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Dude Looks Like A…Um….Lady?

With apologies to Aerosmith.

It started out like any other story you have seen me post hundreds of times, just black shenanigans over and over.

19-year-old faces charges for illegal parties, 1 deadly

A teenager faces multiple felony charges after police said he helped organize, promote and host several illegal parties at rental properties.

One of these resulted in 10 people between the ages of 16 and 22 being shot, and 16-year-old Kalin Washington being killed.

According to a press release from the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office, 19-year-old Jalen Helm created a scheme to plan and host at least eight illegal events between June 16, 2023, and Oct. 28, 2023. He promoted the events through social media and mainly targeted them at young people.

Per the MCPO, Helm allegedly supplied drugs and alcohol to attendees, knowingly let armed guests into the premises and collected cover charges at the events.

He is also accused of using stolen credit card info to pay for the property rentals and event expenses. Helm did not have the proper documentation or permits to host the events legally, the press release stated.

That all sounds fairly standard although I must give some credit for a sense of entrepreneurial spirit for Jalen Helm, that is more work and planning over the course of a few months than most blacks spend in a decade. As I scrolled I came across the mugshot and then my whole world tipped kinda sideways….

Great Caesar’s Ghost! What the actual fuck is that thing?

Am I wrong or is he wearing mascara and with his (?) hair snug to his (?) skull, I am guessing there was a ladies wig on his (?) head pre-mugshot.

I am just not having that. It is bad enough for blacks to be endlessly shooting, participating in shooting, conspiring to shoot or otherwise pew-pew-pewing each other when they aren’t carjacking, robbing liquor stores, looting Lululemon stores, involved in dog fighting, raping, slinging crack, etc. but now we have criminal mastermind coloreds who are also cross-dressing?


Imma puttin’ my foot down. Shoot each other if you must, give your little future felons dumb names but no more joggers with mascara in mugshots. Consider yourself on notice.


  1. Ohio Copperhead

    Poor . . . guy? Girl? Thing? Was born just a little too late: with that work ethic and ethnicity, just a few years ago he might have given “Rachel” Levine a run for its money for a top biden post. He might even have been able to create a formal Trannisary division to serve as Biden’s Praetorian Guard. But now it seems that time has passed, c’est la vie!

  2. Big Ruckus D

    Dude puts the scare in mascara. And when he meets his inevitable end via a sideways glock fire carelessly into a crowd , he’ll put the bitch in obituary.

  3. Skeptic

    What. The. Fuck.

    Buried in the story is the part about “parties at rental properties.” This is a common thing that NAPAs do. They get a place on AirBnB, host a party there (charging admission), fuck the place up, and then leave. And AirBnB doesn’t want to “diskriminate” so hosts can’t refuse nogs when they rent the place. Typical nigger bullshit.

    • Arthur Sido

      AirBnB does a pretty decent job of trying to keep blacks out without saying they are keeping blacks out. I have stayed at places with noise level monitors that will alert the host if you get too loud, and you know that isn’t because of White folks

  4. Nolan Parker

    You just Don’t Unnerstann!
    Success As Uh Woooman is Bustin the glass Ceiling..
    So he not only outshines almost All of the Brothers,
    As a woman, he, ( Ohh,schitt! My keyboard is smoking! )
    breaks through. That’s A spooky look.

  5. Troy Messer

    I have a great piece of Nigger News® to share. Kim Foxx, a Chimpcongo DA that managed to fuck up the Jessie Smollet case, lost her license to practice law.

    And the reason this dumb nigger lost her license: failure to complete and file her CLE’s, her Continuing Legal Education requirements. Now CLE’s are very fucking stupid and a a grift for the attorneys that teach them. But the deal is to keep your meal ticket, you have to do them. In Arizona, it was a lousy 15 hours a year. So 5 classes that are three hours long would get you through. One thing that makes CLE’s a useless waste of time is that they don’t have to have anything to do with your practice. Let’s say you are a defense attorney. You could take CLE’s in family law, that you would never use, and its all hunky dory.

    In AZ, every year, the State Bar would put on a “Last Chance” set of classes in case you managed to blow them off. It was over a span of two days. The point of all this is as useless as they are, CLE’s are not that onerous of a requirement. One class I took that was actually interesting was the statistics and science behind paternal DNA test. How you could determine consanguinity without the parent if you had a sufficient number of close relatives to test.

    At the end of each CLE, you get a little piece of paper that proves you took that class. Plus almost every class had materials that you would also keep.

    And this stupid lazy nigger couldn’t do the minimum. Now I am guessing that in a big city like Chimpcongo, there are CLE’s being taught every week of the year. So it isn’t like she was practicing is some small podunk jurisdiction like North Dakota.

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