Like everything you are allowed to see, the inaugural “prayer” service performed by Episcopalian “bishop” Mariann Budde was completely fake and gay (literally in this case). It was portrayed on one side as a noble wahman “Christian” sticking up for the poor and down-trodden, just like Jesus would (although Jesus never commanded the church to use the power of Caesar to compel charity), that “speaking truth to power” nonsense. On the other side she was mocked for her woke speech scolding the President of the United States and acting a powerful reminder of why the New Testament forbids women from teaching, holding leadership positions or really even speaking in the church.
The whole thing was a farce, a performative virtue signal by a homely chick that looks like a little boy playing at church:

It is an intentionally silly mockery of Christianity although I doubt Mariann Budde even realizes that she is a patsy being used for the purpose of mockery. Trump never should have agreed to show up, he could have held a prayer service at any local D.C. church with a man who was actually Biblically qualified to be preaching from a pulpit.
This scrawny lesbian is a reminder of something I often say: you don’t have to be a Christian. No one is making you, this isn’t the 16th century. If you want to be a Christian however, you don’t get to rewrite core tenets of the religion to suit you. This is America, if you don’t like Christianity go make your own religion. People have been doing that for a long time. That is basically the genesis of Mormonism, a made-from-scratch American religion that borrows from Christian concepts but with a decidedly weird spin and the added bonus of being able to make stuff up. Mariann Budde wants to dress up in frocks and also munch carpets, and that is her prerogative I suppose, but she doesn’t get to change a 2000 year old religion that condemns that behavior.
Whatever They are trying to tell you about that whole fiasco, it won’t mention that the Episcopal “church” has a not so righteous reason for bringing all of these “refugees” into America: good ol’ filthy lucre. Shekels. Cash money baby.
Episcopal bishop lectures Trump while earning taxpayer millions to bring migrants into US
Say what?
Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde’s sermon to President Trump during an inaugural prayer service, coupled with her church’s advocacy for humanitarian immigration programs, reveals a striking hypocrisy — one that could be seen as self-serving and even a conflict of interest.
That’s because the federal contracting arm of the church, Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM), is paid to bring in people on resettlement programs that Trump has temporarily paused and targeted for re-evaluation.
EMM budget figures for 2024 are not available yet, but in 2023 it earned $53 million from various taxpayer-funded government programs to resettle 3,600 individuals.
That works out to about $14,700 for every “refugee” that they dump into America. Pretty nice gig. RTWT.
The Episcopalians used to be a pretty big deal in America especially out East. It was a very genteel, WASPy kind of church for people who wanted to be religious without getting too crazy about it. Along the way they made the decision to allow women to be pastors and then the wheels came off. The same pattern holds true across the Christian spectrum, women “pastors” is the camel’s nose under the tent that inevitably leads to liberalism elsewhere and a dying denomination. The Episcopalians, the United Methodist Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Mennonite Church-USA. The story is always the same.
Without fail when a church starts stumbling down the path of liberalization, it dies, and women “pastors” are usually the first sign of the death spiral. Once you say women pastors are OK, something roundly and unequivocally condemned in the New Testament, then it isn’t a long walk to getting rid of all sorts of inconvenient teachings.
What does that have to do with the “refugee resettlement” money?
Religion is expensive. You have big buildings to maintain that sit empty most of the week. You have clergy to pay and provide benefits for, sometimes including housing. You have lots of “ministries” like food pantries and soup kitchens. Many mainline denominations also have huge bureaucracies that aren’t even involved in local church ministry. All of that takes money and where does the money come from?
Much of it comes from the offering plate and the donations of the laity.
What happens when your audience shrinks?
The amount you collect every week does too.
Religion is a numbers game. Joel Osteen can fill up a “church” and collect tons of money by telling people what they want to hear. More people = more money in the offering. When your pews are sitting empty and the ones that aren’t have old ladies warming the seats, you aren’t going to get as much money coming in. The problem? You still have a ton of dykes, trannies and other degenerates on the payroll.
Along comes a government program that pays you millions to replace White people and the Episcopalians jumped all over it. It was a cash cow for them and now hopefully it will be ending.
While Episcopalians like Mariann Budde are happy to see normal White being replaced in our own country, they are even happier to get paid to facilitate the Great Replacement. Who needs the offering plate when you can get those sweet, sweet FedBux?
It isn’t just the Episcopalians. “Catholic” Charities is a huge money printing machine that helps to get illegals through Mexico, over the border, coaches them on exactly what to say and then helps shotgun them into the interior of the U.S. While most conservative Catholics oppose this, many have no idea what is being done in their name and with the active participation of the church they support and sustain.
One of the dirty not-so-secrets of modern Big Religion is that the further you get from the local church, the more subverted and leftist it becomes. There are few if any exceptions to this. Even the once conservative Southern Baptist Convention went woke at the upper levels. A lot of it simply is driven by money rather than Biblical fidelity.
Mariann Budde might genuinely care about “refugees” but I doubt it. What she definitely cares about is keeping the grift alive so she can play dress-up in gaudy vestments and not have to get a real job.

“Trump never should have agreed to show up, he could have held a prayer service at any local D.C. church”
Fair enough. But on the balance I think it was good, very good, that “bishop” Budde did her display of Sanctimonious Virtue and Truth to Power. Many people on (or adjacent enough that we can live with them) “our side” aren’t aware of how bad and how extensive the Rot is.
Yes, I know that it’s fashionable to declare the world hopeless, but to cede to public space and culture is admission of defeat. [Long rant redacted]
And the Rot is everywhere. I’m at a medical conference, literally in the closing plenary session, and the speaker is quoting Simone de Beauvoir, and snarking about “not being allowed to say gender now in this country.” Of course, it’s difficult to know if this person is sincere, or if it’s a massive grift. Mediocre and frankly incompetent people make a good living in academia through carefully curated victimhood and outrage.
Christianity is a jewish humiliation ritual. Talk about a sink for white minds…nothing in history has wasted more white mental effort than bothering with christ lunacy. If you accede to a lie that a jew can come back from the dead, what wouldnt you believe?
There are really are only two choices, potential White man: Aryan brownshirt or
christian browntongue!
Just curious … did your mom have any kids that lived?
It is surprising how few people are willing to accept the authority of Paul’s remarks about women in church. Although Paul remarks repeatedly and fondly of various women who’d supported his ministry, yet he was unequivocal about a woman’s role in the church. The head of man is Christ. The head of woman is man. It cannot be otherwise.
I popped into a presbyterian church in Ft Collins about 40 years ago and was “blessed” with a sermon the subject of which was apparently derived from a Woody Allen (not a fan) movie, and the movie was repeatedly cited in the “sermon”, which was delivered of course by a woman “minister”. I promised myself that day that I’d never sit through another “sermon” delivered by a woman.
Ah yes, the selective acknowledgement and acceptance of scripture. If it is inconvenient to acknowledge a certain unpleasant truth (and not just in scripture, of course) then it is either buried and ignored, or they try to “reinterpret” it to mean something else than what it clearly does by brute force of proclamation and groupthink.
Hence, the nearly universal blowing off of Paul’s admonition against giving women positions in the church where they can exert authority and control over men. Of course, every major western Christian denomination has done that to one extent or another, and the (terrible) results speak for themselves.
Most denominations are dying due to lack of interest from men, and most women don’t actually take religion seriously enough to keep it going as a viable organization, without capable men involved. If they did, they wouldn’t be overrunning the ranks of both the leadership and the laity in all the major Christian denominations.
The larger immediate problem is how to get all the rebellious women now holding fake and ghey authority back out of these organizations. Many are already a lost cause; the Episcopal Church probably is, as is the United Methodist Church, and at least some flavors of the Lutheran and Presbyterian church.
The Catholics, despite not having female clergy (at least not in any officially sanctioned parish) have much the same problem as the others, with these Karen’s heavily filling the ranks of the administrative laity. Defunding the NGO’s will get rid of a lot of women who are drawing paychecks and exerting influence, but then these “free agents” will be looking for someplace else to land and take up another profitable but subversive gig, as it’s all they know how to do. I’d just as soon make pig feed out of them all, but I have too much respect for pigs to do that. Besides, which, I don’t want to contaminate the bacon supply. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I really don’t want to give the chosenites any ideas.
Weak men create hard times.
Religion Inc. as Lenny Bruce (I know early life) said, some churches even make money off the fake and kayfabe NFL Stupor Bowl.
Reverend Do Right loves a good government sugartit to suck on and the butts in pews don’t have to be White.
Pass the collection plate, God is broke.
A long time back I was on the treasury committee for a small Baptist church. The pastor at the time came to us and was brutally honest. He said that, from experience, roughly 20% of the congregation tithes 80% of the church operating budget. The remaining 80% of the church members are barely there long enough to warm the pews. With that fact in mind, lots of pastors are very careful that the sermon does not piss off the 20%. Almost all of church growth is NOT new members, but people moving from one church to the next. And if enough of that 20% decide to leave for another church, then that spells financial doom for the church they left behind. He said he wasn’t going to hold him back, but that we need to be prepared if we start seeing people leave. And when he preached directly from scripture, people did leave. Apparently no one really wants to hear God’s opinion on how his church should be run.
In any event, that was my lesson on church’s that preach for money. And apparently if the dot-gov is handing out money, then they don’t even have to preach.
Any organized religion will turn to evil.
Cut them off.
My focus is on the other end.
Stop the stealing.
The less money they have the less they can give away.
I don’t care who YOU give YOUR money to.
But if you want to steal MY money we’re going to have words or worse.