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The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again!

Shamsud Din Jabbar you say? To the surprise of no one….

Looks like he is already molesting his 72 virgin goats in paradise….

Oh and of course he just crossed the southern border.

The people pulling Joe Biden’s strings once again have blood on their hands.


  1. Big Ruckus D

    Plot twist: the 72 virgins are angry male incels, and he is going to spend eternity bending over. Ah, the finer points that Allah (piss be upon him) failed to be fully honest about.

      • Big Ruckus D

        Yeah, truly average. This goatfucker uses (and utterly destroys) a 2023 Ford F-150 that cost upwards of $60k to play human pinball on Bourbon Street on NYE. That’s just what I expect from average Joe Public.

        • Big Ruckus D

          I should’ve added, if they wanted to portray the perp as an average American, they already knew it by disclosing his name. You know any average Americans with names like that? Yeah, me neither.

      • TakeAHardLook

        Yes! “He is an American citizen. He was born in the U.S.” Nauseating blather/gaslighting.

        Despite the fact that Islam recognizes no authority than Allah–and no muslim (on pain of death) can swear fealty to anything BUT Allah.

        This is why no Muslim belongs in America. They cannot assimilate except superficially; they can wait, sometimes for decades, before emerging to strike at the orders of their handlers in their typical “aloha snackbar” terrorist strikes

        A 7th century blood cult that never grew up, and exists in the modern world only to use modern tools for mayhem.

        Remember: a good muslim will cut off your head; a moderate muslim will hold your feet.

    • 3g4me

      I wasn’t wise enough to read Remus when he was around, but I’ve assumed for years now that public events/celebrations – except for perhaps those in small, White towns – were not ‘safe spaces’ for White Americans. And even if they were, who would want to be among thousands of people – and celebrating what? That was fine when I was young and stupid in high school, but now a genuine crowd makes me nervous. Heck, just going back and visiting the DFW metroplex makes me uncomfortable, thinking about all those millions of people, about half of them non-White aliens, and having to navigate amongst them, let alone getting away when something goes wrong. Yet again, why we decided not to wait for ‘when’ and just moved ahead of time!

      • Lineman

        Most people are reactive Sister very few are proactive…We all know the saying it’s better to be a year to early than a day too late but very few take it to heart…

      • Lineman

        And the longer they are around bad stuff the more they think they are immune from it never realizing the odds keep going up every day that something bad is going to happen…

  2. Big Ruckus D

    And just now it’s reported that a cyber truck “blew up” and is fully engulfed in front of the Trump Hotel Las Vegas. Parked right in front of the main entrance, under the porte cochere, which it will probably burn down as the lithium batteries are spent in the blaze. That’ll be an awkward moment for Trump and his new best H1B pushing buddy to discuss.

  3. ozark homesteader

    Its interesting that aloha-snackbar du jour attacked people with a pickup, and then with a firearm. Shawn Ryan on his show a couple weeks ago had some Sarah-ex-cia chick on his show and she talked about how the new middle-eastern-terrorist thing is to train the attackers to fight to the death. She also said that many of these attacks would happen in a coordinated fashion. I ain’t sayin’ this is the start of such an attenuated event, I’m just sayin’.

  4. ozark homesteader

    Trivia question: How many times did the New Orleans chief-of-police co-star with Dick Van Dyke in feature length kids’ films in the 1960’s?

  5. Troy Messer

    My intitial reaction is that this is one of those green flag things. We know the FBI is full of pedophile faggots that hate the USA. So they were probably aware and let this happen if not outright facilitating it.

  6. Stealth Spaniel

    Okay-first mistake; Mayor LaToya Cantrell called the incident a terrorist attack. Well, duh. Investigators are also focusing on the car, which had a Texas license plate. According to a news release from the FBI, the Ford pickup truck appeared to have been rented and investigators are working to determine how the suspect came into its possession.
    The FBI said an Islamic State group flag was recovered in the vehicle the suspect used.
    So, we were all on the correct page of “things that make us go…HHHMMM”. I am so sick of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and our favorite melanin. Think about it. Removing diversity, equity, and inclusion (in all its forms) would make us as safe as Switzerland used to be. Shop white, live white, and immerse yourself white.

  7. Exile1981

    Some of the earliest versions of the Koran don’t use the word virgin they use a identical word with an accent over a different letter, that makes it Raisins. So its 72 raisins not virgins and they magicaly refresh every night.

  8. Leo

    Not to discount ANY of us having an axe to grind with the Muslim savages…. they’re certainly not our buds nor are they innocent…but the powers that be have had us fighting, killing, and being killed by these people for some time. We’re conditioned to see them- and NOTHING/NO ONE behind them. One of my friends down here remarked that ISIS had claimed responsibility for the Germany attack last week. Close the book, then. That’s it! There’s the 25 yd target!! Whack the mole!

    From where did he get that information? And whomever got THAT information– where did they get it? Someone calling in to “the authorities” claiming to be ISIS?

    I’m beginning to think that this is by design.

    I’m sure the sandnigger Muslim terrorist fuck is just that because there was a flag and the press said so.

    Always look past the shiny objects at the man behind the curtain.

    Because he doesn’t give a fuck about us!

    But he’s glad to sacrifice us.

    He wanted us to see the Arabic letter, which supposedly means “Christian “- because we’ll fight over that!

    Even though his own people came up with that one. And it worked.

    Who taught us about Islam? Think about it…

    We’re focused on the target he wants us to hate and destroy for his purposes.

    It worked on me for decades.

    And he’s the one who gave us this wonderful cultural diversity!

    We were supposed to learn about Islam and the Arabs by reading “The Arab Mind”.

    Hint- it wasn’t written by an Arab.

    So we’ll do his fighting and dying for him. What do we get?

    He’s happy when we’re myopic. Then we can’t see him. He’s one of us, right?

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