It was like a scene from a dystopian sci-fi movie. A bitterly cold morning in the dark before sunrise. Men wearing white overall suits and respirators. Trucks with roll-off dumpsters picking up the bodies. That was the scene this morning as I drove past.
Except they weren’t people, they were chickens.
Laying hens to be more precise. A test came back positive for avian flu and so the entire barn was nuked. Now these are not cute little red chicken houses with a dozen birds. Foghorn Leghorn isn’t around. These are massive buildings with tens of thousands of chickens. I am not sure how many this one holds but our neighbor has a similar barn that at the peak holds 27,000 hens laying around that many eggs every day. The barn that was shut down and had all of their birds purged now will be closed down for three months. Let’s say 25,000 eggs per day times 30 days per month times 3 months. That comes to 2,250,000 eggs out of production. Even when they do get replacement hens, it takes another month to get them up to full production so that is hundreds of thousands of additional eggs not in the pipeline.
In the grand scheme of things that isn’t that many eggs, McDonald’s alone buys around 2 billion eggs every year, but this is hardly the only barn that this has happened to. It is happening all over the country and it of course is totally natural.
BREAKING – New Bird Flu Outbreak Detected 30 Miles from USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL)
The key to this article:
“H5Nx avian influenza serial passage gain-of-function experiments are currently underway at SEPRL”
Oh good, those gain-of-function experiments never go badly or anything. The current avian flu is airborne from what I have been told and lookie here:
The riskier version of gain-of-function research creates viruses with abilities they do not have in nature. In two separate studies in 2011, scientists famously and controversially did just that with the H5N1 influenza virus, or “bird flu,” resulting in a version capable of airborne transmission among ferrets. The naturally occurring virus does not have this ability. Making mammal-to-mammal transmission easier set off alarm bells and triggered discussion of a U.S. moratorium.
Making diseases more lethal and transmittable, what a fun tax-payer funded pastime!
Food is expensive and it doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon. Some people I know just bought baby bull calves to be bottle-fed and fed up to eventually become steaks and burgers and they were over a grand a piece. That is a big investment in a day old baby calf, those things die at the slightest excuse and it takes a lot of time and cost to get them up to butchering size. The U.S. beef herd is badly depleted so beef prices are likely to be sky-high for a long time.
The problem with inflation is that it doesn’t really go down. The rate of increase might slow but the higher prices are here to stay. Even if Trump is successful in reducing the rate of increase, it won’t make stuff return to pre-Biden prices. Higher prices are a gift that keeps on giving from Pedo Joe. Building Back Better Baby!
Meanwhile salaries are completely out of whack. Fast food joints are offering manager pay in excess of $100,000 and I just saw this yesterday: Walmart will pay more than $600,000 a year to some top managers. That is significantly more than your family doctor makes and more than a lot of specialized doctors. Those are “market managers” who oversee a bunch of stores but still even store managers start out at around $128,000.
The economy is a ticking time bomb and it is likely to go off sooner rather than later. Prepare accordingly now or panic along with everyone else later.

I’m glad I don’t live near any of those facilities because my buddy said they will come around and kill your chickens as well if they suspect that yours are infected as well…
They haven’t done that yet but I am sure they can.
Gain of function needs to be banned worldwide. “Scientists” never ask anymore “should I do this?” Instead, they’re looking to get published so they engage in all kinds of experiments that morally should never be done.
That reminds me of the line from Jurassic Park, to paraphrase they are so concerned with if they can, they never ask if they should.
The ranch adjacent to mine in east Texas raises grass-fed, grass-finished cattle. I was just remarking to my wife last week that perhaps they would not notice if one were to (*ahem*) ‘go missing’.
Neighbors to the other side got rid of their free range chickens recently due to some mystery ‘illness’ that killed 3 of them.
The chickens, that is. (We live in evil times, so I had to clarify.)
Just go buy one wholesale from them that way you won’t get shot😉
Even since we quit raising cattle, we only buy beef direct from a local rancher. Only way to go.
If I caught you stealing one of my herd, you’d be shot and then left for the hogs and vultures. Such a shame for one of the locals to go (*ahem*) “missing”.
Lethal force to stop a theft at night (cause I doubt you’d be brave enough to do it in the daytime since you’re not even brave enough to put a pseudonym on this comment) is legal in Texas.
Jeez, dude. It was a JOKE. Lighten up a little.
You know the theory that the Satanists have to say what they are going to do? On the Big Bang Theory, the Jewish Chick drunkenly admits that she crossed Ebola and the common cold.
Food For Thought.
I am not a huge fan of strict grass fed beef, we have some friends that raise that way and they give us beef from time to time and it just isn’t that great. Probably healthier but not as flavorful as adding a little grain to the mix.
I agree, don’t care for the stringy shit. If you want that kind of beef, eat Longhorns. Feed bred cattle properly !!!
Just random thinking – were the birds actually SICK, or was it just a positive test with no outward signs and symptoms? If the building is self-contained and isolated from other buildings, why kill the birds? Can’t they contain the risk of transmission building to building and wait to see if the animals actually get ill and/or die on their own? Are the birds cremated/buried/treated like hazardous waste, or is this the source of mystery meat McNuggets? Is there any potential benefit from gain-of-function research that justifies the risk? If not, do we have names and addresses of the scientists involved? Just for future reference, no threats implied. Does anyone financially benefit (i.e. follow the money) from destroying chickens/eggs/food supply, or is this just another method to grind the fly-over people into the ground? How come we NEVER HEARD of this type of stuff 10-20 years ago, but seems to be very common news in the past 5 years or so? I have oh so many more questions too.
All you have to know is the government hates you and wants you dead and if you know that then everything starts to make sense…
The tiny sombreros hate us and want to destroy everything we built, every composition, all our art, each of our monuments.
The tiny sombreros are using the government agents to do their dirty work for them.
* “Let’s you and him fight!”.
Standing back and looking at it dispassionately, the tiny sombreros are quite effective.
What happens if they escalate Conflicts© in TheMiddleEast®, toss a nuke or two?
I think every last one of them will be hunted and exterminated from the face of the planet.
And suddenly, coincidentally, child abductions drop to zero.
keyword : Synagogue Of Satan
More and more people becoming aware of being sub-jew-gated (i.e. ‘noticing’).
Hunting season can’t start soon enough!
Saiorse always comes in for the win. Noses gonna nose. The past year has been incredible for “awakening” amongst my normie associates regarding this issue. My awakening was when I read that a Jewish merchant group was involved in convincing the King of England to invade and occupy Ireland in the Middle Ages. How long have they been at it?
My “oh so many more questions” generally leads to where you’re at in the comments. Yup, takes a while to get there but I see more and more people asking completely logical questions. That’s the good news. The bad? There are still lots of other whites who are complicit in (((their))) crap, either knowingly or not, perhaps hoping they’ll get eaten last.
either knowingly or not, perhaps hoping they’ll get eaten last.
I would say that applies to our side heavily as well…
I am not sure but I think it is just a premises test and that is enough. The birds were bagged along with the shit and put into dumpsters, I am pretty confident it didn’t end up in the food supply.
No big beautiful vaccine II without bird flu plandemic from gain-of-function labs?
Stocking up on coffee as it is set to go up, gourmet to store brand.
Mask up and stand six feet apart, none are safe until all are safe, comrade.
1000 years to flatten the curve of global communism.
Coffee has been creeping up for a while, and for the safety of everyone around me I better never run out
Why are We The People allowing such government malfeasance to persist? The bird flu is nonsense and murdering thousands of chickens is to drive up the fear quotient to get the slaves-to-fedgov back into their masks and back in line. Total fabricated nonsense.
Why are We The People allowing such government malfeasance to persist…
I think you already know the answer to that…
Especially since the avian flu likely was from a lab leak in a lab we were paying for in the first place
The whole thing is #1 bullshit. They “find’ the avian flu by a PCR test. (yeah, those, remember those?) cranked up to 45x. (logarithmic scale, remember?) they find it in one bird……….so they kill a few hundred thousand birds…………….. (to save the village we had to kill everyone in it)
Were a couple dept of ag “inspectors” to disappear via St Luigi, the problem would be solved.
Oh yeah, 6.72 for 18 the last month at walmart. Safeway’s are coming out of colorado who went “cage free” so theirs are $9.99/18
regular store brand eggs.
No inflation there. and it’s sure as heck not 22% over 4 years. That’s 300 to 400% in 4 years.
Michigan just did the same thing with the “cage free”. Our neighbor has “cage free” chickens and they occasionally cram themselves into a corner and suffocate because they are chickens and not very smart.
Yes, salaries are out of whack.That healthcare CEO that got plugged last month was going to get about $15 million in 2025. Had a net worth of over $50+ million. Just received a letter in the mail from my Medicare supplement provider & yes, a 27% increase in the monthly premium. In the mean time, Medicare is covering less & less which means more out-of-pocket expenses you’ll be responsible for. It gets down to this. Don’t get sick or injured. Don’t get old. As my 96 year mother says, they really want you dead!
How the times have changed. Back in 1974-75, there was a real bad recession. Many CEO’s & top level executives in the Fortune 500 corporations actually took pay cuts & passed up bonuses. It was the decade of stagflation.
“…Don’t get sick or injured…”
I turn 73yo in a few weeks.
I see it happen to friends and family:
* anybody my age never leaves the hospital alive.
Nobody died at home from the covid……………………..
I’ve been blessed with generally good health (no chronic conditions, nor anything requiring regular use of prescriptions). As such, I’ve not seen a doctor in a bit over 20 years now (save for 3 urgent care visits in that timeframe; once for a few stitches, once for pneumonia about to set in after a bad cold, and once to have a spec of grit extracted from the lens of my right eye). Also little family history of serious shit (in terms of cancer, heart disease, strokes etc.) either.
I’m at an age where I know I can’t count on that remaining the case indefinitely, but I take fairly decent care of myself, avoid most bad habits (no smoking, drinking or drug use), and do primarily residential plumbing repair work so my job doesn’t put me in many dangerous situations. My one admitted shortcoming is that I could maintain a better diet, and I’m working on that.
My point in saying all that is to reinforce the idea that I avoid doctors or other interactions with the medical industrial complex to the greatest extent possible, and intend to keep it that way as long as possible. I was already extremely distrustful of and openly hostile towards modern medicine before COVID. Since then, my hatred for these sonsabitches has gone parabolic. My policy now is if I’m not dying, I’m not going to see them.
That’s one of the benefits of having Tribe Brother and that is having a doctor you can trust to have your best interest in mind when they are working for you…I wonder when White People will figure out we aren’t islands and that we need others who will look out for each other…
Nothing will turn you off on the medical establishment faster than your kid being in medical school
The guy Luigi shot was replaced the next day and nothing changed other than some private security firms getting a boost in business.
I’m not buying the bird flu death sentence. Why is it no chicken died of it in the 1950′ or ’60’s?? It is some airborne BS that doesn’t exist in my opinion. They are not killing quail…..yet Rhode Island Reds are verboten. More government imperialism. So yes, stock up. I ordered 7 packages of Morning Star vegetable burgers this morning from Walmart. They could NOT fill the order-I only got 4! They are freaking veggie burgers that I like to fry and top with an egg. And they are……wait for it………$4.82 for a package of 4. Time to chop some veggies……
Government overreach for the purpose of the demoralization in the face of a new, anti commie, anti globalist regime. Solzhenitzyn’s soliloquy comes to mind.
Which soliloquy? This one?
“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.”
Or did you mean the one about “later how we burned in the camps”?
I keep a bunch of Solzhenitsyn quotes as text on my phone because they are disappearing (for totally mysterious reasons) from the open ‘net. It is a puzzlement wrapped in an enigma shoved up the ass of a turducken why this is happening. 🤔
The “burned in the camps” was the one that I was thinking of, but both work. The world needs to know that “the bolsheviks” were just a bunch of murderous joos rampaging against Whites. Your last sentence is both compelling and hilarious.
It is a puzzlement wrapped in an enigma shoved up the ass of a turducken why this is happening. 🤔
The real puzzlement is Why we are just letting it happen to us without fighting back…
That is a huge puzzlement, brother.
That answer is one of the easy ones, because most of us are individually pretty comfortable so even though we see shit falling apart all around us we don’t do anything.
Probably because in 1950/1960 we weren’t creating Franken-viruses for fun that “accidently” get loose.
Do crows and sparrows get that so-called ‘avian influenza’?
How about migratory geese and ducks?
keyword : scam
Allegedly it is spread by migratory birds
I just got done rotating preps (mostly canned veggies and protein) that was well past date and feed it to my chickens (except canned chicken). It’s was about a month long chore that I would devote an hour here or there for.
My flock is just under 60 now and I’m getting 2 1/2 – 3 dozen eggs per day. I just give them away to friends, family and spread the message of preparation.
This culling of huge production houses is utter insanity. It’s by design and intended to hurt and kill us. I’ll treat any “inspectors” as a deadly threat to me and family’s existence.
You are a hundred percent spot on.
They haven’t bothered the small family flocks yet but they might soon. A few years ago you couldn’t take birds to local swap meets, it didn’t get much press but this “avian flu” thing has been kicking around for a while now.
Umm, couldn’t we wait a couple weeks to flatten the curve? Askin’ fer ma chickens.
We need tiny paper masks and requiring chickens to socially distance to stop the spread.
Why can’t we see if any survive and become immune ? Raise those.
Do any of us here REALLY trust the United States (gubbermint) Deepartment of Agriculture to ‘administer’ a legitimate , truthful, accurate, ‘swar-ta-God’ test ?
Srsly? You all are aware of the Covid PCR test having a cycle threshhold of 30-40 times, where any teensy little bug would trigger a positive?
I’d bet those USDA fuckers are laughing there ases off, “Hey guys, I’m going out to (so-in-so’s) chicken farm to (WINK) give them a bird flu test!” Laughter bursts out all around.
They want you and yours dead or enslaved and they think it’s funny…I wish we had the same intensity to preserve ourselves as they do in wanting to exterminate us…
Very few USDA employees have an actual farm background so no, I don’t trust them.
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We should have gotten those chickens The Mrs. wanted last year.