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That Was Quick

There is a scene in Heartbreak Ridge where Gunny Highway discovers that his men are supposed to ambush Major Powers at a predetermined location so there are no surprises. Instead of cooperating the recon boys ambush Powers early when they are unprepared and “kill” them all.

It is easy to win a fight when your opponent does the exact same thing at the exact same time, every time. I could beat up Mike Tyson if I knew his every move and he never deviated from it. Recon platoon was sacrificed over and over in a rigged encounter until Highway decided to not play by the rules.

It reminds me of these first two weeks of Trump.

The script in foreign relations and trade deals is pretty standard. America gives up everything the other side wants and we get nothing we want. Rinse. Repeat. We have been talking about the trade deficit my whole life and absolutely nothing has ever been done to fix it. Quite the opposite, we have done deals that make that trade imbalance worse. The diplomats and ambassadors and trade ministers know the game, who is expected to play which part and no one deviates from it so it goes smooth like melted butter.

Then along comes Orange Man 2.0.

He wants Colombia to take back deported criminals. They refuse. He slaps them with enormous tariffs while playing a round of golf. By the end of the round Columbia has capitulated and agreed to take the illegals back and even fly them on the Presidential plane.

Then he follows through on his promise to enact tariffs on Mexico and Canada unless they agree to border security measures. The Left clutches Their pearls. He is going to cause food prices to go up on avocados and maple syrup and Corona! The same people who ignored and dismissed food inflation for four years are wailing and gnashing Their teeth over paying more for guacamole (which is disgusting and looks like baby poop). Chuck Schumer was on TV rubbing his little rat paws together and bemoaning that people might pay more for Super Bowl snacks, like the guy has ever watched the Super Bowl. This is the same guy who did a photo op holding a raw burger with a slice of cheese on it to pretend he is a regular guy. The media breathlessly reported that fans in Canada were booing the national anthem at NHL and NBA games.

While the Left was ramping up the hysteria machine, Mexico quickly caved and agreed to send 10,000 troops to the border to interdict the flow of fentanyl and illegals.

Meanwhile Trump ordered the military to blow the crap out of some random goat humper in Somalia. Why? It wasn’t about that guy, it was a message to the cartels. We can blow up terrorists in Somalia with the push of a button and we can do the same to you now that drug cartels have been designated as terrorist groups.

Shortly after Claudia ((Sheinbaum)) went belly up, her northern counterpart Justin Castro-Trudeau did the same:

Trudeau Bends The Knee: Canada Will Send 10,000 Troops To Border, Name Fentanyl Czar To Delay Trump Tariffs

Trudeau is even more of a pussy than I thought. First he goes to Mar-a-lago to bend the knee and Trump mocks him to his face, then he is run out of office because Trump humiliated him and finally he bends over and bites the pillow after 24 hours on the trade war.

I said yesterday in The End Is Nigh!

What I am assuming will happen: Trump will raise tariffs, outgoing prime minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican president ((Claudia Sheinbaum)) will retaliate and everyone will hurf and blurf in public. Meanwhile behind the scenes they will quietly agree to do what Trump wants them to do because these tariffs might be painful for U.S. consumers but they will be devastating for Canada and Mexico. Trump isn’t playing around and they know it. He won’t get everything he wants but he will get most of what he wants.

It went down even faster than I thought it would. It is taking some self-discipline to not get too bought into what is going on but it will be fun while it lasts. Imagine an American President that seems to actually place American interests first.


  1. Bean Dip Tray

    Vlad the Putinator has said that EU rump vassals will fall in line under Trump.
    The only concern is what he (Trump) will do for Israel who is laying low for now.
    Sheinbaum is a Mexican sounding name. (sarc)
    Read that Canada has huge tariffs on food and other items.

  2. Big Ruckus D

    I have to say the entertainment value of all this is superlative. I never thought I’d see the bad orange man going so hard right out of the gate. I’m still not in the least convinced this gets us anywhere close to where we need to be, but I’ll take what we’ve gotten so far as an acceptable opening act. As you said, this is more (apparent) movement on these issue than we’ve seen in our lifetimes thus far, so I’ll observe the show cautiously, and see where it leads. For now, anyway. I also share your distaste for guacamole, the stuff looks and tastes disgusting.

    • Tree Mike; eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn

      Yo, Big R, I was borned/s and raised in East San Diego Co., so had avocado trees as yard trees (and every kind of citrus) so I love avos with salt, seasoned salt, Italian dressing, ranch, Mexican guackamucky. Avos and guackamucky goes on lots of Mexican food and when you were raised here, Mexican is a major food group. Yuppies, liberals and twat knot soybois have given avos and guacka a bad image. I’m a German, Irish, Portuguese, Mexican, American ( but totally look Notzee Aryan) so of course I identify as Hispanic Lesbian on all government forms (because I have a sense of humor, duh) because that’s the AMERICAN WAY!!! YMMV…

      • Big Ruckus D

        Fair enough, and no offense intended towards the tastes of anyone who enjoys avocados or guac. Just not my thing. Concur that yuppies and other assorted morons have given avocadoes a bad image of late.

          • Big Ruckus D

            Heh, had never heard that before. Did some online research, and the origin of avocado meaning testicle appears to be (but is not certain to be) more of a euphemism, than an actual translation. Nonetheless, you’ll never see me with an avocado in my mouth.

  3. Max Wiley

    Border security isn’t the whole of it by any means.
    A Rivet Joint plane is operating over Baja California in Mexican airspace. That’s never happened before. We are undoubtedly soaking up all of the Elint there is to get in northern Mexico. Cartels will soon find that using a cell phone is a death sentence, but not until their entire organization is mapped. The serious boy sections of our military are really good at that stuff, they have had lots of practice.
    There will also be meetings. I am sure that some of the subjects of those meetings will include Chinese companies using Mexico and Canada in various rebranding schemes to avoid tariffs.
    There will be more, but this is a good start.

  4. ozark homesteader

    The Left (TM) and their slavish morons, the leftists, may become so fearful, so embittered, so inured with TDS and blind rage against all things MAGA, that THEY initiate CW 2, narrative-be-damned. Perhaps Trump’s audacious “He Who Dares Wins” approach will lead to the cleansing this country, heck, North America…even ALL of Western Civilization so desperately needs.

    • ozark homesteader

      Also, Senator Brian Shats (D., Hawai’i) is a beta-cuck (TM) of the highest order. I wanted to be the first one to say that on the internets.

  5. Filthie

    It isn’t hurf n’ blurf. He’s run Canada right into the ground, he’s a narcissistic moron, and he doesn’t give a shit about Canadians. He’s capable of anything.

    I think Trump had naked pics of Justin with a goat or something else to blackmail him with.

    • Mike in Canada

      For now, unless there is some other development or event, we are approaching this situation (the 30-day pause) as thirty more days to ensure our shit is in one bag.
      We fear this is not over, nay, not even yet fairly begun, and far more looms ‘gainst the far horizon, intent on pursuit and triumph, though we rail and prepare for it.

      Powder dry and weapons tight. For now.

      • Mike In Canada

        Well, I have great respect for President Trump, but I suspect he will have to reinstate the tariffs… Trudeau & Co are pushing a ‘check your labels and buy Canadian’ posture, even thought we are supposed to be working together. It would seem they know this won’t work.

        An explanation for this is here:

        If this is true, we in Canada are screwed because the forces at work here didn’t just get rolling yesterday. These things have been in the works for decades.
        Frankly, I would rather stop using vinegar on my fries, than learn to speak Mandarin…

  6. ghostsniper

    I’ve had guacamole dip a couple times and it’s ok taste wise but I never make it any more because avocados are ALREADY too dam expensive. $1 or $1.50 for one the size of a tennis ball.

    Frankly, my wife and I have downsized so far over the past 10 years, and we’ll pay the house off next month, that they can raise the prices on everything 500% and it won’t bother us much. We have at least 3 years worth of food and supplies on hand as it is. Yeah, we’re mostly isolationists.

    • Troy Messer

      Guacamole is delicious. It does look like baby poop. And Corona looks like piss. I prefer Mexican beers because they don’t use all that god damn bitter hops Avocados are a superfood. But I’m not entitled to cheap avocados and Corona so I support the tarrifs.

      DJT is so far deep inside the deep states OODA loop that they are unbalanced and don’t know where to start. I hope Trump can keep up the momentum.

  7. 3g4me

    (((Schatz))) and (((Scheinbaum))) can take a f**king leap to make aliyah. I am not a magatard nor an ‘acolyte’ of ANYONE – I think for myself and say/write what I think – and I’m with Big Ruckus D on not expecting anyone to be able to truly ‘fix’ what ails the former USA. BUT – I will admit that I am surprised and pleased with much of what Trump has tried to do thus far. Going after the money and all the online records is the way to trace and prove what the leftists have done. No, it won’t change the opinions/votes of all the non-Whites and the 50% of anti-White Whites, but it is amusing to watch their meltdowns. While I know there will be all sorts of injunctions and lawsuits against it, when I read this morning that they are going to send deportees and US ‘citizen’ criminals to El Salvador I laughed in delight. I’m going to enjoy this while it lasts, while not expecting it to last nearly long enough (most people are too weak-kneed and the womyn will all be crying about how ‘not nice’ we are).

    And while I don’t care for Guacamole and think your description of how it looks is spot on, I do like avocados. Mix a few cubes with some chopped fresh tomato and olive oil vinaigrette and left-over cut up beef, and dig in,

    • Troy Messer

      ” I think for myself and say/write what I think”

      That reminds of what St. George Carlin said. Something like “I think for myself and form my own opinion, which makes me a bad American” or something like that.

      The “I think for myself” are who the government hates the most.

        • Big Ruckus D

          @Troy Messer, right on with that.

          @3G4ME, I have not been a particular fan of Trump since early in his first term. In fact, I was a vicious critic of the man for what happened in the back half of his first term, to include his handling of COVID, particularly. That said, In have to admit I’m genuinely impressed by what he has been doing. Even if none of this pans out in terms of effecting successful “fixes” for all the bullshit wrong in this (now) poor excuse for a country, he is taking actions that are absolutely unheard of in my lifetime of 50ish years.

          The man has single handedly (well, having delegated the job to Elon and his merry band of weaponized autists, may God bless and keep them) shut down USAID, sounds like he is making serious noise about demolishing the dept of education (which would give me a chubby that reached from here to Kansas City, if it really happens) and he is so far up the left’s ass right now, they don’t know whether to shit or go blind. As they say at McDonalds, I’m lovin’ it! Oh, and he shitcanned 1000 IRS agents today. I gotta say, despite my doubts about the his seriousness to get the job done, and ongoing skepticism over his policies re: Israel (I was not pleased to see the US is apparently now going to take control of Gaza, oy fuckin’ vey) I will give him credit where it is apparently due. If he can keep this up, and prevent the left from catching the breath or their footing (and decapitating their slush fund sources will go a long way towards that’s no doubt) we might have an outside chance at seeing a material improvement.

          I won’t go so far as to say I expect any such thing yet; we are very early in the game. But he has set in motion a certain momentum that feels unlike anything I’ve ever seen in politics since I first starting paying attention to it decades ago. And I can’t deny I’m gloating like a muthafucka over here right now, seeing what he’s done to the left just 3 weeks in.

  8. Gryphon

    The fact that DOGE Inspectors have the Authority to access ANY Agencies’ Computer records, and Fire Immediately any bureaucrat that ‘resists’ is Unprecedented in the History of the Swamp (since 1871, the ‘incorporation’). I believe that the “Corporate Structure” of the feral ‘government’ has been Seized Upon by Trump and his Team; Knowing this Fact, and Acting like the CEO that he actually Is, is how NOTHING the bureaucracy, and even the ‘courts’ can do anything to Stop. In Fact, the Nation has NOT been operating as a “Constitutional Republic” since 1871, and has been Legally “In Receivership” of the (((creditors))) since the Bankruptcy of 1933.

    As CEO, Trump has Unlimited Powers to Reorganize the ‘corporation’, and unless the (((creditors))) try to Remove him, None of the ’employees’ can say Jack about it, without getting Fired. Some writers have theorized that the judeo-communist element of the Swamp may try to “Go Kinetic”, but that would only result in their Destruction. It would also be the Opening for Trump (backed by any Loyal Officers) to Declare the (((debt))) to be Null and Void, thus Destroying the (((banksters))) hold on the Republic.

    But Good Luck with that…

  9. Stealth Spaniel

    Well I LOVE Guacamole, and any Californio can tell you-the only avocado is HAAS. The other also rans are just sweet and useless whereas HAAS is the real deal.
    From University California at Riverside:
    The origional tree was really a mistake – a lucky chance seedling. In the late 1920’s, Mr. Rudolph Hass, who was a postman, purchased seedling trees from A. R. Rideout of Whittier, for the purpose of developing two acres of budded trees of the Lyon variety. Hass’ children first brought the tree to his attention. They preferred the fruit. Since the quality was high and the tree bore well, Hass patented it in 1935.The Hass fruit differed so dramatically from the Fuerte, which was the standard of the industry. Nonetheless, Brokaw began to propagate the rough, black Hass exclusively and promote it in favor of the then standard varieties. Hass felt justified inasmuch as the Hass was a far better bearer than the Fuerte and matured at a different time of the year. Because of the seasonal advantage Brokaw was successful to the point of yearly sellouts of his nursery crops of 3 to 10,000 trees. Selling price was $5.00 per tree and against (Fuerte tree) prices varying from $3.50 in good years down to $1.25 in poor ones. Despite speculation to the contrary, nobody knows what variety of seed produced the Hass. Rideout was an innovator and pioneer in avocados and used whatever seeds he could find – many times planting them along streets or in neighbor’s yards in search for new varieties. Ironically, the Hass was one he hadn’t intended to leave as a seedling.
    So there you have it-American all the way. A bastard seedling that know one knows where it came from, yet is now the industry standard.
    I am so happy what The Trumper is doing that I can’t stand it. Striking fear in every Fuc*^%$#( government diddler and slashing budgets like a Biblical Avenger. Finally!!

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