This story wasn’t all that interesting at first….
Two killed, three injured in Soulsville shooting; LeMoyne-Owen College not impacted
Decent ratio 2:3 killed/wounded but otherwise nothing special. “Soulsville” is a Memphis neighborhood as the name might suggest, Memphis being north of 60% black. When I saw the story while scrolling along the college name caught my eye. I hadn’t heard of LeMoyne-Owen College before so I checked it out and was greeted by this landing page:

Wow, it is THE source of “black Culture”!
Is there a greater oxymoron in all of creation quite like “black Culture”?
While we are told that White people have no culture, an inexplicable notion when you consider that virtually ALL culture is the creation of Whites, at the same time we are supposed to believe that blacks have this delightful culture that White people should emulate. What exactly is “black culture”? Twerking? Rap? Crime? Out of wedlock births? I can’t think of a significant cultural achievement by blacks that has made their lives, much less the lives of the rest of Americans, better in any way.
LeMoyne-Owen College is an Historically black College & University, or HBCU, and of course: “The LeMoyne-Owen College campus is bathed in a rich cultural vibrancy thanks to its location in Memphis, Tennessee”. It is bathed in something alright, bathed in gunfire and blood. That is “black Culture”: violence, anger, resentment and ignorance.
I went through Memphis looking for a H-D shirt with Elvis’s name on it.
Wasn’t scary after getting turned around in construction and ending up on Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. BLVD in Birmingham a few hours before on the way back to the UP in my 10 year old Power Ram 50 with a fucked-up front end after a Honduran meal-ticket-chaser ran a stop sign on Keesler Air Base while visiting my cousin.
That was a fucked-up trip with my Nam-vet uncle, we even got shot into the south-side of Chicago with construction on The Loop.
Never had a hankering to go on safari after the spring of 1998…
“we set standards and exceed goals”.
Obviously civilized behavior is not a standard they uphold; I suspect the goals they exceed are to do with amount of money grifted and not actual education ones.
Chimps are never going to have any culture worth emulating.
Another plane crash in Philadelphia, no word on Derelicts Ever Incompetent air traffic controllers.
Lemoyne-Owen should program the garbage in garbage out AI that will build the workers utopia!
Honk, honk.
I’d love to know what percentage of “students” graduate from Hysterically Black College LeMoyne-Owen and how many actually pay back their student loans. Somewhere between “Very few” and “None at all” is my uneducated guess.
“Graduate”… (chuckle, chuckle, snort….)
How many can read cursive? How many can read?