It is all so drearily predictable. With the Trump “win”, the focus has been on his cabinet picks and talk about mass deportation of illegals. That is the shiny object being dangled in front of us to hold our attention. What is being missed? The people behind the scenes who are already working on undercutting and co-opting the MAGA movement.
Notice that even some Democrats are talking about being OK with deportation of illegals. There is very little chatter about rounding people up and “what about the children?!”.
One of two things are happening.
Either lots of moderate and liberal types are suddenly down with the MAGA thang and really support deportation.
— or —
Those same people are creating a diversion to divert MAGA style nationalism into a safe, easily controlled channel.
I will give you a hint, it is the latter.
Like most mass populist movements, scratch that all mass populist movements, “America First” is being co-opted to mean “Quarterly Profit Numbers First”. It is being pushed quite cleverly with a “deport criminal illegals”, as if every illegal is not already a criminal by definition, while at the same time chanting the mantra of “As long as they come legally!” or variations like “As long as they come in the right way” as if there is a “right way” to flood America with migrants that will swamp Americans demographically and politically while depressing wages, driving up the cost of living and driving down the standard of living for our posterity.
It is not a coincidence that this fight is being fought on Twitter as Elon Musk is one of the biggest cheerleaders for mass migration, “as long as it is done legally”. He regularly posts and retweets about the “need” to import lower wage “tech” workers from places like India and cheerleads others who say the same thing. Mostly they are various Indian types who understandably want to bring in more Indians to enjoy the society built by Whites, looting what wealth still remains here. Notice the way they redefine “America First” to mean something completely at odds with what the people that voted for Trump think it means. Worse many are retconning American history while advocating for replacing the American people. Here are some samples:
“Winning” means “replacing the American people”. If that isn’t America First, what is?
They say we need immigrants for “innovation”. Is this even true?
I wonder if a “study” that he doesn’t link to other than a screenshot of the abstract, written by people with names like Shai Bernstein, Abhisit Jirananphawiboon and Beatriz Pousada might have been done with an agenda that perhaps is not actually America First?
Let’s look at this notion of “innovation” being driven by foreigners.
While it is far from a perfect metric, India ranks 18th in the world when it comes to Nobel Prize laureates, with a whopping 13 total. Compare that to the United States with 420 laureates or the UK with 142, Germany with 115 and France with 75. After the big four the total number drops to the 30s with Sweden, Japan and Russia (34, 31 and 30 respectively). Even Denmark with less than 6 million people currently has more Nobel laureates than India and over 70% of those are in a science field.
Of the 13 laureates from India, 8 of those or over 60% of them are in Peace, Literature or Economics meaning that there are a whopping 5 science Nobel prizes from India.
China is even worse with only 8 laureates. When you consider that India and China each have over 1.4 billion people and that combined they are more than 1/3 of the world’s population, and both have populations more than four times as large as the U.S., that is a pretty poor performance. It is not surprising when you consider that India and China rank 122nd and 79th respectively in GDP per capita using the more generous Purchasing Power Parity measure. Just looking at the total GDP of India and dividing by the number of people, you get a per capita GDP of $2,698 comparable to places like Congo ($2,384) and Cambodia ($2,744). Why haven’t these innovators and essential tech workers done anything to lift up their own country, and instead they rely on moving here to get rich in the jobs created by Whites?
What India has boils down to an enormous mass of people, people who can be given basic training in tech fields that were already developed by White people and, more importantly, are willing to work for much lower wages in the U.S. because living in the U.S. is better by every possible measure than living in India. They are not innovators, rather they are simply plugged into code monkey roles that were created by White innovation. I have shared this graph before….
…from Charles Murray’s book Human Accomplishment, but it bears sharing again. You can probably quibble with some of the exact percentages but however you slice it, virtually every significant achievement by humankind and especially for the last 500 years or so, was the product of White people either in Europe or North America.
What Elon Musk and others want us to believe is that somehow Indians and Chinese have suddenly become brilliant innovators in their own right and Whites have forgotten how to invent anything. It is patently ridiculous. Another ridiculous “argument” in favor of mass migration: Asians who move here make a lot of money.
Are all of those Indians and Filipinos some sort of tech geniuses? Of course not.
I can drive you five minutes from my house and in a few mile radius there are at least five millionaires. I am talking people with a million bucks in the bank, not counting their businesses and properties worth tens of millions. One of those millionaires has a net worth that I am pretty certain is well into the 8 figure range. None of them have more than an 8th grade education. They are wealthy because they work extremely hard, openly engage in nepotism and have an eye for the future prosperity of their offspring for multiple generations. They also don’t drive cars or have power lines into their houses but many Amish are quite well to-do for the same reason Jews are, they take care of their own and they know how to make money.
The same is true for many of the South Asian and East Asian groups on that list. If you own a handful of gas stations or 7/11 stores, you can make a nice income and especially if you work 70 hours a week and employ your own family members, and also if you are willing to live crammed into a small apartment or house.
Yes, many immigrant types work hard as per the stereotypes and many of them also live in a manner that is unacceptable to Americans but an enormous improvement on how they lived before coming here. What they are not is innovative. Making incremental changes to something invented by White people and then applying for a patent is not “innovation”, it is tinkering. All of the high tech that we supposedly depend on pajeets to run was invented by Whites. All of the medical innovations applied by foreign doctors were invented by Whites. I am sure there are exceptions but what I am also sure of is that without White people, we wouldn’t be having these conversations on Twitter because Twitter wouldn’t exist as the internet wouldn’t exist as computers wouldn’t exist.
In short, it is a lie that we need unlimited numbers of East and South Asians to operate our high tech systems. As one guy pointed out, you can do most of those jobs remotely with an internet connection so why exactly do we need to import Indians to write lines of code in America when they can do it even cheaper in India?
We don’t need to lower the American standard of living so that some techbros can buy another home in Hawaii.
Obviously I support mass and total deportation of illegals. By mass deportation I mean every single one, including any anchor babies they might have. I say keep families together, the family that is forcibly deported together, stays together. Not just “criminal” illegals, a redundant phrase, but all of them. In fact I don’t want to deport the illegals who have committed subsequent violent crimes here, at least not right away, my preference is to execute them swiftly and then deport just their heads back to whatever shithole they came from.
Illegals, especially those who commit murder and rape after invading our country, are low hanging fruit but getting rid of all of them doesn’t turn back the tide of the Great Replacement. When I say “they all have to go back”, brother I mean they all have to go back. Riddle me this Batman:
If your people are replaced by “legal” code monkeys from India, is that better than being replace by illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala?
At least Mexican food is palatable and they generally don’t smell quite as pungent. What these techbros are pushing for is not what the people voted for, although what the voters want is rarely what they get from Republicans when they are in power.
Over 77 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in November of 2024. The percentage that were voting for America to import large numbers of Indian and Chinese code monkeys so techbros could have slightly higher profit margins is so small as to be statistically irrelevant.
While Elon Musk seems to be waffling a bit, Vivek Ramaswamy is apparently doubling down. Here is a lengthy Tweet of his that is getting the appropriate response from the replies:
I want to highlight one section:
More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers. Is allowing American kids to be kids the real problem here? I agree that we need to expect more of our children but the generations of Americans that split the atom, explored space, invented the automobile and created the internet didn’t spend all weekend with math tutoring. They had sleepovers and went to football games and school dances. They went to the movies and watched Saturday morning cartoons.
What is on display is that someone like Vivek Ramaswamy doesn’t understand America, American culture, American history or the actual American people because he isn’t American and never will be. America was doing great without Indians to write code or drive taxis or run 7/11 stores. He is getting blown up in the replies.
Elon Musk, Vivisection Ramalamadingdong and the other tech bros have badly misread the room. To paraphrase one of my friends on Facebook, there is a great deal of backlash against the Hindu-Hebrew Great Replacement alliance.
Will it matter? Maybe not, Musk has Trump’s ear for now and when Trump is flattered he is easy to manipulate. Ramaswamy has beclowned himself badly here and hopefully it will bite him in his brown ass should he run for office again. He always came across as a sleazebag, the way he groveled and pandered to Trump will “running against” him was grotesque.
Pay attention. While politics is all fake and gay, the implications are very real. People like Musk and Ramaswamy don’t have to deal with the societal impact of filling America up with Asians who will work like slaves and live like animals. We do.
We don’t need Indians or Chinese or anyone else. What we really need are actual leaders who believe in the heritage American people and are willing to put us first. I don’t think that Trump is that guy but maybe someone out there will be that guy in the future.
Let’s cut to the chase. Let them keep their countries and make America White.
We don’t need them, we don’t want them and we didn’t vote to bring more of them here
I think it was WRSA has a good post up about musk et all talking about “legal” immigration. They focus mainly on pajeets, and how clannish and downright awful they will be. It’s a good read. Happy New Year all.
Sorry, here’s that WRSA link
Misdirection is right.
How ’bout ripping the tranny grooming porn, the Hate Whites campaign, the institutionalized incompetence and infantilization of youth, and all the other cultural revolution insertions out of public education and replacing the garbage with truth and skills and meritocracy.
I found this on WRSA this morning:
The link speaks directly to what happens in organizations and what happens in cultures when Injuns from Asia are allowed unfettered access to the Western (White) World.
Better learn to build, to hunt and fish, to grow food crops, fix your own crap and heal your own diseases, White Man. The clock is ticking and time is running short.
Found this on Tactical Hermit’s site this morning also:
“…you can do most of those jobs remotely with an internet connection…”
This. At the dawn of the covid hoax (March 2020) my employer sent us all home to work remotely for an indefinite period. There was some initial awkwardness with that arrangement, as well as abuse, but otherwise it went surprisingly well. So well, in fact, that 4-1/2 years later, management is still having difficulty getting people to come back to the office. Because it is largely unnecessary.
Midway through the scamdemic, I and my family relocated 1600 miles away from my northeast office to the southwest, and it is here that I still toil for the company, having not clapped eyes on a single coworker in over 4 years. Truth to tell, I am more efficient here than I ever was while commuting to the office, with its incessant distractions, interruptions and infernal useless meetings.
It is true that the pool of legacy-Americans qualified to be engineers has shrunk markedly, and there is an alarming number of unpronounceable names and indecipherable accents on the job now. But just like me, they don’t have to be on-site to perform their roles for the company. Meaning that they also don’t have to be in-country. I am surprised that India and China, as just two examples, have not imposed their own restrictions on their best and brightest jumping ship and fleeing to America, usually to stay.
The Zman tackles this very same issue today in his column, The Indian Question.
I have been cautioning people for a long time not to become enamored of Musk. He can be entertaining (in a shitlord sort of way) and sometimes he mouths the right words. But he is not one of us, and his drives and objectives are far from our own. The mere fact he is a tech bro makes him dangerous, as he has espoused transhumanism (which is a disastrous notion) and his tech clearly has designs on further centralized spying and control of it’s users.
Yes, he was beneficial for getting Trump elected. But ultimately I believe we will find electing Trump was not to our long term benefit. He himself is not really a believer in the solutions we want and need to be implemented, and those working against our interests like Musk and Vivek the sniveling tone deaf pajeet have his ear and his attention, at least for the moment.
As it stands, I see Trump attempting more of the same bullshit that got us here to begin with. He will bring in more “legal” immigrants to displace actual legacy Americans, he will use a stock market and asset prices that are rising (in an inflationary environment, holy shit who’d have thought they’d be going up!) as a proxy for actual economic growth (so pissing on us and telling us it’s raining) by telling us we are so much better off. He will facilitate more big business, more financialization, more smoke and mirrors as a stand in for actual improvement in conditions.
In short, most of what he accomplishes will be made for TV propaganda to give the appearance that he has solved some problem or another, so he can sell an idea without any substance behind it. Same as every politician since time immemorial. His bullshitting to our faces may not be as obvious and insulting as pedo joey’s has been (although pedo joey’s supporters appear to have believed most of it unquestioningly, even now in the throes of multiple crises dragging the FUSA into the pit) so many who voted for Trump will probably be cowed into believing his BS, at least for a while. The nature of politics as a team sport has left far too many incapable of not rooting for “their team” even when it is quite obviously actively fucking them, and not delivering wins.
I guess that’s a lot of rambling to say that I still see the only impetus for a real correction being a large scale collapse (and a Malthusian die off to accompany it} that forces a fundamental reordering of society that cannot and will not be accomplished by any orderly or voluntary method. Trump is just a slick PR band-aid on a gaping chest wound that has us bleeding out. And please note that if – by some unlikely turn of events – I turn out to be wrong about that, I’ll be happy to eat these words.
The good news is, unlike the negro worship that is so prevalent (albeit changing very slowly), EVERYONE hates the Indians. everyone.
and yeah, plus 1 to that article that Chris above referenced from WRSA
How many of these patents do they own, and how many of them are assigned to a massive corporation?
Ironically, my Finnish brother-in-law, a professor of economics who has taught in the US for over a decade, is having trouble getting his work visa renewed. And his daughter’s new husband, a British electrical engineer and soon-to-be father, is having trouble getting a work visa to come to America, period. Because of course, you can’t have capable Whites working or emigrating to America, it’s got to be infinity blacks and browns.
Many Amish are quite well to-do for the same reason Jews are, they take care of their own and they know how to make money.
Boggles my mind how normal White Folks or the very least the dissidents haven’t figured this out…They continue to accept being ruled by a tribal people because of selfishness and greed…They will continue to go extinct because they don’t want to band together with others…Sad That…
My nephew graduated with good marks with an engineering degree, and can’t find a job in that field. He is using his degree to deliver pizzas, something stinks here.
I graduated in 95 as an aeronautical engineer. Sent out over 200 resumes, the few we contacted me wanted to know my ethnicity even back then. So i switched industries.
Dang, Arthur. You hitting hard above your weight class in those return volleys. I don’t do any social media like that but I’m proud YOU do. Guess we are getting a glimpse of which direction the second go-round is headed.
F these anti-American punjabs. We KNOW that they will hire their own.
Don’t believe me? Watch Vivek this coming year! He CANNOT get past his innate DNA and will populate America with like-minded punjabs, justifying each hire as being a net benefit to we (ought to be) grateful Americans.
F them. I’m not buying this. WE, here in the U.S., were ALWAYS the INNOVATORS; it is the Israelis, the Japanese and the Indians (dot, not feather) who stole our tech, reverse-engineered same, then sold it back to us!
Yea we are stupid for staying isolated and atomized while the Tribal people steal everything we were, are, and able to do…Sad That…
“Yea we are stupid for staying isolated and atomized while the Tribal people steal everything”
Freedom is a double edged sword. Or… be careful what you wish for (i.e. freedom), you might just get it.
The bad news is:
We are a small minority; who hold these thoughts.
Diversity is our fate.
it surely seems, that the list of options and solutions grows ever shorter. We started with a list of solutions that had the easy, inexpensive, and quick-to-implement choices near the top. As the list got longer, near to the bottom were solutions that, while effective, were expensive, bloody, difficult, and had long lead-times associated therewith.
We have now, it would appear, squandered our opportunities to use the entries at or near the top of this list. There was always tomorrow, and besides, the problems are not that bad, we thought. We could move, or vote harder, or find another job.
We are now left with those options near the bottom, and the will for their imposition or execution is lacking. Mass deportations will be expensive, labour-intensive, and, I suspect, hotly contested by those who are their object. There are other ways, of course, but few will speak openly of these, and certainly not among untried strangers…
There is nowhere left to move to, for most, and we are now becoming the minority in the country we built. Our choices are about to become difficult, even as the centre proves, contrary to the hopes of the average, that it cannot hold as things fall apart.
It would seem that the time has come, ladies and gentlemen, to determine your responses (if you haven’t already) to various forms of interference, at all levels, when those things come to your door.
Because come to your door, they shall.
God bless. Good luck.
Perhaps. But dieversity cannot create, or even maintain what we have, a fact that is already painfully obvious. Eventually, either sanity will prevail, or they (and we in turn, unfortunately) will lose all the gains made by Whites. While I’d like to think we will somehow pull this out, I’ll admit there is ample precedent for the destruction of more advanced societies by barbarians and parasitic mediocrities. Pray that we avoid the indignity of being permanently busted down into a 3rd world shithole.
I keep returning to the idea that a collapse has to occur at some point. The complexity and scale of our society as it now exists is unmanageable and cannot possibly go on indefinitely, especially as it is already as straining badly under the weight of rampant incompetence and mismanagement at all levels.
Nature may be turn out to be the great equalizer, and unleash a disaster that cleans the slate. It has happened before, and with our presently evident hubris, and irresponsible tampering via things like MRNA base “vaccines” and intentionally engineering deadly viruses, sooner or later something very bad is going to knock the whole thing down. I’d prefer not to do it by those means, but either that, war, or some other “own goal” mankind brings upon itself will provide a reset point of sorts, if it doesn’t wipe us out entirely.
“I keep returning to the idea that a collapse has to occur at some point. ”
People’s values change…obviously. But I kind of think values and culture kind of follow Newton’s First Law of Motion:
“if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.”
Americans are gonna be nothing but vacuous consumers until an outside force, i.e. a collapse, changes their habits, values, purchasing choices.
And the only thing I can think of that will get through normie-con’s thick skull is to be wondering if he will eat instead of choosing what size TV.
Yes, that is a more elegant and detailed way of conveying the point in was attempting to make, so thank you for that.
This cunt-ry gets the ‘leaders’ and in turn the policies it deserves! Shit like this could be seen coming a long time ago by anyone willing to jettison the two-party scam and pay attention. If you voted for Trump – for whatever reason – you just enabled a lot more anti-White whoop ass, Republicunt style. Step up and get your ‘my gutless, ignorant self fell for it again’ trophy.
Funny how you never have a solution. Boomers like are why we have zero simp for you being raped in the home
“Hey White man, you are too retarded for these high tech jobs. And everything good accomplished in your country was by someone else.”
Will normiecon realise to what extent he has been insulted or will he self-flaggelate himself at the alter anti-racism?
This will be a good indicator weather American Whites are gonna self-immolate a la Sweden, or get a spine and some self respect a la Eastern Europe.
The “operation pooper-clip” meme was the best one ive seen. Musk just f’d himself, screwed the pooch on this with his inflammatory rhetoric, his deception would have passed unnoticed if he didnt go full-retard on X, just like he did with Tesla cars and trucks. His real din is his secret, deep space contracts and communications plans with the DoD.
Trump will cave in, he is already back-peddling on deportation, it is now nuanced with compassion and selectivity.
Nothing will change but the headlines, Im already bored.
All so predictable. But when we make such obvious predictions based on 50 years of simple observations of reality we are spreading “negativity” and “black pilled”.
The people want heroes. They want to believe that someone else will solve their problems. They want to be lied to but pretty lies from “their guys”.
One of the many tells of the jellyfish spine is how often those hero’s are foreign or diversity or women. Most of what passes for the “right” are fine with the derivative economic mush as long as they get their machine gun black rifle bikini girls and sick memes to vent their spleens while cheering on their portfolios and rental houses.
Ultimately the heritage American plurality of this proposition nation has painted itself into the corner of a blank slate economic premise.
Trump and Musk and his clown car of diversity and split tails are simply agreeing and amplifying the revealed preference of the masses.
Which is that of chasing the dragon of materialism and status under the moral banner of individualism, free markets, and egalitarianism are more important than blood and soil because they don’t believe we ever had blood and soil. This they share in common with their supposed enemies.
None of these things are real of course. But that doesn’t matter.
Reality is that my daughter is taking a seat in law school and your son lost out. Zero sum. Too fucking bad. You should have gotten him into a better pre school. Moved to a better neighborhood.
So in 20 years when I complain y daughter can’t find no man with a good job and status to marry at 35 so she can dial back on legal years and push out the one and done designer kid well it’s gonna be your sons fault.
It’s all economic. Ain’t nobody going to take one for the team if it costs their bloodline potential trajectory. It’s all Utilitarian. Opportunism.
What we see naked in these cringey twitter exchanges is the spergy retardation and foreign cultural deafness that lacks the savvy to know how to reflect this reality in ways that do not pierce the veil.
The people want the veil. It’s all “we” have in common. Legal immigration is good. Free options for me and mine are good. Who pays for that is not my problem.
This is the prevailing culture no matter the political banner they wave. There is pushback and there are frowning numbers of real badthinkers like us but as always any aggregation must be well outside of the system and her institutions and to expect otherwise is to serve up your sons liver with a nice Chianti.
“We have met the Enemy and he is us”
I have always had the feeling that Trump was going to hook up with people who want to destroy us free Americans. This round 2 of the screwing of the true American population.
I have already seen the 4-D Chess Theory on this that Trump is letting these foreign ass-clowns make everybody mad enough to enable REAL immigration control and deportations since this is bleeding over into the MSM.
Trust The Plan, maybe it’ll be the Irridium Plan that is just like the Platinum Plan but is curry-flavored.
Economic collapse can’t come soon enough.
Economic collapse can’t come soon enough.
Yea what if it doesn’t come before we are all dead or enslaved… Waiting around for a collapse is just as bad as those waiting around for Trump to save them…If we truly want to secure a future for White Children we are going to have to do a little more than wait around…
Yeah Brother that’s the point of their great reset or whatever. It’s not what most people think. Which is that it’s about some plan to crush us into economic slave dust. But rather to give the people what they always want. Which is comfort and security and predictability over the unknown.
The reset is just a new new normal in which people will be allowed to stay invested in the system. Reliant upon the system. Enslaved by the system.
Just with a new set of transaction protocols and corresponding tradeoffs.
A total collapse would work in our favor. Not going to happen. It’s all about the plantation. He’ll most people I know cannot fathom walking from a pension or 401k or home equity gambit but will mewl all day about how it’s all fake and gay and rigged and “just can’t go on” but they sure as shit ain’t gonna walk out of that cherry job or become a nonperson in the social strata like me.
Something will happen. It will seem major. But then it will be forgotten. See also, “Covid”.
“Trump will cave in, he is already back-peddling on deportation, it is now nuanced with compassion and selectivity.”
I saw a blurb that Trump wasn’t going to deport farm workers because heaven forbid someone pay more for their fucking broccili and kale.
I happen to think that Vox Day does have his head in the right place.
“In short, what the wicked call “hate” is morally and rationally superior to inclusivity, be it nominally meritocratic or diversity-fueled. Notice that for all of their blathering about “merit”, they’ll be the first to declare they would never hire a racist no matter how intelligent, accomplished, or capable he might be. ”
Hating those that seek to destroy you, your culture, your children, not only is it a virtue, it is a necessity. Where the fuck were these street shitter niggers that saved launched the Apollo missions and saved Apollo 13? If Indian street shitter culture is so awesome, how come their space program doesn’t have a rocket to put men in low earth orbit or build its own space station? Oh there is, because street shitter niggers have a shitty culture.
Remember, street shitter niggers have a caste system. These street shitter niggers think they are better just because of the caste they were born into. It doesn’t matter that the code they generate is nearly fucking retarded.
I may not agree with 100% of what Vox Day says, but on this subject he is rock solid, and I’m full in board with his take. Karl Denninger also has a scathing write up of this at his place today, and is a good read that I absolutely concur with.
The two guys (musk and ramaladingdong) heavily advocating front and center for this bullshit right now are both…wait for it…recent immigrants. Really they shouldn’t be here to begin with. Musk might have been a bit more tolerable as a White appearing guy, but his personal views and beliefs are generally at odds with our own, and what is best for OUR people. Further, he has now publicly dick punched himself by revealing his real agenda in full living color. Looks like the Trump MAGA love affair won’t even make it the midterms at this rate. Vivek, meanwhile, neither looks, sounds, or thinks like us, so he is DQ’d right out of the gate. He is an opportunistic hanger-on who successfully inserted himself in the Trump 2.0 admin, and is already yielding predictable (shitty) results.
Musk wants this policy advanced to benefit himself via his various enterprises that will employ scores of H1B, netting him much personal wealth in the process (as if he needs it). Vivek wants it to bring more of his people here just to tilt the balance in favor of street shitters having even more power and control over how the country is (mis)managed. Fuck them both with a rusty clay spade, and break it off in their asses. This is an obvious paen to business as usual, and further disenfranchisement and marginalization of actual Americans. Yes, it is insulting to us that they make these statements, and I believe intentionally so. All the more reason to dispatch these cocksuckers to someplace else, they just can’t stay here and continue to exert influence over how things are run. But, money talks so Musk will continue to have his ass kissed. That, and he is the only way the fedgov continues to have any viable capability to access space (NASA and Boeing are fucking jokes, no longer fit for their purportedly chartered purposes) so they will humor him out of necessity, if nothing else.
Hell, we won’t even make inauguration day without a lot of people realizing just how badly they got played by buying into this donkey show. The disillusionment is going to be brutal for those who hadn’t already pegged this scam for what it really was. And to be clear, we didn’t have any acceptable alternative. Both options given us sucked. One just sucked a little less than the other. Chew on that for a bit, and contemplate what it really means in terms of what would need to be done to actually fix, well, anything.
Thanks for mentioning the inauguration. Such bullshit. The cucks of the right slobber all over the winning of some tech lord lizards paying tribute for orange man’s party all while orange man is pushing this retarded DOGE budget cutting scam by dudes who are scammers.
A real leader would punt on the whole charade. Roll up sleeves. Get to work. Build the gallows. Collect scalps. Whatever. But no.
Families living in tents in NC. Friend of mine lives in a motel from the Florida hurricane still. Border is wide open. Still. So walleye gave Trump a million for his caviar? Ffs winning has turned so gay.
Heh, yeah. The ceremony isn’t even needed. Have a supreme court justice show up with a bible and swear him in. Leaves nothing for left wing shit disturbers to show up for either. Save all the expense and bullshit to put on the big show, we don’t need it. The money saved could be put towards some of the things you just mentioned.
Not that the money for any of it exists anyway, it’s all just more unbacked credit emission.
“A real leader would punt on the whole charade. Roll up sleeves. Get to work. Build the gallows. Collect scalps. ”
Right Fucking Answer.
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