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This Seems Like The Full Story

Of all the things that never happened, this one didn’t happen the most.

Let’s take a gander at Sal’Vyion “Sal” Torres. He is 13 years old and what, over 6 feet tall? What exactly is going on with that hair? It reminds me of something….

Anyway so we are supposed to believe that Sideshow Negro here, a 13 year old, was just minding his own bidness when he was brutally attacked. Press X to doubt. Here is the story and as it is from The Root, my favorite place to troll people, you know it is a) full of shit, b) missing all sorts of pertinent information and c) slanted to be anti-White

On Monday, Dec. 23, civil rights activists assembled in front of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in Northridge, California to demand justice for 13-year-old Sal’Vyion “Sal” Torres. Torres, who is Black, was the victim of an alleged racist attack.

He is also an eighth grade student at Ernest Lawrence Middle School in Chatsworth. According to the San Fernando Sun, the violent attack happened on Dec. 6. Torres told authorities that he was helping his grandmother carry a few things from the school out to her car when he was assaulted by a white man in his mid-40s.

The man, who is also a parent at the school, allegedly called Torres a slew of racial slurs including the N-word. The teen suffered a contusion, concussion, neck sprain and closed head injury.

“He had his knee on my neck with all his weight and was just yelling the N-word at me,” Torres told the publication.

OK. Let’s take a trip into a little place I like to call “Reality”. In the real world, does anyone believe that he was just helping his grannie carry some things out to her car, being a good boy and all, when a 40 something White man just attacked him for no reason and started calling him nigger? In public, in front of a school.


I doubt that would have happened in the deep south 12 months after the end of the Civil War but for that to happen out of the blue in Los Angeles in 2024 is so unlikely that it certainly seems like there is more to the story. We see some clues a little later on….

A police report was filed by Torres’ parents shortly after the incident on behalf of their son. However, the alleged perpetrator has not yet been arrested. Salvador Torres, the teen’s father, claimed that his family barely received a police report number from LAPD nearly two weeks after the incident.

The Torres family also said that Ernest Lawrence Middle School has not contacted them or provided any type of counseling for their son.

This “attack” allegedly happened on December 6th at a school in L.A. but there don’t seem to be any witnesses or video evidence and the cops didn’t give it any credence at all. The White parent hasn’t been arrested and even more telling, I don’t see much about the story on major media outlets. Nothing but a few fringe leftist sites. On the 23rd they hold a press conference, 17 days after the “attack”, still nothing.

Do you think perhaps this didn’t happen like Sal’Vyion is claiming it did, that maybe a 40 something year old White guy didn’t just assault a 13 year old kid at random?

Makes you wonder….


  1. Ohio Copperhead

    I can’t tell if we should call this a case of the dog that didn’t back, or a case the brain-damaged, schizophrenic pitbull that won’t STOP barking.

  2. Stealth Spaniel

    Yowser! When I was a kid, Northridge and Chatsworth were upper class white areas with horse ranches. It slowly devolved into apartments and small homes.
    Let’s check out the school;
    Ernest Lawrence Junior High School (now Middle School) was named after the 1939 Nobel Prize Physics winning physicist Ernest Orlando Lawrence. In 1930, Dr. Lawrence invented the cyclotron, which split the atom, making atomic energy possible and paved the way to the atomic age. At that time, he was only 38 years old, the youngest person ever to win the award. Lawrence was one of the three top officials who worked on the uranium fission (atomic) bomb during World War II, he also served the United States as one of the four advisors to the postwar committee on atomic energy. The founder of the Lawrence Laboratory, he is also known as the father of nuclear physics.
    HE IS REMEMBERED FOR THE ABILITY TO LIFT OTHER YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND PHYSICISTS ABOVE THEIR NATURAL ORBIT and it was said that one could hardly get into any nuclear area without coming into contact with those who worked with him. Many of his former students have also received the Nobel Prize.
    Well, seems like that is all out the window now. With mis-breeds like Sal’Vyion “Sal” Torres, being middle class seems like the impossible dream. Unless we deport now, there is no hope for this country.

  3. Big Ruckus D

    Chatsworth was the one time headquarters of Marantz (the company that made good stereos) back before they got sold off to Philips in the early 80’s. Other than that, it, and Canoga Park, were long the butt of jokes for being ground zero for the porno business. I remember a guy I used to work with years ago using the oddly specific insult (aimed towards women of poor reputation) of “this slag should be making donkey porn out in Canoga Park” a number of times.

    Funny how that just came back to me, I hadn’t even thought of that goof in over 25 years. He always had some funny (but unusual) one liners, must’ve written his own material. I don’t know much else about the area, nor did I ever really want to. If Sideshow Negro is the prevailing demographic, then the place – as with so many other locales – has been lost. But that is generally true of all but the northermost parts of California. Now for a little humorous diversion:

    Sideshow Negro
    From out in the valley
    Claims he got beat
    By a White guy (in Cali?)

    Made up a story
    Right out of his rump
    Now he’ll be repped
    By Benjamin Crump

    He spent the best years of his life
    Repeating 8th grade
    But now this big spook
    Just wants to get paid.

    A PR campaign spun up with the quickness
    To garner some sympathy for this overgrown muh dickness.
    The cops at a loss, the suspect not found
    Just another scam running us into the ground.

    Some might think this assessment
    To be quite rude.
    To them I rejoin,
    Sheeeeeit and bix nood!

  4. GCE

    X. Actually, X x Infinity. Why is everything so fake and gay? That faggot Andy Warhol was right, everybody wants their 15 minutes ( I just want to be left alone), doesn’t matter how they get it.

  5. Anonymoustache

    So shaggy homeboy was helping his granny steal cases of creamed corn from the school cafeteria (to righteously redress the turrible, turrible legacy ob da slabery) and Mr. Blinding White Guy (possibly mythical) put a knee to the neck of shaggy homeboy in an attempt to forestall said theft. Cameras at the school were all conveniently pointing the other way (where shaggy homeboy tilted them to hide his actions) and there were no witnesses, as the alleged assault took place at 2 a.m.

    Injuries to shaggy homeboy are consistent with an inept effort to tie a noose around his own neck, a la Jussie Smollett.

    If anyone is interested, I’ve started a #GoFuckYourself for the poor, nappy scholar, with a goal of 15,000 racist hate emojis. Please be generous.

  6. Exile1981

    This article names the attacker and says he has previously attacked Sal’s friend a few weeks before. This doesn’t sound like random attacks, it sounds like a parent who has an issue with 2 specific students. The police have declined to investigate and are having the school board investigate which makes me believe the the assault if it happened is not as Sal describes it.

    For someone who claims the attacker crushed his throat and pushed him to the ground the picture of his injuries looks like a popped zit on his forehead with no bruising of the neck.

    • TakeAHardLook

      That popped zit IS his head. I smell the stench of Jussie the Smollett here, coaching the fambly in “Strategies in Reparation Acquisition 202,” an undergraduate course available for $350.00 from the Smollett Online Institute of Mendacity.

  7. TakeAHardLook

    Yo, Torres fambly: Jussie Smollett called. He wants his noose back.

    Seems to me that these groids, waiting for the police reports, waiting for the school too call them, are, in actuality, waiting for the school district, or the county, or the state, or dumbass Leftard Wypepo, to award them their gibs.

    A few million or so would suffice. Accompanied by a sincere apology to the young rat nest hayed of hair nog, of course.

  8. Susan D Harms

    actually I have an over 6ft tall 13yr old grand son…but his dad, my son, is 6’5″ and all other grandsons are 6’3″ and 6’2″ (age 18 and 16 resectively).

  9. LargeMarge

    Now, let’s not rush to judge.
    Young Sal’Vyion is obviously wearing at least one wig, so all the criticisms about his biological hair are rude and insensitive.
    And just maybe, did anybody happen to think he might have a hormone issue, making him biologically appear to be double his chronological?
    And why does everybody always presume a goofy appearance automatically is the result of drugs and crimes?
    It could merely be genetics from his biological father and the various women raising him on his path to adulthood while he grows into a productive member of civilization.
    I hate to rain on everybody’s parade here, but maybe, we could express some sympathy for the injured party.
    I honestly truly think we could take up a collection to help the youngster with a more appropriate hairstyle.
    That little change would go a long way during College Recruitment Day!

  10. Ghettomedic

    In case nobody has said it lately Right Rev Thank You! I and many others I’m sure appreciate keeping us informed and aware. Thank you for what you do. I know me personally I get run down dealing with this shit on the streets as a service ( and the abuse, they will call an ambo for a niglet with a fever with a perfectly good Escalade in the driveway not giving a shit about someone having a heart attack or being in a wreck. Only reason they call is da baby a paycheck. I digress, sorry.) Anyways, thank you for the info and please keep it up.

        • Lineman

          Well you do have the option to move to a White Area where the chance goes way down that you ever see one or I guess keep doing what you are doing and hope you don’t get stabbed or shot…

          • Ghettomedic

            I wasn’t going to reply. However, I get it. White flight and a 26 year career down the toilet. So, according to your logic. All of the European countries overrun by migrants should leave. Whites in NOLA should leave. Maybe I go to Europe? Shit, Joos! How’s bout I keep going towards danger and you be the guy who runs and we’ll all be happy and get along. Critical thinking skills ain’t your forte.

            • Lineman

              Oh yes the I’m staying and fighting routine to justify staying around niggers instead of it being about your pension, or your house or one of the million other excuses I’ve heard…How many niggers have you put in jail or the ground I’m guessing zero but I am positive you have helped quite a few so they can go out and kill more White People so go fuck yourself…You are just as big of a problem as the niggers your helping…

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