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Thar She Blows!

Judge refuses to detain man accused of shooting victim during argument

A Cook County judge has rejected a prosecutor’s request to keep a man in custody after he allegedly shot another man during an argument at their Englewood home.

In a detention petition, prosecutors told Judge Susana Ortiz that Darren Reed, 24, brandished a gun and shot the man in the left thigh during an argument with the victim on the afternoon of January 22 in the 7000 block of South Carpenter. Surgeons installed rods to repair the man’s broken femur, according to the document.

Brace yourself….

Let’s get a closer look….

Is it not bad enough that you are that fat but then you do whatever the hell that is with his hair? Is that some sort of ghetto topknot or something?

At least that picture ought to make just about anyone feel better about themselves.


  1. Stealth Spaniel

    Judge Susana Ortiz ………that right there is the problem. Imagine if she had to live next door to him, she would have a whole different attitude.

  2. Anonymous

    That planet-sized face actually makes his lips look small. I’d ordinarily say that his ‘do would facilitate lifting him up to move him, like the knotted top of a trash bag. But ain’t no one lifting that monstrosity without a forklift. Jeez, what a fugly mug.

  3. Big Ruckus D

    What in the hell is that thing? Kind of resembles Yaphet Koto in Live and Let Die after he swallowed the expanding gas bullet, but just before he blew up. That is one homely ass homey. The hair is one of the more creative endeavors I’ve seen from a breadcrumb, not that it’s a good result, mind you.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Yeah, except they like to eat the leg like a chicken drumstick. Kind of doubt the typical Haitian could even lift that. Guess they’ll be forced to consume it “off the bone” style.

      Also consider the engineering needed to build a proper rotisserie for that carcass. I’m thinking the Haitians would be shit outta luck, as usual.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    The glorious peoples republik of Chimpcongo?
    CPUSA (D) since the time that grandparents were teenagers.
    Judges are the poison pills that the immaculate Hussein Hopenchange left behind.

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