Apparently Palmetto State Armory is getting into the suppressor business, not making their own (although AAC is owned by the same guys as PSA) but by facilitating your purchase so it can be shipped right to your house….
I am not sure how that will happen but it sounds like an amazing service.
This is what I love about PSA, they are more than just a manufacturer of firearms. They are also deeply committed philosophically with the firearms industry and the 2nd Amendment. I am sure the owners make a ton of money but they are also doing this for the right reasons.
Not to mention new stuff. Here are the new concept guns from Palmetto State you can vote on….
I voted for the 9mm Jakl as I love 9mm pistol “subguns” like that although my next one would be a CMMG Dissent because they take Glock magazines. I also like the 570 series semi-auto shotgun, “tactical” shotguns are either way too expensive like Beretta 1301s or they are cheap garbage. Also like the idea of the Sabre 11, a PSA version of the 2011. I am not buying a Staccato 2011 but an affordable version from PSA? Maybe. The Sabre Lancet is also cool, a Barrett style .50 caliber semi-auto. I don’t need one but I still like the idea of it.
At this rate Palmetto State is going to have an even larger market share in the firearms business as long as their quality control and implementation can keep up with all of the cool new stuff they keep dreaming up.
Have a couple boxes of 9mm sub gun rounds, FMJ.
And they are pointy.
No weapon is ever truly obsolete, just ask the guy who got hit in the head with a rock.
Aside from cold hammer forged barrels, that’s exactly why I think so highly of PSA. I appreciate their commitment to The Second Amendment and their history of providing the tools-of-liberty to all strata of Americans. And it seems like to me that when the communists stole 2020, Palmetto State Armory went into overdrive with fervor to make sure Americans could defend themselves from the communist hordes. Also pretty excited about their FAL project. Hopefully that goes well. It kinda cracks me up that getting all breathy over a FAL kinda makes me a Fudd these days, but it is what it is. Haha.
PSA went into overdrive when they coulda been ducking for cover.
That is exactly it, they are defiant where other gun manufacturers seem timid.
My truck AR pistol is PSA. For compact, max horsepower, a 300 or 7.62×39, 10″ AR pistol. For a suppressor, a 5″, 45ACP, AR pistol. They’re lightweight, high speed, low drag, dirt common, inexpensive. For us poor Volkssturm.
I love the .45 in pistol ARs but I mostly stick with 9mm just for ammo and mag compatibility