As they say: elections have consequences…
Philly Mayor Cherelle Parker tried to start an Eagles chant but can’t spell the word. Yikes.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 21, 2025
Philadelphia, come get your mayor. She is drunk and/or retarded, or just black.
Someone on Twitter did this:

Can you imagine the disaster if Mayor Cherelle Parker tried to spell Philadelphia?
Fuckin’ Philly, man. That’s all I even have to say, and it effectively conveys the point. The same is true of Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and plenty of others I could name. The mayor not being able to spell her home team’s name is no big deal. Most of the players on the team probably can’t, either. And that was before they suffered repeated head trauma.
Probably 90% of her voters can’t either.
As long as she is a negress they will vote for her, Marion Barry was smoking crack and that only seemed to increase his popularity.
We Wuz Kangs.
In Wakanda, eagles eat vowels for breakfast!
Remember that they also invented the word “woke”. So, when you say “woke” instead of anti-White it’s like yelling “Go ELGSES!” at the teevee.
You spelled ‘Gorilladelphia’ wrong.
That NOT the worst they’ve done! MANY years ago, the ’90s I think, in your old hometown of Toledo, my mom called for a Toledo Blade photographer to take a pick a TPS school that hat a sign referring to a school tax renewal (so technically not an increase) to be voted on: it said, “No new taxs,” and as my mom told the reporter, “It can’t be unintentional, since it’s spelled that way on both sides of the sign!” The caption was, “Gimme an E!”
And when they finally corrected it out of embarasment it read, “Not a new tax.” I think it was Riverside School.
All the more reason to not give two shits to the whole ball sports thing. I read a comment from a blog a number of years ago where the guy wisely said, “Ball sports are just games of keep-away.” Wisely said
Meanwhile in England
Known to authority
That jungle bunny should not be alive; the Brits are TOAST.
Damn. That pickaninny looks like some sort of evil voodoo doll. Should be stuck with pins like a porcupine.
That thing is already set to make an appearance on the blog
That jigaboo bears a resemblance to the zuni warrior doll from the 3rd act of Trilogy of Terror (a TV horror movie from the 70’s with Karen Black). That movie scared the hell out of me as a kid.
Regrettably, I can’t post a picture here. Look it up.
They can spell ‘welfare office’ frontwards and backwards though.
The Eagles vs. Chiefs rematch is right on schedule for the kayfabe NFL.
Fond memories of Veteran’s Stadium daycare with Philadelphia Phillies.
I even met Mike Schmidt and got an autograph for an EPIC brush with greatness.
Mayor who? I’m having trouble with the spelling.
As dey say in da ‘hood, Da Mayuh finna spit fiah ’bout dem Elgses.
2024 Philly murder rate was down by 37% over the previous year. The reduction can probably be attributed by how Da Mayuh and her team classify murder or whether they report actual numbers. You know, like the FBI did for Biden.
Anyway, order your Elgses t-shirt here:
The second clue is “Cherelle”. Just one time, I would like to see Black Folks name their kids something normal. Wakanda is fiction. I wish they would let the Mob clean up America’s cities. Even Chicago and NYFC were safe in the ’50s.
Actually, I prefer they keep using their stupid wakandan we wuz kangs and sheeeit names. Given the media propensity to conceal mugshots and other visual footage of these perps, often the name is the only solid clue we get (aside from our own finely tuned pattern recognition).
Still not as funny as that troglodite senator fetterneck from Braddock, PA little hat freak saying lets go eagles, when Braddock is in Pgh, which has the Steelers, its still a meme around here that just wont go away. Apparently, he found the republican party recently. What will all the union scumbags here do next erection cycle? Are we surprised by any of this?
Hahahahaha! Well, we know what kind of result they’re going to get.