Fire Up The Memory Hole!
At first it seemed to scream set up, coming as it did the week of Trump’s inauguration, but the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee at Antioch High School actually turned out to be pretty standard school shooting. The shooter was one Solomon Henderson….

You can see why this story is getting very little coverage. Someone found online pictures of him before They could scrub it and it isn’t an autistic White teen or a White girl that thinks she is a boy. Just a run of the mill black kid at a school full of diversity according to Great Schools:

It’s a decent sized school, according to their website around 2,000 “students”.

There are some apparent screenshots of his manifesto around the internet, take with a grain of salt. Maybe an entire shaker of salt. Source.

“School is a daycare. It’s impossible for you to actually think. You say things because other people have said it before, then go repeat ad nauseum somewhere else”. He said he “hates niggers” but the girl he killed was a mestizo of some sort so that seems weird.
His manifesto is kind of based in some ways. To be honest, he sounded like a mildly intelligent black kid who was crammed into a school of 2,000 borderline retards. The school sounds like a disaster zone:
Chante Frye, whose daughter is in ninth grade at the school, says she got a text from the youngster to say she’d been locked down inside her classroom.
‘But it’s almost not surprising because it’s getting worse with the fights and the violence at school,’ Frye told The Tennessean.
A school with a thousand mestizos and 600 blacks is going to be a powder keg on the best day. You can understand why a kid that had some independent thought would be crazy in that environment. That doesn’t excuse his behavior, he was 17 and almost ready to get out of there, but every day in large urban schools has to be a living hell.
This shooting will disappear quickly for obvious reasons. Some are trying to claim he was suffering from self-esteem issues because of “White supremacism” but he seems to deny that right in his manifesto.
Something else I have been meaning to bring up on this topic of school shootings for some time…
School shootings are like mass shootings in a couple of ways.
- Some of them are given enormous attention by the media.
- The media has created a stereotype of school shooters that doesn’t really match the reality
- There are far more school shootings than most people realize.
I ran across this story in December:
The Madison school shooting is the 323rd in the country this year — and Wisconsin’s deadliest ever
It startled even a jaded fella like me. 323 school shootings in 2024 alone? WTF?!
As it turns out there is a privately run database that tracks them, the K-12 School Shooting Database. Like the Gun Violence Archive, it appears to be headed up by one guy named David Riedman. According to the linked FAQ….

Every Town for Gun Safety is a leftist gun confiscation paid for by Michael Bloom((berg)). In other words, like the Gun Violence Archive, the K-12 School Shooting Database might pretend to just interested in providing information but it clearly has a bias against gun ownership. If it didn’t Mike Bloomberg wouldn’t give him money.
Unlike the GVA, K-12 School Shooting Database claims to have a complete listing of school shootings from 1966 (!) that includes gang shootings and other types of shootings that typically the media tries to bury as they are invariably overwhelmingly black (see How Do We Reduce Black Crime Statistics? Stop Counting Black Crimes! where I delve into the most commonly referenced article from Mother Jones by people claiming Whites commit the majority of “mass shootings” by eliminating “gang violence” and “conventionally motivated crimes”. The Mother Jones article is linked by a Newsweek story and is the one most people throw at me after five seconds of a Google search and not one of them read the article or bother trying to understand the data being used). The database also claims to include information about race. The database is not just on their website of course, you have to email and request it so I did. I doubt he will send it to me if he Googles my name but we will see.
Back to the story I linked above. If there were at least 323 school shootings in 2024, how many did you hear about? That is almost one per day but like the over 500 mass shootings last year most of us only would have heard about a small number unless you are out specifically looking for them as I do. Something else I noticed, like mass shootings, school shootings exploded the last few years since the Summer Of Love in 2020:

Under Joe Biden there were 1,244 school shootings, over 300 per years. There have apparently already been 12 this year!
Why have the number of school shootings under Joe Biden and the leftist permissive policing policies not been reported on? Because we don’t have anything approximating an independent media in America outside of social media.
This is an important subject to be informed on. School shootings are even more emotionally charged than mass shootings because by their nature they are happening around children at school. While lots of children are caught in the crossfire of mass shootings, schools are supposed to be safe. They were in the past when the idea of “school resource officers” and metal detectors at schools was unthinkable outside of the very worst inner-city schools. Today nowhere seems safe and based on these numbers, a lot more shooting is going on at schools than almost anyone realizes. Of course the media doesn’t report on most of these shooters and we know why: when the media doesn’t mention something it is because it contains uncomfortable facts and that almost always is race. Believe me, if there had been over 300 school shootings in America last year committed by White kids, you would have heard about it. It would have been the number one issue in the 2024 election and based on that Cumala might have won. That no one heard about those shootings is all the evidence you need to surmise that virtually all of them involved black or mestizo shooters.
Schools should be safe places but thanks to our ever-increasing diversity, they are not.
A shaker of salt, I guess. Not buying the manifesto was authored by a 17 y/o kid without some serious mkultra/handler guidance. Hard pass. Do better feds.
At least some assistance from the weirdos on reddit
323 school shootings per day works out to approximately two per day since the school year is about 180 days minus “in-service” days. That’s a lot more than I expected.
Boy, there ought to be a law against people under 18 buying handguns (/ do I need a sarc tag).
Or we could make murder illegal.
I’ll bet the K-12 School Shooting database uses the same flawed methodology for counting school shootings. Some guy pulls into a school parking lot at 3 a.m. and kills himself with a handgun? School shooting! A school bus is driving through a neighborhood and a BB hits the window? School shooting! One gangbanger shoots at another at a house across the street from a school? School shooting!
I am sure they do but the media keeps referencing them as a source so like the Gun Violence Archive I turn that data around and use it against them.
What is that, a “School Shooter Manifesto” template that homeboy filled out? Does MicroSoft Word now have Clippy butt in with “Looks like you’re writing a mass shooter’s manifesto. Here are some helpful tips to add drama and proof of personal anguish into your tortured syntax.”
I see a big future for AI in this sort of thing. If you aren’t sufficiently literate to pen your own manifesto, ChatGPT will be only too happy to lend a hand. Check off a few boxes (“White Supremacist”, “Anti-Semitic”, “Nazi Sympathizer”, etc.) and watch AI do its thing.
For all we know this kid didn’t write any of that stuff, would it surprise anyone if Feds have that stuff in the can ready to insert into social media when a black kid shot up a school?
“I’m a golden nigger”. Priceless. The jokes just write themselves.
Old Cranky Guy
And here I thought “golden niggers” were the ones who demonstrated such exceptional hygienic practices when dining at the Golden Corral. Which, as an aside, is precisely why I haven’t gone there in many years.
There is something about a buffet that turns the already unpleasant porch monkey into an even worse porch monkey.
If the stats & inferences indicating overwhelming nigger crime in our public schools are even half correct, it’s another nail in the coffin of nigger crime/nigger savagery/niggers in general that has a single solution: repatriation to Africa (essentially impossible) or 100% apartheid (potentially possible, at least on a county/state level).
Nothing against nogs–I wish them well in their various Wakanda Utopias (though, without the support of Whites they will ooze back into the mud soon enough).
I am in a Red State already but I’d gladly move my entire family to a nog-free zone no matter what I had to do.
I still say we give them Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana for their own, move the decent Whites out and then wall the whole thing off. After a couple of years we can take the wall back down and reclaim the now empty region after they shoot each other and/or starve to death.
Bolsheviki Enemedia is covering the story with no mention of race.
Which gives it away for those that know.
I went to 7 schools during the rough years of teen before graduating from the biggest and oldest HS in Red State which used to mean something, now it means nothing.
The school has the same demographics of this one that was shot up.
This isn’t even a CBD school. The sprawl+diversity has turned most schools into these model UN hellscapes.
I’ve got relatives in similar “red” states trapped in these kid prisons. The culture of White weakness, submission, and compliance – and the addiction to blank slate civnat cuckery has these kids in a prisoners dilemma of cooperate-defect. “Zero-tolerance” policies at school only function as a way to keep White kids from fighting back.
Like a prison the kids all know the score, by race. They know the blacks run the joint. The blacks run the sports. The black parents know they have a bag of magic words to get the white cucks in school admin to dance to their jigs. The mexicans run parallel lives. So do the pajeets. All growing their power base inside the local institutions.
All while their parents put their head in the sand to enjoy the good tacos and lawn care. For all the yankee/california hate these fuckers have no idea what is happening in their own back yards.
Seems they can’t wait to become the next shitshow of former red states as long as the local college football team keeps winning.
They bash the retards out west but ignore that when they say “we grow all the food for the liberal cities” what they really mean is that the illegal mexicans grow all the food.
Thats how they keep opening up restaurants and automotive shops while the heritage White businesses are closing. I’ve seen this all before and take no joy in pointing it out. Too many in “red” states have no idea how power works and how they are ceding their own ground to the very progress they claim to hate.
When I hear guys talk about “don’t let them divide us” I want to throat punch them. How about we take care of our own and then we can start to think about how we cooperate with these invaders and obsolete farm equipment in ways that serve our people.
How about we take care of our own and then we can start to think about how we cooperate with these invaders and obsolete farm equipment in ways that serve our people.
That would be novel idea but if we can’t even get those that know we are being genocided onboard with that then we have no chance with the civnat crowd also
the only way we cooperate is to send them back where they came from and not eradicate them all…
We are already seeing the enormous logistical problems with mass deportation, meaning it likely will peter out quickly
Our public schools are the ticking demographic timebomb. I am working on a post looking at this problem.
Almost any public school in any decent sized city will look like that one.
Not quite “almost one per day”.
If you assume that school does not open or have pupils attending over the weekend, then, neglecting holidays (summer shutdown, Christmas, Thanksgiving – I live in New Zealand so don’t know the number of days that the schools are closed and not teaching) 5 days per week x 52 weeks gives a total of 260 potential days for slaughter.
So if there were 323 shootings, then 323/260 = 1.24 shootings per weekday, including days when the schools had no pupils attending. The real number, of course will be higher.
Of course, that ignores the extra curricular studying that the blacks indulge in during the evening such as Advanced Calculus, Physics, Rocket Science etc.
That is a valid point, I think most schools around here are only in session for like 175 days but there are also weekend and other non-school days where school events happen like sports.
Antioch demographics according to Brave’s AI
Antioch High School Demographics
Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee has a diverse student body. According to the latest available data, the demographics are as follows:
40% African American
5% White
45% Hispanic
10% Arabic
Additionally, 36% of students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a significant portion of the student population comes from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
And I read where he looked up to Candace Owens FWIW
Well now, that’s not very diverse at all, in fact. 85% is splibs and beaners.
They usually lump Arabs in with Whites but that doesn’t surprise me, lots of inner city schools are full of Arabs. I saw a Toledo high school girls basketball team that was coached by a fat black chick wearing a hijab.
My read, as a self identified Black, Lesbean Soopreemycist. HEY! YOU CAN”T QUESTION MY LIVED EXPERIENCE!!!… Anyway, he WANTS to be a Whyte supremium, but fate failed him and made him a golden Nigger (seeing reality, he said dripping sarc). He sees that we’ve been invaded by wiggers, niggers, faggots, spics, sand niggers, prejeets(pajeets), SEPHARDIC KIKE/spic jews(?) and last but not least, fucking retarded niggers and he clearly sees that this is FUBAR. Under “What do you wish for?” He clearly states: “A better, neater, cleaner, world by eliminating all undesirables, we must aid the Aryans regardless of our race”. Why? Unsaid: They see the problem, their culture is best. Hell, even I can see that!
He was probably a top ten percent IQ black, and even still he was dumb as fuck
from the link – The definition used for the K-12 SSDB is: a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims (including zero), time, day of the week, or reason.
Yeah, so 323 “school shootings” is not really 323 school shootings as most people imagine. In fact, using that definition I’m surprised the number is that low.
I assumed he was using inflated numbers, it has been three days with no response to my request for his allegedly available database
Meh. Apes.
Why didn’t school security employ the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to stop this violence?
Some students probably stole it
Okay, he was obviously /pol/, but didn’t implicate /pol/. Which is based.