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They Are Always Projecting, Always Telling On Themselves

This story is mostly delightful with one obvious exception*.

Trump-bashing, Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist arrested on child porn charges


A Trump-bashing, Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist — whose illustrations have been published by the Washington Post, New Yorker and Los Angeles Times — was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Darrin Bell, the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartoons, was busted Wednesday and booked in California’s Sacramento County after detectives from the Internet Crimes Against Children unit were tipped off by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, law enforcement officials said.

In a search of Bell’s home, detectives found 134 videos of child pornography linked to an account owned and controlled by the 49-year-old married father of four as well as computer-generated artificial intelligence child pornography, authorities said Thursday.

Here he is and he certainly looks the part.

Here are some of his super edgy cartoons….

You can smell the irony. This one is pretty bizarre…

Is he saying that both modern MAGA types and National Socialists are opposed to pedophilia? That is supposed to be a bad thing? Apparently no matter what it is, if Nazis were against it, you should be for it. I guess if given the choice between Nazism and normalizing pedophilia….Sieg Heil I suppose.

From the small sample of his “art” I have seen, Darrin Bell’s cartoons are obsessive about Trump and mostly with heavy-handed sexual overtones. That seems weird but what does Wikipedia have to say?

Bell, who is black and Jewish, was born in Los Angeles, California.

Take it away Hulk….

A degenerate who accuses others of degeneracy with a background mixing some of the worst genetic material. This guy was the toast of the town in D.C. and that tells you a lot about the rest of the people living there. It isn’t just meme material or a conspiracy theory, we really are ruled by a self-appointed elitist class of pedophiles.

(*The obvious exception is that in order for this guy to be outed, at some point children were sexually abused.)


  1. Big Ruckus D

    The “every single time” thing is a meme, and yet it is apparently much closer to the truth than even as cynical bastard like myself wanted to admit. There was a recent post on a other blog I check out with some regularity showing a long list of members of the British Labour Party who had been arrested, convicted and sentenced for sex crimes.

    Now, I have no idea how many were jews, as none of the names jumped out as particularly “tribal”, and there were at least two muzzies (obvious by their names) on the list, but the point is that these were all politicians (irrespective of their religion/ethnicity) who were sexual perverts and predators of some variety. The same is uncomfortably obvious of the American political, and one might say “creative class”, to include much of Hollywood celebutards, writers (see the currently evolving scandal involving neil gaiman as covered by Vox Day, among others) and various and sundry other “artists” like the shitty political cartoonist who is the subject of the this post. There is, by all appearances, an epidemic of sexually dysfunctional fuckups all around us.

    I’m taking Sodom and Gomorrah level conduct here, and I’m struggling to figure out of this has always been the case, and was just far better hidden from view, or if the incidence of these sorts really has grown exponentially in my lifetime of now 50 years. It certainly seems the latter is the case. And the next question is what the hell can possibly be done about it, short of putting all these fuckers against a wall in a blindfold? After all, this behavioral tendency is not one that can be “corrected” by any sort of rehabilitation process we’ve found thus far, and once an offense has been committed against children, the only prudent course of action is elimination of the perp.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Yeah, and he nicknamed his dick “regards”. What a degenerate piece of shit he is being revealed as. But like Harvey Weinstein before him, he was carefully guarded, with an entire industry, and it’s players large and small, running interference for him for years because he made money for the company, and “they” were not willing to give that up.

  2. Anonymous

    So are the slavering leftist loons going to rush to the defense of their brave, stunning joosh homeboy in gratitude for all the Trump-bashing he has willingly provided for them? No, they are going to scatter like cockroaches when the kitchen light is switched on. You can bet that in the coming days, this story will either be permanently memory-holed or some “investigative journalist” will fabricate some evidence that the cretin was actually a closet MAGA supporter. Loyalty is not the left’s strong suit.

  3. saoirse

    Having been nabbed for such a heinous crime in California probably means 30 days house arrest with no probation or residency restrictions, but being a nigger kike his sentence will be suspended.

    “I guess if given the choice between Nazism and normalizing pedophilia….Sieg Heil I suppose.”
    Ain’t no guessing or supposing here bud! The only people to defend their country and people based on racial priorities, and the only ones that stuck it to the jews….. and freaks……and commies…..
    Say it loud and proud: Sieg Heil!

  4. ozark homesteader

    Hitler, the SS and the NAZI party were able to rid German of pedos in a matter of weeks. No wonder joos worked so zealously to destroy them with the help of the complicit, zionist allies to be sure.

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