The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves at the sight of literally retarded black women like Maxine Waters and Jasmine Crockett making laws in the Congress. According to Jasmine and her trashy fake nails, White supremacists are responsible for “80% of the most violent crimes” in the U.S.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D) falsely claims “80% of the most violent crimes in this country are from white supremacists”
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 4, 2025
I am sure all of my readers are familiar with the statistics. In every category of violent crime blacks are dramatically overrepresented and in many are an absolute majority of the perpetrators despite being only 13% of the population. Whites by contrast are drastically underrepresented in virtually every category of violent crime. Not only are black men far more violent but even black women commit a disproportionate percentage of murders. At ages 15-24, the prime category for criminal behavior, black men are murderers at a rate of 207 per 100,000 while White men are only 8.3 per 100k and mestizo men 28.1 per 100k, but look at black women of that age bracket. They come in at 16.9 per 100,000 which is more than double the rate for White men.

Sheeit, there are almost 5 murderers per hundred thousand among blacks aged 5-14!
I know statistics and math are racist and sheeeit, but someone needs to tell Jizzmine that she is lying and maybe should clean her own house before screeching at White people.
The Founders didn’t bother to specifically exclude people like Jizzmine Crockett from serving in Congress because in their wildest imaginations they couldn’t have imagined this country becoming so degraded that we let people like her make laws and scold White people with lies.
If only we could go back and warn them…..
I was remarking only yesterday to my wife how tragic, how pathetic and how hilarious it often is that these “useful idiots” who have been trained up by the “cultural revolution” to invest fully in their victimhood, to blame everything wrong in their lives on The White Man, and to demonize Whites at every turn. They end up believing all that communist, social justice baloney that they’ve been fed, and so paint themselves into a corner where their only companions and resources are folly, lies, hatred, covetousness and their echo-chamber-fellows. Meanwhile, they unwittingly are merely doing most of the heavy lifting of their masters which is destroying functioning (Western) civilization. Like I said, tragic and pathetic.
Didn’t the immaculate Hussein Hopenchange delete them with the historic pen and phone?
I kid their insider trading stock portfolio won’t be harmed and they will get government properties such as old post offices for pennies on the dollar, plus there is AIPAC and Big Pharmakeia money.
I’d love to hear ol’ Ben Franklin’s take on Mad Maxine Waters. As much of a hound dog as he was, it’s doubtful there were any negresses in his woodpile.
I want to know how Kentaji Jackson, a nigger so stupid she doesn’t know what a woman is, can rule regarding Title 9 protections (that are supposed to protect women in college sports) if said stupid nigger can’t tell me what a woman is.
Most women are emotionally incontinent airheads. For black women, add incredibly stupid and ignorant, as well as aggressively angry and intensely envious of White women’s appearance. For various brown and yellow women, add cleverly manipulative and passive-aggressive (the ‘dragon lady’ name came from noticing). White women are now fat, entitled, and raised to believe they ‘don’t need a man.’ The White birth rate cannot be increased by mating with non-White women. The White women need to be put in their place . . . good and hard. Until then, White family formation will continue to suffer.
They’d be horrified that their livestock was running around loose.
I believe Crockett was the one that paid her husband $500,000 for security services.
You know, we could even those statistics out, if we focus, and concentrate, and… Actually, think about it, we’re likely going to have to; at some point in the not too distant future.