A popular meme-theme on /ourside/ is that “they are not sending their best”, the idea being that the “immigrants” we are getting are not exactly the cream of the crop. It is linked back to Donald Trump back before he was President the first time.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” – Donald Trump, June 2015
The thing is, when it comes to the H1B visa thing….maybe places like India ARE sending their best and their best isn’t really all that great. It really comes down to the India question as nearly 3 out of 4 H1B visas go to Indians.

Jared Taylor talks a little about it here.
The kerfuffle on the Right, mostly on Twitter, over the H1B thing seems to have died down but the issue is still a critically important argument to have. The main argument from the Tech-Right/Tech-Bros to support their demand for nearly unlimited numbers of H1B visa workers is that these are “highly skilled” workers, perhaps even the next Nikola Tesla! The amusing part is that generally all of their examples of genius immigrant inventors are White guys from Europe.
This argument doesn’t hold much water as most of the Indians in America are not terribly bright and work in lower-end jobs such as code monkeys or running gas stations. There are some higher-up in the ranks of corporate America but pretty much always at the head of a company started by a White guy and as anyone who has worked in a corporate setting knows, getting to the top of giant corporations isn’t a sign of being especially bright but rather a sign of being a weird combination between ruthless and ass-kisser. When I worked at the world’s largest privately owned investment firm that shall remain nameless, I heard talks from a number of very high up executives and without exception they were unexceptional people.
In a prior post, Watch The Pivot, I noted that India isn’t exactly a hotbed for Nobel laureates, an inexact but still useful measure for genius and innovation. You don’t generally get a Nobel prize for patenting a modification for something someone else already invented.
While it is far from a perfect metric, India ranks 18th in the world when it comes to Nobel Prize laureates, with a whopping 13 total. Compare that to the United States with 420 laureates or the UK with 142, Germany with 115 and France with 75. After the big four the total number drops to the 30s with Sweden, Japan and Russia (34, 31 and 30 respectively). Even Denmark with less than 6 million people currently has more Nobel laureates than India and over 70% of those are in a science field.
Of the 13 laureates from India, 8 of those or over 60% of them are in Peace, Literature or Economics meaning that there are a whopping 5 science Nobel prizes from India.
It turns out this is even worse than I thought. Someone else pointed out this little gem found by digging a little deeper: List of Indian Nobel laureates

Of the other science laureates, three of them lived/live in the U.S. or U.K.

The fifth “Indian” on the list of science Nobel Prizes is Ronald Ross, born in India in 1857, who discovered that malaria was transmitted by mosquitoes which provided the basis for treating and preventing the disease. Here he is:

Not exactly Apu from Kwik-E-Mart.
In short, of the five science/medicine Nobel Prize winners attributed to India, one was a White guy born in India, three were Indians that resided in the West and all of one was an Indian who lived in India, Chandrasekhara Venkata (C.V.) Raman and he made his discovery in 1928. It’s been a bit of a dry spell ever since.
Intelligence within a racial group is distributed on the famous bell curve meaning that for any racial group you will have some people at the far left end, those who were once called retarded, and some on the far right end, the geniuses, and most distributed along the middle. Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein made this famous in their book The Bell Curve with a chart that made Murray a pariah ever since.

I don’t have a similar chart for Indians but it is safe to assume that their chart would look better than blacks with the “bell” shifted a little to the right but still not anywhere close to Whites or East Asians for that matter. In a nation with a population of over a billion and a half, there is a pretty big sample size all along the spectrum so you would think that there would be a lot of Indian geniuses just based on the probability and distribution. That doesn’t seem to be the case. Certainly there are lots of above average Indians who can do some complex systems work but what makes Indians in America wealthy is more to do with their willingness to work crazy hours and of course plenty of nepotism.
So India appears to be sending their best and their best is most accurately described as mediocre.
Anyhoo, the argument the Tech-Right/Tech-Bros make besides “You’re racist and lazy for not wanting to work 80 hours a week at substandard wages so you can live like a lower class Indian” is that America needs to bring in the “best and brightest” from around the world in order to “compete” and “win”. As I hope I have demonstrated, that makes little sense as India doesn’t have “the best and brightest”. Still, it is a clever rhetorical scam because it assumes that Americans have agreed to a “competition” that none of us signed on for and that completely rewrites the American social contract while redefining the “American Dream”. What is even more bizarre is that it was a rich stoner from South Africa and a carnival barker from India that have taken it upon themselves to redefine what the American dream is, without any input at all from actual Americans.
At one time the American dream was pretty simple and quintessentially American: Get a job, work hard, save some money, get married, put a down payment on a house and start a family. It wasn’t asking a lot and it had a far more critical component than the white picket fence. That component was a multi-generational outlook.
The most important part of the American dream for most of us was to make it possible for your children to have a better life than you had. In my lifetime this meant that a lot of working class White people desperately wanted their children to go to college, with the promise that a college diploma was the golden ticket to a comfortable middle class life. This has been slowly changing with lots of Boomers laughing about spending their children’s inheritance on vacations and dining out but I also think that is not nearly as widespread as we see on social media.
In short we want a reasonably comfortable existence and the chance to provide the opportunities to our children and grandchildren to do the same or better. We aren’t asking to be super wealthy and have a beachfront home in Florida, just a nice lifestyle.
Being American middle-class is historically anomalous, I am well aware of that, but it also is something that our forefathers worked hard to attain, and they often shed blood and their very lives to create the conditions for us to live our simple but happy lives. That is rapidly being taken away from our progeny who face a new nation where their people, the people that made this country, are the villains of the story rather than the heroes, and in that new nation they are being made to accept a far lower standard of living than that enjoyed not just by their parents but by their grandparents and great-grandparents. The outlook for the young adult generation today is as grim as it was in the midst of the Great Depression.
For Muskaswampy, the American dream is “winning” in some bullshit competition with low IQ cheap labor. It’s an unnecessary game that no one agreed to, and “winning” means you have to be willing to lower your standard of living to match that of some sub 80 IQ third-worlder type so that a globalist company run by someone that doesn’t give a shit about you or your family can make a little more money. Our way of life has completely changed. Your kids can’t have sleepovers, they need to be doing math flashcards. How can you compete with code monkeys if you don’t chain yourself to your desk for substandard wages?
The social contract in America is badly broken and Trump “winning” twice, or perhaps three times, is a sign of how bad things are getting. The H1B backlash is perhaps a canary in the coal mine, a warning to the powers that be that the people are starting to figure this thing out. Someone should remind Them of what happens to the elites when the average person gets fed up enough with Their bullshit.
And, of course, now they’re saying they can’t deport more than 1.4 mil or so of the 10 mil+ illegals that “Biden” let in. BAIT AND SWITCH!
I say deport 1.4 million each and every day.
This country is so broken at this point there seems little hope of straightening all of it out. Nowhere to go but up? Perhaps. The herculean effort it will take is only for the stouthearted. The People are so used to half-measures, failure, excuses and a Stockholm Syndrome-esque sympathy for those that deal us dirt and smile in our faces that I am doubtful there is enough collective Will to travel the road that we will have to travel to indeed straighten this horrific mess out.
I do not expect Trump to deport more than a handful of aliens – probably Venezuelan criminals – but nowhere near any substantive amount that would make any difference. The numbers have been cooked for years – easily since reagan’s amnesty. And, as I’ve noted numerous times before, the difference between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ is two damned letters. I saw just how totally f**ked up AINO’s immigration system was during my time on the visa line and getting to know the other idiots and fools hired by the State Dept.
In addition to the ‘immigrants’ one has to deport their magic dirt children and grandchildren as well. I don’t care how many generations they reside on AINO’s magic dirt – someone with 50 generations of Indian or Han ancestors will never think, behave, or build/maintain a culture that functions like an Anglo/Saxon/European/Caucasian one. So we are actually talking about 120 million alien non-Whites that need to be removed, and that just won’t happen.
My husband just returned from a business trip, and since we will no longer fly (DIE pilots, air traffic controllers, TSA and non-White passengers in their pajamas), he drove through quite a bit of the South and mostly avoided the interstate highways. He found nothing more depressing than stopping for gas at a podunk town in Mississippi and having to deal with a pajeet. They are everywhere, along with the mestizos and east Asians, and Whites no longer have the survival instincts and testicular fortitude to do what’s necessary. Even in the unlikely chance there are any decent White women left for my grandson to marry in 20 odd years, I will be shocked if there’s not a law making White-White marriages illegal.
No, things aren’t getting better. All the DIE departments and initiatives are not being disbanded – they are being renamed and reorganized and more dispersed so they are harder to directly identify and attack. No, none of the non-Whites are ‘assimilating’ – and why on earth would anyone want them to? They are inherently and ineluctibly alien. And Trump cannot and will not ‘fix’ all this.
I am not a fan of Derbyshire (and his Obama-voting Han wife and hapa daughter), but he’s spot on when he says “We are doomed.”
I too have heard that DEI programs are being plowed under and rebranded. I listened to a whole podcast about it a couple months ago, but now have no idea what podcast or who’s podcast it was. Pernicious like a plague, communists don’t just “go away”. Not without helicopters.
“Not without helicopters.”, Right answer.
The BS has reached critical mass and there is no sane place left to flee to. Last time this happened was when The Lord told Noah and his three boys and their wives to get in the boat. The rainbow was given as a token of the covenant that no more global floods of the like would occur. Instead, you have the seal, trumpet and bowl judgments of The Revelation to John, which parallel the things inflicted upon Egypt way back when. We are in the prelude to the Endgame.
Sure looks that way. We are overrun with weak, stupid, petty people more concerned with a paycheck, status, and getting laid, than demonstrating they are qualified to do a job (which they aren’t, as it happens). They populate the ranks of government, corporate management and other institutions everywhere. Lets face it, the current state of things has revealed that a large swathe of humanity is mediocre at best, and can’t actually fulfill the responsibilities they are given.
That, more than anything, is why the big crash and burn is guaranteed. In essence, a significant contingent of humans are a failed species, and so we no longer have sufficient numbers of the truly capable to carry the load of maintaining the modern civilization our forebears built. We need excellence, but have dogshit as far as the eye can see. Those truly capable who are left are stuck working twice as hard as they need to in order to counteract all the gross incompetence and scams dragging it all down, and still manage to provide enough for themselves to survive in clown world.
Consider this: how many $750,000/year unqualified stepford lesbian fire chiefs (and similarly useless overpaid teat suckers) exist across the country today? They’re everywhere. Deans of universities, C class executives in every corporation, virtually everyone with a government job title, and that just scratches the surface. Can one even conceive of how much better life would be if we wiped the price we are all paying for all these idiots who claim to be “working” right off the top line?
The scum has risen to the top and created a never ending (or so they think) employment program for itself to extort and ruin the rest of us, and here we are with the results writ large, broadcast on the tv 24/7. There are so many people alive today aren’t worth a damn for anything but eating, sleeping and screwing (and trying to cover their own butts to hide that fact). But they are about to kill the golden egg laying goose, and once it’s dead, so are they.
What to do about it? Heh, well that’s an unpopular question with an even more unpopular answer. I’ve said for years the only way out now is a malthusian die off that eliminates all the dead weight. Unfortunately, an uncontrolled event like that will take many of the capable with it. But it is coming, because something has to rebalance the scales, and nature will run it’s course. Maybe that’s the path to the population numbers seen in that infamous Deagle forecast.
Rome collapsed too, and left a void which lasted hundreds of years before a functional society coalesced again in Europe. In the interim, life largely sucked for those who were left alive. I see us suffering the same fate, as the momentum is all on the side of stupid and incompetent. The entirety of “The West” is riven through with this cancer, and the prognosis isn’t good. Well, that is probably the understatement of the century.
History is always written by the victor.
The number of NPCs in cities is unbelievable, I have no clue how so many “people” can “afford” a McMansion in a cornfield, a camp up north on a lake, a boat, couple jet skis, snowmobiles, UTV, enclosed trailer, brand new truck and a new SUV for the wife who doesn’t work except volunteering for nigger, beaner or hmong shit.
I am abso-fucking-lutely baffled where these absolute retards and fags are getting not only the funding to get these toys, but also the time use them constantly through the summer, with 3 and 4 day weekends judging by the traffic flow going down the roads.
Between them at the top and their DK belief of superiority and the bottom of muds and lost souls, it will be hard to get through the next collapse but there’s nothing to it but to do it.
Absolutely. I see this all around me in the suburbs. There are a lot of people either making unbelievable money to spend on decadent bullshit, or they are levered up o their asses. Probably both, if I had to guess. $1.5M plus dollar infill houses (which in my part of the Midwest was not at all common, too terribly long ago), multiple luxury vehicles/F-150 Lariats in the garage and driveway, sea doos, boats, fancy 8 passenger electric golf carts to ride around the neighborhood for shits and giggles, country club (or at least swim/tennis club) memberships, private school for 2 or 3 kids, and on and on. It is too conspicuous at scale not to notice.
Apparently there are a lot of very generously compensated functionaries in our midst. My fair city is no longer a major hub for corporate headquarters of major companies, so it can’t so much be that crowd. In any case, I don’t know how else to square the amount of luxury consumption I see around me. And yet, most come off as automaton drones, they all look, think and talk the same, have the same basic set of interests, houses that are furnished and decorated much the same, and many (most?) had harris/walz signs in their yards a few months ago. It really is like living in Stepford, and it’s fucked up to see it all around me. I do work for a lot of these people. They are generally polite enough face to face, but strike me as… inauthentic, or something on that order. And these are the ostensibly “normal” people, I haven’t even gotten into the next level of progtards; the urbane, sophisticated faggots and dykes, and other assorted high society weirdos out of the same mold as john podesta, or that stomach turning abramowitz bitch he hangs with.
I don’t really see or interact with that set, since I have no personal interest in doing so. And since most of my work is scored off referrals, and none of my existing customer base runs in those circles (so far as I’m aware) I don’t encounter them in a professional capacity, either. Yet those types are certainly around, and they have ungodly amounts of money to throw around as has been all too clearly seen. At any rate, all of this stuff is indicative – in my mind – that society has taken a very bad wrong turn somewhere. Above all, it is unsustainable, and when the unchecked decadence and depravity for it’s own sake can no longer be funded, I have a difficult time picturing the backlash to the widespread loss of such lifestyles.
BRD, I share your bewilderment and revulsion regarding the moderately wealthy WHO seemingly waste their resources on play, toys and impressing the cool kids. I myself have relation that are well to do that blow their money on Disney cruises (not kidding, sadly) and a McMansion in the totally sweet suburbs and other “necessities”. When we’ve talked about preparedness, they cough up the stock “We’re not worried. God will provide.” Perhaps God’s provision for tomorrow is in the form of moderate wealth that is today being squandered on stoopid…(ahem) things. To each his own, but I sure don’t get it.
We sure could use more plumbers in my AO Brother most are of the retirement age around here and they are always looking for someone to hand the business off too…
The average IQ in India is 76. The standard deviation for IQ is 15, so we are talking 3.6SD to get to the genius level of 130. With 1.4 billion Indians in India, at about less than 0.3% of the population, you are looking at maybe 4 million geniuses. For the whole country. And the vast, vast majority of those geniuses are going to stay in India and manage Indian companies and make assloads of money.
There’s five million US visas being held by Indians right now. Even if we got every single genius in India, we still have another million dunces here, and that’s just the ones here legally.
By the way, America has 46 million citizens over 130 IQ out of 330 million total, because it is only 2SD from our average of 97 (and dropping, the more immigration we get.)
The first problem with all of the numbers games is that White European peoples are a physical minority.
Even playing the IQ game means that we are trading our blood for some other feature, largely the presumed economic benefits. The literal dilution of who we are, which is already under extreme duress due to the ease of physical mobility, for assumed competitive benefits that can ONLY happen in a GLOBAL economy if those people are physically located on our soil. Strange that.
This doesn’t even get into the second order tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and longitudinal effects that are impossible to determine within such complex systems but to which we have all unfortunately become familiar with in all its stench and suffering.
We continually accept the premise that these economic benefits are accretive to some utilitarian moral imperative. That poaching the top 1% of the rest of the world such that their labor can be captured domestically is morally right.
This never enters the debate. Because it is not about harnessing IQ. It is about the actual trade on offer: rewarding cheaper foreign labor with access to White culture, infrastructure, and values. It is all about access to Whites. Which is to say, extracting White resources. Until that well is dry.
Even dipshit missionaries understand that they are to bring the word of God to foreign nations, not the other way around. But somehow we are stuck with these debates about what is good for our economy when it obviously isn’t “ours” any more than our government or currency or military etc.
Bear with me.
When I was an athlete, I was on a team that was “undersized” but quite good still. We had graduated too many big guys so expectations were low. We were likely going to lose bigly to the name-brand teams who could just field more big fast guys.
So, our coach started making us do retarded shit to make up for our smaller size. Running stupid plays. Getting too clever.
We then lost our first few games to the big brands. But worse. We looked foolish doing so. We dishonored ourselves, our potential.
Performing these silly antics was a form of submitting to the loss before it happed, to not just signal weakness but to do so knowingly, to actualize this self-limiting such that it became a self-fulfilling governor on our own potential.
After losing the third game I flipped out on coach. Told him I wasn’t going to suit up if we were going to keep this up, that if we were going to lose, we were going to do so as the men we were, together, playing the game as it should be played. Toe to toe and take our lumps.
He capitulated.
We went back to traditional methods. Well, lookie here. Suddenly we started punching above our weight. We no longer self-limited our potential and some of the younger guys started playing out of their minds, bigger than stated on the roster.
We still got “creative”, learned to play to our strengths and avoid our obvious weaknesses. We ran the table. It was epic.
We ended up losing to the big brand in the end, but it was a lot closer than they wanted it to be.
And after the game when we shook hands and met eye to eye there was nothing but mutual respect – and the knowledge in the hearts of those young guys on the team that they were that good – and with more work, could beat the big brand next year. And they did.
As I told the team at the end of the year, I would rather lose with them than win as some merc on another team. That is what you build when you have blood and soil. It is not economic, but something else. There is no facsimile. It is forged.
Locally it is going more brown and I have found the UN debit card and passport and phone pack for Fernando Valenzuela while on a walk.
Pajeet’s curry dingles have been at every corner gas station since at least at the early 1990s.
This is the proposition nation Fundamental Transformation and there is no vote on it in my precious fweedom fwies democracy.
Fourth world turd your future if you have one, si se puede!
Certainly there are lots of above average Indians who can do some complex systems work but what makes Indians in America wealthy is more to do with their willingness to work crazy hours and of course plenty of nepotism.
Don’t forget one of the main ones and that is 0% loans by the federal government to buy hotels and gas stations that they never pay back…If I had those resources I would be very rich as well…
Excellent summation.
The problem has always been the middle. The mediocre. Average Joe. First, they made him compete with his future wife. Then they collapsed the lower-middle and trades into mexican labor, eliminating the income stream for white kids who might elevate into lower skill labor management, collegebound kids, part-time, and seasonal work, and the dignity of productive labor.
Then they invited the middle band of 2 Billion indians and chinks.
The street shitter invasion is already on the backs of the Vietnam/SE Asia, the sand niggers, the chinks and all the kids from the elite mocha-con-leche of south america – all of whom have been pouring into universities for decades.
South Florida is booming with jew/Ukraine and Venezuelan money laundering “elites”. On top of all the rest already there. It is a foreign country.
There are dozens of visa programs. You can literally buy residency with the EB5 visa. Scores of other invaders just “invest” in real estate, hotels, retail, gas, and other franchises as a means to move money and their people here.
The financialization of everything. The lowest common denominator of the american dream keeps getting lower. All jobs now demand everything from you. Your whole life. All your “down hours”. You don’t like it? they have a stack of resumes.
Take a look at the twit that doge sent out about working for them. “Long hours and low pay…we will only contact the top 1%” They say this up front like it is a good thing. This is their value system.
They are literally trading on the liquidating collateral of our goodwill even though it is almost gone. And the white whales line up behind these demons to get rendered into lamp oil for globohomo because they have no idea what it means to actually win. Grasping at the hopium like the untouchables of Bangalore.
In looking at those Pics of “Smart Pajeets”, I immediately noticed that Abhigit Banerjee looks a lot like a kike (ahkenazi jew) than the average Apu…
Aaaand, that “Nobel Prize in Economics” is Not issued by the same group that does the ‘Hard Science’ Awards….
Until very recently, I tended toward the belief that “we can’t go back to the moon because the Apollo blueprints were destroyed” was utter bullshit, and that we’d never gone there in the first place. But now I am not so sure.
My old man was a lead engineer on the Grumman LEM program, and every old photo of him and his team shows nothing but grim, White faces on very serious men with skinny ties. He and they worked tirelessly, without benefit of HR, girlbosses, or diversity, for the cause that they believed in so deeply. Whether we actually went to the moon or not is largely irrelevant to the discussion. The fact is that this country had the deep bench that could make such a dream possible.
I followed in the old man’s footsteps and work for a huge defense contractor, and have for my entire career. I can say for certain that there is no such team left anywhere in the world like the one that presumably put Neil Armstrong on the lunar surface and brought him back to tell the tale.
Elon can dream all he likes, and import all the pajeets in Bangalore. But he’s not going to the moon, let alone Mars, with live human occupants. Not unless he wants to establish the first cemetery in space.
I’ve got the chart for India, and if you assume that there are several sub-populations (there are) there is a case that there are (roughly) 2,000,000 total Indians of 130+ I.Q., but they swim in a sea of 1.4billion people with an average IQ in the 70s or 80s. Most of them have probably already left. Close India’s borders, send them back, and open them up when they have a functioning society.
The Indians on our service desk can’t even understand each others English when they transfer a call. The Programmers who replace the Americans call in wanting help in programming. They are just Nepo hires in many cases.
In making the mistake of attending university, I took a physics course. Only the grace of God Himself got me through it.
Our grad assistant who taught the labs was likely a smart fellow but absolutely incoherent in English.
The same with my only computer science course.