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More Not So Eggcellent News

Following up on Don’t Look For Cheap Eggs Anytime Soon, this popped across my feed last night:

2.8 Million Birds Impacted as Bird Flu Hits Jackson County Egg Production Facility

By “impacted” they mean killed or “depopulated”.

This is the largest flock size of an Indiana commercial poultry farm to be impacted by the virus, known as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since the outbreak was first found in Indiana on a commercial turkey farm in Dubois County in February 2022. A commercial egg production facility in Jay County with 354,000 hens was depopulated after a positive test for HPAI was identified earlier this month.

As of January 3, 2025, there have now been six cases of HPAI identified throughout Indiana:

  • Jay County – Commercial Turkey operation. 20,560 birds depopulated.
  • Jay County – Commercial Egg Layer operation. 354,000 birds depopulated.
  • Jay County – Commercial Turkey operation. 18,840 birds depopulated.
  • Allen County – Commercial Egg Layer operation. 26,000 birds impacted.
  • Adams County – Commercial Turkey operation. 19,860 birds impacted.
  • Jackson County – Commercial Egg Layer operation. 2,800,000 birds impacted.

State health officials have set up a control area within a 10-kilometer (6.2 mile) radius around the farm, which contains portions of Jackson and Bartholomew counties in Indiana. In addition, the state has set up a surveillance zone with a 20-kilometer (12.4 mile) radius around the farm which also contains portions of Jackson, Bartholomew, Brown, and Jennings counties….

….Indiana ranks fourth in the nation in turkey production according to the USDA. The state also ranks first in the U.S. for duck production, and third for egg production. Indiana’s poultry industry directly employs more than 12,700 Hoosiers and contributes more than $18.3 billion in total economic activity to the state.

A farm with 26,000 chickens is one thing. One with 2.8 million is another entirely, especially if it is also out of production for three months. Let’s say 2.5 million eggs per day times 30 days times three months, that works out to 225 million eggs not getting laid. That is more than 10% of the eggs used by McDonalds in a year. I am not sure if they killed all 2.8 million, a farm that size likely has a bunch of buildings so maybe only a fraction were killed off but still I know that in the case of the Allen County farm “impacted” means “killed”.

Get ready for $6 Egg McMuffins.


    • Troy Messer

      St Luigi sure did stir the hornets nest. Every weekend niggers are shot dead in Chimpgango. After the crime scene is processed, nothing is ever done again to find to killers.

      But you shoot one of the elite, one of the “important people,” and for good reasons, whooo boy, they spare no expense tracking you down.

  1. Big Ruckus D

    At this rate, I’d expect there to be no Egg McMuffins for a while. People will not likely pay the price increase that will result to get one, nor will McD corporate absorb the hit by selling them at a loss, once the impact of these supplies being offline is fully realized. McDonalds (and others) may simply suspend offering (certain) items that rely on eggs.

    That precedent has already been set, with certain things just being declared “unavailable” during COVID, and I see no reason that practice won’t be resumed if the impact on egg supply (or anything else for that matter) becomes severe enough for an extended period of time. Remember the TP shortages, and how we rapidly went from first world standards of product selection and availability to nationwide shortages and fistfights over what was still available to buy.

    Something like this can quickly become a force majeure event, where the normal “rules of the game” can be declared void, and extraordinary measures taken to deal with it until the underlying issue is rectified. Expect to see shortages of not only raw eggs at retail, but in production of food items that require their use. Before long, many prepackaged items in your typical grocery store may be out of stock, as well as menu items at many restaurants.

    This could also easily impact the availability of chicken, not just eggs, depending on how far and wide if spreads. I’ll guarantee a big price spike in both will be coming in short order. The hit to availability of (relatively) inexpensive protein (versus beef typically, for example) is going to be notable. And I can certainly believe that is precisely what is being planned here.

  2. Stealth Spaniel

    Yet, there is a silver lining. One customer at the BigBox told me when eggs become unavailable, he will simply buy egg whites. Let that statement sink in for a moment.
    ????? WTF?
    People are losing their grip on reality, I swear. They are suffering disconnect from reality. And don’t think someone along the food chain isn’t making a fortune, such as Bill Gates. I bet live baby chicks go up in price like gold. I believe in bird flu as much as Covid.

  3. Big Ruckus D

    My big question is (assuming bird flu is real here for a moment, so bear with me) if proper prep (cooking to require temperature) of eggs or meat from an infected chicken will kill off the virus? Presumably it will, but then we know prions from mad cow disease survive cooking beef even to “well done”, and that’s nothing to be jacking around with. If the virus is destroyed by proper cooking, then just use the damn eggs and chicken anyway.

    Of course, after COVID we know we won’t ever get a straight, scientifically solid answer to a question like that. Bird flu will be exploited for maximum fear and disruption, as a pretext for further control of the masses.

  4. Steve S6

    And yet no real evidence that people get bird flu from eggs, nor that the PCR test they use is accurate.

    “State health officials” – Top. Men.

    Better the human population go hungry (read: starve) than a few of them get flu symptoms.

    2025: now to see not if Deagel was right, but if their timing was accurate.

    • Gryphon

      The “PCR Test” is a Laboratory Technique for making certain determinations about Microorganisms. It is NOT a Diagnosis ‘tool’ for Disease. This has been repeatedly stated by the Inventor of the process (forgot his Name) but ANY use of the “PCR Test” outside of Laboratory Use is FRAUD. The entire ‘covid-19’ Scam was propelled by the use of this Fraudulent Method.

      It should be Obvious to any sensible observer that the same Fraud is being pulled with regard to “Bird Flu”, and it WILL be used to ‘extend’ the Scam when (not If) the “Bird Flu Pandemic” is Declared by the (((usual suspects))). I expect that the next step in this ‘operation’ will be to Declare that ‘Backyard Chickens’ (Private, small Flocks) are ‘Spreading Bird Flu’ and must be Destroyed. That is the point where a Kinetic Response will become Necessary.

      • Big Ruckus D

        Fully agreed re: PCR, but actual intelligent people who hangout and comment in places like this already knew that after the scam that was perpetrated during COVID. The sheeple and assorted NPC’s continue to believe in this bullshit meanwhile, so it will remain an effective weapon against our best interests.

        As to how to respond to an out of control govt taking and destroying ones property, well, yes a kinetic response should always be expected and assured. And yet how many insults and offenses have we suffered already that should have had a pile of fed skulls bleaching in the sun as the result, but somehow it hasn’t happened. So, I’m doubtful someone’s flock of chickens being destroyed by imperial decree will do it, either.

        However, be of good cheer. The Chinese have suddenly shown up with Deepseek, upended the entire AI singularity paradigm being planned by the likes of tribalist Larry Ellison, stuck it up the techbro’s asses and broke it off. Now look at the market going down like a certain failed recent presidential candidate.

        This suddenly has the looks of a bonafide Black Monday 2.0, and if the fallout from this little development is as bad as I think it is, it sure isn’t going to buff out. Add that to the unprecedented – and not yet fully realized – economic damage done by the wildfires in Cali, and I’d say we have a honest to God shit show inbound. I was wondering when the grim reaper of empires was going to reveal itself, and it appears he is lurking in the shadows as I write this.

  5. 3g4me

    We don’t eat a lot of eggs, and I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t remember what I paid for my last dozen. But I did check the price when I was in the closest Aldi store yesterday (about 40 miles away) and a dozen eggs were $4.67. Definitely not cheap, but not the highest I recall back in Texas during the covid hysteria. If I had young children or did a lot of baking that would definitely impact my budget.

    • Lineman

      Why don’t you have any chickens Sister even if you don’t eat a lot of the the you have barter them, chicken poop is good fertilizer, they keep the bugs down and they are fun to have…

      • 3g4me

        Lineman – all solid points, but I’m just not into live chickens. I don’t think they are cute or interesting and I don’t want the responsibility. Plus the type of coop I’d have to build given all the predators here – we have neighbors (about 3 miles away) who have chickens and gift us some eggs in the summer. I don’t know; maybe someday, but not now.


    Was at the Squalor (Dollar) General yesterday to pick up a few things. The cheap-O eggs were $5.50 per dozen.

    I didn’t realize that having about 60 chickens in my flock makes me the local egg war lord. I have room for about 20-25 more easily and think I’ll add some more chicks when it warms up a little.

    Maybe get some Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas for the green eggs.

    • Cederq

      Don’t register your farm if you haven’t all ready. years ago I had a goat farm in Alabama, I raised Boers for meat production and of course had chickens, farm fresh eggs, and bug control was outstanding and fun to watch when they cornered a scorpion or a small snake, it was a MMA on steroids’ until the stinger was off and then it was every chicken for themselves… Oh, by not registering, I had a D of A agent come to my farm and wanted me to volunteer registering my farm in both the local health department and with them. I told him in no uncertain term to vacate my property or I would sic my mules and dogs on him. I was under 75 head(I had 35 does) and was exempt.

      That is the big part of the problem, small local farms are no longer and now it is big business and cutting the bottom costs out and mismanage large industrial farms. Local farmer had to make sure his produce and animals were healthy, his paycheck and his standing and credibility were on the line.


        Thanks for the good advice and I have not, nor will I register my chickens, my pond full of bass and perch, garden, pets, solar, food, ammo and all other resources I’ve obtained.

        I’m not on Gaybook or Gaybook Marketplace and I don’t even try to sell my eggs. I have bartered a little which is fun and rewarding. But I think I’m safely under the radar of the (((ag nazis))) and Karens.

        If someone with bad intentions comes a knockin’, I’ll defer to a previous comment regarding the patron saint of yardbird, St. Luigi.

  7. Bean Dip Tray

    I don’t eat at Nigdonalds but I do like the Burger King croissant.
    The church pantry has eggs for a nice price.
    Steak and eggs is the breakfast of champions.
    Get the wonder big beautiful vaccine that it only took two weeks to make.
    None are safe until all are safe, we’re all in this together, comrade.

  8. ozark homesteader

    Deep state pressing on. MAGA notwithstanding. Mandate not withstanding. Trump notwithstanding. CWII is all around us, and its probably going to get much, much worse. A global war on humanity wrapped around a war on Whites, wrapped around a leftist-driven civil war, wrapped around an idiot propagated culture war. BUT, there is a new iphone and a crunchewy tur-duc-en at the center of it all, which is nice.

  9. Anonymous

    Serious question – How do they “dispose” of thousands of live hens during one of these outbreaks? Do the jackbooted authorities kill the birds on site and haul away carcasses to be buried/burned? Are they rounded up and taken away live to some sort of poultry Auschwitz facility to be showered with Zyklon-B bath beads? Those are some holocaustic numbers being bandied about. The ghost of Frank Perdue weeps…

    • MN Steel

      I believe they close exhaust vents and crank the heat over 120° and introduce carbon dioxide, then scoop them up with equipment into dump trucks, covered, and brought to a big pit to get buried.

      No word yet on wooden doors.

  10. Steady Steve

    The PCR test scam needs to be called out by Trump and RFK for the psyop that it is. I’ve noticed an almost complete disappearance of eggs from small producers such as ones from free range or pasture raised hens. Looks like they went after the small guys first. The corporate factory farms don’t care as they now have the market. Looks like the people of Indiana need to clean house vis-a-vis their government.

      • Lineman

        Some day those evil monsters will be on the receiving end.

        Wonder if the Kulaks ever thought that or one of the millions of others that were genocided by the kikes and yet they seem to be doing well and thriving in their evil ways…

  11. Troy Messer

    IMHO, all this is a slow motion eradication of the American food supply production logistics. It seems common that a food processor there, a food processor here, goes up in smoke. This “bird flu” works disables the at the beginning of the food process logistics chain.

    A single food processor here, a single food processor here, one at a time, causes no profound changes in the food supply. But over time, in the aggregate, it will cause changes in the availability and price of food.

    Whomever is behind all this, and I think there is a conspiracy, is profoundly evil.

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