Decades ago during the height of the Cold War, there was a civil war of sorts within conservatism. Most of you are no doubt familiar with this struggle. It ended up with the actual right-wing in America being vanquished thanks to gatekeepers like William F. Buckley and left the new “conservatives”, the “neocons”, running the Republican party for decades. These neocons were mostly Jewish, many were former Trotskyite commies and their stated focus was on defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War along with tax cuts for the upper echelons and big business.
What was truly bizarre about it as we look back is that there were never more than a very small number of neocons. Their ranks included maybe a few thousand people, almost all employed in D.C. with a few in New York City, and yet they ran the GOP for most of my life.
The other thing? Their true faces have been exposed since 2016 and one of the most prominent features about Them is that They hate normal Americans. The normal Americans who They expected to show up every two years and to vote for whoever the neocons told them to even as those same neocons sneered behind their frilly sleeves at the rubes. It isn’t a mystery determining who votes for Republicans: working and middle class Whites. The party started moving this way under Reagan with the rise of “Reagan Democrats”, working class and usually union Whites in places like Toledo who voted for Reagan twice while still voting locally for Democrats such as Marcy Kaptur.
While people on the actual right, “paleoconservatives” like Patrick Buchanan and Joseph Sobran, were cast into the political Outer Darkness after being accused of “racism” and “antisemitism”, the vast majority of actual conservative voters had much more in common with paleocons than they did with neocons. Sobran was the son of an autoworker, born in Ypsilanti, Michigan and went to Eastern Michigan University. Pat Buchanan grew up in a large Catholic family with six brothers and two sisters. On the other hand, gatekeeper William F. Buckley Jr. was the son of a wealthy oilman and attended first grade in Paris. While he did grow up partially in England, he was born in New York City and spent some of his youth in Mexico before attending Yale, but that never stopped him from adopting a pretentious accent to provide a level of gravitas. Oh and Buckley spent a few years working for the CIA and was reportedly an FBI informer at Yale and also a member of the Skull and Bones society. Curious, no?
The point being that Pat Buchanan and Joseph Sobran seem like guys you could have a beer with while watching the game while William F. Buckley was a pretentious prick. Even worse are people like Bill Kristol and David Frum, neocon influencers that managed to get us into the war and occupation of Iraq by wantonly lying to the American people. They are little weasels, loathsome specimens of the neocon scum who have never worked a day in their lives. I couldn’t stand to even look at their faces in public, being overwhelmed with the urge to punch Them right in their smug mugs.
The neocons had nothing in common with the average Republican voter and They have made very clear that they find normal Americans repulsive. Despite hating the guts of the American people, They also exerted an enormous amount of influence over American politics and over the very people They despised. That started to come to an end in 2016 when the neocon self-appointed elites like Kristol, Frum and others (Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin, etc) turned on the Republican party for nominating Trump. While strict Zionism is still obviously as strong as ever, the neoconservative movement has fallen apart. Ukraine was hopefully their last hurrah.
Just as the neocons are exiting stage left, a new group appears to have risen to replace Them: The Tech-Right.
The Tech-Right is represented by people like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy as well as lots of “start-up” and venture capital types. Like the neocons who weren’t really conservative in any meaningful sense, the Tech-Right isn’t right-wing. Musk freely admitted that he was a lifelong Democrat until this last year and he doesn’t really hold any conservative values other than a tepid support for free(r) speech. He wants to make government more efficient, so that is cool, and isn’t in favor of open borders and illegal aliens while still wanting to import the “best and brightest” from around the world because it is allegedly easier and cheaper than getting actual White Americans to work in the industries that Whites created in the first place.
While the neocons were mostly concerned with punishing Russia for being mean to Jews after the initial Bolshevik revolution and being butthurt because Trotsky lost out to Stalin after the death of Lenin, the Tech-Right is driven by profitability and the GDP at the expense of everything else. Musk talks a lot about collapsing fertility but he doesn’t seem to care who is having more babies, just that the world crank out more people. He honestly seems to think that people are just interchangeable widgets and that humanity ought to be a mass of anonymous code monkeys and consumers ruled over by a technocratic elite.
Musk, Ramaswamy and company don’t really seem to hold any significantly conservative positions and they apparently don’t really care that much about the American people. That makes sense, Musk is a South African and Ramalamadingdong is an Indian. This isn’t their country and we aren’t their people. America is not a blood-and-soil place that their families were part of building, for them it was a pre-existing economic opportunity dressed up as country and both Elon and Vivek figured out quickly how to exploit the system. Musk is just a little older than me and he didn’t even arrive here until the age when we both were in college, while Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy is the son of first generation Indian immigrants and is someone who also figured out how to game the system for profit.
I generally like Musk for what he is, a pretty smart stoner who has big dreams and is a chaos agent like Trump. I didn’t and don’t take him seriously because he really isn’t a serious person. He has a dozen children from I am not sure how many different mothers. He spends a lot of time shitposting on Twitter, most of it was pretty amusing before Christmas. For me he is the embodiment of what those of us categorized as gifted and talented could have become if we also had super wealthy parents.
His big achievement for /ourside/ was buying Twitter. Twitter was awful for many years prior to Musk buying it, from 2016 to 2022 I was on my fifth or sixth account and I almost never logged in because when I did I was inundated with Orange Man Bad and people slandering Whites and you couldn’t say anything in response without getting banned. It was the worst echo chamber around and the site was useless. After Musk things started to change and now it is a lot of fun again, although it is a terrible time suck and I have to limit myself because I can find myself doom-scrolling, replying and retweeting for hours if I am not careful. Twitter played a small part in the Trump victory but a much, much smaller part than many people including Musk would have you believe.
On the other hand, I always viewed Ramaswamy with suspicion as he seemed so incredibly inauthentic. I don’t have much affection for the Indian Subcontinent types. They don’t have much going for them other than prolific fecundity. I have encountered a fair number in my professional life and came away unimpressed. Do many of them work hard? Yeah, I guess so but that can also be said for a lot of Mexicans. On the other hand it can also be said of an awful lot of Whites. There is a bizarre stereotype out there claiming that White people are lazy and won’t work hard, and I have found that while there are plenty of Whites like that most White people I know are very hard workers. We didn’t carve the greatest nation the world has known out of the North American wilderness by eating Doritos and watching the game.
The kerfuffle goes well beyond just Musk and Vivek. There are plenty of other Tech-Right guys who see the controversy as a license to shit on my people, like this faggot: Richard Hanania
Here is a solid rule of thumb: people that constantly have to tell you how smart and successful they are typically are neither (like guys with the initials VD).
Hanania comes across as a Temu-version of Richard Spencer, a bored middling intellect who latched onto the Alt-Right for a lack of anything better to do. While Spencer at least looked like a ski villain from a James Bond movie, Hanania is a sickly looking fellow with watery eyes and effeminate features. I wonder if he could change the tire on his car?
Honestly with a pair of bib overalls and a meaner look he could pass as a 50 something lesbian or perhaps a female to male trannie.
Like most of his ilk including Spencer, Hanania has apparently never had a real job, and instead lives in a bubble where he gets paid to sperg out on the internet. Hanania allegedly says “racist” stuff on Twitter but then again he it seems that he has a great deal of disdain for regular White people (he is of “Palestinian Christian descent”). He doesn’t like blacks, he doesn’t like “right wing populists” or “White nationalists” but he does seem to like “smart” and “successful” people, whoever they are.
Some of this might be a hustle, it is my understanding that if you have a blue checkmark account on Twitter you get paid for interactions so saying stupid shit just to get replies is a way to gather some shekels. I am seeing more of this, people posting ridiculous and inflammatory replies that are clearly aimed at generating interaction and money. Musk has figured out how to make money from Twitter by paying a small fee to people generating controversy.
The point of this entire thing is not just to get you pissed off. I could post screenshots of people saying stupid shit all day long but that isn’t the real issue. The issue is that we must always be mindful of those we look to as leaders. Lots of people are convinced Trump is /ourguy/ when he is nothing of the sort. Neither is Elon Musk. They serve a purpose but they are not really on our side, they are ultimately only on their own side.
Just as the neocons never shared the values of the average White working and middle class voters, neither does the Tech-Right. If you could talk to all 77 million people that voted for Trump, at least the vast majority of those voters that are White, you would likely find that many if not most share most of our positions. Probably not as explicitly or vehemently but MAGA isn’t about increasing the GDP by 0.1%. It isn’t even about Trump. It is about making America great again by prioritizing the American people again. The single issue that resonated with most Trump voters is immigration and that includes “legal” immigrants. As others have pointed out, the Haitians living in Springfield, Ohio are here “legally” and that situation probably did more to cement Trump’s win than anything else.
Note, I don’t really trust Vance yet on this issue seeing as he is married to an Indian woman.
Some people think we should not squabble among ourselves, “Trump isn’t even in office yet!” they cry. Bullshit. This is precisely the time to be having these arguments. We have already seen what happened when the neocons were able to infiltrate and co-opt conservatism and no one said anything because they were afraid of being called “antisemitic” and besides “enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Not this time. The Tech-Right has badly misread the room and it didn’t take long for them to start crapping on Whites or invoking the “racist!” tropes like Elon has resorted to in the last day or so. The basic message of these Tech-Right guys is “What, you don’t want your standard of living to be reduced to a third world shithole level of squalor so you can ‘compete’ with Indians? Fat and lazy White people!”.
Don’t let the Tech-Right guys co-opt America First. Don’t let Elon or Vivek co-opt America First. Hell for that matter, don’t let Trump co-opt America First. America First has to mean Americans First or it doesn’t mean anything at all.
The Jewish neocons hatred of the Soviet Union just replaced their hatred of Imperial Russia. Alexander Solzhenitsyn described it in his book, 200 Years Together. It at the moment is extremely hard to acquire an English version of it. It has been prohibited here. Gee, I wonder why?. Hopefully an English version will be available here in the States soon.
Vivek got his money by selling a worthless Alzheimers drug, going public and selling his shares before the roof caved in on his company…In other words, fraud…Musk’s whole empire is based on US Government subsidies, and waivers of all kinds of requirements, like DEI, which handicap his competition…He’s a very successful conman with some good managerial ability, but he he also has some psychotic breaks, perhaps attributable to his billionaire father, which he is now displaying with a jihad against those of us who object to the fraudulent slave labor program called H1-B, by de-monitizing, de-platforming, etc…just like his commie predecessors….
All true and important. One thing to add – while I was aware that Musk had 11 children with multiple mothers, and that the last three were via IVF with colleague Shivon Zivlis, I did no know Shivon’s mother was Punjabi. So in addition to being on the fed/taxpayer teat, Musk is protecting/promoting the welfare of his 1/4 Indian children. POS.
Here you go Warren, a link to download it.
200 years of “every fucking time”.
Yea what good is it to read history when hardly anyone wants to not let it happen to them…
And the Jews are in process of punishing Germany too.
It’s not antisemitism if they really are out to Jew you.
“Note, I don’t really trust Vance yet on this issue seeing as he is married to an Indian woman.”
How can you give those double-talking, traitorous shits the time of day much less trust any of them, ever? Hope and change huh?
You can’t just single out a segment of the Republicunt party and blame them, it’s all of those criminal fucks, including most of the ‘old guard’.
Cucks and conservatard normies think they’re so much better than the shitlib freaks they think they vanquished but they’re the same racially suicidal turds, just with cologne and a bible instead of dope and a manifesto.
One thing Muskrat and Ramiswami got right, unintentionally, was that most white Merkans are retarded and contemptible, not because they’re unfit for hiring but because they refuse to leave the confines of their corporate-democratic bread and circuses hope schools that push them closer to the brink of destruction!
I despise conservatard normie virtue signaling just as much as libtard virtue signaling. “I am for legal immigration.” Look you conservatard idiot, Every immigrant is someone your children have to compete with. How do these fucking idiots not understand this? Is the entire scope of conservatard normie culture defined by the bottom line of a spread sheet and respect for institutions that sold him up the river 50 years ago?
The “we can’t find enough qualified candidates” is the same lie as “jobs Americans are not willing to do” What this lie means is some C-suite cocksucker, well paid Board of Directors, or stock holding company won’t get their sweet bonuses, dividends, or passive income. If they have to pay a White man enough to buy a house, some POS C-suite fuck will only earn $2.00/share in dividends instead of $2.53/share.
“…that most white Merkans are retarded and contemptible, not because they’re unfit for hiring but because they refuse to leave the confines of their corporate-democratic bread and circuses hope schools…”
And the pathological altruism.
And the “do anything to me or my nation, just don’t call me a racist.” Stupid god damn normies. Everybody is racist. Everybody. Vietnamese hate the Chinese hate the Japanese hate the South Koreans. Huttis hate Tutsi’s. Czechs don’t wanna be confused with Slovaks. Look at a map of what used to be Yugoslavia for Christ’s sake. But even as niggers hunt Whites, even as Whites are being systematically slow motion replaced/genocided….just don’t call them a racist. Conservatard normie is every bit as racist anyone else…just against himself.
Excellent points Mr. Messer.
I am at the point of despising all 3, 4, and 5 sides of all the fucking lies and shenanigans being played on us Americans. Everyday some new bullshit comes out showing us that our enemies are most likely to be the son-of-bitches that we voted for.
Our demise is on a razors edge.
looks like Labron above got ventilated at a Walmart when he showed his gat:
So what?
Perhaps Ron Paul established the most reliable method of acting, while in the employ of the united states grubbermint—If it benefits my people, and it is constitutional, i vote yes on it. Anything else is a no.
Every person that works for us, you know, who works for the u.s.g.. out to be terminated from any and all future employment, when their current net worth is equal to, or exceeds ten times their net worth when they hired on.
It sure has been fun envisioning rama swama ding dong’s even odd yur fired gig. Also fun- leon musk’s giant downsizing at twitterX. Let’s see how the rubber hits the road.
Will gasoline ever be two dollars a gallon, again? If so, when?
Clearly, the issue of government leaders being generally at odds with the views of the native, rightful populations of their respective countries is a problem that effects almost every country that has (or at least had) a founding stock of White Western Europeans. It is rampant here, it is particularly bad in the U.K., Germany and France just for openers. While there are nascent right leaning movements in all the above, they cannot manage to capture any actual effective power at the government level, always having to settle for half measures like Trump, or a minority stake in the legislature. Meanwhile, the movement in Germany, seen in the rise of AFD, has resulted in their arrogant and smarmy ruling class openly plotting to outlaw the existence of that political party, in a bid to eliminate its ongoing popularity and chance at actually effecting change of the sort so much of the population desperately wants.
We see more or less the same thing take place here via co-opting and redirecting the energy of the Republican party towards what a handful of wealthy and influential people want done. Presently, these sorts are Musk and the like; the tech bros et al – now even including fuckersperg – who is donating huge money as an obvious direct purchase of influence in Trump’s upcoming admin.
They do not represent me or my interests. In point of fact, nobody with any substantive access or control does. And it certainly appears that anyone who might actually espouse my views and positions is forever being conspired against and marginalized to prevent them (and in turn me and those like me) from having any useful influence over anything of actual import. We are well beyond the notion of taxation without representation, we are being actively undermined, and told in no uncertain terms to fuck right off by people who are official position holding members of the incoming administration.
This is, in effect, a “let them eat cake” moment. Marie Antoinette fucked around with that and found out. And these shits are arrogant enough to believe they can go right on doing this with no consequence. Granted, they have reason to believe that as not much has yet happened to challenge their hubris. The former CEO of United Health Care might have some thoughts on that however, if he weren’t 6 feet under right now. The point being that when normal, decent people see no civilized path forward because the entirety of the system they are told to work within like good little tax slaves is stacked against them, bad shit happens. We are on the precipice of bad shit happening.
Do they want RWDS? Cuz this is how you get RWDS.
Then there is shit like this. Once upon a time, I used to be a prosecutor. That entailed making decisions every day. What was I going to charge some one with? Was I willing to take it to trial? Was justice best served by having them pleading to a lessor charge?
So what I want to know is, how many decisions does Elon Musk make in a day to justify $56 billion?
How many White engineers could be employed if Musk takes a pay cut? A billion dollars is a unimaginable amount of money for even one person. How many White engineers could be hired if Musk took a $55 billion dollar haircut? If this is kind of pay is why Musk wants H1B visas…. what was it he said? Oh yeah, fuck you in the face Musk
“The former CEO of United Health Care might have some thoughts on that however, if he weren’t 6 feet under right now. The point being that when normal, decent people see no civilized path forward because the entirety of the system they are told to work within like good little tax slaves is stacked against them, bad shit happens. ”
One of the more entertaining aspects of this case is this attitude you see amongst lots of talking heads and pundits, especially in the conservatard normie demographic…
People, are shocked….shocked I say, some piece of shit who made millions denying paying for healthcare for people who paid for it got unalived. Shocked I tell you.
Here the deal, the social contract has been breached. The deal was that each of us give up our power to exercise violence for the State protecting our interests and well being. And by power, I mean the physical ability to walk up to a CEO, or anyone for that matter, and aspirating them kinetically. By not protecting our interest by making sure insurance companies are held accountable or making sure cops have no duty to protect us, (i.e. Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005)), the social contract is breached.
And it is at this time, I invoke this little ditty from the Declaration of Independence.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
As far as I am concerned, it is our duty to throw off the shackles of a perverted legal system utilized for despotism instead of protecting our interest. And it is our duty to act in such manner the shows elites and power brokers that their can be consequences for their greed and despotism.
Mmm hmm. We dissidents figured this out quite a while ago. How many people in a society need to reach the same conclusions before shit gets real? And more to that point, we have entered an exponential part of the doom loop where inflation in the cost of living, taxation, protection rackets (a.k.a. insurance), unchecked immigration that vastly increase crime and drives down wages, while also contributing even more to the increase in aforementioned costs, plus a ruling class who is universally unconcerned and tone deaf to all the above is intent on hitting the accelerator on every shit tier policy that brought us to this stage, is now going to swallow an ever increasing number of people who will drown in the tidal wave that has been wrought. This is Gerald Celente’s “when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it” moment writ large.
The crash of the US economy, largely brought on by the fact that CMS is about to be replaced with a giant smoking impact crater that will make Chicxulub look like a pothole in a Chicago roadway in February, along with the generally unsustainable rate of spending overall, and the blatant and rampant hoarding of ill gotten assets stripped from us all by the ruling class is dangerously close to the inflection point where many people will go from being comfortable to starving in a very short time frame.
There is an unfathomable amount of anger and resentment percolating under the surface just waiting to be unleashed. When enough people have been subsumed and ruined by the complete failure of the system, it will go off like a supernova, and even if it isn’t particularly well focused, it will result in unspeakable violence being done to those the aggrieved parties consider responsible for their plight., and just as often a suitable stand in will be targeted. That’s human nature in all it’s ugly and gritty reality. It may take a lot of repeated beatings to put people over the edge, but as someone here mentioned in the last day or so, once a preference cascade is set off, watch the fuck out. Oh, and Elon telling people to step back a d get fucked in the face is a bit of rhetorical flourish that will only further inflame the hatred for what these self appointed masters of the universe have brought about. The unchecked smugness that drives one to make such a remark to the plebes is breathtaking to behold.
Making for fun times to be sure. What better way to run MAGA aground than to provide a misguided, fake messiah with a false prophet associate to stop nationalist populism in its tracks. I’m not much for being black pilled, and even if all Trump’s moves were total sterling, rooting communism, zionism, globalism and daring dash to complete idiocy is more than a one man job. Get Trump high centered on destroying wages in ‘Murica via “legal immigration” and his base is gone and without a charismatic leader, the nationalists in America will, by necessity, be forced to devolve into extreme tribalism. Which will pave the way for the consummation of the globalist conquest of Western Civilization. Prepare for the full blown totalitarian destruction of everything. Stock up on dehydrated water, universal ammo and magazines, and lots and lots of high fructose corn syrup for bartering.
And don’t forget to download every tracking app onto all your electronics ASAP so that you’ll always know where you’re at.
“I really don’t trust Vance yet on this issue, seeing as he is married to an Indian woman.” I feel the same way about Vance for the self same reason. All of America would do well to be mistrustful of Vance as well.
Do NOT give in, do NOT stop. Trump is all about the art of the deal, let him know where we stand.
For better or worse, it is pretty much up to the Orange Man how much influence the tech right is going to have. The voters don’t have any say in it, because as far as he is concerned, voters don’t exist anymore.
“The voters don’t have any say in it, because as far as he is concerned, voters don’t exist anymore.” Well, yeah. He got what he wanted from the voters. And it may be even worse than usual, since he is legally precluded from running again, so he needn’t be much concerned about pissing anyone off by failing to deliver on pretty much anything he “promised” prior to the votes being cast (short of causing someone to take a shot at him, which is already well established precedent).
The Fat Orange Retard has a soft spot for immigrants because his grandfather was a Kraut immigrant named Drumpf who founded the family fortune keeping brothels during the Yukon gold rush.The Fat Orange Retard is only a second generation “American” with no connection to real founding stock Americans
Would you like to see the country from whence these Hindus have emigrated?
WARNING: I have never in my life seen the squalor & debauchery depicted in this film. Amusingly, an “AI David Attenborough” narrates the entire thing. It’s no wonder that the dots are taking over Dallas, TX.
WARNING: You may never again shake the hand of a dot, considering where that hand has been.
We are gaslighted that “South Asians have the highest IQ’s on Earth.” Not buying it! (Keep a barf bag handy).
“…they are ultimately only on their own side.”
As am I.
While each of us might be on somebody’s “side” no two people are ever going to think the same about everything, it’s impossible.
So we pay attention to how others behave and make alliances carefully with the understanding that with observation all things are malleable – ever in flux.
In decades of searching I have found only one other person (other than my wife) that is acceptable as a tribe member and even he has some issues.
So, until something changes, I will be the gray wolf – out of sight and alone.