Now that Christmas is over, it’s back to reality and reality is getting more grotesque and bestial by the day. Here is an outstanding example of black excellence and the power of diversity from the capital of Indiana….
Docs: Man accused of raping 85-year-old woman with dementia at Indy assisted living facility
What the actual fuck? It gets worse.
A man has been arrested after allegedly raping an 85-year-old woman with dementia at an assisted living facility on the north side of Indianapolis.
According to court documents obtained by FOX59/CBS4, Ron’Diayel Gardner has been preliminarily charged with a level 3 felony charge of rape in Marion County…..
….During the course of the investigation, the detective learned the victim suffered from “severe” dementia and could only speak Russian.
Detectives spoke with a supervisor at the facility who reportedly told them they entered the 85-year-old’s room and allegedly observed Gardner, who was a housekeeping employee, on top of the patient with his pants down.
The employee told detectives that Gardner allegedly claimed that he wasn’t doing anything when questioned by the supervisor.
After escorting Gardner out of the room, the supervisor approached the patient and noticed that her adult diaper had reportedly been pulled down, exposing her lower half.
Here he is…..
18 years old, 6’3″ tall, almost 300 pounds and he was raping an 85 year old woman with dementia after removing her adult diaper.
It makes the human mind short circuit a little bit, it is so deviant and bizarre. It is hard to even imagine what sort of degenerate beast would do that. His excuse? She was asking for it.
Court documents show that Gardner changed his story several times during the interview, originally claiming that he was leaning over the patient to locate the source of a urine smell in the room. He allegedly said he did not realize his pants were down when his supervisor entered the room.
He also initially denied ever having intercourse with the patient while admitting that he was on top of the woman with his pants down. Gardner went on to allegedly tell the detective that the woman “motioned him with her hands” while “inviting” him to have sexual intercourse with her, according to court documents.
Holy shit.
Ron’Diayel needs about a 15 minute trial and when found guilty needs to be shot right there on the spot. Not even taken out back, just right in the courtroom and broadcast live.
Notice also that the supervisor was “questioning” Ron’Diayel, as if there is any sort of reason for him to have his pants down. On the other hand, who wants to confront a 6’3″, 300 pound 18 year old nigger? That is a great way to end up dead.
Think of all of the millions of elderly people who don’t have families to look out for them that will end up in nursing homes like this slowly dying while being abused and molested by animals like Ron’Diayel and various other imported vermin from places like Haiti. How will we provide humane care for the elderly that require this level of care, a number that will increase dramatically as the Boomers get older? I have my criticisms of the Boomers but I don’t want old White people being raped by gorillas like Ron’Diayel Gardner no matter how poorly they voted.
This nigger is only 18 meaning that he will be back out on the streets at some point in the not that distant future and if he would rape an 85 year old dementia patient wearing an adult diaper now at 18, how depraved will he be in a decade when he is back on the streets after doing a dime in prison?
The future is certainly looking bright.
Vox Day talks about this stuff all the time but he has a different take, and one that I don’t agree with.
He takes glee in believing the attacks are deserved as retribution for lifelong abuse from boomers to their kids.
Theodore Beale (Vox Day) sure comes across as someone who was written out of the will by his parents. Maybe one day “the day of the pillow” will come for him
I’m with you, Ghost.
NO-ONE deserves this horrific treatment. The elderly in the West are not valued, because we have a culture that worships youth & beauty over the wisdom of our elders.
Vox does not have his head screwed on straight. WTF.
And he purports to be a Christian. What about the basic dignity of the elderly?
Vox Day is a daily read. Cartoon Screen Name needs to use cut and paste to show his work.
Vox is anti-boomer in the spending all assets and not assisting their children.
That’s his opinion. Mine differs. Vox NEVER would suggest abusing seniors.
Use cut and paste to prove me wrong.
Oh and “MEE TOO” below feel free to also find and cut and paste IF you have an original thought in your mind.
“Vox NEVER would suggest abusing seniors.
Use cut and paste to prove me wrong.”
I’ll do you one better. In this post ( ) he seems fully on board with the concept of the “Day of the Pillow”.
Here’s the source of that particular phrase, which refers to aging Boomers being suffocated en masse by the immigrants whose importation they supposedly endorsed and supported:
Should have READ it more carefully.
OTHER Blogger is in the comment.
Vox comment SNIP It’s more than a little ironic that this Boomer doesn’t understand that suffocating Boomers in their beds would be doing something about it. Of course, he’s too Boomer to grasp that the Day of the Pillow reference is to Boomers being suffocated by the very immigrants whose entry they celebrated working in the nursing homes
English can be a difficult language to understand with “modern American Education”.
Alas, another Voxtitute.
You guys are insufferable.
LOL so bold and brave (isn’t that the Woke Complementary?)
Fear of listening to others isn’t something to be proud of.
You get what you vote for. That has always been the rules, reap what you sow. Don’t like it??? Then finally do something
I generally pay no attention to Vox, he is smart but not as smart as he thinks, and seems to mostly be interested in getting into slap fights with other people on the right. No thanks.
That’s a very good summary.
I’ll freely admit I don’t read much Beale either, but what I HAVE read gives me the impression of short-guy syndrome (I don’t know or care how tall he actually is, it’s still SGS) and little-dick energy.
Arthur I recall this quote:
I never learned from a man who agreed with me.
Robert A. Heinlein
I don’t always agree with you friend, but I read you often as a viewpoint I can respect.
But then again, I also as part of my Area Survey visit leftist coffeehouses and quietly listen in as to learn who’s the troublemakers that need to be fed to my pigs when the lights go out.
Going back to the original posting, the beasts WE TOLERATE nay, Encourage by not destroying them are destroying our Republic.
Another quote springs to mind:
Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Violence tolerated is violence encouraged. Don’t talk about it on an open internet.
Not only should this beast be shot, the HR manager that approved his hiring should get a public beating. $20.00 says this nigger was hired for diversity points.
That could be, but I figure it’s just as likely ths piece of shit was hired simply to put any warm body in the position. Almost nobody wants these jobs, especially at the pay rate typically being offered, so the positions end up being populated with the worst kind of scum. I don’t see any good (realistic) answer to this, either. Euthanizing the elderly for purely economic reasons (as is now being practiced in Canada) is morally repugnant, but I’d rather be dead than face being raped (or even subjected to lesser forms of abuse and neglect, which also occur regularly in nursing homes). Still, that isn’t an acceptable alternative.
My best hope for myself is that I go quickly of a heart attack or other natural cause, and at an age that precedes my descent into a state of needing to be institutionalized. I can’t speak for anyone else, so won’t try to impose a one size fits all approach to elder care. I only know that I have no intention of ever entering a home for exactly the sort of reason this article highlights, and will probably actively facilitate my own exit if it comes to that point.
Keeping it on the real, I see no good outcome for elder care in this country going forward. The demand will so far outstrip the supply, while there is no money or will to do a good job if it. Worse still, this is all coming together as the last vestiges of a decent and moral society fall away, so the value of life has been cheapened to a point where events like those revealed in this story are poised to become much more common. Bottom line is that one’s only real hope of avoiding these indignities is to never have to enter such a car facility in the first place. I’ll eat a bullet before I’ll eat a dick, but many will not be of the mindset to do that, which I fully understand.
As for the perp, he needs no trial. Take him to the nearest zoo and throw his worthless black ass into a cage with a genuine silverback, and let nature take it’s course. Tell Harambe that dinner is served.
Yes. There are many corollaries but most don’t want to make them because it’s discomforting to follow the responsibility.
Multigenerational homes and large families – or even just physically close families solve a lot. Elder care is just public school for olds. It’s not about the care it’s about the economic problem of removing ones labor from the system to apply it in one’s own home.
Early childhood care is the same. Full of diversity and abusers because even if the second income only nets a few dollars an hour people will choose work outside the home because most don’t realy want the job of being a parent and many prefer the extra buying power aka credit that comes with another income.
Not to discount the safety net of diversified incomes but there are other ways to make money including education co-ops and at home businesses.
Same goes for churches that used to be the economic safety net but now everyone looks to big daddy gov.
This is all downstream of the destruction of our heritage culture and community. The handful of economic beads is what we got and so we will hold on tight and make a wish.
The phds spend their lives trying to put the economic toothpaste back in the cultural tube because it is all codified as our national religion.
We see this rolling out with saint elon and orange man and the rest of the show starting to repackage and sell us the same shit that got us here. H1bs and bitcoins and “tech” and more government spending but this time fed into approved globo corps that are allowed to hire some whites.
It’s all about preserving the system and most are on board with that. I say this as one with very little family and paper thin community and so the bullet is likely my retirement package too.
“because most don’t realy want the job of being a parent and many prefer the extra buying power aka credit that comes with another income.”
I agree. All so they can buy a 10 bigger TV or a $100,000 pickup truck that will never see dirt. A country that cares more about chattels than family deserves what it gets. America isn’t a nation, it is a business. America doesn’t have citizens, it has employees. And all that matters is the bottom line. Chasing status and shitty Chinese made trinkets.
“Not to discount the safety net of diversified incomes but there are other ways to make money including education co-ops and at home businesses.”
Good point. I read about the way things were prior to the adoption of the 19th amendment. A lot of women were against it. Women were not powerless. They ran institutions and groups that informed what laws were passed. Being able to vote just meant now they could be scumbags like men.
“This is all downstream of the destruction of our heritage culture and community. The handful of economic beads is what we got and so we will hold on tight and make a wish.”
100% this. Most Americans, real Americans (dissidents excepted), don’t give a fuck about their culture anymore. They give a fuck about getting the newest Iphone or the new TV so they can stream some Netflix. Americans like to brag about “muh freedom” and brag against countries like China, Russia, or even Afghanistan.
China is a 5000 year enterprise. Russia is over 1000 years old. in 100 years, there still will be a China and a Russia and American “muh freedoms” will be in history books.
” H1bs and bitcoins and “tech” and more government spending ”
God damn the elites are evil and stupid. Every immigrant is someone we have to compete with. Bitcoin takes money out of circulation that might be invested in a factory, a mine, or a business.
“Same goes for churches that used to be the economic safety net”
Modern day Christian churches are like everything else in America, about entertainment.
Neal Postman was right. This country is amusing itself to death.
In that line of thought, I saw a blurb online that 110″ class TV’s were amongst the most popular selling items this Christmas shopping season. A damning indictment, no doubt. How many people have a room and wall big enough to justify a screen that size? It’d be like sitting in the front row of a theatre, always straining your neck looking up at it.
I didn’t shop in stores this Christmas, so was unaware of the above.
This “ultra-Consumerism” of the U.S. is understandable; it drives our very economy, yet we are a flawed nation.
I keep asking myself what our “cultural values” actually ARE?
We were–if my history & civics lessons are correctly remembered–a nation of achievers, mavericks & independent thinkers (with the usual rabble imported into the Colonies as well) seeking religious freedom and freedom from oppressive European feudalism.
Our short early history of Independence, Federalism and the rapid development of our cities, monuments, statues etc., are now being assailed by the Left (the demo-communist party of FUSA).
Our cities are rotting, crime-filled third world shytholes; our monuments, flags & statues (especially those of the Confederate side) have been brought down. In place of those noble edifices we get “St. George the Floyd,” “Piss, Christ” and other revolting homages to worthless nogs like the above.
San Francisco, arguably our most unique and lovely city in CONUS, is now a rampant shythole and is rapidly becoming an economic wasteland; White flight and store closings will guarantee its ultimate demise.
There is not ONE CITY in the U.S. that I would wish to explore–even with all expenses paid. I can thank niggers, jews and Leftards (many of whom are politicians) for that rolling disaster.
Look at Europe! Even while their original peoples (or their leaders) have cravenly opened their doors to the demographic suicide that is Islam and Africa–a “one-two punch” that no nation can survive–at least their cities, monuments and public buildings are magnificent. There is a deep, ancient culture there for those who are willing to drill down to find it.
Coming back to my point, what is the American culture today? What do we hold sacred? Where is the moral center of our Nation?
Sitcoms? Political pomp & circumstance? NFL/NBA/NHL contests, etc? Porn? QVC? The Constant Acquisition of “Stuff?” 110″ flat screen TVs as BRD describes, above?
Beautiful cathedrals & public monuments?
Bingo! These latter two–those that remain standing, that is–are wondrous to see (when the graffiti and urine stains are hosed off, that is).
I am seeking worth, value, beauty; therefore, I am left with our National Parks. Those are our cultural marvels! Not surprisingly, we did nothing to create them, they were given by our Creator; at least our forebears had the wisdom to preserve them, to draw boundaries around them so they were not pillaged by the great unwashed (thanks, Teddy Roosevelt).
But, in the Fifteen-minute Cities that our betters wish to inflict upon us, who among us will ever be able to behold those wilderness immensities?
Oh! My bad! I forgot to mention Mt. Rushmore and The World’s Largest Ball of Twine (Cawker City, Kansas)!
Years ago I would have counted our National Intercontinental System of Railroads among our wonders. Sadly, today, we likely enjoy the world’s record in derailments and eco-disasters attributable to chemical spills, etc. (East Palestine, anyone)?
Meanwhile, in “Chy-Nah!” and Japan, we observe 300kph trains: modern, pristine, levitating above the rails magnetically, a wineglass perched on a table top that sits undisturbed, at speed, for hundreds of kilometers.
What do we get? Multi-billion dollar “railroads to nowhere” in the People’s Republik of Kollyfornya.
I weep for what my Nation could have been.
I have been arguing for years that netted out, most two income families are not getting ahead after paying for day care and the cost to the children is incalculable.
The solution is a White Homeland Brother…Up here where it’s over 95% White we have young White girls taking care of the elderly…
Where, specifically, is this dreamland?
Are you asking about the White Homeland that we need to build or where I reside currently that is 95% White?
We have spent decades telling Whites to not have children and now no one will be around to help care for those Whites as they get older. Most of my 8 kids live nearby so we can become a burden to them as we age and we have been talking about remodeling the house now so that it is easier to live here when we get old. Most people just don’t give any thought to retirement much less being elderly.
AS, I was thinking about caring for our elderly, long-term. We have a plethora of “mother-daughter” split-level homes, separate entrances, kitchens/kitchenettes, etc.
Perhaps—as in a goodly number of Japanese households (where the Japanese, as a culture, tend to revere their elderly), we would best care for our parents & grandparents in- home, avoiding those monstrous financial expenditures in the last years of their lives, while assuring the avoidance of molestation/rape and other abuses by feral Haitians and other primitives whom we import to heap abuses upon our (supposed) loved ones.
Caring for our own is not easy–and not for everyone, but it IS a remedy-in-waiting if we could just get past the “all for me” attitude that plagues us in our current culture.
I watched my dad–himself, moderately infirm from arthritis–in his own later years, providing direct care to both his mom and his MIL as they aged. No one in our family has, to date, suffered the indignity of living out their last years in the company of strangers.
Time will tell if I and my wife shall be the first to suffer such. This will, obviously, require some serious conversations with my progeny.
That is, if I can pry them out of COSTCO for ten minutes………
Time will tell if I and my wife shall be the first to suffer such. This will, obviously, require some serious conversations with my progeny
Well Brother if you took care of them I’m sure they will be more than willing to take care of you…
I wonder how many times he did stuff like this before getting caught?
This is one end of the nigger tax. The other is the talented tenth who are just smart and industrious enough to fleece the system and acquire their gibs the way our economy favors. Which is to chase the government tit around.
The vibrants love Medicare, Medicaid, insurance “billing”, and elderly in particular because individual agency is diminished or already subject to third party proxy, but the benefits are largely automated and categorized like vending machines.
I know of two companies personally that run grift operations for elderly and SSDI. The blacks seller big in this space but the street shitters will likely displace them.
Its very similar to the NGO/PMI game in state dept and military.
The “women and minority owned” preference in fedgov is a big incentive for them as these things are all about barriers to entry. The diversity trickles down from there.
Staffing with these subhumans is reflective of the broken low end labor market.
There are very few souls who are true caregivers. The rest are just trapped in that strata of pay/benefits for rather thankless jobs.
Imagine working for a black woman owned government check cashing facility that happens to just have a bunch of olds running out the clock as a minor matter compared to the check cashing.
NFW any parent going to let their precious designer kids work there. Just as most of those people won’t be taking in their own olds, instead favoring the “system”. Hey, I paid into it so it owes me etc.
The diversity initiatives haven’t helped but there is the reality that for all intents our people have been replaced in most compassionate labor along with the leaf blowers and burger flippers.
The animals like this are everywhere. A lot of the older generation has made their beds here even if they don’t know it. They will end up here. But just as many genX and younger are faithful to the same economic trajectory trappings and so nothing will change as long as those checks clear.
Everybody hates the system even when it’s the signature on the front of their paychex. Just like all those dotmil contractors working the spread while hating the empire.
Get yours but best make enough to bring your folks home for those last 20 years of ill health.
I was out and about this morning, listening to AM talk radio when a commercial for a cruise line (people still do that?) came on, and one of the advertised benefits of going on a cruise was purported to be “cultural enrichment”. Is “cultural enrichment” watching your women be gang raped to death? Or being shot for your sneaks or your jacket or your wallet or watch? Or being spit on and/or beat for your Faith or for your Whiteness? Only a leftard, high on the opium of “the inherent goodness of mankind” or flagrant, foul Marxism, could hear “cultural enrichment” and not envision anything besides violence, death and destruction. Instead of “cultural enrichment” I’ll take venison chicken fried steaks and White gravy, Scottish bagpipe standards, a warm fire in the wood stove, food grown at home and enough acres to roam that target practice isn’t a cause of concern for neighbors. That is about as culturally enriched as I hope to ever be.
This sort of thing happened a lot during Reconstruction…but ended when when the South started lynching the perps and anyone else involved…Hmmm
Ah, the cruise. A favorite of easily amused boomers (ok, and others). I don’t get it, but then I’m so far outside the mainstream as goes interests and tastes that there are a lot of things I don’t get. Anyway, “cultural enrichment” is another of those Orwellian expressions willed into existence by shitlib globohomo types, and fed to the masses who are unwilling to forego either the fulsome decadence or this age, or the refusal to put away childish things.
I can only say that those who wish to immerse themselves in this garbage deserve whatever misfortune befalls them. By now, it is plainly evident the disaster that is cultural enrichment. So, if you still go in for it as a means of scoring virtue snivelling points amongst your equally stupid peers, then you get what you fucking deserve.
Those of us who practice active avoidance of said enrichment have a valid complaint that this shite was forced upon us, and we want no part of it. Regrettably, we are along for the ride until such time as a critical mass of distaste for it achieved. Then we can exploit the blowback to not only clean house, but exact vengeance on the parties responsible for bespoiling the punch bowl with so many turds.
The problem is fundamental, as it regards the structure and thought of society at large. We have been caught in this trap since the so called enlightenment, and the ideals it espouses. All of that – literal centuries of the basic philosophy that underpins our civilization – will have to be cast off and rethought so that something (hopefully better) can take it’s place. For this to occur would be an epoch ending event, that so many ideas that form the core of western society would be reconsidered and found faulty. A shift like that takes hundreds of years of more to take place. We are well into the process now, and the failure of everything built upon enlightenment ideals has become obvious to those willing to see.
But there is some (as yet unknown) distance to be travelled before a wholesale shit canning of it all can possibly take place. We here now may – or may not – be around to see it. We have a lot of collapse, ruin and pain to suffer before we get anywhere near a new ascendancy. It must simply be accepted that none if us may last long enough to see it the next upswing.
“But there is some (as yet unknown) distance to be travelled before a wholesale shit canning of it all can possibly take place. We here now may – or may not – be around to see it. We have a lot of collapse, ruin and pain to suffer before we get anywhere near a new ascendancy. It must simply be accepted that none if us may last long enough to see it the next upswing.”
It took the Spanish 700 years to kick out the Muslims. Though I think change is happening at a quicker pace, I don’t think I will see the turn around. All I think us dissidents can do is keep on keeping on. Every interaction with another person is a chance to show them the truth.
“The problem is fundamental, as it regards the structure and thought of society at large. We have been caught in this trap since the so called enlightenment, and the ideals it espouses.”
The enlightenment was evil. It subverted the truths espoused by Christianity. For example, the idea that men are created equal. That is a lie.
Nailed it.
Correct! Understanding that the races are not equal in all measures is not racism, it is recognition of reality.
As a society, (if you can call it that anymore), our judicial system doesn’t work. State Code is written by legislature, which means politicians. And we all know what they care about, and that isn’t society. So, that is why we don’t have actual justice anymore. This is why pedophiles get “mandatory” sentences instead of Fix-A-Flat being shot into their lungs. Politicians don’t want to be labeled as anything other than glad handing assholes to both sides, AKA Moderates and Rinos, or just woke democrats. So, ironically, the only real justice these fucks, like this nigger here, get, is in prison, by the inmates, because we are too fuckin chickenshit to give these pricks the real justice they deserve.
Yes. And what they deserve is 230 grains of FMJ in the brain stem, then dumped into an unmarked hole, the ground salted, filled in and forgotten.
That won’t happen, though, because we have allowed liberal & Leftard “humanism” philosophy to convince us that “every life contains a precious spark of the divine.”
BS. We may have all been conceived with such a spark but some among us have committed such craven acts that the spark is now forever extinguished. Off to Potter’s Field for you Actual Pieces Of Shit.
I’m sure the Almighty would not care for my point of view on this, but I’ve reached a stage where I don’t care if a “divine spark” exists or not. An inhumane piece of shit is just a piece of shit, and that in itself is all the cause I need to justify their extermination. We can espouse to higher ideals, but when faced with adversaries like this bootlip ape, trying to ascribe our ideals on to him is no different than offering ourselves up for slaughter. And that’s just stupid.
My wife made her career in geriatrics, starting out as a nurse’s aide in her teens and ultimately rising to corporate level management for a consortium that owns dozens of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the northeast. She has seen it all, including far too many cases like this one. The biggest problem is that the field attracts the lowest forms of life because it is relatively well-paying for the investment necessary to become, say, a nurse’s aide, dietary aide or other low-skill laborer. In New York, Haitians gravitate to the field in droves, as do Filipinos, hispanics and every other non-White demographic. Its not that they want to hire such people; they simply have no other option.
One of my wife’s responsibilities through the years was to conduct background checks and assess drug tests of both current and prospective hires. A few decades ago, a criminal history or traces of illegal drugs in the urine were cause for non-hiring or dismissal. But the pool of potential employees became so rife with sub-par applicants that one by one the rules were relaxed. First, they stopped testing for marijuana use, then cocaine and various opioids, and ultimately random drug testing of current employees was halted altogether. They continued testing prospective hires, but only barred the worst abusers from employment. As for background checks, anything less than felony convictions for violent crimes was let slide. Unions made it nearly impossible to fire employees for any infraction short of assault, so the merely lazy, incompetent or unreliable thrived in facilities that had unionized.
I’ve said it a thousand times, and I mean it: Don’t get sick, don’t get old. If you end up in one of those hellish places, you will be robbed, abused and neglected by completely indifferent creatures who don’t even see you as human. Despite having security cameras in every hallway and day room, they are not permitted in residents’ rooms, where most of the abuse takes place. As heartless as it may sound, active euthanasia is preferable to spending one’s last days under the dubious care of cretins like this Ron’Diayel Gardner devil.
From what I have seen and experienced, a big problem in the healthcare field is not the vetting that a facility does for its own employees, such as what your wife did, but the vetting that subcontractors are _supposed_ to do…
I experienced this personally at both ends of my working life. Fresh out of college in the Jimmy Carter economy, I applied to a temp agency, just to get some cash flow going, and they promptly sent me to a nursing home on the night shift. It didn’t take long to figure out that I had been represented as someone who was trained in basic nurses aide duties, like transferring people onto an off of beds and commodes etc., when there had been no such training. I quit after about three nights.
Decades later, after I retired, I saw an ad for babysitting that looked perfect for me, since each job was agreed to individually (allowing me the flexibility I wanted for travel, visiting my kids or vice versa) and it paid very well. Turned out the clients were exclusively GE employees and temporary/emergency childcare was one of their perks.
GE had contracted this through a nanny agency in New England, which subcontracted to regional providers. I was told that I would need to come for an interview, in a city about four hours away, and that I would have a criminal background check done.
Next thing I knew, I got a call telling me to name my price, that I was needed the next day for two weeks. I subsequently went into the homes of this client and multiple others, and took care of their small children, with them under the impression – because that’s what they had been told – that I had been thoroughly vetted. I notified the agency in New England that none of this background checking or interviewing had been conducted, and I never heard from them.
Thanks to staffing shortages, many hospitals and nursing homes rely on traveling nurses and employees from temp agencies. I would not doubt that in many cases, background checks have not been done.
Damn these comments are more depressing than the actual article…
Yeah, I was thinking as I typed mine above “so much for Christmas joy, and the promise to a new year”. But I am brutally honest and pragmatic, so I tell it how I see it. Ostensibly “normal” people absolutely hate that. Well, tough shit. It is what it is, until it isn’t.
Sooner or later even the most deluded eternal optimist has an uncomfortable – if not ruinous – appointment with reality. I like to operate from an honest and informed assessment of where I am, not where I wish I was. Life has been disappointing enough when I fully expected it to be. I can’t imagine the depths of anger and despair I’d be plumbing if my expectations were as ridiculously high (in direct contravention of observable reality) as those of most people I know.
At least my baseline perception of things doesn’t leave a huge amount of room to be let down. It’s a hard slog, but near as I can tell it was never meant to be easy. The veneer of civilization gave us that illusion for a while. I’m old enough I can even remember it. But everything post-2000 has been the realization of a brave new world, and not remotely in a good way.
Yea but if you have already given up and expect to have to eat a bullet in the end because it will be so shitty what’s the fucking point of living now Brother…Why can’t we as dissidents be making whatever sacrifices we have to now to maybe have a better future for us or the very least so White Children can have a future not just to be waiting around to have to kill ourselves in the end because the alternative is worse… That’s what is depressing to me that it seems everyone is just resigned to a shit future that they don’t think can be changed…
That’s a valid point, and I guess I don’t really have a good answer. I haven’t given up, I only know that if I reach a point where I’m faced with the binary choice of having to enter a home where I will be treated like shit, or going out with my dignity intact, I’m choosing the latter if it is at all within my control. All the rest I’ve said above is subject to discussion and debate as to how we can get to a better state of existence.
On paper (so to speak) it doesn’t look like I have much to live for. I’m a never married middle aged man with no children, who is a self employed tradesman. I work – a lot – because I enjoy what I do, and am good at it. Enough so that people value my expertise and seek me out for it. I have a couple of hobbies and lead a modest and unassuming existence. I have my immediate family who are all still local, which these days is something of a miracle. Mom, (dad passed away over 20 years ago) my siblings, and their spouses and kids are all here in the same city we were born in. And I enjoy spending time with them, as was done yesterday, and on many other occasions with regularity.
But, I have no progeny and thereby no real legacy, so really one could say I’m just doing what I do to survive until my time here runs out. And maybe that’s all it is, and there is no higher purpose. But I’m a stubborn bastard who will not roll over and die now just to cede to fight to all these degenerate fuckers I so truly hate with a white hot passion. So, there is an accounting of the things that drive me to keep going, and there is no doubt that hate for ones enemies can be a serious motivator.
I don’t relish the thought of having to end it to avoid going into a home in my old age, but consider it only as a last resort to avoid that outcome, as I know where it leads. On the current trajectory, the quality of such care will be far worse in 20 years – if it exists at all – so that also informs my thinking. Until then, I still have a fight in me, and will seek places and situations where I can apply that energy, whether it is to my benefit or only to my enemies detriment.
Understandably, those with their own families have a different point of view, as they have greater skin in the game. I don’t want to see my nieces and nephews suffer a horrible future, and to whatever extent I can do things that may shape coming events to their benefit, I’ll do so. Besides that motivation, I’ll try to screw with the plans of our overlords at any opportunity just for the pure satisfaction of fucking their shit up. That’s probably about as cogent an answer as I can come with for what keeps me going.
Sometimes we have to be the pioneers Brother so the rest of our families can have a better life and be able to survive what’s coming…I had to with no help other than my wife and kids and now their is more and more family moving up by me…You all need to come visit and you would see where I’m coming from…
“I only know that if I reach a point where I’m faced with the binary choice of having to enter a home where I will be treated like shit, or going out with my dignity intact, I’m choosing the latter if it is at all within my control.”
That’s the thing, though–‘if it is at all within my control,’ is a very big ‘if….’
All too often, someone ends up in the hospital for something that couldn’t be foreseen, and then the ‘system’ takes over, especially if any deterioration of mental cognition accompanies the illness/injury. Hospitals are terrible places for older people to get ‘better,’ and instead are the beginning of the rehab to nursing home pipeline. It’s depressing, for sure.
“Damn these comments are more depressing than the actual article…”
Maybe, but at least we are being honest with ourselves. Things can only get better if you admit there is a problem.
“Why can’t we as dissidents be making whatever sacrifices we have to now to maybe have a better future for us or the very least so White Children can have a future not just to be waiting around to have to kill ourselves in the end because the alternative is worse… ”
If you ask me, this is really one of the top 3 most important questions we, as dissidents, have to answer. Why don’t we do what needs to be done?
I think of it as the “You go first” problem. Probably more than one of us is willing to Brian Thompson a societal parasite piece of shit that deserves being aspirated. And if a fellow was standing next to us, helping us, encouraging us, reminding us what we are fighting for, and most importantly, willing to dive off the cliff with us, we would be willing to do what is necessary. I could be wrong, but I don’t think a lot of us are afraid of dying per se. But we are afraid of dying alone. We are afraid of dying alone and being thought of as just some crazy crank.
But if a dozen more Brian Thompsons were to be Brian Thompsoned in a span of 7 days, you probably wouldn’t see a nation wide manhunt simply because of logistics. But the press is working over time to make sure the Luigi’s of the world think they are alone and acting alone and acting alone gets you caught.
I think of it as a bunch of penguins on a cliff. They all stand there, not taking the dive, until one does, then another, then another, then the crowd goes in. I think this is called a preference cascade. Preference cascades are probably very hard to start when everyone is as atomised as us dissidents are. Idaho, Arizona, Missouri, Indiana, Florida…. these are not trivial distances.
I don’t the answer to this question. But I think if I were in the company of a Big Ruckus, a Big Country, a Saoirse, an Arthur, an Ozark H, I’d have a lot more backbone. Maybe the first part of getting an answer is getting the question out there and everyone becoming familiar with it.
So I want to go through what you said so bear with me…
Maybe, but at least we are being honest with ourselves. Things can only get better if you admit there is a problem.
I knew there was a problem way back in 2010 and started searching for a solution which I found in 2012 which was we needed our own country again because this one was occupied and then searched for where that could be possible and came across this and decided that seemed to be the only option out there at that time and still for the best chance of survival and a future for my kids…
I think of it as the “You go first” problem. Probably more than one of us is willing to Brian Thompson a societal parasite piece of shit that deserves being aspirated.
That’s putting the cart before the horse in my opinion… Think of the military do they just go out and grab a guy off the street and drop him in the middle of the warzone and say go kill that guy no they know it’s a process to get him to that place and they know if they have to do it in a hurry then the rate of success for him as a soldier goes down a bunch( like waiting for the collapse before you build Tribe)…
But I think if I were in the company of a Big Ruckus, a Big Country, a Saoirse, an Arthur, an Ozark H, I’d have a lot more backbone.
There’s your answer right there which is why I fucking talk till I’m blue in the face about Building Tribe and have way back when WRSA was up and running and you could still comment…
Thing is I’ve hosted a bunch of get togethers but it’s like herding cats so it doesn’t happen as often as I would like…
Because it’s our job to teach the next generations (zoomers are either based as hell or totally fragile there’s no in between, obv spend the effort on the based ones). We don’t have any kids, but I make an effort to reach and teach other kids, even if ti’s just little pieces. Of what and how to do. (20 year old literally know nothing, they have been betrayed by their parent’s generation and schooling). And they generally don’t have much “oh i can do that” (despite so many videos showing how to do X” But show them, help them and they learn and maybe they create some legacy.
Also, I ain’t going alone if i can help it. I got a list.
On the Daou ‘Pessimist’ wine bottle label are the words, “A Pessimist is Never Disappointed.”
I thought of that when I read your post…..
Above reply directed to BRD at his DECEMBER 26, 2024 AT 11:49 AM post.
Funny, that’s exactly how I look at it. I set my expectations low, and if they are exceeded then I’m pleasantly surprised. If they are just met at parity, then nothing is lost or gained. If things turn out worse than I expected, it usually isn’t so much worse as to be catastrophic. Some people tell me that isn’t a healthy outlook, or a good way to live. I tell them it has worked for me for half a century now, and unless I find a better system to trudge on through life’s challenges, I’ll stick with it.
That’s a neat vineyard…
Ron’Diayel, Barkevious, La’Dante, Shaniqua, Tre’Davious, LaShonda’a, etc!
When will people wake up to the fact that nogs like the above-named will–by some as yet undiscovered Law of the Universe–(and merely by the application of the appellation) be guaranteed of future incarceration?
Read any article or posting online that begins with “DaVonte Clay Jackson” and you can save your time by skipping to the last line of the piece in order to see the sentencing duration.
It is as certain as the sunrise.
Most people would rather watch their closest family get raped to death than have people they have no connection with call them “racist”.
(((They))) executed amazing mind-fuckery. Getting out of this is going to be brutal, if it isn’t completely impossible at this point.
“Getting out of this is going to be brutal, if it isn’t completely impossible at this point.”
“But I’m a stubborn bastard who will not roll over and die now just to cede to fight to all these degenerate fuckers I so truly hate with a white hot passion. ”
I guess there are three things that keep me going. 1) I have grandchildren, 2) I too, am a stubborn bastard, 3) I don’t think it is ever impossible at any point. Something things change fast, i.e. the dissoultion of the Soviet Union. Sometimes things change slow, i.e. the Reconquest of the Iberian Penensula.
But I figure as long as I can point a rifle and pull a trigger, I can make change that will make difference.
We live in a 99% white area.
That being said, I still promised myself that my parents wouldn’t end up in the nursing home.
Dad died at home. Mom is 94.
They took good care of me for my 1st two decades.
This lady was somebody’s mom. Muh Dikked by a Nigger.
Maybe the family will look him up some day.
I think I would.
This is cannot be excused. The Saxon must begin to hate.
When I was just a child, I found my mother sobbing in our car after Sunday School. She had just learned that an old family friend, a woman in her 80s and living alone after the death of her husband, a woman who had always been so kind to me and my family, had just been beaten, raped, and murdered in her home in Kansas City.
Even though I was only about 10 years old and didn’t really understand what had happened, the thought of such a thing sickened me. My mother tried to shield me from the worst of it, but I eventually found out that the crime had been committed by several teenage negroes.
That was the day I began to hate them.
A few months later, my grandfather told me that when he was just a child, a negro raped and murdered a young White girl in his small town. Kansas was sparsely populated in those days, and since there wasn’t a sheriff in that area, the men of the small town tracked down the murderer and tied him to the base of a tree. They piled a bunch of firewood around the tree and set it alight, burning him alive.
Evidently, his scattered burnt bones were left for several years as a warning to any other negroes in the area who thought about misbehaving.
Good intel, good analysis and good suggestions about what to do about what’s really going on. And podcasts to listen to while lifting weights that are just based enough and black pilled and edgy enough to help one squeeze out those extra sets and reps. Sometimes it feels like a blood memory (memories can be stored in our DNA up to fifteen generations back-its where instinct comes from) to imagine sharpening a sword on a whetstone almost by habit knowing both the sword may never be used for battle, and knowing that keeping it razor sharp is one way to assure survival if it is. Someone said about “keep on keeping on” and that’s part of it. Keep on lifting or rucking or running or whatever it is to stay sharp. And training. And prepping. And skills. No one is going to out prep the End Times. But I’m willing to do what I am able to provide that my loved ones don’t fall to the heathen hordes.
You would be a damn good neighbor to have Brother along with quite a few others here…
Expedite the death penalty.
There definitely ought to be a fast last for cases like this.
Expedite and expand it, a lot of violent crimes should qualify as should multiple conviction felons of all sorts. If you get convicted for three felonies, it is clear you just aren’t cut out for living among normal people.
It is a Biblical principle.