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The Word Dollar Is Right In The Name, What Did They Expect?

A couple of local yokels took time out of their busy schedule working on physics equations to rob….a dollar store.

Two armed robbery suspects found themselves in cuffs on Saturday after Indianapolis police found them hiding in the alley of the next business they possibly planned to hit.

Davion Shaw, 20, and Ashleigh Walker, 18, both face charges for an armed robbery at an east side Dollar General.

According to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, officers on Saturday morning were called the dollar store at the corner of East 10th Street and North Sherman Drive after a store employee reported an armed robbery. The employee told police two masked people wearing all black walked into the store, pointed a gun at him, and demanded all the money from the register. The suspects left just before officers arrived.

After robbing the Dollar General, these criminal masterminds were preparing to rob….A Family Dollar store.

Thankfully they were stopped before they could hit a few more businesses and the police posted photos of the recovered loot and the firearm used in the robbery.

What is that, about $50 in ones and fives? It looks like the opening drawer for the store, so they hit the store shortly after it opened (9:16 AM according to IMPD) which is a great time to rob a dollar store before any customers have time to pay for their purchases in cash. That Glock though? Always come strapped with a drum magazine to rob a dollar store, you never know when you might need to spray 30 rounds or so just to send a message. Then the brace and I guess a foregrip that holds an extra mag?

I’ll assume Davion Shaw already has one felony and now will get a slew of new charges including the ol’ felon in possession of a firearm. Dude is probably looking at more than a few years in the slammer, all for trying to rob a dollar store of fiddy dollahs.



  1. Ohio Copperhead

    Maybe he was just starting out slow, doing a warm up act in prep for the main show: when he robs the local Big Lots for some serious cash–and Funyuns!

  2. Exile1981

    Want to bet the glock has an autosear in it?

    Someone I know was working till in a store a decade ago when 2 “gentlemen” robbed the store and he pulled the till drawer out and dumped it upside down into the sack one of the crooks held out. He put the drawer upside down on the counter after “dumping it”. They ran off after that. Except he never opened the flip up spring loaded things that held the bills in place, so the weight the crook felt was coin roles hitting the sack not any bills. The crooks got a role of toonies and a couple rolls of loonies and some other coins but under $200.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Now that’s funny. What a moron. As to the photos posted of the two geniuses under discussion in this report, the one idiot has has a hair style that looks like a scorpions tail, out back. I’ll give points for originality, don’t think I’ve seen that one before.

  3. Skeptic

    I doubt that he’s looking at a few years in the slam. Maybe a few months to a year. That’s the problem – we don’t keep these animals locked up. He’s probably done something similar in the past and was out on some sort of early release. “A few years” might be if he’d actually killed someone.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    The local hecho en China dollar makes a killing, I hope they have a good drop safe.
    They had to open another one in a different temple of consumerism AKA strip mall.
    Bolsheviki enemedia is on about Haiti gangs buying .50cals in Amerikwa the Kwanstain, I’m surprised the whole shithole dump island hasn’t come to El Norte for the free milk and honey.
    East 10th street in Indianoplace? Oh hell NO.

  5. Stealth Spaniel

    OMG-life in the US gets more frightening by the day. These 2…..are representative of an entire swarm of their kind. What is with Blacks and those dead eyes? There is no there- there. Not a soul, not a spark, not a reflection. And I am not sure Ashleigh is a she; she looks like she needs a shave.
    It always go back to that SOB Lincoln. Federal lands for purchase in central Indiana attracted settlers, many of them descendants of families from northwestern Europe. Although many of these first European and American settlers were Protestants, a large proportion of the early Irish and German immigrants were Catholics. Few African Americans lived in central Indiana before 1840. During the American Civil War, Indianapolis was mostly loyal to the Union cause. Governor Oliver P. Morton, a major supporter of President Abraham Lincoln, quickly made Indianapolis a rallying place for Union army troops. As a stop on the Underground Railroad, Indianapolis had one of the largest black populations in the Northern States. Don’t you just want to go back in time and ask; “What the hell were you thinking??”

  6. Mike_C

    >they hit the store shortly after it opened (9:16 AM according to IMPD)

    Honestly? I’m sort of impressed by the work ethic. Out of bed and on “the job” before noon. Strong work. Keep it up, fellas.

  7. Don Curton

    Forget the robberies, if any one of us showed up at the gun range carrying that thing, first we’d be laughed at, then we’d be facing 20 years on federal charges, then the ATF would destroy our house (assuming they went to the right address), shoot our pets and terrorize our families. That gun alone is probably 4 or 5 felonies. But he’ll skate, plea bargain down, and we’ll all get to hear about keeping weapons of war off the streets.

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