There is a cruel, malevolent ruling class in America that knows They rule over us and often simply dares us to notice. They delight in our apparently impotence to do anything about it. Sure they know that we have the capability to do something, but the will isn’t there. That holds true for me and it holds true for you and it especially holds true for the anonymous internet tough guys who call others cowards for not doing anything while they… nothing.
Exhibit A.
This morning, a charming Guatemalan “migrant”, or more accurately an almost certainly illegal alien who entered the U.S. via Arizona in 2018 and has been hanging around for six years waiting for an opportunity to….
Light a woman on fire and watch her burn to death on a New York subway.
The news reports claim he threw a match on her but I can’t imagine that alone would cause a conflagration that would lead to her death, although there is also note of empty liquor bottles so maybe he doused her with some booze first?
Anyway, the New York news has been all over this and the little Squatemalan has already been arrested.
That is in itself unimaginably gruesome but then later that same day the official social media accounts for New York Governor Kathy Hochul posted about how she has made New York subways safer…..
Some accuse her of being out of touch or tone-deaf. That is not it at all. People are far too generous by attributing to incompetence what is clearly malice.
This isn’t New York Governor Kathy Hochul being tone-deaf or just bad timing. This is the sort of slap in the face we get from these people on a constant basis. Do you think she or her staff that run her social media didn’t know about the Guatemalan guy lighting a woman on fire and then watching her burn to death on a NYC subway? Of course they do, they posted about how safe the subways are just to remind you that they are in charge and you can’t do shit about it. Hochul can go into the subways and take pictures because she is surrounded by armed security and NY cops. Like the rest of our elites she is insulated from the horrible policies she pushes on the rest of us.
So as to avoid getting a visit from anyone I will refrain from posting my internal dialogue regarding Hochul and all of her ilk but you can probably guess. These people hate you and not only don’t mind you noticing, They want you to notice.
You cannot find common ground with people that hate you and want you dead.
Any sufficiently advance incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
And hochul is a CUNT: completely useless narcissistic twat. Justice would be to lock her in a closet with the squatamalen, a gallon of unleaded and a zippo, and don’t open the door until the screaming stops. Two birds, one stone and all that.
Big Ruckus….I like the way you think
“You cannot find common ground with people that hate you and want you dead.”
More so, you cannot coexist with them. Not for long.
“Sometimes I think it’s a sin, when I feel like I’m winning when I’m losing again.”
-“Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot
Boy, don’t those lyrics cover a lot?!
They get off on rubbing peoples noses in their evil. The tweet is her way of saying f-u to the people if new york. The majority of who would glad vote ger or her clone in again
Gonna need more Claims Adjusters
Was going to say, the next Penny is about to drop…
In addition to Mordor-On-The-Potomac, we now have Mordor-On-The-Hudson. It’s totally controlled by RINOS and the Marxist-Infanticide Party. The fact that people put up with this lifestyle speaks volumes about their stupidity. I do not have enough space here but read Bonhoeffer’s essay about stupidity. It describes the people of New York City.
Flunk her and NY shitty. None of that distopic reality applies to most of us. And, yes in most of our necks of the woods that terd would have gotten flushed. Thats not internet tough guy talk, thats resolution and clarification. Im just waiting to get the greenlight and strap on my jump boots for panama 2.0, “the culling version” Maybe this time we actually get to throw both chink and panamanian commies out of helos. Call the ball Trump, you can be the greatest president since Washington, or the biggest shabas goy ever.
Hochul is Pure American Scum. Product of a corrupt machine that turns out politicians like a cow turns out meadow muffins.
And, she is just as valuable to our civilization as the cow flop.
Deport them. Now.