The bulk of the Inauguration on Monday the 20th is going to be inside the Capitol Rotunda:
Trump Orders Inauguration Moved Indoors Due To ‘Dangerous Conditions’
The reason given is the “dangerously cold weather”….

Now 25 degrees is kinda cold and for D.C. might be pretty cold but cold enough to move indoors?
Come on man. Michelle Obama won’t even be there so no worries about her literally freezing her nuts off.
Just a few hours earlier I read this:
Authorities Preparing For “Worst Case Scenarios” Ahead of Trump Inauguration
I suspect that this has a lot more to do with security than cold. It’s not like two different loons have already tried to kill the Orange Man. I know Ronald Reagan also held his inauguration indoors in 1985 but then again, someone actually shot him in 1981.
Regardless, remember my warning:
January 20th, 2025 is not the finish line, it is the starting gate.

The thing is, moving it inside only marginally improves security. Because we know the deep state hates the orange man, and has already taken an active role in trying to eliminate his influence, I see no reason to think they couldn’t or wouldn’t blow up the Capitol building (or allow a conveniently available patsy to do so on their behalf). If I were Trump, I’d have arranged to be sworn in at Mar a lago, and cancelled the public spectacle. I guess his ego wouldn’t allow that, but he really should’ve fucked ’em by denying them even the opportunity to pull some kind of op in DC where they control the territory and infrastructure.
May the good folks who chose to attend this potential buffalo jump be spared the indignity of being maimed or killed form their trouble. Personally, I’d not be anywhere near DC on the 20th, or on any other day for that matter.
I’m really not concerned about the inauguration. I’m more concerned about the possible coming shit show afterwards.
Yes sir. Welcome back my friends to the (communist) show that never ends…unless you have helicopters. (apologies to EL&P)
Right on! We might be heading to the mother of all clusterfucks, so be prepared. Just remember, as any 7 year old knows, once your dead, your dead & no one is going to give a shit.
“Performing on a stool, we’ve a sight to make you drool. Seven virgins and a mule, keep it cool keep it cool!”. Hell, I don’t even need to change ELP’s original lyrics, and it fits right into the DC scene. Imagine that, a Tijuana donkey show on Pennsylvania Avenue.
I attended the first inauguration of Ronaldus Maximus in 1981. As I recall, the weather was in the upper 20’s to low 30’s and overcast at first, and then partly sunny. In other words, not much different than the forecast for this coming Monday 01/20/2025. And back then, there was NO talk or concern about possibly moving it indoors due to weather.
So I am certain that moving DJT’s inauguration indoors is due to some real or imagined security concern, and not due to any weather concerns. And possibly one last opportunity for the deep state to shit on Trump just as he is taking office.
Read that Big Mike gave up on the public life.
It must be the Adam’s apple and five o’ clock shadow.
Forty degrees out for the first time above freezing all month.
About to play in snow and check on outdoor animal, refill food bowl.
WWF/WWE belt holder Trumpstein is Deep State now, so don’t get your hopes up, why do you think they let him win, bomb bomb Iran.
It all hinges on Who made the Decision to move the Event indoors – was it Trump’s own Security People who suggested it, or the (((deep state))) apparatchiks?
Indoors makes the “Gunpowder Plot” (Bomb in the basement) a lot Easier and Effective….
I see you are channeling my thoughts. Now ask yourself, how screwed up is it that we even have to think this way?
It’s the starting gate alright. Start saying goodbye to muh free speeech and what’s left of our other civil liberties. The jews will win this race because they’ve bribed all of the other jockeys and doped up their horses. The upside for honest Trump chumps is they’ll get to wear their ‘fooled me again’ tee shirts.
The whole thing seems dicey. I will not be surprised to see the event be the way the deep state dehorn’s MAGA and gets WWIII kicked up a couple orders of magnitude (blame Iran), but literally, the scenarios are endless.
It is also compelling information that the Ex Prezident’s club will not be attending. Things that make you go “hmm…”
“but then again someone shot him” referring to Reagan. Didn’t someone actually shoot Trump? Come on Man!
Interesting that DJI announced they would remove the flight area restrictions from their drones and a day or two later the inauguration gets moved inside. Probably one of those coincidences we keep hearing about…
I was living in DC in 85. Inauguration Day was bitter Cold. It was 7 degrees with a wind chill of -8. I slipped and fell on ice 3 times that day. I watched the swearing in from my Congressman Webb Franklin’s office. He was gerrymandered out of office two years later to create a black majority district.
There may have been security concerns but back then the Democrats had had control of the the Government save for the White House since 1932 and weren’t as violent as they became after 1994.
Now, if they’d only arrest half of congress at the inauguration . . .