting smaller cities (wondering if only Toronto was pozzed). No such luck. Guelph, Waterloo, and so forth, all Enriched. Even little Stratford (the one that holds the Shakespeare festival, because of course it would). The only city I didn’t see rampant Dieversity was Sudbury. Though a) maybe it was just a sampling issue — I went to a Wolves (hockey) game, and the next day was fucking COLD, suited only to those of us who evolved in the snow and ice, so only palefaces on the street; and b) if it ain’t there yet, it’s coming.

      @SirLawrence: agree. And well written, thanks.

      @Arthur and Tree Mike: wish I could remember who said it, but “Finance capitalism turns nations into whorehouses.” Doubly apt because for some reason vulture capitalism and sexual exploitation (plus plain weird-ass perversion) seem to cluster in among the same people.

  3. 3g4me

    People are stupid. They can’t see past the end of their noses, and are easily manipulated by media headlines (even as they insist they don’t trust said media) about how “OMG! Some prices will rise!” Trying to turn the behemoth that is the US economy from cheap imported goods sold to one another into one where we actually manufcture our own goods and heritage Americans can earn a living wage is going to be painful. For all of us. At least, at the same time, Trump is trying to take on the over-regulation and phony ‘green’ initiatives that have almost prohibited us from building or developing anything.

    I am far more pleased by Musk (whom I do not entirely trust) and people locking the bureaucrats out of their own databases and following the money. That has enormous potential. As for tariffs, I will happily pay more (and I already do) to buy Chilean oranges – because California and Florida citrus is either tasteless or sour to me. The tariffs will affect my husband’s employer – as well as a potential and hoped for personal profit on a small investment in a friend’s business – but it’s not all about us, and life is a risk.

  4. Steve S6

    It’s not our trading partners that need to get in line, it’s the boards of directors of American manufacturing that need to feel the pain by making it more expensive to off shore our manufacturing. Cut into their profits is the only way which is why they off shored in the first place – more profit.

  5. Exile1981

    So as is usual Turdeau when given multiple options always chooses the one most destructive to Canadians.

    He could have ended the tariffs by stopping chinese drugs coming through the corrupt port of vancouver and actually spent money on our military as the Nato membership required but… Instead he chose to start a trade war and slap 25% tarrif on select US imports.

    So now all fruits and vegetables will go up 25%, household appliances up 25%, furniture and shoes 25%. He told Canadians to vacation in Canada and to try “made in canada” alternatives to Florida orange juice.
    The turd also said starting the 14th Canada will be cutting off the flow of critical resources to the US.

    None of these will hurt the US as bad as it will hurt Canadians.

    Arthur he put 10% on China on top of the current 25% already on chinese goods.

    • Mike in Canada

      If he was trying to destroy this country, I would be interested to know what he would be doing differently…

      Once you embrace the idea that your death is the objective (and not from two in the head by the road, not yet at any rate, but through a slow and measured degradation in your ability to maintain good health and eat properly, with less and less access to actual medical care of any reasonable quality), then these things begin to make a creepy kind of sense.

      Just a thought to consider.

  6. John Wilder

    Oh, I have so much popcorn to watch this. It’s the same formula, though: “Trump does a thing. People are outraged. People look at why Trump did the thing. People are educated and are now outraged about the corruption that Trump uncovered.”

  7. Flyin Bryan

    As you’ve pointed out at some other time I am sure Arthur, a gal named Claudia Steinbaum is the President of Mexico. I always get a good chuckle out of that.

    • Mike_C

      Sheinbaum, but yeah. And Karina Gould (yes, of course) is aiming for leadership of Canada’s Liberal Party. If Gould is successful, and if the Liberals eventually return to power, both neighbors of the US will be run by stunning and brave [redacted] women.

      • saoirse

        Those two kike bitches will be but mere bookends to Merka, a cunt-ry run lock stock and barrel by jews of all persuasions – including their goy proxies!
        Now, back to the criminal nigger-of-the-day reportage.

  8. Leo

    But having ((them)) as heads of state will arouse and excite the great chest thumping patriots who recognize ((them)) as th’ PEE-puhl of GAW-udd and make things oh so much better.

  9. ozark homesteader

    Death threats on Reddit, and probably lotsa places, coming from (probably) obese pansexuals in sweatpants downstairs at their folks’ houses against DOGE personnel. (lotsa tough talking there) Aaaand up to 6k leftists with (likely) some level of weapons and tradecraft training at the Efbeelie who are fixin’ to be fired for helping out with J6 persecutions and may one day face charges for their lawless behavior towards the American public, who may respond with the traditional, leftist violence. This country is becoming a smoking tinderbox. Wait till they get all the illegal aliens to get in on it.

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