Hey I get it, it was a pretty dope week. Trump came out swinging and it sure seemed like They simply fell apart. There were no protests to speak of, especially compared with January of 2017. The Big Tech oligarchs that helped to censor his message for the last 8 years were sitting in places of prominence while Trump was sworn in. Joe Biden was staring off into space vacantly but the rest of the regime figureheads that have been Presidents and Vice-Presidents had to sit there and eat the shovels of shit that Trump threw at them.
Then came the Executive Orders in a massive flurry. Trump sitting in the Oval Office with a huge pile of executive orders, signing them one after another while fielding questions from reporters and answering them extemporaneously, and doing so after a very long day for anyone much less a man of 78 years.

He has moved swiftly and decisively compared to his first term where he seemed over his head and unsure of what to do. The contrast with his predecessor, Pedo Joe Biden, President Potato Head, couldn’t be more striking.

On his best day Biden was befuddled and confused. I watched a clip of him after the 2020 “election” before he had even been sworn in and the guy was stammering and mostly incoherent. It only went downhill from there.
Trump went to North Carolina to visit the people intentionally abandoned by the prior regime and then to California. In the same day. Sure it was on Air Force One so he had the most luxurious flight imaginable but still that is a lot of travel for a 78 year old man, or anyone, and he was still on his game. I have noticed that lefties on social media keep claiming that Trump has dementia and is obviously struggling which is hilarious. I wish I had half of his energy and I am more than 25 years younger than Trump. Then that thing with Colombia where he made el presidente grovel and bend the knee during a round of golf. That was just high comedy.
So yeah, I get it. It was a great week. Pardons for January 6th unauthorized sightseers in a public building and people who committed the “crime” of praying outside of abortion abattoirs were awesome and made the dimwits who think J6 was an “insurrection” or “coup” lose what little shred of dignity they retained. Trump never gave Them a moment to catch Their breath, it was one salvo after another. But…
What I was afraid of is coming to pass. I see more and more of /ourguys/ declaring that we are so back, that we are winning bigly, that the Left has just given up.
Has everyone forgotten the last 8 years?
It started off with mockery and amusement. In the waning months of the second Obama administration, They felt pretty in charge. Coming off of back to back major wins by Barry over two awful establishment Republicans, 365–173 and 332–206 respectively in the Electoral College, and with Hillary Clinton being anointed as his successor and the first woman President, it was just a matter of kneecapping Bernie Sanders and then waiting to see which establishment candidate the GOP would inevitably come up with to lose gracefully to Hillary. Their arrogance was not without plenty of evidence after McCain and Romney.
In June of 2015 Trump’s announced run was met by howls of laughter. At that point empty suit sissies like Scott Walker and Jeb! “Please clap” Bush were leading in the polls. Politico covered his speech calling it a “quixotic presidential bid”, a “bizarre spectacle” and “entertaining”. Stephen Colbert thanked Trump for running as it would provide so much fodder. Ann Coulter was roundly mocked on “Real Time With Bill Maher” for declaring in June of 2015 that of all the announced candidates, Donald Trump had the best chance of winning the 2016 election. The Trump candidacy was welcome comic relief in what otherwise promised to be a dull Republican primary followed by an even duller general election.
The laughter didn’t last long, did it?
As 2015 came to a close the establishment hacks were fading and Trump was ascending. He was challenged at first by Ted Cruz, a far more conservative candidate than Jeb!, Walker or Marco Rubio. The media started to get nasty in a hurry as they realized that Trump might get the nomination. While Cruz won the Iowa caucuses in a narrow three way race between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, Trump won a resounding victory in New Hampshire followed by South Carolina and Nevada. At that point the race was pretty much in the bag.
While many in the media still acted like Trump’s candidacy was a big joke, a last gasp effort by White men to reclaim our seat at the table (a table we built and sustained for over 200 years) they were also getting a little nervous and the media unleashed a propaganda campaign that was a sight to behold. Many forget that during the 2016 campaign people attempting to attend Trump rallies were regularly attacked, assaulted, egged, screamed at, intimidated and chased. If this had happened to blacks attending an Obama rally, the media would have covered it 24-7, but at Trump rallies with White people being attacked you got the impression that the media thought they deserved it.
The Trump presidency 1.0 from 2017 through 2019 was marked by chaos, with Trump getting into personal squabbles with people and making one bad hiring decision after another. His daughter Ivanka and her loathsome husband Jared “Wormtongue” Kushner were behind the scenes telling Trump to make awful decisions.
Then along came 2020, coincidentally an election year, and just as coincidentally that year brought us both the Covid-19, definitely not from a lab leak, “pandemic” as well as the George Floyd Summer of Love where every black guy encountering the cops was an excuse to burn and loot cities. We all remember the exhaustion at election time, it had been a horrible year and many people, although not as many as “voted” for Biden, just wanted it to stop. Biden seemed like a genial old man who wouldn’t post mean Tweets and people bought into it.
There isn’t much more to say right now about January 6th, it was a bizarre spectacle and the frying bacon smell of Feds was all over it. We likely won’t ever get a real reckoning about what happened that day and that itself tells you that at a minimum there was some set-up going on.
From the time Biden took office, it certainly appeared that They were doing Their best to make sure Trump was never President again. The multi-pronged legal attacks that aimed to imprison the leader of the political opposition, ridiculous charges like accounting discrepancies being charged as felonies, raids on Trump’s residence with the FBI apparently rifling through Melania’s underwear, charging him with crimes so silly that those bringing the charges ought to be disbarred, etc., were perhaps not really intended to jail Trump but more be a warning for him to stay clear of politics. Trump being Trump chose the opposite. Some states tried to prevent Trump even being on the ballot, we must save democracy by quashing any dissenting views!
Needless to say, having a bullet narrowly avoid splattering his brains by a fraction of an inch plus a second would-be assassin being caught before getting off a shot ramped up the hysteria to a fever pitch. It gave Trump both a messianic complex and really pissed him off.
It was a little touch and go for a while but one thing is certain. Never in my lifetime and not really ever in American history have we experienced such a concerted effort to keep someone from even running for President, much less winning the election.
Despite all of that, by the time the debates rolled around and Biden was flopping around on stage like a fish out of water, people were starting to think Trump might win this thing. When Cumala stepped in, the media tried to AstroTurf a surge of support for a woman that never won a single primary and was incredibly unpopular. She was a terrible candidate but the rest of the potential field to replace Biden tripped over themselves to bow out of the race leaving it for Cumala. Kinda weird, no? Her pick of Tampon Tim Walz to be her running mate was inexplicable as he was creepy and weird, bringing nothing to the ticket.
By the time the “election” rolled around, most people thought Trump was likely to win. The millions upon millions of late night votes that flipped the 2020 “election” to Biden never materialized. Very few shenanigans were reported. The response to the results was pretty muted with most of the vitriol directed internally rather than at Trump and his supporters. The interim between the “election” and Inauguration Day was filled with Trump appointing his team and Democrats pointing fingers and Inauguration Day itself, despite being moved inside because of “weather”, went off without a hitch.
All of that combined has resulted in most conservatives and a fair number of political dissidents declaring victory, that we have vanquished the Left and America is on a new, more right-wing path leading to a brighter future.
Seriously? Are we to believe that the people who unleashed a bio-engineered virus on the world in the form of Covid and another in the form of black criminals, people who declared Trump to be LITERALLY HITLER, people that have made it their life’s mission to replace America’s White population in favor of the flotsam and jetsam of the world, now are suddenly just packing it up?
I hardly think so. While most conservatives and many of /ourguys/ are taking victory laps and already discussing J.D. Vance running in 2028, what is happening outside of the public eye? Even if Tom Homan is able to deport millions of violent criminal illegals, that still leaves tens of millions of illegals in our country. The demographic shift is unstoppable at this point and Whites will become a minority in America soon if we aren’t already. The older generations that are majority White are dying off and the younger generations are majority minority already.
Sure mestizo men voted for Trump in unheard of numbers and even black men abandoned the Democrats in a small way but I can’t see that as a signal that their core political philosophy has changed, but that it was a one-off thanks to violent crime, raging inflation and a terribly unlikable woman candidate for the Democrats. Nothing I have seen would indicate that something fundamental has shifted and I expect that in the mid-terms and in 2028 that those groups will return to the Democrat fold. My belief in that is bolstered by the theory I have been espousing for some time that Trump was allowed to “win” in order to set him up as the scapegoat for what is coming.
Call that being black-pilled if you want, I call it being realistic.
It isn’t like this even started in 2016. We are living in the end stages of a project that kicked off over a century ago. They have been slowly taking over the institutions, “The Long March”, for decades and despite the enthusiasm for Trump and the dejection on the Left, They still control most of the Federal bureaucracy, most corporate boardrooms, most churches, virtually all of Hollywood and of course They have a stranglehold on education from kindergarten through grad and professional schools. None of that changed last November and none of that changed last week.
Where we are right now is in a weird stage where the enemies of Western civilization are shifting behind the scenes. While normiecons are busy high fiving each other and talking about political dynasties, our Enemy is preparing the next stage. The time for celebration is over, now we need to be aware of how They are moving. It probably won’t be as obvious as the rainbow flag festooned freaks and bLM burning down cities and that makes it even more dangerous.
They didn’t give up and They aren’t defeated. Not by a long shot. The afterglow of the election and the last week will fade pretty quickly and then I fear we are going to be entering a new, very dangerous stage.
Well said, Arthur. This country has a long, long way to go to be well. And those vipers have a bevy of weapons they have yet to even draw.
Excellent post. I concur 100%. I was first bemused and then appalled reading all the premature celebrations of the supposed ‘vanquishing’ of the left and progressivism. No, those millions of voters and activists and anti-White agitators have not slithered away. More of them are born daily. Trump could deport 5000 a day and not make a dent in the millions of low-IQ, violent non-Whites who entered under Biden – to make no mention of the tens of millions who were already here. Nothing substantive has changed, and the economic sitution remains a shaky house of cards. I see no cause for all the rejoicing. I give Trump credit – as do you – for his drive and determination. But he is one man, and even if he wasn’t a zionist and a civnat, he could not ‘fix’ what 60 years of third-world immigration and anti-White laws and culture has wrought.
Absolutely correct. Trump is kicking the shit out of their pet projects right now, and it is great made for tv entertainment to witness his trolling (and the reactions of the rabid left) but ultimately, most of this stuff barely moves the needle on the damage already done economically and socially to this country. Further, just as with his first term, Trump is ruling by executive order, and most/all of that will be easily undone by a future president whose agenda is diametrically opposed to Trump’s.
And that assumes the long expected and quite likely massive economic collapse doesn’t occur in the next 4 years, which in my mind is an impossibility. We are $36T in debt, functionally bankrupt, and true to form, Trump wants to spend like all get out on his pet projects. How much will get plowed into his just announced “iron dome”? How much will the tech bros peel off in federal funds for AI R&D?
We are not in a good place to start, and Trump, for all his bluster in slaughtering the most obvious symbolic sacred cows of the left, will not return the FUSA to fiscal restraint. He also cannot change the thinking of the somewhere between 25 and 50% of the population who are retards and will vote for leftist bullshit at each opportunity going forward.
Unless we can reprogram (or democide) all those morons, we will continue with these schizophrenic crisis/reaction wild swings in the political leanings of who is running the show, at least until the wheels come off. We simply cannot survive with so many people here who believe in myths, and keep trying to force reality to conform to their delusions. That is the key reason for death of empires right there, too many of the people who comprise it are simply no longer fit for the task.
LOL…..as usual. Yeah, right. Really sticking it to them by changing the window dressing. The “he’s not our guy” disclaimer has been substituted for fawning admiration sans critique. Trump chumps high on hopium can’t see the forest for the trees!
Sad to see but not unexpected Brother…Hard times are coming and most even on this side of the aisle are in no way prepared for it…
I will also be very surprised if there are no further assassination attempts, and not just on Trump.
No doubt.
They are already gearing up the court challenges, where obscure piss-ant judges in hand-picked jurisdictions are swelling up their egos to take on the president and issue injunctions left and right to muddy up the mess. The senate is close enough that one or two RINOs can switch over and fuck every piece of legislation. Those EOs will be challenged, contested, and reversed on day 1 of the next presidential election to swing the D way. It’s all been nice and fun, but just like the end of Star Wars (original series), they don’t show the pieces of the new exploded Death Star raining down onto the planet and killing all the Ewoks in a hailstorm of fire and shredded metal. We’ll just skip past that part and pretend Luke and Leia didn’t already bump uglies.
Exactly right. There’s no “victory” and the fight is only beginning. I’d have said “struggle” but that’s become a code-word. Just like “hegemony” has been co-opted.
[Sidebar: The PRC in the old days used to like to complain about “American hegemony”. I’ll riff off of that. I propose the term “American Hejewmony” be applied to all the shit “we” pull and dump onto peoples around the world on behalf of our masters/owners.]
Anyway, there’s a lot to do, and it’s crucial to not lose heart at the inevitable setbacks and reversals coming. That said, there’s nothing good that comes of continually blackpilling yourself either. Enjoy the consternation and impotent rage of the ones freaking out right now. It was a long time coming.
Oh, I’m thoroughly enjoying the freak outs and weeping of idiot leftists. Especially delicious are the laments of federal employees who are posting of their mental breakdowns online, over the present state of affairs. The amount of demoralization they truly deserve can never possibly be fulfilled, but I’ll take whatever Trump can deal them while it lasts.
Yes indeedy.
Trump’s four years are really two (election cycle) so he has to sprint. And keep distracting the Left.
I agree Arthur. I live in a blue State on the west coast. Born and raised here. I have been trying to get out for 5 years, but I can’t leave my Son and his family behind. He works and gets paid a living wage but in today’s world that wage will not allow him to buy a home for his family. The idiots in this State replace Jay Inslee with sideshow Bob Ferguson the former AG. Inslee was an evil idiot. Sideshow Bob is evil but intelligent, so much more dangerous. The democrats in this State passed law after law giving benefits to illegals and minorities. Free food, cash, medical and housing for illegals. Now the State is 12 billion in debt. They will impose a State income tax in the current session just so we can continue supporting illegals.
I was hoping we could make it 5 more years and move when I retire but if HB 1531 passes in Washington we will need to leave sooner. This bill in my opinion is the writing on the wall for what’s to come. This bill mandates forced vaccines in the event of another pandemic or health crisis. The bird flu is in the news for a reason. They are cooking up their next plandemic. It worked last time so they’ll go with it again.
We didn’t get the last clot shot and we won’t get anything else they dream up.
Better make it your highest priority Sister…