I love it when leftists threaten us with something we would pay them to do, like celebrities moving to Canada or Europe. Check out this lardass from New York, N.Y. State Senator Liz Krueger….
That sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea to me! I would propose a trade that looks something like this:
They can leave and join up with Toronto and Montreal to form a super woke liberal state and in return we would get the empty north woods of Ontario, Quebec and all of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba while retaining Maine. Sorry about your luck New Hampshire but the place is full of Massholes from Massachusetts now anyway. The only kicker is that they have to take Detroit in the deal. I would even throw in a corridor stretching from Buffalo through Syracuse to Albany and then down to NYC.
That is obviously silly as it will never happen. It also would suck for the people in upstate New York who aren’t lunatics but are stuck with the shitheads in New York City. Around 43% of voters in New York state voted for Trump so I doubt very much they want to leave the U.S. for Canada with the morbidly obese and painfully ugly Liz Krueger.
America is already a very large nation with small densely populated pockets of leftists who rule over huge tracts of land by virtue of having more voters.
Something I had mused about in the past would be converting the blue urban hives into independent city-states with a newly organized United States that functions sort of like the EU with open trade and freedom of travel. The rural red areas could trade food and power to the blue city states and they could trade us….I guess hedge funds and government bureaucrats?
The dirty secret of the red vs blue division is that really there is very little produced in “blue” areas of any actual value while what we produce in “red” areas like food, raw materials and power is absolutely critical to the blue areas. You wouldn’t know that just from what we read, to hear Them tell it we out in red America are absolutely dependent on the generosity of blue areas and that is why wealth is concentrated there but what is actually made in blue areas that we couldn’t live without? Not very much, keeping in mind that the food growing areas of California are mostly in rural red leaning areas.
As I said it is pretty silly stuff but I like that these conversations are happening. I maintain my position that absent a serious division of the nation we are headed for something far worse. Unfortunately we are desperately lacking serious people who recognize this reality.
Just DO IT!
We could do so much better without all the dead weight.
Emphasis on weight.
Because she is fat.
Wert de ferk is that thing?
Only Yankees would elect something like that.
I love that Bronson movie about the Mad Trapper Albert Johnson in Canuckistan.
That would be a good place to escape to when the Great Leap Wakanda resumes in Under Satan’s Authority during AOC/Fettermann 2028.
Honk, honk.
This just in from Snake Plissken and Pace Picante Sauce, NY State?!
We’ll take Alberta too, they are loaded with oil, conservative and their conservative fem PM has been telling Truduh to eff off with his commie BS.
I searched:
* senator Liz Krueger weight?… got portraits of some body-builder long-jaw gal
* how much does senator Liz krueger weigh?… got a massive press-release series on all the make-work produced by the senator’s office
Apparently, the algorithms are suppressing certain subjects.
Probably some kind of glitch.
Probably never happen again.
They’ll fix it.
And we can be back to normal again.
Apparently fried scallops and potato wedges, boxed chardonnay and ice cream sandwiches do not constitute a weight loss regime for some women. I never have understood chubby chasers.
It has already begun with all the self sorting, which is the main reason Florida and Texas have been getting redder on the election map. Remember when they were purple states that the Ds thought they were going to flip any minute? Anyhow, over time, this trend will lead to the blue and red areas growing farther and farther apart. I’m not predicting anything, that’s just a description of current events.
Are you saying that faggy art, soulless hatred of anything good, an infinity of drive thru coffee shops, the harboring of illegal aliens, a corpulent and growing welfare state, and an ever multiplying governmental work force (basically welfare for miscreants who are otherwise-unemployable) provide no actual value? You don’t say. Who knew?
Speaking of things I am glad liberals are doing…
These dumb cunts are literaly removing any reproductive choice they might have had. I am all for this. The more crazy leftist take their genes out of the gene pool is a win for us.
For those who do not live in, or have not been to the state, once you get out of NYC and Westchester County, with the exception of Albany (the capital) and Buffalo, NY is a pretty red state. Almost all of upstate NY is red and votes for the right. Most of that land is farmland, so let this repulsive slob, who frankly looks as though she could skip a meal or ten, go live with the Canucks, the red portions will be better off without her.
In spite of the fact that we finally managed to buy a house, it is located within the bit you think is Toronto. Well, fine, then.
We can move again. We know how.
Being part of America sounds like fun.
We’ll take the nickel mine in Sudbury, that’s better than Toronto.
Been to the Cooper Sports Camp in Mississauga when I was in Squirts, place was cool then but no brown people then.
All the artists along the Great Lakes have to be shipped to the coasts where they belong.
In truth, there is already such a plan in place, the source of much strife and misery for the left so far, and it is called Diagolon.
Hey! Can you please move the cutoff line on the Delmarva peninsula down to the C&D canal? Above that it’s blue due to Wilmington, Newark (Delaware not New Jersey) and the Baltimore ‘burbs. Below that it’s pretty darn Red. There’s been a half-in-jest movement to have the lower 4/5 of the peninsula become the new state of…
According to Wikedpedia, that Marxist cow’s great-grandparents were (((Yiddish speaking immigrants from Eastern Europe))) and her pappy was an (((investment banker))) that brought Isn’treal into international markets.
Every.Single.Time. Oh, and she had a brother that died of aids in 1988. Recon he was a Freddie Mercury fan?
All so tiring…
Of course she is.
Recently I read an essay where the author asserted “The Aryans tried to genocide us because they were jealous of our intelligence and our beauty.” I can’t get that out of my head. Do you not own a mirror? (Yes yes, IKABO, but generally speaking. Sheesh.)
Funny as that is, it says so much about the level of self delusion, the most important point being the total inability for self-reflection. Yeah, people hate you because of your LOOKS. Yeah, that’s the reason. One can’t deal with (a) people like that because it’s basically all the cluster B personality disorders.
Exactly. Blue is FIRE economy, writ large.