A few more thoughts.
Being born in America and having a U.S. passport doesn’t make you an American.
Shamsud Din Jabbar sounds like the quintessential Texas good ol’ boy, don’t he? That is a name just Cody or Tyler or Tex that just screams Texas Forever!
Being American isn’t not the result of your agreement to a set of propositions or principles. It is something that had a very real racial component for most of our history. It wasn’t until 1965 when the American people were lied to in order to pass “immigration reform” that threw open the floodgates for immigration from the third world that this started to change. Now we are on the precipice of Whites becoming a minority in our own country, replaced by mestizos, Africans and Asians.
It should never have come to this. Members of the Cuck-Right like James Lindsay call people on the real Right “Woke Right”, as faggoty a term as has ever been coined, and like to pretend that all that makes you “American” is being within the boundaries of the United States and affirming a set of ever-changing principles.
That is so historically illiterate that it boggles the mind but Cuck-Right people seem to think American history went from “All men are created equal” and skipped to the 1970s. If you aren’t part of the heritage American people, in short White, you aren’t American.
Coming to America “legally” doesn’t mean you should be here.
This is a great example of the flawed arguments that came out of the whole H1B blow-up since Christmas that somehow America benefits by hordes of low IQ dimwits coming here “legally”. Whatever shithole Kareem Abdul Shamsud Din Jabbar’s parents or maybe grandparents came from, they probably came here legally. America is full of American hating black and brown people that we have allowed to come here “legally” that still carry the seeds of resentment. I don’t know yet what radicalized Shimsham Badabing Jujubee but you can probably guess it has something to do with “Islamophobia” and/or our slavish and servile devotion to Israel, no matter how many children They bomb.
Muslims, mestizos, blacks, Asians, especially Jews, all non-Whites living in America are endlessly barraged by messages of how America has done them wrong….by letting them live in our country where many of them are prosperous in ways that they couldn’t have imagined if they had stayed where they came from. They are radicalized by a message of resentment and pseudo-racism that doesn’t actually exist in any tangible sense, a message that is so desperate for affirmation that we are subjected to a steady litany of “hate crimes” that turn out to be hoaxes.
Even before he drove a pick-up truck into a crowd in New Orleans, America didn’t need Shamsud Din Jabbar or his parents or any other members of his extended family. We were not doing fine without them, we were doing great. America doesn’t benefit by the mere presence of people that don’t share the racial heritage of the White people that built this country. They don’t belong here.
Despite the years long witch-hunt for the White supremacist phantom menace in the U.S. military, it sure seems like Muslim radicals are a far greater threat. Mostly because they actually exist.
Shamsud Din Jabbar probably wasn’t radicalized in the U.S. military but others have been. Remember Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist that went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood, killing 13 and wounding more than 30 service members at Fort Hood? Depending on the final death count, Shamsud Din Jabbar might surpass his total. Or Sergeant Hasan Karim Akbar (born Mark Fidel Kools) a black Muslim who tossed grenades into 3 tents where fellow members of the 101st Airborne Division were sleeping in Kuwait, killing two officers and wounding more than a dozen.
Despite the lack of any tangible evidence, under the Mr. Potato Head Biden administration the top brass has been warning us of the threat of radical right-wing extremists in the military while also screeching about the White supremacist threat in America in general. While they have managed to arrest a couple of “White supremacists” talking about carrying out terror attacks, those people were mostly incited, encouraged and entrapped by the Feds while actual Muslim terrorists keep carrying out actual acts of terrorism.
The mostly likely response to this terror attack are further measures that infringe on the civil liberties of White people as the result of yet another Muslim terror attack
When the attack was announced, did anyone think it was anything but an Islamist attack? Even far lefties who were claiming that the flag on the truck was a Trump flag and that Texas plates proved it was a MAGA attack didn’t believe that. We all knew without any hesitation that it was some Muslim, after all driving into crowds is one of their favorite tactics.
Meanwhile when you fly in 2025, two dozen years after the 9/11 hijackings, White people still have to remove our shoes and be subjected to degrading searches because heaven forbid the TSA primarily look at the people who actually carry out acts of terror: Muslims. Can’t be “racist” or “Islamophobic”, even if that means looking the other way while terrorists attack Americans.
They all have to go back. Legal, illegal, H1B visa, O-1 “genius” visa, whatever. Until we clear the country out we will face occasional terrorist attacks, unrelenting violent crime and an anchor holding Whites back from achieving what we are capable of because we have to babysit non-Whites. Trump won’t do it but maybe, just maybe, there is a Strong Man just over the horizon that will have the courage to do what needs to be done.
Hi, Arthur et all. Got a essay up on CounterCurrents that’s good read in light of your Tech Right/neocons post: it shows how if the white world would end all immigration it would actually raise world living standards, even for sh%thole nations, in the long run (it was originally up on Occidental Observer a while back but got much more relevant with the Musk-implosion); link below.
You know Brother this country would have never been settled if they would of been made up of the population we have today so even if a strong man came on the scene today there wouldn’t be enough of us to do what is needed to clear this country out…Shit I would say even back then if they would of tried to take the whole country with what they had they wouldn’t of been able to conquer it all…Look how long it took them to settle everything and that was with over 90% White Population…If we want to win then we have to deal in reality and I don’t think most are ready to do that…
good comment. we are headed into the “rivers of blood thingy” … those who thought they will come out on top of this .. are mistaken. the Yugoslavia breakup gif out on the ‘net is up in the batter box right here at home.
I say we give it shot anyway.
If my first comment doesn’t get through, here’s the link to a good article on the subject.
Usual qualifications aside, the most brilliant and pompous guy on the internet is not wrong when he says “Identity trumps ideology. Always.” Too many, even on ‘our’ side, just cannot accept that. How many “dissidents” are married to a Han or Mestiza? And they somehow always justify it – I’m not arguing that White women are ‘marriageable’ today, but if you value White racial identity, you don’t have mixed kids. Period.
“brilliant and pompous guy on the internet is not wrong when he says “Identity trumps ideology. Always.” ”
Vox (AKA (H)humanitie’s (G) reatest (G)enius) , hereinafter simply HGG may indeed be pompous and arrogant, but he is usually right. Look, I, too, eyeroll whenever he uses “but I have a minor in Eastern Studies”
But he and Martin Van Crevald, a jew, are again right when they assert Diversity + Proximity = War
Press one for English, si se puede!
Make India Great Again.
No more globalist presidents.
So I just watched the local news in Blackmont, we, I mean Beaumont, TX where the attacker is from and attended high school.
His associate, Fahmee Al-Uqdah called him (drum roll……) “scholarly”. I have met this Al-Uqdah cat before. Many years ago. He is a nigger that worked for, and I’m sure is retired by now, at the U.S. Post Office.
Someone I worked with cued me in that his born given name was George Washington (I really think it was). If it isn’t George. It’s something close and his last name was definitely Washington. So he’s a nigger muzzie convert.
Back to the attacker……I watched a vidya of him and he’s definitely a gulf coast nigger. So let’s just say about a 99.9% probability he’s another nigger muzzie convert.
But the name perfectly fits the narrative that we need to send our White kids off to war with Iran. I bet there’s gonna be a shit ton more of these in the upcoming festivities.
I bet they’ll never release his birth name. Stay scholarly my friends.
Here’s the link.
Confirmed. Nigger. See pic midway down the page with him and his fambly.
AS, I am again posting that “The Attack,” by Kurt Schlichter, is worth the read, simply to get sheeple/normies to perhaps realize that there is a shitstorm coming, that they have to prep and learn how to get their heads on swivels and in “Condition Yellow” (at minimum) all the time.
[As an aside I commented on your Book Review: The Attack, by Kurt Schlichter, making my opinion known (last comment: OCTOBER 15, 2024 AT 11:44 AM). I have passed copies of the novel to many; some benefited, others still have their heads buried where the sun doesn’t shine. I won’t be aiding the latter.
Great literature it is not–nor does it pretend to be such–but it serves a purpose and, to date, no one else has sounded a warning].]
Add traitorous whites to the list, though their exit destination should be hell.
Too many details on this point to fed op sponsorship. Why have explosives if not going to use them? Why have a remote detonator and leave it in the cab? Working alone why have made the IEDs at all? If there are partners why lose them the use of the explosives? Sounds like incompetently staged “evidence”. Let’s randomly throw all the usual shit in the truck and go “look look, ISIS attack!”.
Sarah Adams in her recent Shawn Ryan interview might have the right explanation. She said the current doctrine for attacks by Al Qaeda et al is to be flexible. If a team is planning to shoot up planned location A, but when they get there, there aren’t enough people walking around to get a high victim count, then they can shift to location B, or any other convenient location with a denser crowd. If explosives will be more effective than firearms, or explosives followed by firearms will be more effective, then the terrorists are to use their own judgement.
Good points. I was thinking more along the lines that suicide bombers would have a control person with the remote in case they chickened out and here the remote was in the cab.
FBI: he had others working with him.
/us/: yeah we know. It was you guys.
“That is so historically illiterate that it boggles the mind but”
Lindsay is lying faggot. The word nation, by definition, is an ethnic consideration. And America is no different. In the Preamble of the Constitution…
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
“I bet this faggot loves that suffix “phobic.” I am more than sick of the suffix “phobic.” I am not afraid of Muslims. I despise them. They are antithetical to Western Civilization. Sandle wearing goat fuckers are nothing to be feared. Israel was able to take on 3 nations in 1967 not because they are all that awesome, but because muslims fight like morons.
That word posterity, it was talking about the children of the White Englishmen that set up the country. It wasn’t talking about niggers, spics, or kike. The posterity meant White people.
Lindsay is a lying faggot and there is no magic dirt.
Amen Brother…I wish our side understood that there is no magic dirt as well…It’s Blood and Soil that make a country…
To your point, just look at the various native Indian tribe license plates around the country…… Cherokee nation, Choctaw nation, etc….. very much an ethnic component.
And on top of all this, you have as stupid nigger with a nose ring telling us this isn’t a terrorist incident. God damn, how the fuck do these stupid niggers tie their shoe laces in the morning?
What’s worse her or the cucked men behind her submitting to her authority…I wonder if anyone of them was thinking what a dumb nigger bitch or have they just been so whipped by the kike propaganda that they actually think she’s a genius…
I noticed that too. Looking with their heads down. I wonder what was going through those White ELO’s minds when that dumb nigger was saying the planted bombs werent a terrorist activity?
Well, yeah, but “muh pension, bruh.” The war against the White, Alpha, Male rages on. While the sandwich makers and dishwashers ascend to ‘bitch boss’ and auger the whole thing right into the ground.
When White Alpha males stay isolated and atomized they are going to be easy targets for Tribal People…
Yep. I believe that was the point of all those westerns and all the action movies that have been made that portray “the lone good guy” kicking all the bad guys’ butts and thereby saving the day. Imprinting works I guess.
Yep it’s amazing how conditioned we all were by the things we seen, read, and were taught but you would think if you have gotten this far in breaking free from their grasp that you could see the need to be Building Tribe… I know you know Brother…
Absolutely. Still, its hard to resist the vision of my sweaty, barechested self atop a hill firing a rifle one handed to destroy all the bad guys. Except that my barechested self is less angular and more rounded than it once was. And I breathe harder getting up hills now. And the arthritis in my wrists will not allow for one handed rifle-fire. Haha.
The Muslim and the nigger are the cudgel for the Jew. They cannot project their violence, woe, chaos and despair outside of their own smoking shitholes. They need the Jew to inflict them on Christendom.
Look past the 25 yd whack a mole target. Look at that man behind the curtain with a small hat and a big nose.
I’ve gotten to the stage where I no longer want all non-Whites expelled, voluntarily or by force. I want them exterminated, the way that Isntreal is removing the arabs and Christians from occupied Palestine.
Make Exterminatus Great Again!
The same goes for the mutts, the mentally ill(queers and trannies). This is one of the reasons I support abortion and infanticide. If a child can’t read by the age of 6, then it will never contribute to society.
Shamsud din jabbar, he with the fancy sounding pseudo Arabic name, is just a garden variety American nigger
sham dindu jarjar