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Literally Goblins

Look at this creepy duo. For those not in the know that is George Soros and his offspring Alex Soros.

My first thought was that he looked like an imp familiar clinging to the back of an evil wizard, only they are wearing suits. If you could see them in their natural state it might look more like this….

Fun fact, Alex Soros who is a Jew is apparently engaged to Huma Abedin, allegedly a “practicing Muslim”. You might remember her as a confidant of Hillary Clinton and the ex-wife of Anthony Weiner, a different Jew who is also a registered sex offender. That is pretty handy as Huma is almost 50 so she won’t be expected to have additional children (she allegedly has one with Weiner). If Alex Soros doesn’t look like someone with a dungeon somewhere with imprisoned children he feeds from and molests, who does?

Thanks to the ill-gotten gains of his “father”, Alex Soros will have an enormous impact on your life. Look at that picture and let that thought marinate for a while.


  1. saoirse

    The fig doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    The picture on the bottom is what they look like when you put the “They Live” glasses on.

    “The Elite Jew plunders and dominates. The Mercenary Jew rapes and kills. The Crypto Jew infiltrates and subverts. The Victim Jew distracts and lies. The Decent Jew runs cover for it all and tells you not to say ‘jew.’
    Alex Linder

  2. Exile1981

    His dad is a war criminal and should never have been allowed into the country. There are also 2 older boys who were not made the heir for not being evil enough. There is also a daughter who a few years ago was made PNG by China and banned for life from ever returning there.

    Seems like a nice family.

  3. SirLawrence

    The strange bedfellows of these globo cloud merchants has a very odd incestuousness mated with the kind of strategic-economic utilitarianism of some middle-age feudalism. The merging of kingdoms meets the milkshake of DNA fracking.

    The results that are spilling into our current year memeplex feeds are these sorts of goblins and ghouls, mystery meat androgenous activist mutants, and straight up retards that are all leading up to a spectacular collapse.

    I think while they can’t seem to break from their habits they must see the dysgenic ROI in front of them. This drives some of their fury and mania for sure. As well as their penchant for the trappings of transhumanism and the appeal of the death cult’s tendency toward total destruction as a viable solution.

    To normal folks its absurd on its face but to those who have a few thousand years of the every-single-time systemic application of such aberrant traits, total destruction is actually a viable strategy to ctrl+alt+delete their way back into some timeline that favors their cult until for no reason at all it doesn’t. Repeat.

  4. Flyin Bryan

    George Soros is famously known as “the man who broke the Bank of England.” He didn’t earn his fortune by building a better mouse trap. No, he got where he did by betting against the value of the English pound in 1992. The elite Jew who plunders.

    But make no mistake, George Soros does not stir up all the trouble he does, such as financing district attorneys who put dangerous criminals back on the street, because he feels sorry for poor, disadvantaged criminals. He does this because he knows chaos is good for him and a collapse of society would allow him to scoop up more assets at bargain basement prices. He’s just your typical greedy bastard.

    I used to hope that since he is old, he’d die any day now and do us all a favor. No such luck. His spawn is every bit as bad as him.

  5. Big Ruckus D

    Alex Soros, besides looking like an imp, looks like a faggot, so maybe the Huma thing is just a cover. Since she won’t be popping out any spawn with him, that makes it seem even more likely. Certainly there’s no true love involved, it’s obviously a transactional marriage being made for other reasons, mostly to consolidate power and influence, I’d guess. I mean look at Huma, she’s so ugly that when she gives head it counts as anal. And just don’t look at Alex, its bad for your health.

    The Soros family (and the likes of Bill Gates, among others) are why I’ve taken to the idea that multi-billionaires should be summarily stripped of their wealth. Not because I’m jealous and want their money redistributed (even to myself).but because they are always doing nefarious shit with their excess funds. Gates and his vaccine programs and other dangerous initiatives, and the myriad dirty dealings of Soros are well known. If they were just buying fancy houses and cars and boats, overpriced artwork and expensive whores, I’d not care.

    But, they are using the power and influence that wealth affords them to affect societal direction and politics (effectively buying elections) and that’s bullshit. Once their wealth becomes a public policy bludgeon, they need to be cut down to size and have their wealth (and thereby power) removed. Burn the damn money for all I care, just keep them from using it to fuck the rest of us.

    Moreover, shooting them in the face doesn’t work, because they have foundations that continue to do this subversive stuff even after they’re dead. Taking away the money is the only way. It also makes them suffer in mediocrity, since the only thing that animates their sprit is being able to act as an overlords and treat society like an ant farm,. Their money is the means to that end. Without it, they’d be worse than ordinary; they’d be ugly, freakish fuckups with no more power than the rest of us. That would be their worst nightmare.

    • Arthur Sido

      At a minimum we should ban the sort of financial shenanigans that result in people like Soros and various other Tribe members becoming insanely rich while not actually doing anything. Building a railroad or oil company is one thing but manipulating markets and playing fast and loose with fake money is a different thing entirely.

    • TakeAHardLook

      Well stated, BRD! The entire Soros & Gates families are the wealthy freaks of civilization. They could have been true philanthropists but, instead, chose the path of oligarchy and evil. Snidely Whiplash crossed with Charles Burns (The Simpsons) with a large measure of Josef Mengele.

      Their wealth did not corrupt them–they were already so–but it gave them the platform, the weaponry, to achieve evil at scale.

      I agree that they need to be deprived of the ability to influence anything outside of their actual businesses; once they stray into the Satanic realm they are fair game.

      He who dies with the most money…..still dies.

  6. Alex Lund

    Alex and Huma reminds me of the story of Esther. You know that when you put a woman into the bed of a powerful man to control him. Or vice versa.

  7. Gryphon

    (((soulless creatures))) May as well be Reptilian Aliens from the Strange-Matter Universe.

    Get a Particle Physicist to explain that one to you, it’ll make Perfect Sense.

  8. TakeAHardLook

    Those faces represent a few thousand years of inbreeding; that’s why most jews (especially males as they age) all begin to look nearly alike. Even their voices sound the same (remember Warner Bros Cartoons, the voices? I was always disgusted, hearing cartoon characters sounding like jews at a bar mitzvah).

    This inbreeding also takes a toll on heritable diseases requiring recurring genetic damage: as many as one in three Ashkenazi jews are estimated to be carriers for one of about 19 genetic diseases. In all, jews have higher carrier rates for more than 40 genetic diseases. These include better-known disorders such as Gaucher disease, Cystic Fibrosis and Tay-Sachs Disease.
    Why? Probably a combination of the Founder Effect (fewer common ancestors) and–much more importantly–that jews tend to marry jews, not “freshening the gene pool.”

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